#and ill print one for you! and send it with a star trek stamp! i only have a sheet of stamps rn so i can only do a few but. if anyone's
zine-garden · 1 year
There are SO many types of zines, sometimes it’s hard to keep track of! Here is a list of common zine categories with links to either free to read zines, descriptions, or artist shops and zine distros to buy from!
art zine - Zines that are filled with art, photo, collage, etc. This could be a sketchbook zine, drawings under a singular theme, or a general compilation of art. This is the most common type of zine produced by artists!
Subject of Devotion, Sabrina Mellado (For Shortbox Comics Fair). This was a digital collection of sketchbook scans available for free, compiled on her website
comic zine - Writing and drawing a self produced and printed comic! Another popular category of zines for artists. Also: Diary comic zines, Auto-bio Comic Zines.
How to Survive a Haunting, Jade Zhang Duende, Elle Shivers
fanzine - Fan-drawings, comics, writing, meta, fiction, etc. compiled into a self-published work!
I know the internet has taken over what many people, especially in fandom, understand a zine to be, but anyone can make a zine and anyone can make a fanzine. At the zine library I used to help maintain, there was an 8 page mini that was just a bunch of Idris Elba pics with cute kaomoji’s saying “i love uwu idris elba <3”. The first media fanzine was published in 1967, for Star Trek called, “Spockanalia.” Seriously, all you need to do is be impassioned by a subject to write, collage, or draw something about it!
Stitching Together, Annie Mok (Available to read for free, but I encourage you to send her a tip as she has recently been in recovery from surgery and is also on food stamps https://ko-fi.com/heyanniemok/shop) Good Chicken, Natalie Mark (Me! Is self promo okay?)
info zine - A zine that shares information. This can be informational, or it can be an instructional zine such as a “DIY Zine” or a “Recipe Zine.”
Trans/Disabled Bibliography, Saul Freedman. I don’t have a link to this one, but it was a really wonderful and short zine of both citations and a love letter to the works cited. Instead, I have linked you to Saul’s zine page on his website 🤠 Patchwork Primer: how do we find what we’re not looking for?, kaythi and seiji. This info zine was created for an event I organized for people creating zines on the margins. I invited the two of them to co-program an activist book club for the event!
litzine - A “literary zine” can be a collection of fiction, poetry, prose, etc. that is self published and distributed as a zine. Also called “lit zine”, or “literary zine”. Some people prefer “chapbook”, or “poetry zine” for poetry.
My favourite litzines are not available anywhere online, so I will describe one of them for you? Todo Parecia de Cristal / “Everything Looked Like Crystal”, Laura Rojas is a collection of photos of the artist’s mom and her siblings growing up paired with journaling between 2015-18. They couldn’t bring photo albums with them when the moved to Canada from Colombia, and the photos had been mailed to her years prior to the making of the zine.
perzine - A “personal zine” focuses on the artist’s life, opinion, or thoughts in some capacity. A zine about yourself, your experiences, your life, a particular memory, your feelings, etc. This is my favourite type of zine!
Sonali Menzes/glittermagpie has some really awesome perzine and info zines about anxiety and mental illness. I have her zines, So you’re anxious as fuck, and You’re so Exotic. Keet Geniza/Make! Shift! Love! is another favourite zinester! I love Keet’s perzine series, Picking Bones, which are full of reflective auto-bio comics and prose. Your Whiteness is Boring: A Gender Perzine, Cleo Peterson.
political zine - Dealing with political topics, anarchy, communism, social justice, historical movements, and present day issues.
An Illustrated Struggle for Housing from Canada to the Philippines, Julie Guevara Autonomous Resistance To slavery and Colonialism, Russell Maroon Shoatz. (Note, the prices on Brown Recluse Distro are for BIPOC only, white people and institutions are asked to donate an extra $5 USD)
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