#and friendly faces that don't tell me I should stop eating cause I've gained weight
taycee591-blog · 4 years
Day 47 of Social Distancing
I'm struggling. I cry almost every day now. I don’t know why. I’m just so incredibly lonely, I don’t know what to do with myself.
I wish, now more than ever, I had a best friend or significant other or close family for support. I feel alone with this. everyone has their person or people they hold close in a time of crisis. I understand people don’t have the energy or patience to deal with people other than their small circle. 
I just really wish I had this one person… someone to call / facetime regularly just to make me feel less alone. I talk to a rare few people regularly over text which I am incredibly grateful for because it helps a ton. but nothing makes up for face to face, even if it’s through a screen. I’m with my parents but we barely talk, let alone do things together. most days I barely speak at all. 
I keep asking around but nobody feels like it. I know people are dealing with it themselves, so I understand. I just wish I had one close person to share this “experience” with. one close person who is “my” person. 
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