#and if it's a descendent of Joseph we're probably looking at like...1960s at the earliest (but probably present day if we're being honest)
top possibilities for JOJOLands setting, pulling only from geographically appropriate islands I have lectured about in the past year:
Japanese-occupied Micronesia during the Japanese Mandate (unlikely)
Japanese-occupied Micronesia during present day (slightly more likely...but why)
Okinawa during present day (more likely than either of those but kind of tame)
Okinawa during present day but it’s about Japanese imperialism (less likely AND less tame)
Okinawa during the Japanese Mandate of Micronesia (NOW we’re cooking and also I’d read that for the Taisho-vibes)
Guano Islands (unhinged but it explains where the money is from)
any of the other numerous islands in Southeast Asia that Japan invaded during WWII (unlikely, unless Araki has gone really wild)
the above but during present day (more likely...but why)
the above during present day...but it’s about the continuing legacies of Japanese imperialism (again, I would read this, but would Araki write it?  probably not)
Hawai’i during present day (why)
Hawai’i but the main JoJo is there to work on the sugar plantations (...I would read this but also. why)
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