#and i'm excited about the time between this and the cathedral cause i don't know much about it
theygotlost · 11 months
Annotations for le Vimes playlist
hi. read this if you care
YOUTUBE VERSION if you want to listen without spotify
1. The Fool / Neutral Milk Hotel
A little instrumental preamble before the playlist proper. musically, I think it captures the state of Vimes at the beginning of Guards! Guards!. It sounds like a processional fanfare fit for a guard, but cacophonous and lilting, as if the band were stumbling drunk.
2. Wasted on the Senate Floor / Emperor X
Another Guards! Song, though the frantic energy reflects the chaotic excitement of the watch series and Discworld as a whole (and the excitement I get from reading it heehee). The title/refrain is pretty straightforward, just replace “senate floor” with “oblong office”. 
Some other pertinent lyrics:
That feels million to one [a million to one chance??? perhaps???]
Republican watchman from Virginia wraps his fist in a flag To punch our lights out
We've got bloody eyes but we're feeling good Causing confusion in the neighborhood
3. We Live in a Dump / They Might be Giants
I have to put a TMBG song in my discworld playlist, I simply must! Pretty much all the lyrics to this one are relevant, but the pre-chorus specifically fits well with the rank trying to get Vimes out of his drunken stupor and Vimes being dismissed from the watch, both of which happen in Guards! And Men at Arms.
Why be realistic? Don't wake me from my dream I was individualistic They kicked me off the team
4. Grace Cathedral Hill / The Decemberists
How Vimes experiences Ankh-Morpork. There’s a tenderness and melancholy to this song, since Vimes does have a sort of affection for the city despite how terrible it is.
All dust and stone and moribund
The air, it stunk of fish and beer
The suggestion of CMOT dibbler: 
We were both a little hungry So we went to get a hot dog
The pilgrims, pills, and tourists here Will sink fifty-three bucks to buy A brand new halo
This could be Sibyl, who knows!!
Sweet on a green-eyed girl All fiery Irish clip and curl All brine and piss and vinegar
I know “piss and vinegar” is an expression describing her personality (Vimes is really more the one full of piss and vinegar), but taken literally it would also accurately describe the smell of the city.
5. Dirty Old Town / Ewan Maccoll
A continuation of the themes from the previous song. I originally had the cover by the Pogues in here for the longest time, but I decided to replace it with the original from 1949 because it brings a more interesting color (the clarinet!!).
6. Precinct 41 Major Crime Unit / Sea Power
Another instrumental interlude, this time from the Disco Elysium soundtrack. Discworld and Disco Elysium are so closely linked in my mind, Vimes absolutely has Harry’s skillset inside his brain and you CANNOT convince me otherwise. As the title suggests this song is the theme for Harry’s police precinct, and I totally imagine it playing during an intense moment with the Watch.
7. Hurricane Drunk / Florence + the Machine
Yeah yeah I know it’s sooo easy to fill my playlist with songs about alcoholism. Well if the boot fits! Plus:
No walls can keep me protected No sleep, nothing in between me and the rain
Pretty good imagery here of Vimes’ night patrols and/or passing out in the gutter.
8. Down by the Water / The Decemberists
The river Ankh, if we’re using a generous definition of the term “water”.
9. Cap in Hand / The Proclaimers
FUUUCK the nobility!!!
10. Average Working Man / Panicland
FUCK the nobility… 2!!! He's God's message to the high class folk!!!! This is a perfect song for encapsulating Vimes’ RAGEEE
11. This Night / Black Lab
This one’s about the Summoning Dark/”The Beast”:
There are things, I have done There's a place, I have gone There's a beast and I let it run Now it's running my way
And then there’s this: 
So take this night And wrap it around me like a sheet I know I'm not forgiven But I need a place to sleep So take this night And lay me down on the street I know I'm not forgiven but I hope That I'll be given some peace
From Jingo:
He was, temporarily, a happy man. He was cold, wet and alone, trying to keep out of the worst of the weather at three o’clock on a ferocious morning. He’d spent some of the best nights of his life like this. At such times you could just…sort of hunch your shoulders like this and let your head pull in like this and you became a little hutch of warmth and peace, the rain banging on your helmet, the mind just ticking over, sorting out the world…
12. Get Better / Frank Turner
Vimes’ character is all about learning from mistakes and making an effort to become a better person. All the lyrics are relevant, but here’s the chorus:
I'm trying to get better 'cause I haven't been my best She took a plain black marker, started writing on my chest She drew a line across the middle of my broken heart And said "Come on now, let's fix this mess" We could get better because we're not dead yet
13. Damn These Vampires / The Mountain Goats
In terms of the song order of this playlist, this is the calm before the storm, the darkness before the dawn; Just one last quick interlude before the main event.
Crawl 'til dawn On my hands and knees Goddamn these vampires For what they've done to me
I admit this whole song is a little bit of a stretch, but the refrain is a nod to Vimes’ attitude toward vampires that’s addressed in Thud!. He spends some time crawling around like a beast in that book too.
14. Blossoms / The Amazing Devil
The crown jewel, the piece de resistance of this playlist! The Night Watch song of all time!!! I don’t feel like I need to break down the lyrics here since I already made this piece illustrating all the relevant lyrics. ✌ Ugh the emotional intensity of this one is really the important part. Leave it to the amazing devil to write Epic Music. 
15. Caesar / The Oh Hellos
This song also has a very Epic feeling to it so I have it riding on the high of Blossoms, but it’s less energetic so I think of it as a cooldown. I always thought the title referred to Julius Caesar, but Genius lyrics is telling me it’s actually about Jesus. whatevarrrr. Because I thought it was about the assassination of a monarch, I connected it with Old Stoneface. Compare:
Hear on the wind how the pendulum swings Feel how the winter succumbs to the spring Over the palisade morning will break Rise up to meet it, oh sleeper awake
With Jingo:
He had always wondered how Old Stoneface had felt, that frosty morning when he picked up the axe that had no legal blessing because the King wouldn’t recognize a court even if a jury could be found, that frosty morning when he prepared to sever what people thought was a link between men and deity
16. Untitled / The Long Winters
Just a lil silly one to take us out on a cheerful note! I admit this one doesn’t make much sense because it’s about living in a rural area and not an urban center like Ankh-Morpork but… I gotta get back to my shanty town!! And I’ve put a lot of folk music on this playlist bc even though he’s not a country boy VImes has some very folksy salt-of-the-earth sensibilities. Just let me have this one
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cipher26 · 4 years
The King’s Cage
I finally got through c2 ep69.
(**Spoilers below for anyone who is still watching through this show, obvs)
Obviously I knew the outcome, but as I said in another post the other day, seeing clips of it and just watching pieces doesn’t hold a candle to how heartbreaking this episode actually was to watch in full, along with everything leading up to it.
The look on Ashley’s face after she fails the wisdom saving role and realizes what’s happening was so sad. The rest of the party doesn’t even notice the change in her demeanor, but I couldn’t look away. Her face completely drops and she just stares for awhile until it comes back to her turn. The silence from Ashley as Fjord fails to thunderstep with her and Matt starts to describe Yasha’s demeanor just like... really stops your heart. That slow realization as the party starts to recognize that Yasha is gone, the disbelief in Travis’ voice when he asks if Yasha gets to make saving throws every turn and Matt says “no.” Marisha’s face as she goes into full sad Beau mode as she also realizes that this isn’t going to end with a victory, and possibly without Yasha. Jester/Laura crying BREAKS my fucking heart, every single time. And also the fact that they, quite literally, barely made it out of there alive. And then the final party realization after the doors close that Yasha isn’t coming with them and they just have to run.
And poor Ashley just having to sit and watch the rest of it, and then also listen to them (as characters) debate whether or not she had been evil the entire time.
It was just...so so so full of emotion that I hadn’t felt since Molly’s death. I certainly had tears in my eyes, and I can’t imagine watching that live and not knowing what else would happen.
Anyway, weird as it is, I think it’s good that she didn’t make that wisdom save, because the story created by her being controlled by Obann is honestly just so so good. For the entire party, it’s an incredible story. Which I can say ONLY because I know the future lmao. I just don’t think Yasha going off on her own “to find answers” would have been the same. This story, while tragic and painful, is just SO good as a viewer.
It’s an incredible episode. And I also can’t fucking believe Matt ENDED the episode with just Ashley at the table, my god, and then said “happy pride” at sign off as if all the gays weren’t probably screaming and crying lmao.
I’m also watching the Talks episode that follows this and it’s SO creepy that Obann was just watching them the entire time, although not surprising at all. Eww, what a creep.
And last thing for this post, just wanna shout out to the amazing Marisha Ray, whose reaction to the situation during the battle, whether it was acting or not (cause I legit could not tell), was so heartbreaking and amazing. I always love watching her, she really really puts her emotions into it and it is a privilege to watch. It really felt like she was in the same panic/heartbreak mode that Beau was in, along with Laura crying at the other end of the table, and it really pushed the emotions of this episode over the edge.
Anyway, I’m a slut for angst so I’m looking forward to the upcoming episodes a lot.
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