#and have an inexplicable knack for training dogs’
aboyandhisstarship · 7 years
the story I posted about chapter one
RVB story (title pending chapter one )
Agent Connecticut walked through the starship the “mother of invention” towards the “secure” server room. The room was in fact about as secure as a lock on a dollhouse so breaking in was about as difficult as it sounds. But Connie was getting herself off track she was breaking in to get information about the new guy “Delaware” they had received the basics form the director a simple piece of paper reading:
New recruit arrival time 0600 tomorrow
Name: Agent Delaware
Speciality: electronics and explosives (that last one was weird because the already had Agent Francis Illinois their demolitions expert)
Bunkmate: Agent Georgia
It was signed simply at the bottom DR. L church director of project freelancer
The freelancer’s except for agent Carolina (who may already know or simply did not care) wanted to know about their new recruit and as such Connie was breaking into the server room. Bypassing the door like she did a thousand times before she easily slipped inside and downloaded the data the file simply labeled  Agent Delaware personnel. Going back to her room she dug into the file starting in basic information:
 Agent Delaware
Civilian name:  Brian (the last name was blanked out but not completely it looked like it start with a W)
Military rank prior to recruitment: Lance corporal
Military Id number: 2311811892  
Posting prior to recruitment:  ODST recon unit 161 aboard the UNSC Valley Forge
Age: 21 earth years (Connie was shocked at this she heard about those recon guys they didn’t mess around and he was just a kid)
Personnel history: Born aboard the UNSC mining vessel the Magnolia his father was the Captain his mother the chief medical officer. Brian quickly adapted to life in space by the age of six he had shown a natural knack for electronics and machines and by the age of 8 he could make/alter any of the mining explosives faster than other member of the crew. When he was 18 he joined the UNSC marine core of engineers with the hope being to put his skills to good use. During his time in basic training he was shown to be beyond competent with the construction of explosives and electronic gadgets on the fly which helped his team out many times during team based exercises such as capture the flag . Following this show of clear skill he was offered a spot in the ODST’s which he gladly accepted. he performed 126 classified seek and destroy and recon missions with his team before he received the news on the Valley forge  that the magnolia was destroyed, some fresh out of training engineer stumbled upon Brian’s custom built explosive’s still aboard the ship . The unnamed crewmember accidently triggered the explosives destroying the ship there were no survivors. Brian was recruited into the project less than a week later.
 Psychological profile:
Brian experiences not surprising amount of survivor’s guilt and self-blame considering the recent death of his family and friends.
His former unit members describe him as a little weird and naïve like he grew up in space or something (who said the counsellor couldn’t make jokes thought Connie with a shake of her head) but he is able to socialise well and has a talent for getting people to like him through combination of wit charm and ice breaking jokes most would describe as poor.
 Recruitment purpose:  “this section was again blanked out just like all the other freelancers files” thought Connie bitterly
Finally the last page was a couple of pictures of the new kid. The first being his official file photo with him standing straight as an arrow looking at the camera and not smiling he had short brown hair the left hand side of which was inexplicably always  sticking up (the explanation for witch was in his health papers she skimmed past looking for all the juicy gossip) he had light blue eyes and freckles all over his face a fairly short and straight nose and was clean shaven. The next picture showed him in his ODST uniform with the rest of his squad getting ready for a Drop he looked very much the same save his face was lit up with a smile he had a slight 5 o’clock shadow (probably form not having time to shave) and bags under his eyes he final picture was him in his Project freelancer Amour. A relaxing desert sage color recon amour with the same type of helmet  as agent Washington or North Dakota tucked under his arm a pair of Dog tags hanging  around his neck and over the front of the amour.
Connie signed and stared at the clock it was 0430 most of the others would be up in an hour and for the first time since she started gathering info on the new recruit’s she wasn’t sure if she wanted to tell them. She then got up with a huff and started walking towards the mess thinking all the while “York’s going to have a field day with him”
  AN: Your thoughts ?
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