#and i LOVE sliced bread ksdjfhks no but seriously you're all so important to me i love u guys a ton!!! a whole bunch!!!
wouyoungarchive · 2 years
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hey! so recently i've been feeling a little down in the dumps and had a bit of a difficult time, so i came back to tumblr after a break and realised that what keeps me going through all of the bad days is you guys! after my break, i came back to find that i had missed you all so much. missed seeing your creations, missed reading your tags, missed talking to you and giving you compliments and loving on you all in general! it's one of my favourite passtimes didn't you know? hehehe so i decided to make a little appreciation post to all of my moots who make atinyblr such a special place to be, but also who make even my worst days not seem so dark any more.
under the cut you'll find a list of all the people here that i adore and love with all of my heart, and a special message to a few people who i really admire and cherish!
@applejongho — starting strong with tumblrs resident jongho enthusiast, annie! you're so special to me, oh my gosh. you're so fun and your creations always leave me bawling, especially your auteez series, i'm seriously in love with it. angel!yunho and vampire!yeosang are two of my favourites that you made! i love your gifs, i love your tags, i love you! thank you for making tumblr such an amazing experience and for converting me into a jongho bias even though i swore i wasn't ♡
@chwejongho — kaz!!! you're a new moot but that doesn't mean you're not beloved and cherished already hehehe i think you're just so neat and i'm in love with your colouring and gifs, you're so talented! your tags are always so sweet n fun and i love you! thank you for providing us with the best jongho gifs always, i really admire your talent and just you in general. beloved! ♡
@hwanswerland — fio! beloved! resident hwa enthusiast! how would tumblr be without you? i don't even want to think about it kfdhjs you're so important to atinyblr and everybody love love loves your gifs, including me! i think you're absolutely hilarious and i love reading your tags and giggling at what you say and just love you in general. i think you're so cool and a great creator and a great person in general. you're sooo good and i love you! ♡
@jjongho — sofieeee i think you're super neato and i'll always adore your gifs & edits. i really really look up to you in terms of content creation bc you're one of the best on atinyblr and it's so fun to see what you make. your gifs are always so sharp and you absolutely nail it every time like i don't know how else to say it, you're perfect! also you're such a friendly person and so funny and cool i love you sm thank you for being on atinyblr and making it such a great place to be for me ♡
@ortali — ortal! you're one of the first atiny creators i followed on tumblr and i really am grateful that i clicked the follow button because you're one of my favourites ever! your content is immaculate and you always find the best things to gif and i really admire you as a person and as a creator! you're one of the best people on atinyblr and i appreciate having you around so much! you're so sweet and lovely to talk to as well, you really are the whole package! ♡
@sanchelinz — luna! oh my goodness where to start with you? you're the backbone of atinyblr, you keep us going with all of the content you create and you're so quick with it too honestly hOW do you manage to make gifs so crisp and pretty SO quickly after content gets released?! magic truly! i love love love your gifs and i admire you so much for your talent and the way you always produce to loveliest content. i hope you stay on atinyblr forever because you're such an important part of it! ♡
@sanhwaiting — megan, beloved! you're one of the best people on atinyblr and i really appreciate having you around. you're one of the creators i look up to the most around here and i think your gifs are the most beautiful truly truly you're so good. when i found out you wanted to join atzsource i was really so excited to have you on board because i admire you so much and i think you're just so neat and cool and i honestly adore you! ♡
@sector1 — natalia my beloved!!! my most beloved in this whole world! words cannot express how much i adore you and how much you mean to me. talking to you was the best decision i ever made and i’m so shy i can’t believe i did it but where would i be without you? you’re a source of comfort and love and strength to me and i love you so so much! talking with you is my favourite pass time and i wish i got to do it more honestly, i could talk with you forever and a day and never get bored! you’re my favourite person, my comfort person, my most beloved, and i love you with my whole heart! ♡
@song-mingi — iri my love, nothing but respect for MY best content creator on tumblr dot com! kdjfhkd no but for real you're my fave and i think you're so neat and such an incredible content creator and atinyblr would be empty without you! your big gifs are my absolute favourite and an inspiration to me as a new content creator! i really admire your talent and just you in general. my favourite mingi simp. i love you! ♡
@woosansang — hellooo jazzy, my most beloved co admin and friend who i absolutely adore and love with my whole heart! you're the coolest and i so appreciate having you on atinyblr and on atzsource, you're such a great person to have around and so so so talented and funny and i love that you're absolutely insane for your bias line, and you always create the best content for them and nobody gifs quite like you, your gifs are so distinctive and incredible! i love love love you, thank you so much for being around on atinyblr, you make it such a great place to be always! ♡
and here are the rest of the people i love and adore and cherish on atinyblr:
@seonghwaminho @loserline @97chwe @ultmingki @daisyjiyong @retroyunho @miinsang @mangomingki @hwanwooyoung @bvlnoriyas @blackcatsan @ateezbiased @pjmsdior @minzbins @cruellajoong @bangzchan @blondejongho @toaction @cyberhwas @halahala @jeongyunho99 @jeong-yunhoes @kyungsoosus @sanshine @blueberrysan @ceojongho @kangyeosaang @charmerz @hongjooong @dejawoos @xuseokgyu @seonghhwa @ddominho @hwarizon @atzeez @kosunghos @strhwaberries ♡
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