#and he never went back because it felt kind of sacrosanct and he didn't want to ruin it with what he'd become
attonposting · 1 year
Okay, so canonically the Jedi Exile fucks off to the Unknown Regions to go find Revan and leaves their half-dozen adult padawans to spend the rest of their lives wondering when Master's gonna come home with the milk. And in the cut content, Atton squeezes himself along for the Exile's next misadventure, and they go off to have KotOR III instead of some novel we don't talk about.
But in my headcanon, he turns that ship around to Alderaan and forces the Exile to take a vacation for one kriffing moment in the overstuffed responsibility conga line that is their life, and it's peaceful and awkward and maybe a little disastrous at times and romantic if that's your flavor because it's definitely mine, and Drew Karpyshyn can pry that from the rigor mortis of my death-grip fangirl fingers.
Sure, Revan's still on the todo list, but the galaxy's greatest problem causer can wait until the Exile's had their horribly overdue mental health month.
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