#and in comes tmnt helping me realize my gender identity in it's finality. even with all the glistening and unconventional facets.
sansxfuckyou · 6 months
realizing that every single thing i've learned about myself has been through means of ninja media
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leo rottmnt? ^^
i actually never had the chance to rotate rise leo in my brain ive been.... preoccupied (stares at mikey and donnie)
One aspect I love: i love the change of him being the second oldest tbh it lets leo's character breathe in a way it hasn't been able to and to really act out! (and give him some cool new insecurities lmao) i do love how there's so much more to his character and how he just doesn't think of him as all that but tries to pass it off as he is confident. he's incredibly hard on himself like every leo but hides it behind jokes instead of the older sibling/leader veneer.
One aspect I wish more people understood about them: movie leo was absolutely scared shitless. he was acting out not because he truly thought he was doing the best job but because he didn't want to be leader. the whole movie is him learning how to be a leader and to grow into the position. what he was doing was definitely acting up because he was terrified. he's a perfectionist through and through and he is infinitely much harder on himself than anyone else is. he finally grows into his own throughout the movie and its the best development for his character
One (or more) headcanon(s) I have about them: he's a kaito fan holds a grudge he will forgive but NEVER forget he is actually the only one of the brothers in the future who never grows hair. bald moment. slap his head and it sounds like you took a screenshot. loves learning languages. will just start picking up random ones but will rarely follow through unless he really vibes with it (hated french but spanish and portuguese was fun) THE CLOSET IS MADE OUT OF FUCKING GLASS LMAOOOO has negative sense of direction. will get lost in a straight corridor. think zoro from one piece. he's not finding SHIT.
One character I love seeing them interact with: the hamato clan def but i adore the disaster twins lmao (i am a donnie enjoyer)
One character I wish they would interact with/interact with more: draxum frfr need more interactions where leo is still bitter about being dropped from a roof GIVE ME AN USAGI YOJIMBO CROSSOVER it doesn't even have to be yuichi it could be just a rise version of Miyamoto I JUST LOVE THE CROSSOVERS BETWEEN USAGI YOJIMBO AND TMNT
One (or more) headcanon(s) I have that involve them and one other character: donnie got him into vocaloid if he were to get a cloaking brooch he would look the most similar to yoshi leo and raph have long mask tails because they're older and they purposefully cut mikey and donnie's tails bc of The Incident when they were kids. he's a pulgero turtle 💀 draxum got him at the pulgero and he was in the shitty plastic container with the plastic tree got him for like 8$ leo was the first to start talking out of the turtles made a powerpoint presentation about sexuality and gender identity for raph donnie and mikey. the call was coming from inside btw he didn't even realize it was ringing. tried playing baseball once to help april with her pitching and got absolutely bodied by some deadballs. thats actually how they found out the turtles were just Built Different.
Send me more characters!
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cobythinks · 6 years
Thank You
Today I’m feeling so very grateful that I’m able to live the way I live and feel the way I feel so here we go fahm get ready for some deep shit.
Thank you, firstly to my friend Emay. We don’t talk much anymore, but it’s because of you that I’m part of the many amazing communities that I’m about to mention below. By adding me to one simple Google Hangouts Group Chat, you opened up my world and let me be myself.
Thank you to all those in the TMNT 2012 fandom that has dissolved since the end of that show. This was the first online community I was in and exposed me to so many more and I met a lot of people I was, might I say, destined to meet. One of the most memorable being @buttergriffin332 who wasn’t even that deep into TMNT, but interacted with it enough that I followed.
So Thank You, Butters, you may have had a few hard times but you always managed to post things that made me smile when I was having hard times too. I neglected to follow you when I got a new Online identity, but that’s been rectified because your content makes me very very happy.
My next Thank You would be directed to Thomas Sanders ( @thatsthat24 ) for the amazing content that I’ve gotten to watch and learn from on his youtube channel. Being raised by homophobic parents, it meant everything to me to learn that the world wasn’t as bad as they made it out to be. You showed me that there was more than the black and white, gay and straight, cisgender world that I was raised in. Watching your videos has always given me the courage to be myself, even if I can’t come out as transgender until I’m an adult. Your channel is where I go when I’m feeling depressed, and yours and a few other YouTubers channels managed to help pull me out of some very dark places. So, thank you.
Thank You to the entire Thomas Sanders and Sanders Sides fandoms. In addition to Thomas’s videos, you helped show me that I was valid and that I could be who I wanted to be. That I could grow up to still be myself, and not what everyone expected. It’s blogs like @randomslasher , @puns-and-patton , @callboxkat , @lefaystrent,  and @dailypattondoodle that constantly make me smile and cheer me up on bad days. So thank you.
Thank you to all of the people I’ve seen in Thomas’s Videos as well. Joan, (@thejoanglebook ), Talyn, Terrence, Dominic, Valerie, Dalhia, JayisJo, and the many many others that have impacted me and made it possible to see myself in the future as I want to be. You truly are incredible people even if I don’t know much about you, you’ve helped me immensely.
Now a different couple fandoms I’ve joined only recently. These being youtubers as well.
Thank you, Phil Lester (@amazingphil) , for being a king of youtube. I’d heard your name, but only in the fall of 2018 did I go into your channel and find an incredible source of joy and happiness. You, too, have provided smiles when I was sad and made me feel uplifted. I just wish I’d found your videos earlier and been able to be part of the amazing community surrounding them for longer. You provide joy on a daily basis for me and many many others, so Thank You.
Thank you, Daniel Howell (@danielhowell ), for all of your videos. Thank you for not giving up, for showing people like me that future is possible. That it's possible to get better, and that amazing things are possible no matter where you come from. You inspire me in so many ways, and it's incredibly motivating as a young person with mental illness to see what you’ve accomplished, which I could only hope to shadow in my entire lifetime. Truly, if I could make one person feel as happy as your videos make me feel, my life would be complete. So Thank You.
Thank You Jackson Bird, who no longer uses his Tumblr Page, for your videos on youtube as well. Watching your videos and listening to your tips has helped me so much the past few months as I came to term with my gender identity. You really could have no idea how much this means to me. Not only that, but you’re another role model in my life. You’ve shown that a full transition is possible, and though it may be messy because of my situation, I won’t give up. So, Thank You.
Others I try to thank include Max, my best friend who has been supportive and helped me out when I told her I was transgender. Kim, my little sister who did the same for me. Cordie, who is just a fun person to chat with online. And Lee, my soulmate, whom I love very much. Thanks, guys, even though you don’t have Tumblr and won’t see this.
All the people I’ve mentioned right now impacted me so so much in just the past year or so when I finally found that my life shouldn’t be lived in the bubble my family claimed it should be. There are so many more people as well, that have helped me to find time to love myself, but these are the biggest pieces of the puzzle that showed me who I was. And I’m so very grateful.
This sounds very sappy and almost like a kind of farewell, Lol sorry about that. I’m just feeling very passionate! Don’t worry, I’ll still be posting on both Tumblr, Twitter, and Youtube (though that may get messy in the next few months) and the only goodbye I’m saying is a goodbye to the past. Lining it all up like this is making me realize how fortunate I am, and only makes me want to progress further and embrace the future,
So yeah… that’s my thank you.
With Love,
- Coby
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