#and Steve assumes that HE is the problem because even Nancy couldn't love him..and his parents certainly don't
missingexaltation · 2 years
Steve feeling hurt whenever Eddie stops being affectionate and boyfriendy around their friends, feeling like Eddie's embarrassed of him. (because Steve's never really experienced being loved.)
Eddie not knowing he's actually a boyfriend as he's only ever been a secret hookup to people who don't want to admit to liking him. (because why WOULD King Steve want to date him?)
(It all works out in the end when robin and Dustin get involved)
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timetobeaghost · 2 years
I go back and forth between bi mike and gay mike and agree with all your gay evidence. However, what do you think about him asking, “Is she cute?” about Dustin’s girlfriend? What do you think about him wanting Will to dance with the girl at Snowball, which some have argued is because he genuinely assumed he would like her since she was an attractive girl? What do you think about Mike seemingly expressing awe when El walked into Snowball? Or about the fact that he actively spent season 3’s summer trying to make out with El- you could argue it was just him performing heterosexuality and that he didn’t actually enjoy it- but couldn’t it also be argued that someone who was exclusively gay would try to avoid the physical side of their relationship all together and focus more on the personal side? None of the other couples in the party (Duzie and Lumax) have been shown making out like that, which could support bi Mike, gay Mike, or straight Mike depending on why you believe they showed it. Also, why was he flustered in the blank makes you crazy scene? The straightforward interpretation of that scene is that he’s an awkward teen guy trying to confess his feelings, but with a gay reading, why was he flustered?
"Is she cute" I mean that's just interest what kind of gf Dustin pulled. It's pretty independent from your own preferences.
I think he thought Will would enjoy being asked by a cute girl and that he was straight, but it's also about the social success to be asked to dance by a girl - that is a score. Plus it's the right, appropriate and mature thing to do to dance with some girl at the ball, especially when she asks. Mike is obviously concerned about these things.
Mike expressed admiration for El's style 3 times: wig scene, snow ball and the hospital. I think he is honest. It just in no way correlates with him wanting to undress her, which he was too young to even notice never mind understand.
He is also in awe of her independent from anything about her looks, hero-worshipping her, which complicates things further.
S3 summer: I frankly think he didn't want to spend much time with El and Will together, because it's awkward for him. He was also experimenting with the kissing thing, obviously, giving it a go. From all we saw El was way more into it and initiated, while we saw Mike non responsive(last ep S3), breaking the kiss(first ep S3) and avoiding kissing (Papa S4). We really have no evidence he likes it and good evidence to the contrary. He also takes the opportunity of Hopper's threat for a beak immediately. What - was he scared Hopper would kill him, honestly?
Why is he flustered in the supermarket: He is trying to fix his relationship with El and do the right, mature thing, but it's damn hard, because he isn't feeling what he should. Is it not embarrassing to tell someone you love them, when you don't? And they look at you with big confused eyes, making you feel like you're not making any sense? They are not at all on the same wavelength and it's awkward.
He doesn't have to tell her he loves her, the show tricked people into thinking that is an actual issue. The problem was also not that Nancy "couldn't tell Steve she loved him". The problem was she didn't love him. If she was having fun with him and appreciating him, he would have never asked. Same with El, she asked (in S4) because she thought Mike didn't love her but was holding on to the last shred of hope he might prove her wrong. Like Nancy he also had the option to show, not tell, but he can't because he does not love her that way. He does not even like girls that way. And because he thinks she is so awesome, literally the best, he can not admit the former to himself without admitting the latter.
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