#and Sylpha's nickname is Inosa. Which translates as “little shark”
smol-feralgremlin · 2 years
Heads Up 7 Up/Last Line Word Count/
Gonna yeet things altogether here because I've been in a bit of a slump. So I'm gonna overdo it as usual to make up for it Tagged by @ghost-town-story and @dogmomwrites <3
Rules for Heads Up 7 Up: Post 7 lines and tag 7 people
Rules for Last Line Word Count: Post your last written line, and then tag as many people for how many words you have.
Zeklan kept an eye on Aldon and the other roving the hall, keeping point with Sylpha as she whirled her way around easily among the rest of the dancers. Aldon kept his gaze on her as well, twitching on occasion at sounds, sensations, or sights that Zeklan could only speculate on. The expression on Aldon's face was something he didn't need to speculate about though. Crooking a finger summoned one of the young cabin rats that offered to be on hand for the party. A young woman, this one, still with baby fat on her face that stood at odds with the line of lionfish proudly displayed along her collarbone.
"Commander," she greeted as she leaned her elbows on the table, causing the chains of gold discs on her wrists to jingle almost in time with the music. "Something you need? Drink perhaps?"
"A good amount," he replied as Aldon shifted as one of the young pirates swung Sylpha around in one of the many jigs that accompanied the music. "For me and the bear over there, if you'll bring him here first."
The woman looked over to where Zeklan indicated and drew in a deep breath. "The once-king?"
"Watch your words, girl."
She straightened up with a impertinent salute and a cheeky "Aye, captain," before she was off. Watching her and her easy movement through the crowd, he hummed contentedly to himself. Former pickpocket, that one. An excellent addition to any of the Eastern crews. If she wasn't so light-hearted he'd nab her for the Western Fleet. Fast hands and fast feet were nothing he'd frown upon. Not when his own scallywag had set the precedent for success with that. Not many here could match her though. He missed her on the deck of the Maiden.
Out of the corner of his vision he saw the surprised way that Aldon looked at where Zeklan sat before rising. Most people slid out of the former kings way as he made his way to the head table. As the man drew closer, Zeklan kicked out the chair Sylpha used to occupy when she lived in Hulls Deep. He still remembered her having to sit on an old crate he'd sawed down himself so she could see over the table well enough to eat and cause general table ruckus. Aldon sat gingerly in the seat, a man ill at ease with everything around him. A bull shark in a cane cage.
tagging -> @crypticcodexcreations @fearofahumanplanet @dogmomwrites @andromedaexists @ryns-ramblings @theglitchywriterboi @memento-morri-writes @plasmaprose @sylhorn @inkspellangel and open tag for whoever wants to join in. No pressure for anyone to do this.
Pick whichever you want <3
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