#and baby showers etc. and also has hidden depths she's content to keep to herself
thebirdandhersong · 2 years
also am suddenly and without warning at the age where people my age (i.e. my CLASSMATES) are getting engaged. Seeing as I still feel like a baby, this is just so bizarre to me.... I thought we were all on the same page*
*same page: I found out how to make rice cakes out of rice paper a few days ago and was utterly delighted, my Elinor came back from her honeymoon and I cried when I heard because I'd missed her and was so relieved that she was back in Canada, I lay awake at night with muscle cramps last night and thought: this is the Worst I hate this......life feels like new every day and I feel like a very young child who has to constantly make sense of reality vs. my imagination. How people my age making huge life decisions like this already, I have no idea......
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