#and fuccccccking alador is just as bad I dont care. at the Very least he's complacent in this abuse and that does not help me in any way
smokestarrules · 11 months
I keep on thinking about amity how she was treated as the scapegoat child and was made to be believe she was the golden child
That's exactly the (reprehensible) genius of Alador and Odalia.
In the Blight family, Amity's always been the odd one out in more than a few ways. She's never quite enough, always falling just short of expectations no matter how hard she works. She's less powerful than her siblings are, she doesn't resemble Odalia as much as her mother would like, and most importantly: she's isolated.
Amity has been told her entire life that she needs to be successful to be loved, so she did her absolute best to be successful, even when those things were going against what she herself wanted.
Emira and Edric probably don't get as much attention from their parents as Amity does, and this drives the wedge between the three of them even deeper. The twins act out on some level for attention which makes Amity bitter because they aren't punished the way she would be, so she tells on them and they eventually retaliate against her in turn. Everything in that household is stacked against Amity, but because she's given the illusion that her hard work is making things better, it's as if she's the one her parents love the most.
She's not.
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