#and he was like 'yeah np i can totally get you part time'
#getting real fucking sick of this job i haven't even started yet#it's an agency job and teaching related so should be perfect for me (a phd student who wants to teach)#but the guy who is meant to be pairing me up w jobs is just so bad at it#i was like 'this HAS to be part time i cannot do full time bc i am doing a phd'#and he was like 'yeah np i can totally get you part time'#and then he gave me my first job last week and said it was part time only to tell me it was full time the next day so i had to say no#which he got an attitude about#and then he's gotten me this job which he also said was part time#it's cover teaching so i go in when someone calls out sick#and this is actually worse than full time bc if i take this job i can't make plans bc i apparently have to have 24/7 availability for it#so i could end up working 0 hours but need to keep the whole week free just in case#or i could end up working full time hours anyway#and he said there would be an interview and gave me the info today#it is a full day of work#that's not an interview#i'll get paid so like... at least there's that#but it's minimum wage#barely#bc i'm getting £90 for the day and working 9 hours which works out at 10 an hour and the min wage is about 9.50 an hour for me#so now my choices are going into the 'interview' AKA FULL DAY OF WORK and being like 'heyyyy so i can only do part time'#and looking like a knob as i try and negotiate a day or two per week where they don't call me in#or just... not going? after i already turned down one job from this guy and the school has said they're expecting me#i mean maybe if i do the inconvenient job now i'll get a better one later#but if i get hired as a permanent cover teacher w this place that won't happen#and i have another job that i'm waiting to hear back on that starts inn february and is only 2 days a week#but if i have to be on call for this one that's not possible any more#but i can't turn down this job on the basis that i might get a better one#but he's also throwing me in front of not 1 not 2 but 5 whole entire classes of 30ish teenagers on day 1#so 150 kids at various levels of education#which... i've never done anything like this before
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