#and esp when u take texting styles into account
devouer · 7 years
unusual asks: 1-100,,,,, All of them,,,,,
Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora?
is your room messy or clean?
clean usually, although it’s weird right now with moving back home and getting rid of pretty much everything I owned before this year
what color are your eyes?
dark brown!
do you like your name? why?
i like elma ling but not elma very much just because of the flow + because my host family used it to differentiate me from my host sister emma so I associate it with warmth and familiarity + it’s cute and reflects my heritage?? idk I feel like it fits me well enough
what is your relationship status?
marrying @katsudaddy and adopting our dog cranberry and our cat sock and living in a cozy apartment together
no but rly im single but so involved in my friendships that like... honestly I put no difference in commitment between them and romantic relationships
describe your personality in 3 words or less
grateful, I think, more than anything! I hear things like sincere and mature pretty often too, but I think love and thankfulness define my perspective towards others more than anything
what color hair do you have?
dark brown
what kind of car do you drive? color?
I don’t drive
where do you shop?
a lot of MUJI and uniqlo ngl + a bit of zara/h&m + school apparel + thrifting
how would you describe your style?
minimalist but dreamy? kind of a mix of european and asian styles
favorite social media account
instagram probably! I use tumblr and snapchat quite a bit too
what size bed do you have?
I mean, I had a twin in france + at school, but here I have a full which makes me very sad it’s too big for one person so I’m trying to switch rooms/beds with my brother
any siblings?
my brother, who’s 13! I also have five host siblings even if they’re not my real family :’)
if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why?
honestly, considering the languages I know right now, I’d want to live on the west coast of france – there’s nowhere I feel more at home in terms of the people and lifestyle, and I love the way the light endures in the evening and the delicate beauty of patchwork cities and gardens... I’d love to live for some time in Russia, China, and Japan for language acquisition, though!
favorite snapchat filter?
I never use the filters omg but hm I love when @katsudaddy sends me bunny filter snaps she is cute
favorite makeup brand(s)
colourpop is the bomb! + nuxe, la roche posay, and the body shop are good for skin and beauty things that aren’t makeup
how many times a week do you shower?
probably around 5
favorite tv show?
shoe size?
36 EU/6 U.S.
how tall are you?
sandals or sneakers?
do you go to the gym?
I work out regularly, but not at the gym bc it was too expensive in france >:( I’ll probably start going now that I’m back, though!
describe your dream date
picnic and museum or exploring tbh... or going to the sea at a quiet hour... anything rly what matters is the other person!!
how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment?
around $40 I think
what color socks are you wearing?
not wearing socks atm, but was wearing grey socks earlier!
how many pillows do you sleep with?
one usually
do you have a job? what do you do?
I’m camp counseling this summer!
how many friends do you have?
probably a good dozen, although I have around 4-5 really close friends!
whats the worst thing you have ever done?
clarify worst
whats your favorite candle scent?
LAVENDER I LOVE EVERYTHING LAVENDER it reminds me of home and early autumn in the loire and the fields of provence and my favorite honey :’)
3 favorite boy names
remi, alexeï, antonin
3 favorite girl names
irene, tereza, kiyoko
favorite actor?
the 12 year old in me is still hopelessly in love with orlando bloom
favorite actress?
katherine reber class of 2017
who is your celebrity crush?
nathan chen......................
favorite movie?
i rly love amélie!
do you read a lot? whats your favorite book?
i read a decent amount, but used to read all the time before hs! my favorite book is The Unbearable Lightness of Being by milan kundera!
money or brains?
um brains lmao I don’t like having many physical possessions
do you have a nickname? what is it?
elmy, elm tree, elmdog, soup dumpling, soup, xiao long bao, red bean, elma ling was a sort of nickname that became my normal name, french bitch
how many times have you been to the hospital?
none lmao
top 10 favorite songs
rachmaninoff piano concerto no. 2 (esp. the second movement!)
rach 3
rachmaninoff ave maria from “vespers” (can you tell that rachmaninoff is my total comfort music)
debussy arabesque no. 1
theme for a taiwanese woman in lime green by devendra banhart
immobile by cliché
you only live once by the strokes
chosen by blood orange
astor piazolla tangata
getting to know you by spazzkid
do you take any medications daily?
what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc)
normal-ish? i have acne which is annoying but it’s been getting a lot better since I’ve come back I’m convinced bretagne water was just really bad for my skin
what is your biggest fear?
losing my ability to learn with the ease needed to continually better my understanding of the world and others (lest the progress of time bypass my ability to view the flow) and thus have unsatisfiable ambition and love
how many kids do you want?
none rly
whats your go to hair style?
half-back, sometimes french braided
what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc)
decent-sized family home, but I can’t wait to get out and live in an apartment I rly hate having space idk
who is your role model?
MY TEACHERS especially my physics and french teachers I rly adore them and could never express my gratitude for the dedication of their lives to my growth
what was the last compliment you received?
friends’ parents saying they believe I’ll do great things in the future and wishing me good luck at uni :’)
what was the last text you sent?
how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real?
idk little me was caught between knowing better and remaining purposely ignorant out of a nostalgia for wonder in total unknowing of infancy so
what is your dream car?
i literally don’t ever want a car of my own
opinion on smoking?
very harmful, never something i’d try... like, I have a lot of friends/classmates who smoke and I’d never judge their characters from that, but idk I think it’s a rly bad habit
do you go to college?
yep, uchicago!
what is your dream job?
i’d love to be a journalist or writer with international involvement but idk really! I’m very flexible when considering my future!
would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs?
RURAL AREA like anywhere but the suburbs tbh like a city would be ideal, but at least in a rural area, I could have a thoreau-esque retreat
do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels?
no i never use them
do you have freckles?
yes i have so many spots on my skin idk it just pigments very easily
do you smile for pictures?
i do now (even though i prefer candids by a long shot) but i would refuse to when i was very little maybe until i was like 6-7
how many pictures do you have on your phone?
have you ever peed in the woods?
so many times lmao i hike i have no qualms
do you still watch cartoons?
.........does yuri on ice count
do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds?
idek the difference
Favorite dipping sauce?
curry sauce!!!
what do you wear to bed?
if it’s cold i bundle up in sweatpants + a patagonia, but if it’s decently warm, i just wear underwear
have you ever won a spelling bee?
what are your hobbies?
piano, painting, picking up new languages bc i’m a loser, organ, photography, hiking, teaching english from time to time + writing + editing
can you draw?
decently ehhh
do you play an instrument?
piano, violin, and organ!
what was the last concert you saw?
probably the marriage of figaro at the prague opera if that counts lmao..... i don’t go to non-classical concerts idk
tea or coffee?
tea usually, but I love a good espresso
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts?
do you want to get married?
@katsudaddy and I are already married
what is your crush’s first and last initial?
KIDDING lmao no i’m not really into anyone romantically right now
are you going to change your last name when you get married?
depends on what sounds nicest tbh... I don’t like the sonority of my last name much so...yeah probably
what color looks best on you?
deep red looks nice, but I prefer wearing neutrals + greens/blues
do you miss anyone right now?
my family (host fam)
do you sleep with your door open or closed?
closed, but i used to leave my balcony doors open sometimes in france
do you believe in ghosts?
what is your biggest pet peeve?
last person you called`
my dad
favorite ice cream flavor?
hmm I had a honey-almond gelato near marseille that I rly liked!!
regular oreos or golden oreos?
i don’t even remember what they taste like
chocolate or rainbow sprinkles?
rainbow bc they’re gay
what shirt are you wearing?
white t-shirt with a loose denim dress on top
what is your phone background?
aljkdfsh fanart of yuuri kissing viktor on the head... very cute
are you outgoing or shy?
honestly i think the best way to describe me would be intense? like, i rly swing between extremes with this depending upon where I direct my energy, so like... idk I’m naturally quite private but come off as outgoing bc I put up that front in public events when I have to
do you like it when people play with your hair?
ppl don’t rly play with my hair but I like playing with others’!!
do you like your neighbors?
idk the neighbors in PA or even in France, but at school, I lived with my classmates and teachers, and I loved the majority!!!
do you wash your face? at night? in the morning?
have you ever been high?
have you ever been drunk?
yes, but I stay pretty in control
last thing you ate?
favorite lyrics right now
idk I don’t really think I have any! the sonority of music has always been a lot more moving to me than the lyrics
summer or winter?
summer, but the dawn of spring is my favorite time of year
day or night?
the last hours of day in the northern summers where the sky will be light almost until midnight
dark, milk, or white chocolate?
DARK like 85%-95% is good
favorite month?
maybe march or april... it depends on the weather each year!
what is your zodiac sign
taurus but idk it’s Very inaccurate for me (like i constantly crave change and take initiative to throw myself into uncomfortable and new situations, and I eschew material possession... at least i’m rly loyal though?) tbh my chinese zodiac (dragon) is much closer to my personality
who was the last person you cried in front of?
dave, my physics teacher :( I was thanking him one last time for showing me a way of surviving, u know? like there’s so much love and passion in what he does and idk I always worry about losing spark and so it’s like... idk he reminds me that there is always life in love if that makes any sense
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