#and i was like 'honey you just point-for-point presented most of the catholic arguments against sola scriptura'
fictionadventurer · 9 months
It is so much fun watching Roseanna M. White be Catholic.
For one thing, she tells you cool history stuff about Christmas music.
#for another thing this is such a satisfying end to a years long saga#of me trying to figure out if she converted or not#it started when i found a blog post of hers explaining why scripture can't be the only source of christianity#and i was like 'honey you just point-for-point presented most of the catholic arguments against sola scriptura'#but other posts made it clear she was still protestant#so i could hope this was the beginning of a journey but didn't really expect anything#then a long time later she posts about how she and her family have found a church that fits their needs better#which is more how you talk about switching protestant churches and not going through rcia#so i dismissed all but the wildest hope#then she mentioned speaking at a catholic writer's conference#which doesn't necessarily prove anything because ecumenism is a thing#even the fact that she had a catholic branch to her small press didn't prove anything#it was run by her catholic friends and i know of protestants who work very closely with catholic initiatives while remaining protestant#so the evidence was piling up but there was nothing absolutely conclusive so it was driving me bonkers#and then FINALLY for advent she started talking about the liturgical year#and said 'now that my immediate family is catholic we celebrate advent'#AT LAST! CONFIRMATION!#(pun not intended but still appreciated)#and now she's had several blog posts making it clear she's very excited about catholic history and spirituality#and i'm so proud of her#i can see why you'd be coy when you have a very protestant audience but i'm glad she finally went public with it#not least because i get to find out cool stuff about christmas carols#catholic things#christmas#roseanna m. white
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purplesurveys · 7 years
How was your last break up? Tough. Undeserved on my end. Had it coming. Speaking of, what are your thoughts on love? It’s beautiful when given or received well. What did you want to be when you were five years old? Ugh, this question again? What do you want to be now? Honey I don’t even know what electives to take. At this point I just want to picture myself successfully getting a job interview. Where would you like to live? A nice little condominium in the city, away from biological family.
How's your relationship with your father? Definitely closer to him than my mom, but we still differ on everything socio-political and it annoys me to death. Who's someone you look up to? Gabie. Do you believe in second chances? For the ovewhelmingly biggest part, no; but there are exceptions. Do you believe in a god? Nope. How do you succeed? Work hard. Ask questions. Do extra work. Sacrifice. Are you a hard worker? Sure, if I felt passionate enough about the task. I can’t be 100% if it isn’t something I enjoy. Do you have any painful secrets? Gabie knows everything about me so they technically aren’t secrets anymore, but for the rest of the world, yes they are hidden and will stay hidden. Where do you imagine yourself 10 years from now? Married hopefully, and continuing to build a life. Would you steal from a lost wallet or return the whole thing? Return the whole thing or at least turn it in. Using stolen money just seems so cringey to me. What is the hardest thing you've ever had to say? Telling friends that my grandfather died. Saying it myself just made it all the more real and it sucked. What is the hardest thing you NEEDED to hear? I’ve been told a lot of harsh things in the past that when I stop to think they all just make one big noise in my head and it makes me uncomfortable. And something you just didn't but heard anyway...? ^ Same banana. Have you ever felt something break inside you? Why did it? Not physically but I felt my entire body shut down when my mom gathered us in her room to tell us that grandpa was dead. I was in autopilot that night but really pulled it off so I looked okay on the outside, although inside I was 1/3-denying it, 1/3-crushed to my core, but also 1/3-spooked since I was already strangely expecting a death as soon as I saw my mom’s car parked outside the house when I got home from school that day (she brings her car to work and doesn’t get back until around 9 PM.) Why I had that particular feeling I never knew why, but at least it made the blow a little less harsh. A year ago, did something upset you that wouldn't now? What was it? Nah, I’m still the same. What are the qualities you look for in a friend? Loyalty, no bullshit, no high school pettiness, low-maintenance as fuck. And in a significant other? Loyalty, intelligence, and willingness to ignore my unaligned front teeth while I save up for new retainers. What are your thoughts on one night stands? Not for me, but you do you. High school relationships? Hey, that’s how mine started so I’m all for it. Have you ever wished violence or acted violently towards someone? I grew up in a highly violent environment so I was that way for a while, especially towards my little brother. I didn’t realize it was wrong at the time and I hate myself for it now. Do you believe in fate? No but it is funny how everything worked out between Gab and I. So many coincidences in the past 16 years that it almost seems like the universe enjoyed playing with us like dolls and pushing our faces against each other. I still wouldn’t call it fate, though. What's something that has shattered your belief system? I was Catholic for ten years (hardly, but it was taught at home and school so I accepted anyway) up until my mom started abusing me and making my 10 year old self feel like shit everyday. Since all I was ever taught to do was pray, I did that repeatedly and with much fervor begging anyone out there to help my mom and change her. Nothing happened, nothing changed. Turned on the religion almost immediately. How much of an influence does your family have on you? Zero. When I’m gone I’m gone. Do you believe some people are broken? Yes. It’s a reality but it can always be fixed. Can love save you? Cheesy, but yes. If you could say one thing to the world, what would it be? Adopt, don’t shop. Do you believe everything happens for a reason? For the most part yeah. I don’t rely on it wholeheartedly, though. Do you treat others well? Yes, as much as I can. Do you treat yourself well? No, I feel that I don’t deserve it. If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be? In a busy city having dinner out. And with whom? Either with my girlfriend or with my orgmates. Could you fall in love with someone, despite what they might look like? I’m saying yes but I haven’t experienced that before. Have you ever thought about your dream home? I started thinking about it when I was nine, when my dreams for a mansion were still running wild. Obviously at 20 my aspirations have toned down drastically, but I still think about my ideal home nonetheless. What does it look like? Nothing too fancy, but there are stuff that do need to be present: split-type aircons, yellow cove lights, a flatscreen TV, and a room for all my wrestling stuff. Once all the boxes are ticked I could safely say I got my dream home. What are your thoughts on suicide? It’s a battle I fight everyday. If someone was crying to themselves in public, would you ask if they're OK? Yes, especially if it were someone my age. Have you seen anything you truly wish you hadn't? Lotsa them. Especially on the internet. What is pain to you? I find this too broad to answer. Ultimately pain is different for every person. Do you take care of people or are you more dependent? Definitely a dependent ass bitch right here. With whom was the worst relationship you've ever been in (romantic or non)? My mom. I don’t even count it as a relationship...it’s, at best, tolerance. When you falter, do you regain your composure quickly? Sometimes yes but mostly hah no. It could take forever for me to get back up. What are some words to describe your faith (not necessarily your religion)? Nonexistent.  Do you feel nervous around other races or nationalities? This is one of the most messed-up questions I’ve ever come across, congrats. How do you respond to Jehovah's Witness at your door? We don’t have a substantial population of people of that faith. Do you believe your current friends will be your friends forever? Angela and Gab definitely. Not sure about everyone else. I hope the friendships I’ve built with people in my org will last, though. I really do. How do you react to people who are belligerently against your beliefs? I’m fine with them so long as they can offer me a sound, intelligent argument and that they don’t act holier-than-thou and/or shove their beliefs down my throat. If you could fix somebody's heart, whose heart would you want to fix? It’s such a cheesily phrased question so I’m just gonna answer this in the most literal sense - my cousin’s girlfriend who has a heart problem in real life. Do you love too much, not enough, or are you OK where you're at? Too much, which I’m okay with. What are you living for? Too tired for deep questions at this point. Have you ever broken a heart? Sure. What was your first love like? Brief. Real, almost. Honestly, do you try to stay objective in a hard situation? I have to. What is one thing you really want to succeed at? The future. Do you value yourself? Not at the moment. And the people around you? Very much. Are you sensitive? Highly. Are you sensitive to others? Highly. If you had one small wish that could granted right now, what would it be? To be in Kapitolyo with friends right now. :(
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