#and im just picturing this fucking buzzfeed video from like 2012 about 'things you never thought youd say until you had kids'
rushman2-0 · 1 year
...... do you think when Bruce finally let Dick out as Robin in the cape and scaly panties....
Y'think he had to teach Dick how to put on a cup like a parent sending their kid off to their first day of Little League?
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dreamdilddy · 6 years
favorite moments in this game grumps (feat jacksepticeye!) livestream
"I don't know, buzzfeed is still around" shady queen seán is in the building right out the gate
"we're gonna be watching the nintendo direct stream with y'all so you don't...leave our stream" (I wasn't watching the stream because my friend came over to watch the nintendo direct so like...fuckin @ me next time arin)
their Nintendo direct stream predictions that were basically all accurate lmfaO
"super smush"
"it's almost like I was a fan of yours before I became your friend...much like everybody else in this office" that's real
"I'm not your dad...i could be. do you wanna file for adoption? donate 50 more dollars if you want t-"
"are you the video game boy?
"you gonna vom dude?"
seán "being the Twitter comments"
"I was up late because I was probably doing something." "dying at video games?"
"what's pooping, dudes?"
seán exploring the psychology of "the daddy thing"
"seán...he's an assist trophy" in like the saddest soap opera voice
"I want shinya takahashi to come out and give me what I need."
"yes, yokai watch! awesome! they're still trying to make that happen here"
"are you sure you're not a video game reviewer, arin?"
"man these anime dubs are really bad"
"waluigi for splatoon 2"
me wondering why I stopped watching jacksepticeye when he's literally so funny
"do people say 'noobs' anymore?" "only if they're pwning people."
"I want a gif of peach holding a controller because that's the hottest thing I've ever seen."
"there is no way that that motherfucker can hold that controller. I have tiny hands and I can barely hold that controller"
"aw man I miss my brother. I wish he wasn't dead."
"let me steal all your personal data"
everything that comes out of seán's mouth is iconic I'm literally laughing every time he says anything
them shitting on the NES controllers and then being like "okay...thats pretty cool." because I did that same shit
"I though you were the video game boy."
arin being so excited about final fantasy crystal chronicles because that's ME
seán immediately going EW to that final fantasy pocket edition
"that does not look that nice...is it just me?"
arin predicting animal crossing from the very beginning and STILL getting fucking lit as fuck when it happened
the disappointment when it was just Isabelle for smash
everyone in the background gasping and during the animal crossing announcement and then screaming in excitement lmfaO
me literally just watching this fuckin Nintendo direct stream again. and out of sync as well. the things I do, y'all.
"it got deleted by our bot...so it was probably something about darude sandstorm or something."
"I'm the video game boy, I'm the one who never finishes the games. I'm the one who starts!"
"you're welcome for the shout-out. it only cost $20!"
"real wholesome hours now, boys"
"your job isn't to just stand by and cheer us on?"
playing super mario odyssey I'm alivE
that really nice person who donated $200 on behalf of the people who couldn't afford to donate. the message they wrote was so sweet too I love them.
"they've got little cheeto feet"
"I love getting philled in" (me as fuck)
[toad voice] the blood is on my hands
"oh god, just get to the checkpoint please." "what are you, dan?"
"Ross punched me in the gut yesterday."
"he just did a gang sign before he left. what was that about?"
"I midjusged the distance because arin is...a Thicc Boii™"
"Oh. punch me and then call me fat. thanks" me
"Mr. fuckin deep pockets over here"
"ya stingus"
video game boy school where arin teaches you how to win (somehow)
"no stop, PLEASE HELP" "we're all having fun here"
"who would I staff at my school? you'd all be janitors."
"oh seth everman! he said 'epic sex."
watching Mario get impatient with waiting and seeing the animations where he lays down and the pigeon just comes and chills on his nose
"secret girder tunnel! that's what I call my butthole!"
"look at all those youtubers with their dyed hair"
arin saying the space octopus had a strap-on
seán saying the bunny on the moon looks like it's mowing the grass lmfaO
"the moon landing was fake. it's a conspiracy to hide the bunny"
any time they do the toad voice
"thank you petrolsniffking for the $20...please don't do that, but thank you"
"I'm the petrol sniff king! I'm the one who huffs!"
"thank you for the california 20"
arin reading "arin's not gonna read this lol"
"you're a sexy man. you're a brave boy. the earth is flat."
"I don't like that she has jiggle physics"
"in the picture we took for this, the one with you holding a gun to my head, everyone was talking about how curvy I was"
"you're not fuckin...miss teen america"
"Mario's a fuckin gymnast. Mario spent years at...Carnegie Hall. Honing his craft...i don't know what they do at Carnegie Hall."
arin's peeweedidi youtube channel lmfaO
them putting out theories on how bowser gets his money and pondering who is bowser jr.'s mom
"let's get real. browser's fuckin HOT"
"is this furry? it's more like, monster fucking"
more furry discussion. a common theme in these grump streams.
"okay now let's talk about vore for a minute" STOP
arin saying to live your truth and like whatever kink you like and then saying "arin hanson...2012" and seán going "2018 arin would never say that"
Dan and Ross are gonna try to continue king's quesT IM GONNA
"even bowser has dyed hair. he wants to be a youtuber."
"stick em up, this is a robbery"
"man. we used to be funny." (same)
arin sneezes so interestingly idek dude
"who's your ideal youtuber boxing match, go" "arin vs. dan"
like just a full minute of the tim allen impression
"my little bowser penis is gonna flop all about!"
"you know you had to do it to them"
their tragic bowser theories
bowser jr. IS the scrabby doo of mario omg
"peach is not that great. you two are strong independent men. be with each other."
"whatever, Mario is in the prison of his own mind" fuckin SAME
the tweetus deletus thing and seán going "fuck's sake...hello fellow kids!"
"and you will treat us..." "to diabetus"
good stream.
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