#and i can't remedy that until after my boss gets back from his vacation in two months' time
jonigirard3 ยท 4 years
Attention! This Is Why You Can't Sleep | Bronwyn Milkins | TEDxUWA
Attention! This Is Why You Can't Sleep | Bronwyn Milkins | TEDxUWA
In today's, busy world and lack of sleep is one as a badge of honor pulling an all-nighter is a testament to our self self sacrifice to work and 13-hour days simply show that were dedicated to success. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vaAydEAKglw But this is not the narrative which should be glorifying. Sleep is a basic and necessary process that demands to be satisfied just like our need for food and drink. Yet on any night up to 40 % of us have insufficient sleep. Even minor, sleep disturbances increase our risk for heart disease, depression and early death. Despite decades of science telling us that sleep is the foundation from which everything else flows, creativity, performance, health and sanity, sleep is not getting the attention it so rightly deserves. This is why my PhD research comes in for the past five years of being asleep researcher, I've, been looking at how attention to negativity, affects our sleep and developing a new approach to improve our sleep. Today I'll, be telling you about what we found and what it means for you. I've, always been a self-confessed sleep enthusiast. I love sleep, our child, my parents never had to worry by age 4. I put myself to bed drift off into a restful slumber and wake up raring to go. My teens were much the same. That was until one day I arrived at work for the morning shift only to realize that I was already out of energy. This happened time and time again I went to the doctor, but all the tests that I fine I wasn't. Fine, though sleep was affecting my life and I didn't know what to do. I was frustrated, so I went back to the doctor again this time we talked about how I felt I was exhausted, constantly on edge with a hair-trigger temper and my usual bright personality had turned into a dollop of flatness. The doctor said that lack of sleep was affecting every single aspect of my life and it was causing me to slip into a severe depression with proper support, mostly gradually returned to normal. I felt better than ever, and I was so relieved, but I was also so desperate to avoid slipping back to where I was before. I knew that I had to understand why poor sleep patterns and find solutions. While there are many biological causes of poor sleep, sometimes the biggest causes are psychological processes that happen outside of our awareness. Each day we have bombarded by thousands of pieces of information, but our brains do not have the resources to pay attention to everything. One type of information - the brain is particularly hard way to pay attention to is negative information. A phenomenon called attentional bias, negativity in our caveman days being alert. The negativity helped us keep safe from predators today. Thinking about all the things that could go wrong in an upcoming exam could give us the extra push needed to stay in that little bit extra. However, attentional bias for negativity can also work against us by producing worry that really causes us not to sleep to demonstrate how this works. I need you to think about a big event in your food. It could be a deadline and interview, or even a beep pressure public talk. Now it's the night before and you're in bed. Most of you will fall asleep in a time just when it takes to boil an egg. Others won't, be so lucky and will find it difficult to wire down. Instead, they'll lay awake, while their brain reminds them of all the ways that they going to stuff up tomorrow. The next day, you're, a bit groggy, but everything goes fine and off without a hitch. Those people who found it difficult to wire down the night before will go straight back into their normal sleep routine, but about 2 in 10 white. They'll, find that their attention is still captured by negativity and they & # 39. Ll lie awake worrying about anything and everything over time. Their attention book unconsciously shift to worry exclusively about flair. This is what happened to one person in my research. Paul Paul was putting in long hours at work to meet a deadline and he wasn't getting much sleep for the process. He met the deadline and he felt much more relaxed afterwards, but he still thought he couldn't get back into his normal sleep routine. He said to me: I tried everything I try so hard to sleep. Everybody else makes it so easy. Why is it just made? What Paul may have believed that his focus on steak was helpful? It was like they have an exact opposite effect, causing more stress and a vicious cycle of sleeplessness. I've conducted research with hundreds of people just like Paul investigating the potential benefits of a new approach. Success disrupt the back row sleeplessness before even has a chance to start. This approach is called attentional bias modification, unlike traditional 1430 attention about notifications, doesn't require an unconscionable operation of thinking and behavior. Instead in above shifting our attention away from negativity using simple computer tasks that you can complete in your own time. The way it works is like this two words flat upon a strength, one that is negative, like the word fatigue and one that is neutral, like the word chair, a split second later they disappear and it replaced by two dots behind the neutral word. People respond as to whether the neutral are two dots arranged horizontally or vertically over 700 trials. The aim is to get people looking at the ritual work and it's, not their attention away from the negative work conditioning the brain to pay less attention to negativity. I wanted to know, could modify people's attention in the moment. Stuff before they go to sleep, actually improve their sleep. In the first study, we asked university students to complete vacation paths before their and it's like Diaries for six days. What they didn't know is that on every second up, instead of completing the training tasks, they completed a task that didn't train their attention. We found that on my second page of the training task, they had less boring and fell asleep up to thirty minutes faster compared to those nights, and they did not complete the task. Easter thought far exceeded our expectations, so we conducted the same study again just to say whether this mother flew once again people who completed the training tasks that they have less work and fell asleep after these results suggest up the multiplying our lives from negativity, modify the Worry that we experience death before bed and he was not and helps us achieve a much-needed rest. My vision with other world, where everyone has the opportunity for Buddhist sleep. Our first represent a crucial first step towards achieving, is paving the way for non intervention at Horsley. That can get results and change lives within only a few minutes. Kick it amazing. You can apply for now the principles of attentional bias, modification to your boss and a few different wax first avoid looking at social media or a mountain lion. If you find it stressful, dent Frank's, relaxing my time ritual, like listening to music and when you're in bed, they made up that rhetoric awakening Chief Information Network in today's busy bro. We need more than ever to think, of course, like most about your honor, but I like that. I cannot forsake frontin sense. I can give it the attention into. Does that. I would not be here today doing the things that made me happy and healthy after recovering from depression, sleepy amazing, and I myself [ Applause, ] Source : Youtube
https://www.yourvibration.com/sleep/101 Sleep Rescue, Sleep Remedy, Sleep Aid
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