#and also doesn't show progession of the ship at all
Nandermo is NOT Destiel. Nandermo is Jess and Nick from New girl
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solli · 3 years
Don’t know if this will cheer you up , but it might help to get rid of pent up anger.
What’s your view of Kurtbastian
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This is gonna be long. Bear with me.
Only reading the portamanteu sends me in a rage. There's the obvious fandom level of 90% of that ship hinging on "S realizes B ain't all that" and "K is actually better", which a cardinal sin and I will not stand by it; and also the urge of stealing away from B yet another thing because he can't have nice things, he has solos already!!!!.
Then there's the actual in-show meta, which is what brings it to me from annoying to kill it with fire. Which is, they're written as foils, and to hate each other.
S is outwardly mean, rich, spoiled, confident, he's a country-club gay who's most likely to be the subject of the "if all the gays were like smythe's son"-like statements. Plus, S has no problem with the actual phisicality of being a gay men- S' gayness doesn't come from show choir or fashion sense, it's litterally only tied to the fact he sleeps with men. K, on the other hand, is gay in the sense that he's got stereoripically gay interests, and is constantly showed to have a problem with the physical part of it, especially at the point he meets S. It's not by chance K chooses slut-shaming to insult S: it's the one thing he lacks and can act morally superior about. Thing is, while S is comfortable with it and doesn't care, K is bound to be affected by being repeteadly called out for his *gay face*, or told he dressed like a girl: this is shown to be a big insecurity- he's constantly worried he's not manly enough, either for leading roles on Broadway or to be the son his father wanted. And there comes S, which is pretty much the same cut of mean lanky gay, but doesn't look like it. And on S's part, K is probably everything S hates to be associated with when he says he's gay: flamboyant, unthreatening and sexless. When K doesn't slut-shame him but says "you're an insult to the entire gay community", S' response is basically "you're the part of the gay community I want nothing to do with".
The problem K has with B liking S has shit nothing to do with losing B, and all to do with it shattering K's confidence: S "wins" on all areas K is aware he's lacking, something he's still struggling with.
And I know, I KNOW, that all of this could make for compelling "learn from each other and learn to respect the other", in theory, but is it really? They both hit on each other insecurities by being whom they are as a person- the kind of compromise that would take them to even have more than a civil conversation would be emotionally exhausting and ultimately leave both of them stripped of who they are. One of the things I do find compelling about K is the struggle he has with being who he is unapologetically, and still obviously whishing it shouldn't come with a price (like his father spending more time with Finn because they have similar interest). With K/bastian? Throw all that out the window. S? You'll have to prey his casual homophobia and conversative leftism from my cold clammy hands- not everyone *has* to be progessive, just learn not to be a dick about it. And S obviously doesn't like K aesthetically (chug it with the I'm not like other gays complex or wathever, that's still what it is), and K does neither, as far as calling him a meerkat with a bad CW wig and horse teeth- so they're not even a good ship for (ew) banging the hatred out, really.
It's not just a matter of S being a simp for B and how foundamentally wrong it is to take that away from him given it's his whole fucking purpose on that show to get in B's pants- it's exactly that kind of ship that makes my blood boil because it basically ignores the characters personalities because? You aesthetically like them together?? So you're making them something they're not, just to get them there?? If that's how one enjoy his ships I'm surely not gonna tell them not to do it, but it's the exactly the opposite way to how I consume media and ship things in the first place so yeah, not for me (yikes).
Oof. This has been a long time coming. Thank you for nudging me to get it off my chest.
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