#and for this her in laws could've gone with them? maybe just the mom?
unknowablea · 5 months
i feel like people often forget that we, the viewers, know about everything but the characters have limited information?
the hospital only knows the (yes, doting<3) husband of a patient was arrested by the interpol in the hospital, literally dragged away screaming (in korean, we have subtitle they don't), and that some other guy showed up claiming to know her
this is a high risk patient, subject of an experimental treatment, she has no family in the country, they probably have no way to contact the hongs
eun seong plays the worried (boy?)friend, he is korean, he has some photos to prove they know each other, he was just so scared when hae in traveled with her (ex?)husband who was accused of murder, he just had to help her
i mean, i don't know about you all, but i don't know what was the latest scandal in corporate korea and i'm guessing the average german hospital staff doesn't either but even if they searched they'd find the news accusing hyun woo of murder and yeah, about eun seong threatening them but i feel like one outweighs the other in this situation. plus, with her case, hae in wasn't in her best mentally so from an outside point of view (and with some sweet words from eun seong) it could've looked like she had been manipulated into saying those things about eun seong
see, i'm not defending eun seong, i despise him too, but just because he is stupid for the way he is still trying to win hae in even after she said no so many times (and how much i've enjoyed each one of them), doesn't mean he isn't smart about other things and that the plot is horrible
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8bitsupervillain · 3 months
Higurashi When They Cry Hou Ch. 2 Watanagashi pt. 19
The thing that annoys me the most about this is how Keiichi is just crying out a river because "oh man, the discrimination, poor Mion." None of this excuses her actions in the slightest! Everything she mentioned up until this point happened years before she was born! Did the stigma of being born in Hinamizawa continue well into the sixties and seventies? Just because your grandfather was accused of cannibalism and smuggling long pork doesn't justify you killing people! You can argue she's following the spiritual laws of Hinamizawa regarding the breaking and entering, fine. She doesn't seem to put much truck in with the cult of Oyashiro at all, but fine, she's upholding traditions and all that jazz. Why then did she have to kill Satoko?
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Does the claim for divinity mean she had to be the hatchet man for all of the deaths and disappearances? "Some were related to the Kimiyoshi and Furude families" she claims, but that's blatantly not true. The dam foreman, unrelated to the three families. The deaths of Satoko's dad and mom, unrelated to the three families. The death of Satoko's aunt, unrelated to the three families, the disappearance of Satoshi Houjou, unrelated. The only death and disappearance that's related to the three families is the Furude priest and his wife. That's it. Is this a roundabout confession that one of the Sonozaki family were directly involved with the dam foreman? Was that also Mion?
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Oh fuck OFF KEIICHI! Rena is absolutely right to point this out. Despite all her "justifications" Mion is still a murderer. She's a murderer WHO KILLED YOUR FRIENDS.
I just have to say, I love Rena for not buying Mion's shit for a minute and just point blank calling her out on it. She's this meme picture:
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and I adore her for it. Keiichi is just being needlessly sympathetic, and it's honestly extremely irritating.
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"Maybe Rika shouldn't have skipped arm day! Her lack of gains is what got her killed!"
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If you demand that Rika and the mayor take responsibility for their part in the break in why did you wait several days before getting them? You got Tomitake and Takano instantly, why did you feel the need to wait to go after Kimiyoshi and Rika? More to the point, if you knew immediately who broke in to the storehouse why did you wait to get Shion (who I still doubt is actually gone), and Keiichi? Why not whisk them away when you did Tomitake and Takano? This story isn't adding up.
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I had to stop here, I just couldn't handle it any more. Keiichi is such a baffling character that he decided that the six kills on Mion's hands are his fault? Why? If he had admitted to the breaking and entering that day to Mion, Ooishi, Shion, the emperor, the governor, Rika, Satoko, the UN, all of US Congress, the president, events still would've played out more or less like this. Rika would still have to die because she let the break-in happen, same with the mayor, Satoko probably still would've died too because she seemed aware that Mion was up to no good, Shion would have "disappeared" too. I find his extreme guilt about situations well out of his control to be frustrating. Even if he did peace out when Takano and the rest broke in, they still would've gone in without him! Would he still blame himself then? Probably, because "if only I could've convinced them!"
You know what this reminds me of? This whole set up reminds me of that one characters death in Danganronpa V3, the secret prime minister. Everyone acted like they should have died in place of her, and it was extremely frustrating to read that as well.
Now that I've had a moment to think about it other things about this confession don't make sense. What was the point about freaking out Keiichi by claiming Satoko is cursed? The kicks? Was it a bizarre attempt to try to scare him into confessing? Was it some sort of ploy to get Keiichi to start being suspicious of Satoko? For what ends if so? Is she just trying to shift whatever guilt she feels about Satoshi onto her?
I'm sure since I stopped mid-scene it's all going to be explained, but I think the only way this makes sense is if that's not Mion. It's Shion pretending to be Mion, and she's biding her time to try to run and switch back to the Shion persona and pin it all on Mion.
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bluedemon1995 · 4 years
Hope you like this latest chapter. I think, I'm almost done with this one. Please comment and let me know what you think. I'Ve gone back to rotating my focus so hopefully you follow all my stories!
Pidge POV
While everyone is busy planning Pidge can't keep her eyes off Matt. His hair is longer than hers, pulled back in a messy pony tail. She vaguely remembers her mom scolding him and saying she was going to cut his hair if he didn't go with dad to the barber. It's funny how memories are popping up now when he's right in front of her. He has a scar on his forehead but otherwise looks very similar to her. Same eye color, same hair. Hell, his is probably nicer than hers.
It's like she's in some strange alternate universe. But if she being honest... it was also very scary. Because, if one thought about it rationally, everything she thought she knew for the last ten years was a lie.
She wasn't alone. She wasn't an orphan. And isn't that the rub. She could've had a family, all this time. It could have been her and Matt. It makes her sad to think what she missed out on. Birthdays, holidays, or anniversaries of the accident. Where she suffered alone. And even when Lotor was with her he never really understood. He never realized what she felt or was going through. And looking back, she could see he didn't even really try to pretend for her either. And that just made her feel so much more alone.
At some point she would just hide away in her room and work herself to sleep. She felt like she was in a tunnel suddenly, with her breath hiccuping and her vision wavering. Oh God, she can't breathe.  She had to get up. She had to move. But then she ... felt an arm slip around her shoulders and pull her close. Warmth. Heat. Her heart rate started to sync...Keith. He was here. He was real.
And she didn't care that he was FBI or law enforcement. Because with him she didn't feel alone.
She was not alone. She turned in his arms and just held on. It's funny how someone she only knew for such a short period of time could mean so much to her. Yet here she is. Surrounded by people who are on her side. And Keith.
Re-centered, she focused back onto the conversation going on around her. Glad for once there were so many people in the room. It was a few hours after the big reveal and while Keith's apartment was cramped with so many people, for once it didn't make her feel like running or hiding away. Hunk had prepared a spaghetti dinner complete with homemade bread and salad. It was hilarious when Lance questioned Keith having the ingredients for bread and Hunk sheepishly admitted to stocking his pantry, 'for emergencies'.
When she looked at Keith, he whispered, "I didn't even know I had a pantry!"
And when Lance was outraged that he didn't have a stockpile. Hunk replied that since Lance technically still lives at home, his mom has their place well stocked! Then there was Krolia and Kolivan. Kolivan finally returned with his report and Pidge could see how he'd fit in the the biker gang image. He was a tough guy but when he spoke he was so quiet and calm. It just inspired her trust in him.
Then of course, there was Matt. He was nearby, constantly finding excuses to touch her arm, hand or shoulder. It was odd. She wasn't a touchy freely person and yet, she was so happy that he seemed happy to have found her too. Despite what she had been involved in. Finally dinner in hand, they  were seated all around various parts of Keith's living room.
Finally, I voiced a concern that was nagging at me. "Shiro, have we ever...met? I feel like I recognized your voice somehow? Or even your...shape?"
Matt replied, loudly, "Shiro and I were gaming friends long before we ever met. So, I would be playing games with him and you'd be in my room. So you probably did hear him but I don't think you ever saw him. But after the accident and rehab, I mentioned I needed to go to school and he convinced me to go to the same school as him. So, with nothing left to lose I did. I have a family picture of us, so Shiro has seen you before. Plus, let's be honest, we sorta look alike."
Pidge nods, "That makes sense. Unfortunately that's about the only thing that does."
Matt counters, "Okay, now that we are fed. We need to focus. Plan. I'm betting Lotor's dad is behind this. But Katie, do you think Lotor knew as well?"
She thought about it but replied, "Probably not. His dad does not respect him and they aren't close. At all, so I cannot imagine him telling a pre-teen Lotor anything. Maybe he encouraged him to be my friend but nothing overt."
Shiro nods, "Okay so why?"
Everyone is quiet, thinking.
Keith POV
"Let's take it from a slightly different angle. How did Zarkon benefit? He's pretty self serving. There is no way he didn't get something out of this."
Matt picks up, "Yeah, I'm thinking it has to do with the project my dad was working on. Some kind of weapon. I know once he died, the project did too."
Keith counters, "Then why separate you two? What are we missing? What does Zarkon desire or want?"
"Money, every bad guy wants money." stated Lance firmly.
Hunk countered, "Power, he likes to be the big kahuna. Maybe this weapon would have cost him that."
More answers were kicked around when Pidge interjects, "Control. From what I see Zarkon lives for control. In every aspect. So by causing the accident, he needed to control for the outcome or at least several outcomes. No one could have predicted Matt would be thrown from the car or I would be stuck in it. Let's be honest, people survive accidents all the time. But he prepared for all possibilities. Sooooo, that means he got something out of it. But what did he gain control of? I didn't get any money. Or things.”
Keith guesses, "Maybe he knew that the weapon mission would fail but he also knew that your dad got much farther than maybe he imagined. Do we know what the weapon was?"
Matt replied, "I tried looking into it but I couldn't get further than it was a top secret project. I've hacked into several sites over the years looking for more data but it's very cryptic. In fact it doesn't even sound like a weapon at all. More like an organic compound really. So
"That's it!! I remember mom being a gardener but really she was probably a botanist. So Zarkon has control of all drugs running in and out of Galra City. And if anyone wants in they need to bow to him. He's expanded his network and this is what Lotor was trying to beat him at. Althea. But what if there was a way to diminish his hold? What if they created something that was a weapon only in the hand of the Garrison or police? I remember her telling me that nothing is untraceable. And no one is untouchable.”
Krolia speaks up, "Zarkon has a big footprint. If we could know what drugs are his and track it someway, it would go a long way in stopping the flow. But his network of them getting the drugs into the country is, well a mystery. If we could figure that out. Well, that would be a game changer."
Everyone is quiet. Finally, Katie looks up, "So Matt, I think you need to show me what you have. If our parents were killed over this, well, they had to be close."
Matt nods, "Definitely."
Hunk interjects, "Uh, I could probably help. I'm really good at making things or finding patterns."
Keith grins, "Well, while you guys figure the item, why don't the rest of come up with a battle plan or trap?"
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mind-reader1 · 6 years
Queen of Hearts (Ch. 32)
Drake x MC (Emma Barnes)
TRR AU: What would happen if Emma loved Drake but had to marry Liam?
Catch up here
Warnings: None
Note: One more chapter and maybe a bonus if you guys are lucky! 
Word Count: 4,550
Summary: Emma and Drake hide out in the states from the press. Drake finally gets to meet Emma’s parents! And finally, the big return! How will things in Cordonia be for Drake and Emma after avoiding it for months? 
Chapter 32: Bad Karma - Ida Maria 
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You better believe in karma Baby it's gonna sting The wheel of life's gonna do you in So I don't really have to do a thing You took me outta my money You messed up my love life and my career You better believe in karma Guess it's gonna start getting weird right here
Bad karma (oh, yeah) Baby that's what you got Bad karma (oh, yeah) Whether you believe it or not The universe is gonna getcha You'll be scratchin' the seven year itch You know what I think? Bad karma's a bitch
When they landed in Texas Emma felt her stomach rolling, she was nervous about meeting Drake's mom for the first time. He sensed her nerves and squeezed her hand leaning down to whisper in her ear.
“You don't need to be nervous.”
“How much did you tell her Drake? What if she hates me?” Emma looked around for a trash can, she felt like she was going to be sick.
“She knew about our arrangement with Liam, that's it. She's the one who told me to get my ass on a plane and come back, trust me she's going to love you.” Emma nodded and let Drake pull her along, waving at a woman with long black hair.
“You must be Emma! Drake's told me so much about yo-” she reached out to pull Emma into a hug, but Emma bolted to the nearest trash can, and got sick. Drake came over and held her hair, Bianca awkwardly standing back.
“Oh my god. She's gonna hate me.” Emma groaned as Drake rubbed her back, passing her a tissue.
“Your pregnant Walker, she's not going to be mad at you for that. She's going to be happy she's going to have another grandkid.” Emma wiped her mouth and straightened up, walking back over to his mom.
“Sorry. It's so nice to meet you!”
“You feeling alright darling?” Emma smiled.
“Just fine, airplane food.” Bianca smiled knowingly but stayed silent. Bianca drove them to her ranch and grilled Emma.
“Okay Mom, I think that's enough. You're going to scare her away.” Emma gave Drake a thankful look.
“I wouldn't have all these questions if you had brought her here at some point! You've been married for three years and this is the first time I'm meeting her.”
“Mom.” Drake's voice got a warning tone.
“It's fine Drake. I wish we could've visited before, circumstances just didn't allow it.” An awkward silence fell over them as they drove up to the ranch. Drake grabbed their suitcases, Bianca and Emma hung back in the kitchen.
“Want something to eat or drink?” Emma shook her head and Bianca raised an eyebrow.
“Stomach still upset or something else maybe? You're glowing dear. Does Drake know? I saw Liam's announcement, I'm sure you have a lot to talk about if you didn't talk on the plane.” Emma's eyes grew wide.
“I uh, yeah he knows. We do have a lot to talk about, but I had an idea I was hoping you could help me with.” Drake descended the stairs and heard Emma and Bianca speaking in hushed tones.
“Mom, I'm going to give Walker a tour.” Drake grabbed Emma's hand.
“Why do you call her Walker like it's her name?” Drake rolled his eyes.
“It's nothing, just our thing. Anyways, we'll see you for dinner.” Drake dragged her out of the house and helped her onto a horse. They slowly rode together across the entire property, it was breathtaking and a literal breath of fresh air to the palace and press constantly following her.
“This is beautiful Drake!” He looked over at Emma and she was the happiest he had seen her in years. Of course, she had been happy they got back together and after their moment on the plane, but this was different, a more carefree kind of happy, the kind of happy she had been right after they had gotten married.
“We should stay here Drake, leave it all behind.” he sighed.
“Walker, I love this place and I love you. Cordonia is our home though.” Emma knew he was right, but she didn't want to go back. Ever.
“Drake I… I don't know that I can go back. After everything. New York was my home for a long time, I love Cordonia, but I missed the states.” Drake pulled his horse over, so he was right next to her and squeezed her hand.
“I get why you're afraid, I do. Cordonia was my home though, my mom didn't move here until Savannah and I were adults. Besides, you can't run from Liam or the press forever, you have responsibilities in Cordonia like your duchy. Not only that, but think of our friends, you know Maxwell and Hana wouldn't let you stay away too long. I'm not saying we have to leave tomorrow or anything, but we will have to go back eventually.” Emma groaned.
“I know. I want to have the baby here though Drake, I want privacy. I don't need the press breathing down our necks, I want our baby to grow up like a normal kid, just like we talked about.”
“I think we can make that happen Walker.” Drake smiled and leaned over to give her a kiss before they continued the tour.
They stayed in Texas with his mom for a month, Emma loved spending time with Bianca, but she was driving Drake crazy, and Emma's sex drive had been low, partially because of all the nausea that seemed to hit her at every time of day, and also because Biana was just down the hall and the bed wasn't exactly the quietest, it squeaked any time one of them turned over. Emma still wasn't ready to go and face the press though, she had seen headlines and they were still about her and Liam. Wondering where she had gone, who she was with, how Liam was handling the fact that she had run off with his baby, if it even was his baby. That was her favorite headline. The unstable American duchess who couldn't handle the pressure of being Queen. Drake snatched her phone from her before she could read another on the plane to New York.
“Walker you shouldn't bother. The press is like vultures, they're as bad as the ladies at court.”
“They're right Drake! I couldn't handle it and I ran off.” Drake rolled his eyes.
“No Walker. We're taking a break, taking time for us, time we never got to have. We're planning a wedding, getting ready for a baby, there's nothing unstable about it.” Emma snuggled up against Drake.
“You're right. I just, I guess it bothers me that they still haven't left me alone like Liam asked.”
“We'll figure it out together Walker. For now, we should worry about making new memories in New York, happy memories.”
“I want you to meet my parents too.” Drake's brows knit together in confusion as he looked down at her.
“I thought-” Drake didn't finish the sentence, the one time he had asked about her family hadn't gone well. All she said was that she had no living relatives.
“They are. They're dead, but their graves are here, I know they would've loved you. Even if you can't meet them, I still want to take you. I know it sounds dumb, but I used to go and talk to them, I haven't been since before I met you. A lot's happened since then.”
“I don't think it sounds dumb at all. I'd love to meet your parents.” They were renting a tiny studio apartment on a monthly basis, it took them a couple weeks, but they had settled in well. Emma took a deep breath and smoothed over the black dress she was wearing, she was going to take Drake to her parents graves and she was nervous about it. Drake sidled up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, kissing her cheek.
“Are you ready?” Emma nodded and let out a deep breath grabbing Drake's hand. He grabbed some flowers off the table and they hailed a cab to the cemetery. Drake climbed out and helped Emma out, he began walking in a general direction, stopping when he felt resistance. He looked back and saw Emma standing still, clearly nervous.
“I’m scared Drake.” She shook her head, her breathing shallow and uneven.
“What's scaring you?”
“I've never taken someone to my parents graves. I haven't been here in four years Drake. I'm an awful daughter.” Drake pulled her in close and kissed her forehead.
“No, you're not. You were living your life, you're here now with your husband and our unborn baby. They'll be so happy and proud of you and how far you've come. I want to meet them; can you show me now?” Emma nodded and took a deep breath to steel her nerves.
“Hey Mom, hey Dad. I know it's been awhile, I'm sorry. I didn't forget about you, I've just been busy. I got married to the most wonderful man ever, Drake. He's here with me and...and we're having a baby. I love you, and I miss you so much.” She choked back a sob as Drake stepped up and laid the flowers down at both headstones clearing his throat.
“I, uh. Hello Mr. and Mrs. Barnes, I'm Drake, your son-in-law. I'm sorry I never got to meet you, but I'm so incredibly grateful for you both, for the wonderful daughter you raised and that I got the privilege to marry. I'm sure you had an idea of what kind of man you wanted your daughter to end up with, and I uh, I'm going to try and be that man. I hope that I can be a good father and raise this baby so, it turns out to be as amazing as a person as your daughter.” Emma felt tears sting her eyes, she didn't think it was possible to love Drake more than she already did, but after hearing him talk to her parents that’s exactly what happened. Drake, who had been kneeling stood back up and looked at Emma wiping a tear.
“Walker? What's wrong?” She smiled and grabbed his hand, keeping it against her cheek and leaning into his touch.
“Nothing,” she whispered, “I just love you so much. Thank you for coming with me today.”
“Of course, Walker. I love you and this baby, I'm glad you let me meet your parents.” Drake rested a hand on the tiny bump there and grabbed her hand.
“Bye mom, bye dad. I love you, I'll come visit more often. Maybe I'll have your grandkid with us next time.” They strolled hand in hand back towards the road, a content silence between them.
“Car accident.”
“They died in a car accident. I was 20. The roads were icy one night on their way home from dinner, it was just a freak accident.”
“I'm sorry Emma.” She smiled and squeezed his hand.
“It's okay Drake. It's been ten years, I'm just really glad you got to meet them.”
“Maybe when we get back to Cordonia, we can visit my dad, you can talk to him. I haven't been in a while. He would've loved you, and to know that he would've been a grandpa, he'd be over the moon like Bastien.”
“I'd like that a lot Drake, I want to thank Jackson for giving me such an incredible husband.” Emma chuckled.
They stayed in New York for two months, Emma knew they needed to return to Cordonia. Their friends had been respectful of needed space, but they were starting to grow worried and more insistent, she was ready to face them all though. They flew into Cordonia late at night without telling anyone, going straight to their cabin. The next day after they had let everyone know they'd returned, they went to Valtoria. Hana had been holding down the fort, but it was time for Emma to step in again. Neither of them had spoken to Liam since they left, Emma was mad that he had done nothing to tell the press to leave her name out of the headlines, that it wasn't his baby she was carrying. They hadn't spoken to Olivia either, while Olivia and Emma were still friends, it was awkward because of Liam. That day they received a message from a royal carrier, Liam was hosting a ball in honor of her return and offering her a chance to publicly be announced at court with Drake if they wanted.
This was everything she had wanted and fought for during her time as Queen, but now that it was here she was unsure. Drake never wanted to be a Duke, in the eyes of Cordonia they weren't even actually married as they'd never filed any paperwork. She was pregnant with his baby out of wedlock, just another rumor for the press to run rampant with, she couldn't hide it either. She had a visible bump now no matter what she wore, it was small, but unmistakable, besides the press already knew she was pregnant. They decided to go on the condition that press wasn't allowed in, Liam agreed. The night of the ball Emma chose a dark blue gown that was off the shoulder, beading under both breasts. It hugged her curves, but wasn't tight, it was a perfect fit and it showed off her bump which Drake loved. He wore a new suit that matched, also dark blue with the pink tie he had worn to her wedding to Liam. She straightened his tie and they walked out hand in hand, but before they even got to the car they were flooded with camera flashes.
“Your grace over here!”
“Your grace, are you with Drake Walker? The Kings best friend?”
“Your grace, is he the father of your baby?”
“How does King Liam feel about this? Does he know he's not the father?”
“How long has this been happening your grace?”
“Was the weight of the crown too much?”
“Why did you lie to the people for so long?” They fired off question after question. Emma felt dizzy, so many familiar faces from previous social events. One man, the one who always wore his ball cap backwards got in her face. Emma stumbled back, and Drake caught her.
“Get out of here! Leave us alone! Can't you see she needs some space!” Drake yelled, but his voice was drowned out.
“Are you the father?”
“You're wearing a ring! Did you secretly get married while you were gone?” Emma's head was spinning, it felt hard to breath, she couldn't see because of all the camera flashes.
“GIVE HER SOME SPACE! SHE'S PREGNANT!” Drake helped Emma steady herself and made a path through the press to the car. Emma didn't feel like she could breathe again until she couldn't hear or see the paparazzi anymore. Drake was disheveled and sweaty casting worried glances over at her.
“Vultures. Don't they have anything better to do than worry about other people's lives. Hell! Liam asked them so give you some space.” Emma rested her hand on Drake's, the last thing she needed was him all worked up, they still had to face Liam and the rest of court for the first time since the announcement about the divorce. They arrived at the palace, but neither of them moved, Drake watched Emma closely.
“Do you still want to do this Walker? We can turn around.” Emma shook her head and opened the door taking a deep breath.
“Let's do this.” Emma climbed out first and waited for Drake, they walked into the palace together. Emma whispered to the herald how to announce them to the rest of the guests, they were the last to arrive.
“The guest of honor! Duchess Emma Walker and Duke Drake Walker.” The ballroom was silent for just a moment before murmurs rippled the crowd. Emma forced a smile and grabbed Drake's arm walking down into the ballroom, Emma caught Liam’s gaze, Drake avoided it. Their friends quickly found them, asking all sorts of questions, but mostly excited to see them. Bartie came rushing up to them and wrapped his arms around Drake's legs before going to Emma's, he had gotten so big. Their hearts swelled looking at him, they couldn't wait for that, it wouldn't be long now. Slowly but surely people stopped whispering and started to approach, Kiara first. Drake grabbed Emma's wrist and placed himself slightly between the women, he didn't trust either of them not to start something.
“Duchess Emma, Drake, I'm surprised to see you again.” Drake could feel the hate rolling off Emma.
“It's Duke Drake actually.” Emma pursed her lips.
“Of course,” she cleared her throat, “I wanted to apologize for my behavior before you left court. Madeleine started all the rumors and was practically forcing me onto Drake. I, uh, assume congratulations are in order.” She raised an eyebrow at Emma's belly.
“I think you should leave Kiara. I don't like what you're implying about my wife.” Drake snapped.
“Non, just a misunderstanding. I'm sure there are many people who want to talk to you though.” Kiara stepped away and Emma rolled her eyes turning to Drake. He rubbed his hands up and down her arms.
“Are you ready to sneak off yet?” Emma chuckled and looked around.
“Absolutely, but all eyes are on us. We'd never make it out of here.”
“Screw it. Let 'em see.” Drake pulled Emma close and dipped her for a kiss, he pulled away when he felt her smile against his lips.
“Where did that come from marshmallow?”
“I've wanted to do that since the homecoming ball, now I can, and I don't plan on wasting a second.” Someone cleared their throat behind them and they turned to see Liam and Olivia standing there. Emma and Drake both stiffened, Drake and Liam hadn't seen each other since Drake had punched him. Emma made the first move, smiling and giving Olivia a hug before nodding politely to Liam.
“Thank you for this ball Liam.”
“Of course. Has everyone been polite?” Drake scoffed behind them.
“Just peachy.”
“How's Lucian?”
“What does he mean? Has someone bothered you?” Drake laughed incredulously.
“The entire court has been staring at us all night, the press practically attacked us outside of our estate in Valtoria. So much for calling off the watchdogs.” Olivia stepped up ready to snap back, but Liam grabbed her arm.
“It's okay Liv,” Liam turned to Drake, “I'm sorry that's happened. I'll be speaking to them first time tomorrow. I know it might be hard to believe, but I've changed, and I want to make up for all the pain I inflicted on you both. Please, let me know if I can do anything for you. I know things can probably never go back to the way they were, but I'd like to try.” He held out his hand and Drake looked at it and walked away. Liam sighed and dropped his hand.
“Give him some time Liam. We're both working on our forgiveness, maybe some of us more than others.” Emma pursed her lips and glanced back at Drake.
“I should go after him, it was good to see you again Olivia. Liam. We'll have to catch up, chat about Lucian.” Olivia beamed.
“Yes, he's doing well. We can talk about it later though, go.” Emma chased after Drake and felt all eyes follow her as she left the ballroom. She found him outside by an empty bar cart.
“Hey, ready to get out of here?”
“I'm sorry Walker. We can go back in there, I just needed a minute.”
“It's fine Drake.”
“He just, I can't believe him! After all the shit he pulled now he's asking for forgiveness? Saying he's changed!” He ran a hand through his hair angrily and paced.
“Drake,” Emma stepped in his path and put her hands on either side of his face, forcing him to look at her, “I hated him. Hated. I do think he's changed, and I think we should give him a chance. He was your best friend. I can’t stand the thought that I had anything to do with you guys drifting apart, so please think about it okay?” He held her gaze for a moment, his eyes softening.
“You never cease to amaze me, let's get back in there. It's your ball after all.” Emma leaned in for a slow, passionate kiss.
“No. Let's go home Drake, back to the cabin.” She let her hands trail down his chest and over his crotch, Drake instantly responding.
“Absolutely. Let's go.” He grabbed her hand and they ran off to the car. The next morning Emma woke before Drake and looked over at him, his hair was a mess and he was on his side facing where Emma had been moments ago, his face squished against the pillow, an arm out on her side of the bed. She had been laying in his embrace for almost an hour, she couldn't lie still anymore, but she didn't mind watching him for a minute before making coffee. He looked younger, happier, so much more handsome when he wasn't wearing his signature scowl. She snapped a picture and wandered downstairs, turning on the news as she waited for the coffee to brew. There was breaking news, Liam was holding a press conference.
“About three months ago, I stood before you and told you Lady Emma and I were getting a divorce and I asked you to respect her privacy, though I never gave you a reason why. Well you have dragged her name through the mud and you cornered her and her companion last night at her home. That is not respectful to her or anyone else! I am horrified by this, what our media has become. I offer you a deal, leave Lady Emma alone, leave her out of this. Leave my son and Lady Olivia out of this, and I will give you a tell all interview. If anyone so much as looks at one of them or speaks of one of them, then the deal is off. You've got 24 hours to think about it. Thank you.” The press was silent and then began clambering after him.
“Drake!” Emma hollered, he came racing downstairs panicked.
“What? Is it the baby? Are you okay?”
“I'm fine. Watch this.” She rewound the press conference for him and got them both a cup of coffee.
“I think he's changed Drake.”
“Maybe.” Emma's phone began to ring, and she saw it was Liam calling. She frowned but answered anyways. Drake watched her like a hawk over his cup of coffee as she took a seat at the kitchen counter. When she hung up he looked at her expectantly.
“Well? What did he want?”
“He wanted to know how much I was okay with him sharing, if he should mention you if asked. The media already figured it out anyways. I'd rather have the record set straight than another fake headline floating around.” Drake nodded, he hated the idea of being in the public eye and everyone knowing their secret, but that was part of the territory and a small price to pay for being with the woman he loved.
Olivia paced back and forth in front of Liam as he bounced their son in his arms.
“Liv.” She held her hand up to stop him. He had mentioned the night before telling the press to lay off Emma and Drake, but he failed to mention it would include a tell all interview.
“What were you thinking? Oh wait, you weren't! This will reflect badly on you, me, them, our son! I can't believe you! Still bending over backwards to please the American.” Olivia rolled her eyes.
“Olivia that's enough!” She stopped and looked at Liam, he had used his king voice, he never used that voice with her.
“This isn't about Emma, it involves her, but it's not about her. This is about us. I'm tired of seeing headlines about you wrecking my 'marriage’ or hearing rumors whispered around court. People calling our son a bastard child! Honesty is the best way to go about this and what we should've done from the beginning, but I'm going to fix it. I don't want our son growing up hearing these things about his parents or himself. It's all gone on long enough.” She considered his words, knowing he was right.
“Well, this all could've been prevented if you didn't need the shiniest new toy every time.” Liam smiled, he knew Olivia and Emma were friends, but Olivia had some lingering jealousy.  
“Liv, you know I only have eyes for you.” She rolled her eyes, he always said that though. She snatched Lucian out of his arms and turned her back on him.
“Liv.” She didn't answer. “Olivia.”
“What?!” She snapped and turned around. Liam was there on one knee smiling up at her.
“Olivia Nevrakis, I have known you for as long as I can remember, you have been a staple in my life and I regret that I didn't recognize sooner just how perfect you are for me. Liv, you are the Queen of my heart and I want you to be by my side forever as the Queen of Cordonia. Will you do me the honor of marrying me?” She was speechless, she and Liam had discussed the future before, but it never really involved marriage talk, it focused more on their son. Their relationship had been a kind of slow burn, building up the more tension that grew between Emma and Liam. The silence built between them and Liam began to get a sense of déjà vu.
“Yes! I'll marry you Liam.” He stood up to slip the ring on her finger and went in for a kiss, but she held up a hand to his lips and he frowned.
“I'm keeping my last name though.” Liam chuckled and leaned in to kiss her, this time she allowed it.
“I would expect nothing less Queen Nevrakis-Rhys.”
“Good, now go get ready for your interview.” She pushed him away with one hand before slapping his butt. Liam jumped surprised.
“Just enjoying knowing you're all mine now.” Liam took a deep breath in the palace boutique and out on his best suit before having his hair and makeup done. He was nervous, palms sweating as walked up to the podium in the press room. They fired question after question at him, but he had been expecting them all.
“So, you're saying that Lady Emma was unfaithful to you after you cheated on her?” Liam suppressed an eyeroll.
“No. Lady Emma and I had an arrangement. Our friends were in danger and I needed the Cordonian people's support. I knew that they loved her and trusted her, and so I asked her to marry me, it was then I learned she was in love with someone else. I suggested that she could be with who she wanted, as long as she agreed to play the role of my wife for the cameras and in turn she let me be with Lady Olivia who I love dearly and has agreed to marry me.”
“What about Lady Emma's baby? Are you saying that you're not the father?” Again, he had to suppress an eye roll.
“Do you not feel betrayed by your best friend? Is Drake Walker the father of the baby?”  
“No, I do not feel betrayed, and yes Duke Drake Walker is the father of his wife's baby. I'm very happy for them both. This interview is over now.” Liam stood and left the press room.
Next Time: It’s been a year since Emma and Drake returned to Cordonia! What are they up to now? Has everything gone smoothly? 
Tagging: @notoriouscs @brightpinkpeppercorn @ooo-barff-ooo@leelee10898@sleepwalkingelite @roonarific@speedyoperarascalparty@andy-loves-corgis @furiousherringoperatortoad@findingdrake @sue9659@smritysriv@larryssunflower@likethetailofacomet drakewalkerfics@zaffrenotes@mrsdrakewalkerblog@agent-bossypants @endlessly-searching-for-you   @cgd03 @simsvetements@jovialyouthmusic @akrenich @jlouise88 @bettys-mom @gibbles82
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