#and a couple years after graduating I ran into somebody I didn't even know who was like
ghosttrolls · 8 months
It turns out things you make that you feel are absolute shit can still rock someone's world. You could be putting zero effort into something you're making just because you're bored and find it mildly funny to pass your time with but then years later run into people who have legitimately been fans of that silly little thing since the beginning. Sometimes there's fans out there you never get to meet. It's super possible that you're a fan of what the creator considers their worst work! And that's awesome to think about. People enjoy stuff! And it never has to be your best to be enjoyable!
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infpgirl26 · 5 years
Chapter one:
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Author notes: my chapters are really long. Hopefully you are still here after a prologue with Tim Andrew and none of the boys. I feel like I need to give more of Clara's life, but I promise the cast is in this chapter too.
First Step: you recognise that the other part is attractive. You know you love your partner, but that doesn't mean that you are blind. Actually, the beauty of long-term relationships is that. You know there is plenty of choices out there, but rather be if your love.
2 months later | Vancouver
Clara looked at the apartment with happiness.
"Finally" she cleaned her hands and smiled at the plants hanging everywhere. Her guitar where besides the shelf, where a tv was placed. Behind it some paints were hanging. The cozy and tiny apartment was finally having her touch, and Alex's too. He was a musician so she took care to put details about it in their decoration.
She did some paints and put on the walls, filled the balcony with plants and flowers and all place had some cactus or green spot. Even the bathroom. She was happier now, music, paints and plants. Perfect.
At the same moment she finished a delicious smell filled her senses and Clara naturally went towards the little kitchen.
She smiled, her tall and blond boyfriend was cooking for them, while listening to Mumfords and Sons, one of his favorite bands.
"Hey luv. Did you finish?" his brown eyes looked her up and down and Clara walked slowly, towards him " My shirt again? You can have it it now." Clara gave him a guilt smile, it was from his college times. Alex was graduated in a Music Conservatory.
"I think is true. Couples do start to look alike." she pointed to the same color of sweat pants and socks they were wearing "And yes" Clara hugged him from behind, peking what he was cooking. Pepper, broccoli and mushrooms. "I finished."
" Are you still sad because the coffee house fired you? " Clara sighed. Apparently, she wasn't a good waitress as she thought at first.
"No. Dunno, Just a little. I thought I lose my free coffee. But I charmed Pete and I still have my perks" he laughed at her positivity.
"Peter, the 16 years old waiter? You are so mean!" They laughed " I'm making the oriental pasta you like so much." Clara hide her face in his back, enjoying his good smell and familiarity "Even if you are an evil creature charming impressionable boys. I know moving here is making you sad and..."
"By boys you mean you. Right?" Clara turned him to her and smiled.
"Smart mouth" He gave her a peek kiss.
"For your information, the pasta's name is Yakisoba. Aaannd it is time for you to stop to feel guilt. You didn't hijack me or something. You have done a lot for me. It's my turn. And we are here for 2 months now. I need to get use to it."
"Clara, I already told you, I'm happy to support you, always. If you don't want you don't need to go to an underpaid job. You can focus on your career..." She left his embrace and crossed her arms. "And anytime I have a break from school we can go visit"
"Now. This. This is the kind of conversation I don't want to have with you anymore." He made a pout to her, like a little boy, nodded and begin to smile "What? Are you crazy? "
" In that case... " he turned off the stove and walked to her, passing his arms around her waist "I made some connections, here and there." He was smirking. Clara loved when he did that "And maybe, maybe I got you an audition to a big TV show."
"What? Are you... What?"
"I noted that you were kind of depressed doing regular job at the coffee shop. And, auditions in theaters here weren't going well for you. Every no making you more anxious. So I talked with one professor in college and, well he know someone who know someone. He get an audition for you."
Clara's heart begin to jump. She looked at his eyes with doubts.
'"Come again?"
"My professor from college, get you one audition. For acting, once you are an actress! Well, I guess you are. Right? " Clara hugged him, jumping with joy.
"Well Al. How come a musician master's teacher had this contacts? Wait! What's about... An... What's the show is about?"
"It is Supernatural!" Alex smiled wildly and Clara looked at him confused.
" Ok, but what kind? Demons, aliens, no aliens are sci-fy! Oh, is it witchcraft?"
Alex almost got dizzy and stroke her arms while she was having her flood of words.
"Clara, I can't believe you don't know Supernatural. What kind of actress are you?" He joked "First and more important. You need to be there in the next week. This season is already starting to be filmed, but this character will be introduced later. They will talk about the new character and if you like her, why not try?  And the show is about two brothers hunting things. Monsters, ghosts, demons. Ring any bells?"
"I'm more into spiritism than catholic. Don't know about gospel novels. But I like Jesus philosophy of life."
"Oh my God Clara!" he began to laugh " Are you north american? It's Supernatural. Everyone knows this guys! It's impossible for you... Make some research before you go, like a job interview, ok?" She nodded and kissed him with affection.
" It is, indeed, a job interview! Thanks babe. I love you"
"Love you too, pretty face." He gave her nose a peek kiss "Now, let me finish this yakisoup of yours"
" Yakisoba you dork. Hey, Alex." Their eyes met again " Are you sure you don't want to..." She sat on the table and looked at him with desire "Have your thank you gift?" And Clara took off the shirt after this. Alex sighed, she wasn't wearing a bra and her light tan skin was calling for him.
" Oh love. I have this article to finish..." but he was already with his hands on her waist and mouth close to hers.
"This masters scholarship you got yourself into. I barely can fuck you anymore." she joked "But, not even a quick fuck?" Clara asked and he moaned in a low tone when she said that to him.
"Just a little faster than normal" he whispered and finally took her lips. The dinner was never finished.
Tim rolled his eyes when Eric started to talk again. They were sat in the audience room, tired and ready to choose the last brunette that tried the role. The producers were tired of his picky behaviour too.
"I swear. This role is not even so big deal for you to be like this Tim."
"I can see what you can't. It is our chance to make a little more of justice about females on the show. And everybody loves time travel and traumatized characters."
"Ok. This week is your deadline. You go to find your burlesque muse or we are hiring the last girl. She was nice and knows how to act a bit." Eric rolled his eyes " Next is this Clara Grant.
Tim couldn't explain why he was comparing the actresses to the mysterious artist from Minneapolis. He wanted somebody different and captiving. She was that. His thoughts were interrupted when the next candidate entered the room. His jaw dropped. It was her. Definitely her. More hippie than the image he had of her, but the face he was looking for was right in front of him.
"Hi, my name is Clara Diaz Grant and I'm here to the role of Jane Miler."
"Diaz? Where are you from?". Eric asked, looking her up and down.
"Minneapolis. But in colonials times, I guess, my mom's family was Spanish or something. Different of the Vikings from my hometown" she gave them a little smile and Eric was hooked by the lazy way she did it. At the same time, he wasn't so sure if a girl with a hippie and light vibe could live Jane properly.
"Ok, Clara. How long have you been acting?". Tim asked with a hand in his chin and amazed with his luck.
"Oh, since childhood. But I stopped for some years to do my philosophy degree. And then went back to acting since 26"
" A dear friend of mine get you this audition. Let's say we don't give chances to people with no experience on TV. " Eric was looking for her résumé, missing how nervous he made her.
"Yes. I don't have any" she shrugged "But I have years of theater and circus. Live audiences are always far more intimidating, in my point of view.". She smiled again and Eric liked her.
"Ok. You can start."
Two weeks later
She ran away and knew that people were after her. But the breakpoint was what she saw on that message.
She laughed, one depressive and sad laugh. She threw her phone away. Her parents were killed because of her. The only person she trusted beside them were Luke and he did that to her.
Probably he was the one who gave her informations to them. She was alone, no one to care about her and, of course, cursed.
She was on the bridge and began to cry. She felt her body trembling, like when she travel. And she couldn't control herself anymore. She looked for the river and swallowed. It was early in the morning and then she feel, the travel effect again.
It was night now. She jumped in time again. She was so tired of that. She looked at the river and took one deep breath.
What she had? She was useless. Hadn't friends that will care and knew what being alive means. They will hurt her. More and more.
"Hey, you!" one male voice called her. She jumped before someone could talk her out of this craziness. But the voice was so much closer than she imagined and catch her before her body left the ground.
"I gotcha you" the men whispered with worry " Hey..."
"Let me die!!!" she screamed between sobs "Just let me die"
" I can't do this. I'm already involved and what am I supposed to tell to your family?"
"Good luck talking to dead people." she screamed trying to break the embrace " let me go!"
"No. Not until I know that you wouldn't..."
"Why do you care?" she was very angry now. The person that was holding her turned her around. She saw one tall men and hazel eyes. He had long hair and worried expression
"Let me go" she growled and the men did something that she thought she never would feel again. He clean her tears and hugged her, with worry.
"Hey, things will be fine"
"No!" she said crying " I'm cursed"
"What do you think about being cursed together, away from.this bridged? Where we can talk"
"Let me die..." But she hugged the men back, with so much need that the other almost cried with her " I just want this to end"
"No. You don't. Let me take care of you." and she let the other lift her.
They went to the men's car and the guy made her comfortable in the passenger seat. The men took her hair from her eyes and looked at her like he was really feeling her pain. "What is your name? So we can reach someone..."
"There's no one." She answered and her heart hurt a little more. "My name is... Jane."
"Hi Jane. I'm Sam."
"...AND CUT" The director's voice was filled with joy "Oh my God, Clara. That was intense. Girl! And Jared. How broken heart are you?" The actor smiled and went off the car. "I knew you are perfect for this wrecked girl!! My perfect Jane."
"It's me, all hopeless."
Clara was still coming back from the emotions of her character and a little overwhelmed. At first, when she did the audition, she thought she smiled too much, talked to much and didn't know how to stand in the room.
Eric's speech about experience made her more nervous, was his way to say. "I'm just doing a favor. Get out"  and her stupid nervous joke about vikings, she just wanted to kick herself.
She was feeling everything when she read her lines for them. But in some seconds she felt so great doing what she loved that she just let the character emotions fill her. When she finished, Eric was speechless and she got the job.
Now she was there. And the anxiety with new people, new job, new routine, was too much.
"Great job you two" Tim Andrew, the more friendly one, patted her shoulder and left. She knew her life was one step to change forever. She just haven't any idea if it would be for better or worse. Her contract was for seven episodes and if the fans like her character she would be part of the cast for a year. Seven episodes would be worth a year. And for the first time in her life she would have a good payment.
"Hope you are more comfortable now". Jared said while they went to the coffee table.
" It's all new yet. And the fact that I don't know the whole cast still bugs me"
"Don't worry. I'm the one who arrives screaming." Clara laughed. First day on set, before filming she had to know some colleagues and Jared arrived with some attitude and he was the tallest men she ever saw in her life.
"I get it. You almost don't get attention with your height and perfect hair". She laughed and Jared rolled his eyes laughing too.
"So, Clara." He started while she went for coffee "How do you feel about participating in TV?" She smiled with laziness for him and looked around. The scenario was huge, so different from the abstract theater, and cameras were everywhere. The place Jane tried to jump? Only a fake bridge with green screen in front of her.
"I was never in TV before. Just dramatics. Underground and so many alternative plays."
"I get it.  You were such a hippie and "mainstream" shows was never your thing."  He teased and she laughed. Jared sipped his coffee.
"Yes. Exactly this. I guess. It is overwhelming. And I need to remember there is no need to change my voice tone as in stage."
" But the magic, still remains?"
"Yes. Of course" she drank her coffee and it was too hot. The liquid burned her tongue and she swallowed before it could do more harm.
"Oofta! Gzzz" She shook her hands and blinked. Jared looked at her with amusement.
"Oofta? What the hell? "
"You're so rude!". She laughed.
"Your accent is more Canadian than the real Canadians."
"I don't have an accent. Pfff"
"Oh, oofta, my bad. You haven't"
"Shut up" She hid her smile with the plastic cup.
"Can I say something? I was really curious about you."
"Really?". Clara was a little bit uncomfortable because Jared was really handsome and talked almost in an intimidating very secure way "Andrew was looking for someone different. With ... With heart. Someone who could play Jane with perfection. He and Kripke were starting to be crazy about that. They were really pick. And now the cast is curious."
"She is a very deep girl. From what I already read. And thanks for letting me know people are curious about me. But I guess I met some of them." She answered with a joking/acid tone.
"Yes. You did. But the worst, not yet. And by worst I mean Jensen and...
"Hey weirdos" One playful voice was heard. She could see someone hugging Jared from behind.
"That's my girl" the voice said. Clara laughed. That, the intimacy the cast had, overwhelmed her. She was the new one. The outsider.
"Personal Space, perv" Jared said. "See Grant. This is what I mean. Get your hands out of my... Me"
"I don't think I can do it." He was in her view now, and she knew, from previous research, that he was Castiel, or Misca something. Her heart jumped a little bit when he smiled at her. His smile lit up his whole face.
"Jensen and I were watching you two." he looked at her, really friendly , wearing his show clothes and looking very excited with something. Clara associated him with one cute big kid. She liked it Immediately. The blue eyes weren't so intimidating as Jared.
"And I need to say ... You are damn good. That scene made Jensen emotional. The men is crying because of you " he said with exaggerated worry. Clara laughed. The way he talks making her lighter.
"I heard that before. From a friend of my ex. " She joked looking at him with a playful smile. He came closer to be part of her talk with Jared and took a coffee too. Clara was intrigued with that men who looked like one ball of energy and some cynicism.
"I liked her." He said to Jared, "Misha Collins, by the way." He gave her a smile and she thought he was handsome and charming in one unique way. His smile made her comfortable too.
"Clara Diaz Grant." She nodded at him using her big and ice break smile. Her heart was still a little crazy with so much news.
Misha, being all Misha, didn't hide how he liked it.
"Your smile is beautiful!"
"Thank you, handsome." Fuck, she couldn't understand why she went a full "Chandler Bing" mood when she felt anxious. Smiles and jokes always helped her, but sometimes she just wanted to kick herself in the ass. People miss judge her for superficial sometimes, because of that.
"You are welcome gorgeous girl." He blinked one eye at her like he told her one secret and Clara smirked at him. The older men drank some coffee and went off.
"Misha has no filter sometimes, gorgeous girl" Jared teased. She was about to answer his teasing but was interrupted.
"Clara, Jared. Back to the spot! Now! " They heard Tim saying and laughed before going back to the scene.
One week later
Clara was taking her shower in her trailer trying really hard to clean the mess in her head. While filming, every time she made a mistake she joked about it to be easier on herself and maybe Eric was thinking he was right and she was, indeed, unprofessional.
She was feeling a little lonely and outsider once the cast knew each other for so long now. But she knew how to make friends. So it couldn't be a big deal. Right? Doubting herself never helped, so she just breathed. People... She would get along eventually.
And she was tired. She never thought one episode would take so long to film. Seven days non stop and she just left the set one day. Alex was surprised by her schedule and so as she. But her sensible musician boyfriend understood and was proud of her, as he said. She was tired, needing to hug Alex and tell him how overwhelming was filming 7/8 hours per day and meet so much people. She never ever gave a second thought to tv and cinema. Her focus was the stage and the adrenaline from a live audience.
What if someone thinks she was boring and never hang out with her? What if people in TV were fake and faking kindness just to turn her down later? What if the guys noted that she thinks they are hot? And make fun of her because of it? They were all attractive and she was so... Clara. She knows her traits in appearance, but on that moment.
"Oh boy"
She groaned under the water. And it was one week!!! One entire stressful week just for her first episode! They would be filming more 6!
"Can I do that?" she talked to herself while turning off the shower and taking a towel. "What if fandom don't like Jane?" She heard a knock on the door and dressed fast.
"Wait a minute" her soaked and messy hair would have attention later. She ran in her tiny trailer and opened the door. It was the cast. Well, some of them. Like Misha, Ruth, Donald, David Jensen and Rob Benedict. The last one she just knew by photos. Ruth was holding one tequila bottle and smiling in front of the rest of the guys. The redhead looked like someone who had that idea.
"Heeeey Clara" She said shaking the bottle in front of her "We have one tradition on set. All the new members need to go out with us and get wasted to be part of the family. Ok?" Clara smiled, surprised. It reminds her of her friends in Minneapolis
"I was thinking to go to home today..."
"No way" Rob said "Go, change and meet us in 15 minutes"
"Where are we going?"
"The best place ever" Ruth said " We really want to meet you" She looked at Jensen, who already filmed with her. Clara liked him, because he was calm and funny. He smiled.
"Go. Or Misha and Ruth will never let me alone" Clara smiled and closed the door to change and fix her hair.
She sent a message to Alex explaining the situation and he answered with a supportive text. He said that she needed to be friends with people of the show. Speaking of the cast, she got along with Jensen, because he was more sensible and had more subjects in common with her. She couldn't get along with the others yet. And Jared was competitive, she still didn't know how to deal with him.
Clara looked at her clothes options and tried to choose fast. She decided to put one warm, right on the knees, black dress. It looked like some boho coat and got along with her military boots. She put one dark green hood and red lipstick. It was cold out there. Her visual was warm and 70's hippie at the same time and she loved that. Because it felt so comfortable. No jeans could compete with a women in comfortable clothes and military boots.
"Ready to kick some Nazis face" she joked to herself in the mirror and laughed.
"What do you think about her?" Ruth asked excited to go get drunk for a while. Jensen laughed.
"Well, she is very calm and funny."
"She is beautiful" Rob pointed with a smirk and Jensen smiled at him.
"Me too." He teased.
"She seems less conceited." Jensen send a kiss to Rob and the men rolled his eyes. "I'm very curious, in fact. Because of the 'Andrew seeking for his muse' story." Everybody agreed. They are waiting in front of Jensen's car, that was the bigger one and everyone could be together.
"What do you think, handsome?" Jensen said while moving his eyebrows to Misha who laughed and blocked his phone. He was on twitter doing who knows what all the time. Misha just moved his lips asking Jensen to fuck off.
They stopped to talk when Clara arrived. Misha saw her without Jane's outfit for the first time. She was walking toward them with one big and lazy smile. He liked her vibe and noted she had natural brown hair, it was wavy and messy. She was wearing some clothes that remember him of those girls from Coachella. When she was near him he could smell fresh shampoo and felt something weird on the top of his stomach, like wind.
"Where is Woodstock this time?" he teased with no self control. She rolled her eyes at him, but the playful expression was there yet.
"Far away from your sense of fashion. Moma boy." She looked him up and down and Misha fixed his sweater, self conscious.
"It is cold. Can't you feel with this bare legs?" Clara widened her eyes with his audacity
"It is style.  And yours is a nerd at level 10. And by 10, I mean you really look like a boy." She smiled with her chin up and Jensen petted her shoulder.
"First thing to being part of the group is to make fun of Misha."
"This..An...This is not true you idiot." Misha rolled his eyes, done with Jensen and Clara wink at him
"No hard feelings". He snorted in a over dramatic way and let it go by laughing
"So, let's go? Sorry to let you hanging, girl hair, cold weather. I needed to dry."
"You are forgiven" Jensen joked in a formal way and Clara smiled at him
"Thank you pop. I could never live without your pardon"
"Smartass. Let's go"
Jensen and Rob are at the front seats because they are talking about music. Clara was really interested in their subject but being between Misha and Ruth got her distracted. And they are drinking already.
"Still a secret. The place we go?" she drank from the bottle and closed her eyes.
"Yup" Misha said " We will initiate you in some dark ritual and if you don't go along we will kill you."
Clara looked at him scared and horrified, Misha would start to apologised, but she begin to say.
"Oh for Satan sakes" she looked at David "With all due respect" and then back to Misha "But how did you know about my weekends activities?". He almost closed his eyes, trying to answer her, but gave up and laughed.
"Smartmouth" he took the bottle from her and drank too.
The card ride wasn't so fast, but everyone was laughing a lot. Clara was feeling much better in that moment, tequila was helping. She talked to everybody all the way and really get along with Ruth and David. Misha was funny too, but he was on his phone a lot, Donald too. And that bothered Clara. She just hated technology sometimes.
They finally arrived. It was one little and hidden pub. Inside, all the decoration was with circus theme and lamps. Her heart jumped in that moment. If it wasn't a signal of the universe, that she needed to be on that place, with that people, on that moment, she didn't know what else could be.
The decoration already won her heart. It was so cool that she couldn't get ride of her smile. Every detail was magical Including the art on the walls.
The group went upstairs where the employees seems to know everyone. Clara sat in a dark and fluffy couch that  was circulating the table. She was sitting next to Ruth and Jensen. After everybody sat they started to order.
Clara was having a hard time controlling herself, because she wanted to snap Misha's hands if he didn't turned off that little evil machine, vulgarly called like a fruit. She just hated Apple sometimes.
"Hey guys, who is the new one?" Clara smiled at the guy with the menu in hands. He was hot, with tan skin and a great smile "Are you ready for the initiation ritual?"
"Of course. I already brought the dead kittens!" She smiled back and the guy nodded.
"I'm William​, by the way. We don't need dead kittens. Just tequila"
"Oh, so wasted kittens. I'm Clara Grant. The new one!"
"Welcome little last sis. Well, here's the glasses for the Tequila thing. Something more? A burger?"
"Clara is the guest. She will order." Clara smiled at Jensen and he was intrigued by the way her smile always looked like lazy. He bet it was weed.
David was putting tequila to everyone while Clara was choosing food.
"Well. Let's start with onions rings. But nothing dead. Please. I don't eat animals."
"Vegetarian team" Ruth high fived Clara and she stroke her own face as in a commercial.
"Make my skin younger"
"Hey Misha! Let's do that" David called and the blue eyed men smiled at him and left his phone.
"I'm almost done. Really!" he excused himself and everyone started to mumbling like him "I..I.. I'm telling them about Clara!! That's all."
"So, what I was talking about?" She challenged and rest her chin in her hand, looking defiant at him. Misha liked it and made the same sassy face at her.
"About you being a vegetarian."
"The millennials" you faked one exasperated tone. And it was more fun because Misha was a little offended.
"I'm not one!"
"I can see that" She sassy her way out of the conversation
"Younger and better is the biggest lie in our society" he joked back and lift his glass.
Everyone did the same and drank. Misha looked at her eyes, she felt her cheeks burning with his stare "And, as a buddhist I appreciate your vegetarian habits."
Clara smiled feeling the buzz heating her harder. She was with empty stomach and drank one more. She let the alcohol catch her mind and lessen her inhibitions.
People continue to talk and Misha went back to his phone. After the third shot she couldn't bring herself to stop what she did next.
"Give me this shit" and took the phone from Misha's hands.
"What are you doing?" He opened his mouth, rising his eyebrows to her. Then she stole everyone's phones, including her own, and took out her hood. She put the devices inside the hood and placed that in the center of the table "The first who take the phone will pay the bill."
"You are so bossy!" Misha teased and Clara smirked at him, almost flirting.
"I'm used to hear that too" he smiled and took another shot, eyes locked into hers
"Tequila's arrives the truth rises" Ruth said " Now, we will do the asking game. We will ask you a bunch of shame questions. If you answer the people who asked will drink. If you don't you drink. Ok?
"That is tricky. What If I lie?
"Like I said. Truth rises. And this night is to people get to know you. This really helps with our line of job. " Clara liked that. "So. I'm the first because I want to drink. How old are you and where are you from?"
"I'm not so young like I want and my home is Minneapolis." Ruth drank.
"I want to know." David started "Are you from natural communities or something? Because you look like so cool and natural" she smiled at him.
"I'm graduated in philosophy and I guess that is a yes because, you already saw philosophy students?"
"My turn!" Jensen asked excited and Clara looked at him curious "Do you have weed?" Everyone was laughing now. "I'm serious!" She smiled and drank without answered that one. Misha and Jensen exchange glances after that.
Of course she had, she just didn't want to smoke with her new work colleagues. That could be bad, if anyone tell to the boss or was too conservative.
"You said." Misha begin looking right in her eyes "That you had a couple of tattoos. Where and what?" Clara raised an eyebrow at him with a playful expression and stood up. She lifted a little bit of her dress exposing her right thigh.
"This is an Owl." Misha observed her light tan thigh exposed a little bit and a black and white draw.
"It is tribal making the Owl?" he asked interested. She nodded. No one could see a lot because she pulled the dress down fast.
"I have this one too" She lifted the dress from her left wrist. It was one little spaceship taking someone from the ground "I love the concept of abduction" Clara explained. Misha laughed at the explanation"The others are hidden.A dreamcatcher in my entire back. Another one here." She touched her right arm "It is one water color draw and said "Some kind of magic" because everyone needs it in their lives"
"You are such a poetry, aren't you? "Misha said with an enchanted smiled at her. "I will drink to that" She didn't know if he was being sassy or serious so she drank too.
Clara didn't know how things get to that, but once more beer and tequila was coming, more fun and personal things were said. She asked to her new friends a lot of things too and in some point off drunkenness buzz she went to the bathroom and was lost in the wallpaper's place.
It was a lot of white and black draws of clowns, trapeze artists and circus crew. So burlesque and magical. She missed her old friends, but was fine for now. Clara looked around and found one pen. Feeling very creative, she just follow her impulse.
Back on the table
"Hey, Clara is taking a lot of time." Donald pointed while Jensen and Rob are singing some stupid thing to Ruth. The redhead was laughing a lot. Everybody on that table was passing the point of drunk.
"Yeah. I will check." Misha offered "Do you remember Samantha? Passed out on the floor." Donald agreed and Misha went to the bathrooms. He saw Clara on the floor and for a second thought his assumptions were right. Only to see she was pretty awake and doing something on the wall. He approached her "Are you depriving the pub?"
Clara jumped and then smiled at him.
"I'm contributing" and waved with her head telling him to come closer. Misha smiled, impressed and a little too drunk. He saw that Clara drew one beautiful and perfect ballerina besides the other members of the crew "She was taking the picture, she couldn't show." the brunette explained to him like a secret "So I made some magic and did her appear."
Clara was so wasted that she begin to laugh a lot. He thought that she was very cute and nice at that moment. For him it was obvious that she had some artist vein for sure. Her doodle was very good.
"Someone saw my pen?" The bartender shouted at the people and Clara begin to laugh like a child. Misha left the pen on the balcony with an accomplice glance to her. In her drunkenness bliss Clara felt her cheeks burning with his smile.
"That will be our secret. You punk." Clara gave him the biggest smile of the night. The men felt his face red like he was a 12 years old boy. Of course he blamed tequila. "Let's going back."
After her little vandalism act she went back to the group. It was one wonderful time. Everyone laughed and get along really well. In some part of the night someone stole a phone and photos began to be taking. The bartender was a friend of Rob and he drive one wasted cast back to the studios. All of them had filming schedule in the next day. Clara's was just in afternoon. Her character, Jane, would meet Castiel and Garth. It would be fun once she already saw they very wasted face.
A/N: So this is the end of first chapter. You will see more of the cast for now. And so much more of Clara's point of view. I felt that it was important for her to be introduced before she met her love interest and everything, I just feel it. And, as explained before. This fanfiction is almost my laboratory, so feedbacks are more than welcome.
Well, be aware, I'm a hopeless romantic with a vein for drama. So, a lot of fluffy and anguish will be ahead of us for now. I don't know if I will update soon. My routine is really busy, but I will try once a week, I hope.
List of chapters:
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