#and as for frontiers sonic probably could've withstood the corruption mostly fine
antirepurp · 1 month
whatever this setting is that im creating has a tag now (chaos energy au, im not feeling creative and it just needs Any Tag). some more thoughts about chaos energy and the fellas using it:
chaos energy is inherently destructive, and there's a reason its primary uses lie in powering machinery; organic bodies are easily damaged by it when trying to handle large quantities of it at once
chaos emeralds are almost uncomfortably warm to touch, not enough to burn but you won't enjoy handling them bare-handed
echidnas are the only species that naturally resist the effects of chaos energy, and are able to harness it without drawbacks. most of it likely has to do with them evolving in proximity of the emeralds, but there are no clear answers as to why
sol energy is still the baja blast of chaos energy and has similar if not the exact same properties
blaze can withstand both sol and chaos energy with no ill effects due to the presence of iblis in her heart. she's not aware of it, but he cycles the energy out of her system safely and without allowing it to harm her
shadow was hand-crafted to withstand chaos energy as well as possible, giving him the innate ability to chaos control with ease and utilize the energy's full potential with no real side effects
he's not exactly made of chaos energy, but rather has a resistance similar to echidnas that allows him use it freely
a super state inherently burns away at its host. this cannot be prevented through regular means, and the only one who resists this is blaze due to iblis' presence
sonic is not immune to the effects of a super state
he has built up some resistance over the several times he has entered a super state, but this is more akin to a numbness to the destructive effects rather than any true resistance
silver's super state during the fight against solaris nearly destroyed him, partially resulting to his generally unstable existence post-06
a super state's destructive effects can be hastened and amplified through repeated transformations in quick success, prolonged transformations, and the host already being in a weakened state from other causes and effects (i.e. cyber corruption, dark gaia's influence...)
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