#and honestly us SINNERS and SECULAR PEOPLE aren't that impressed?
ihadtried · 1 year
This is so bitchy but i just can’t stop laughing. 
I see all these posts and shit about these ‘revivals’ that are happening on that college campus (or is it more than one? I don’t care) and as someone who went to every church camp, lock in, mission trip, and vacation bible school I only have one thing to say. 
Have fun while it lasts. 
I keep laughing because it’s like I’m watching a bunch of ants move a whole potato chip. I’d stop and look, and if I was walking with someone I’ll elbow them and be like “woah look at those ants with the potato chip. look at em go.” And then just move on. 
Because the fact that the ants now have one whole potato chip doesn’t mean anything? 
That one potato chip isn’t going to change the structure of the colony, it’s going to make no lasting change, it’s probably not even going to fit in the nest so they’ll have to break it apart to get in inside. And it’s not going to last very long before the ants are out again looking for more food. 
So have fun little ants. Enjoy your potato chip. Be proud of it. 
But it’s not going to change anything.
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