#and i kinda like. i get why jonathan suggested that argyle get high but man. not even a "hey listen i know that was fucked up'' convo?
In a better timeline, we could've seen Jonathan take Argyle aside & just like. Address that what he bore witness to was fucked up. Like, the fucking tragedy of Argyle seeing a guy die in the back of his van, bury him in a shallow ditch in a fucking junkyard, & get discouraged (understandably, but still) from making him any sort of memorial. That he fucking existed. Like, Argyle is such a big-hearted guy, he clearly cares about people & gets hurt when they don't seem to reciprocate (à la, "oh you're having a party without me? Not cool, Jonny, not cool!"). And regardless, even if Argyle was somehow stone-cold, seeing someone die is fucked up. Do you think that Jonathan later just like, talked about it with him? Checked in? At least when El was safe & the journey takes a lull?
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