#and i'm sitting here in russia and just wanna die
mrsfitzgerald · 2 years
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wikiangela · 2 years
okay, so, I managed to get through s4 of ST - general consensus: won't be watching s5 for sure lmao
so here are my general opinions on s4 and probably some unpopular opinions that no one cares about but I wanna get it out there anyway lol:
(don't keep reading if you get super defensive over this show, I don't have many positive things to say 😂)
first of all, it was super long oh my god (imo every episode could be like at least twenty minutes shorter, and especially the last 3 episodes - I spent like 3 days on each one lmao it was too long) I was bored half the time and had to watch it sped up and I honestly struggled to finish it (I only finished it because I don't like to leave things halfway through and it did become hilarious at some point lol) and even sped up it felt way too long, especially like pauses in dialogue, like jfc how did anyone watch it at normal speed
I didn't care about any storyline or any character - surprisingly even the Hopper Joyce Russia story - that was so fucking boring, didn't enjoy it at all, didn't even care that they finally kissed lmao
didn't care for Eleven at all, couldn't even feel bad for her for even a second, she was annoying as always tbh 😂😂 (let's just say she hasn't really ever been my fave character)
I lowkey think Steve is so overrated and annoying and he could die for all I care sns
(and don't get me started on the Stancy bullshit 🤢)
(also, I really don't get all the obsession over Eddie, like... why do people love him so much?)
I might not remember s3 almost at all but I feel like every character annoyed me much more in s4 tbh
there were moments where the dialogue was so cheesy and cringe, and some spoonfeeding the audience tbh - and generally at some point it was just so ridiculous I was laughing at it all (it's soo funny and in addition when it's sped up, I swear it's basically a comedy lol)
I watched most of the second half of the season while doing other stuff, just having it in the background because I couldn't sit there and watch, I was too bored 😂😂 but it was still hilarious 😂 I did sit through the last hour of the finale and omg it's so funny
seriously, I saw so many article headlines about like "tragic, devastating death in the finale" but I was laughing my ass off sns 😂 (I couldn't care less about Eddie, and Max - if she's dead 💁🏻‍♀️- wasnt my favorite either since she showed up 💁🏻‍♀️) - tho I admit I teared up a bit when Eddie's uncle found out about his death, and it was cute when El and Hopper reunited lol relationships with parents and parental figures always get me 😂
it turned into kinda background noise, kinda hate-watching, and the hate-watching and laughing at it was kinda fun tbh, so it wasn't a complete waste of time haha
it's so weird, because I loved s1 and I remember enjoying s2 and s3 (tho I couldn't tell you a single thing that happened in 2 and 3) but this one was just... yikes
the only positive for me was that it was hilarious and very easy to make fun of, and great background noise while still quite easy to follow 😂 (and my crush on Natalia Dyer/Nancy Wheeler is still strong so loved seeing her)
I'm 99% sure I won't be watching s5, though if I'm very bored or smth when it comes out, and if I need some background noise, I might check out at least one episode 😂
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jinxthequeergirl · 5 years
Look at you (alternate!)
Steve Harrington x Hopper! Reader
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Summary: ok But what if you Don't necessarily make it back to the mall to see el and steve with just a twisted ankle?
Warning: angst! Angst for days/ death!/probably Not good/ swearing?
You've had a very long and exhausting day with your father and joyce and  For a moment everything that had happened before felt like a fever dream, the fight between you and your dad, the mice Russian scientists, the weird man murray, who you vaguely remembered getting along with.
    It was all there but fuzzy kinda how your vision was right now. You could see your dad and joyce looking over you worriedly but there faces kept slipping in and out of focus and their voices were so so far away. 
    You where certain it was a dream. "Y/n sweetie this is gonna hurt...Just Stay with us!" You blinked a few times really trying to register everything in your mind. Suddenly you let out a blood curdling scream, almost  snapping you out of your dizzy state.
  And instantly everything came back so quickly it hurt your head, almost as much as the pain in your side. 
    You remembered arriving to the fair agreeing with joyce that you would stay with murray and alexie until the found everyone. You had stuck by alexie while murray went to grab food. 
 Alexie had won a giant stuffed woody woodpecker doll and a smaller prize for yourself. 
   You remembered how you both happily started making your way to Murray with prizes in hand. 
Then you saw him, it was like he just appeared out of thin air. The Russian terminator, the one who beat the shit out of your dad at hawkin lab, the one who chased you from the house you found Alexie and now the one who was pulling out a gun ready to kill him. 
   In a swift and sudden movement you put all your strength into pushing alexie out of the way, as soon as you did so you felt the bullet pierce your side. 
Then everything went hazy the voices went distant and your vision blurred. 
  Now You cried out in pain, tears starting to roll down your face. 
   You felt Joyce's hand in your and instinctily squeezed down on it. 
"Stop! Stop!" 
"Hop! Stop it!" Hopper quickly stopped pushing his finger into your bullet wound in an attempt to fish it out. 
   "If we can get her to the others we can keep her alive murray suggested. 
"Is she going to make it?"
    You felt yourself be lifted off the ground into hoppers arms. 
"I'm sorry for yelling at you...I know you love me and El both."
 He shook his head and quickly started making his way through the fair. "I know sweetie I'm sorry too...but right now I just need you to work on staying awake.Ok? We need to get you to the mall...they'll have stuff to help you I'm sure…" you nodded. 
   Hopper sat in the back of the Todd father with you as joyce raced down the street, murray in the front and alexie on the other side of you. 
"I wanna...I wanna see steve and...and El before i-" 
   "Don't worry you're gonna see them...I promise and you aren't going to die…but in order to do that you need to stay awake ok? Please stay awake..." hopper wrapped his arms around you tightly. And despite everything being hazy you could see tears building in his eyes. And You somehow managed to wrap your arms around him. 
  He could see you where dozing off. 
"C'mon kid stay with me!" you lay your head back against the car door and look up at him. You could feel his hand press hard against your side causing you to whimper out.      
    "Uh...remember...remember the time..where you had Steve over without me knowing? I came to check on you and you pushed him off the bed?" 
   You chuckled half heartedly and breathless. "He...he fell so hard.. He sprained his wrist." you added. 
 Joyce bit her lip, hearing the sadness in hoppers voice as he tried so desperately to keep you awake, she started driving a little bit faster. Everyone in the car was silent holding, very obviously on edge. 
    "How about Halloween? Huh?" you smiled shutting your eyes. "You told el she couldn't go trick or treating...but I took her anyways...she was so happy and later that night...that night we watched Charlie Brown...and ate all our candy.." tears slipped down hoppers face. "Yea…You always did whatever it took to make people happy...and safe…I always told you not to be a hero...and that still never stopped you..." 
 You hummed in response watching the stars pass over your head, even those where starting to blur, "how could it?...I for everything I know from you…"  
       Suddenly the night sky was interrupted with hues of electric pink light.
    "We made it!" 
Hopper quickly  lifted you up and raced you into the mall. 
  "Hop?" You heard el's voice very faintly as the five of you ran into the mall. "Holy shit! Y/n!?" 
   You looked up upon hearing Steve's voice. "Harrington?" Steve ran toward you right alongside eleven. You reached out to Steve with both arms and he was quick to take you into his just like hopper had you. 
   "Y/n?" You looked at him half lidded. "God, look at you…" you reached your hand up to touch his bruised cheek. He chuckled feeling worried years build in his eyes too. "Look at me? Look at you…" 
"Keep pressure on her side!" steve looked around  for a place to set you in order to do so. 
  "Steve!" el pulled the both of you to the platform that surrounded the plants in the center of the mall. He pulled you onto it resting you between his legs, so your back was against him. He pressed his hand against your wound causing you to wince. 
   "I'm sorry, I'm sorry." he kept his other arm securely wrapped around your shoulders. "It'll be ok…" 
You rested your head against his shoulder. Closing your eyes. 
   "Yes, Steve?" 
"I'm making sure you aren't dying." You chuckled followed by a cough. 
El came up beside You taking your hand tears streaming down her face. 
   "El...don't...Don't cry...I'll...I'll be…" You took a shaky breath. "I'll be ok...who's gonna take you to do things dad won't let you huh? Can't do that if I'm dead…" 
You felt her jump up and hug you, you could feel her tears hitting your neck and shoulder. "El..please…" You hadn't cried until this point, you didn't want to worry your dad or Joyce. But seeing el crying like this broke you. 
  "Bring her here!" 
"Hop, she's lost a lot of blood do you think-" 
   "It has too! It has to work, joyce! I am not going to lose one of my daughters."
Steve picked you up and carried you over to where they were setting up. 
  After he laid you down you grabbed his hand. "Steve please..please Don't leave!" 
   "Hey I'm not going anywhere." 
You coughed out a sob. "Promise me that you'll take me on a trip? Somewhere nice? Just for a whole?" 
 "Yea i...I Promise...where did you have in mind?" 
You thought a moment as murray, joyce, johnathan and hopper all worked to help you. "Rus-" You grind your teeth in pain. 
   "Russia might be nice?..." Steve laughed through his tears. And You squeezed his hand, not that he really minded or noticed, not in this particular moment anyways. 
   " I love you Harrington." 
"I love you too..." You cried out again squeezing his hand harder. 
   "It's ok...almost over…" Steve tried his best to reassure but the look on murray and Joyce's face said otherwise.
   Robin sat next steve, and despite not really knowing you as much as she liked her eyes where red and puffy matching everyone in the room, the room was not quite enough to hear a pin drop or anything like that because instead it was filled with hushed murmurs from friends whispering things about what had happened, and choking sobs from every direction you looked.
El was still sitting over you her body shaking with ever sob she let out. Hopper sat next to her and pulled her into his arms.
     Steve was curled up his knees brought to his chest and his head hidden inside.  "Hey…" there was a beat of silents. Robin was convinced That he wasn't going to say anything. 
   "That was...that was the first time...the first time we said to each other... and in all the times I imagined it...I never once thought it would be the last time too…" Robin looked down defeated by his words. "And I promised her...I would take her away from here so many times...before I got this stupid job, before we finished school, I always told her we would run away from Hawkens...leave it all behind and start new in some foreign and new place...I promised her!" 
   "Steve…"  he tucked his head back onto his knees his body shaking with sobs. She didnt say anything else she just sat next to him in scilents letting her own tears fall. 
   "Harrington…" He looked up again to see hopper standing there looking worse than he had. "Here I think...I think she'd want you to have this.." hopper tossed him something before sitting down. 
   Steve caught it and examined it. "Her necklace?..." 
   "It's not just a necklace, shit head...just open it." 
Steve did as he was told and piped it open finding the insides to have two pictures. One being him and you, it made him smile he remembered that day. Hopper was out and you had him come over to watch a movie, but instead You two had ended up laying on the floor just talking, he asked about different things in your room and you happily explained the story behind them, before finally getting up and grabbing your camera and laying back in your spot on the floor. 
   He had begged you not to take that picture but you did, it was slightly fuzzy but just clear enough to make out what was happening. 
   You had your face turned to him and his to you as he attempted to push you away. You where both so happy there. 
   "I remember she told me it was awful...I can't believe she kept it.." 
   "Yea that was taken...the day after I brought el home…" it was a silly picture, you and el where looking behind You as hopper angrily looked at them ready to take the camera from them. 
  "I think you should have it…" 
Hopper shook his head. "I have plenty to remember her by…"
Steve nodded looking at the picture letting another tear fall onto it.
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