#and it feels like even if there were specific laws against x group the goalpost would be 'but who actually enforces that law🤦'
uncanny-tranny · 11 months
Honestly, the whole "[x] group can't be oppressed! Name one right they don't have!!!" because it's such a narrow-minded, State-enforced look at oppression and group struggle.
When you talk to a marginalized group, often they might bring up that there are laws that hinder their movement through life, but a ton of discussions won't surround the law - they might talk about how they are refused equal opportunities, or are medicalized, or treated like a problem to be solved. When you focus so heavily on the State, you are neglecting that enforcers of oppression or oppressive dynamics will not be the people with the highest power of the land.
Despite there (in theory) being equal rights, that by no means means that it is correct to surmise that no group of people aren't oppressed or marginalized. Just because there isn't a law in place that says, "discriminate against this group!" doesn't mean that they are granted the same opportunities or ways of life you might have.
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