#and his cql version supports an interpretation of his character they dislike
inessencedevided Β· 4 years
19, 20, 26!
19. What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom?
I think the all-or-nothing and downright puritan attitude some parts of the fandom exhibit towards whatever iteration of mdzs they prefer.
I've seen novel fans who say that anyone who enjoys cql or prefers is supporting censorship and downright homophobic because of it (expecially people who prefer the lack of sex in the show). The same kind of fans will go into the comment section of switch!wangxian or (god beware) bottom!lwj fics and scream "but in the novel ...!!!!" Or "but canon...!!!". Yeah. That's why fanfic exists ...
And on the other hand I've seen cql fans who somehow cannot see that consent is an explicit theme in mdzs and that maybe the kink exploration in the extras is very much a continuation of this and instead choose to demonise mxtx and anyone who enjoys those scene as rape-apoligists, as if their personal squick has to be morally justified.
I wish people would just take a step back, put on there critical-thinking-cap and recognise that a) there is not one right reading of any text, b) censorship is bad and anyone who enjoys cql for what it is knows that but enjoying stuff while being aware of it's flaws is very much possible and c) you can just dislike stuff without having to get all morally righteous about it.
I get it, when you have a version of a story in your head that you love, you get defensive about it. I just wish people would recognise that that's a very subjective, emotinal response and that you can't force it on others by ascribing either moral purity to it or claiming it as the "one true reading" of the text.
(I think these kinds of fandom purists are a minority, but they are a very vocal minority, so they annoy me ^^)
20. What is the purest ship in the fandom?
Um ... I don't really think there is one? There is so much history between the characters and the clans that i don't think any two characters getting together would be entirely without conflict.
Maybe luo qingyang/her husband? πŸ˜…
26. Most shippable character?
Lol, Lan Xichen :D
My dude is absolutely my fandom-bike.
I know that there are ace!lxc interpretations out there and I respect them completely! But, funnily enough, as someone being ace-spec myself, lan xichen is the one character I personally don't see as ace. In fact, in my head, Lan Xichen. Fucks. :D
In canon, it's obviously a bit more difficult because he's a sect leader and has obligations and there's different norms and stuff but in modern aus? I see him either being poly or having multiple partners over the course of his life.
Towards hookups, he's always respectful and kind and honestly, I see him as like, probably sleeping his way through all his acquaintances and somehow being the only person on earth who could do that while still keeping everything harmonious and everyone happy :D
When it comes to romantic relationships, again, I see him either as poly or as having multiple partners over the course of his life. That interpretation is kind of important to me personally because in a fandom that is so centered around this very much mate-for-life/it's-him-or-no-one-else ship that is wangxian, I like to be reminded that that is not the only way for love to be meaningful. Love is still true and meaningful, even if it is not eternal or not singular and I cannot stress enough how important that is to me. Just because the love someone once felt fades away or a relationship changes or turns harmful, does not mean that the love one once felt or feels is less true. Same goes for multiple loves at the same time.
I just feel that, Lan Xichen, especially in contrast to his brother, is the perfect conduit for that massage. (And this is basically why I ship 3zun so hard. Also why i believe that lan xichen can heal and eventually love again post-canon)
Salty asks
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