#and it was a 'ok I'm gonna try manifesting here' video where he's looking for a gf
homosociallyyours · 1 year
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that-bajan-kid · 4 years
Boku No Hero Academia Chapter 291 SPOILERS
(I don't know what to put here...)
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Baby. Where did 14-15yr old Touya find a jaw bone that matched his? How did he know it was a match? That jacket kinda looks like it's the same brand Natsuo wears. Speaking of Natsuo, this chapter is called "Thanks for being alright". This better show the other Todoroki's reactions to this.
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So his hair did go from red to white. Touya looks pretty excited to be training with Endeavour tho I'm pretty sure I already know how it all went wrong. It doesn't look like Touya's hair turned white due to stress. I mean he doesn't look very stressed out in this panel and his hair is already turning white. Is it something to do with his quirk then?
Okay so Enji and Rei decided together to have another kid, Fuyumi, with Enji's reason being he wanted a kid with both quirks and Rei's being she wanted siblings that would encourage each other. Boy did that backfire. Fuyumi only got Rei's ice but at the time Enji was pretty content with what he had cause Touya had a super powerful fire quirk. The Todoroki's seem pretty normal so something must have happened between Fuyumi's birth and Natsuo's. Maybe that's when Enji discovered Touya's limitations.
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Ok so I'm thinking the change in hair colour definitely has something to do with his quirk since it looks like his fire started hurting him after his hair started turning white. There's a question mark by that ouch which leads me to believe this is the first time it's happened. Touya probably pushed himself past his own limitations in an attempt to keep his father's attention but then Shouto's quirks manifested and Touya was pushed aside completely. He probably felt like Shouto was stealing their dad from him and Enji ignoring him probably didn't help. No wonder he hates Shouto.
Enji is in complete and utter denial. Meanwhile Touya is living is best life taunting Endeavour and asking why he was never invited to his fire quirk infested agency.
Compress is wondering why Dabi didn't tell them about this and Spiner is trying to get Shiggy to give Machia an order cause apparently he finally passed out. The Todoroki drama was to much for him to handle. Dabi tells Endeavour to run a DNA test if he doesn't believe him but Dabi already ran his own and is currently showing it to the general public on the latest episode of Keeping up with the Todoroki's.
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Omg they had to call Fuyumi out of her class. And Natsuo's face, poor boy is in shock. The video is already going viral. This is gonna follow them for the rest of their lives. Also Touya and Enji have very different versions of what happened in terms of the siblings being born. I mean maybe that's how it went down with Natsuo and Shouto, but Touya and Fuyumi seemed to have been a mutual decision. Yeah it's Endeavour's flashback but his is the only one we see and Dabi is an unreliable source.
Oh my god the heroes are so fucked. Can't-you-see-kun is yelling about how no one could possibly believe the words of a villain and then the video cuts to HAWKS STABBING TWICE IN THE BACK. When did he record that? Does this mean he let Twice get killed on purpose? It's not like he was in tears after it happened and before y'all come for me in the notes, when Dabi cries he cries blood. We saw it when he was reflecting on what Snatch told him. Yes his tear ducts probably are broken but that doesn't mean he can't cry. Plus he was grinning like a kid on Christmas after Twice's death, guess now we know why.
(Edit: So I forgot about the cameras in Hawks' wings but I still think Dabi wasnt actually hurt by Twice's death. It still worked out in his favour in the end so why should he?)
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I COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT THE CAMERAS IN HIS WINGS!!! Are those things heat proof or some shit? His wings were literally on fire. Lmao Sceptic. Shit I don't know if the heroes are gonna recover from this. Dabi literally said "why stop at Endeavour? Why not air out Hawks' dirty laundry too?~".
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Dabi is on a role today. It would be so funny if Best Jeanest really is alive and decided to use this moment to make his grand appearance. It wouldn't do much against all this damning evidence but it would cause more chaos and that is what I thrive on.
(Edit: Ya love to see it)
Tho this info makes it more believable that Keigo was abused by his father which would not only make Endeavour arresting him coincidental but also extremely ironic.
Video Dabi is going on about how heroes are the scum of the Earth and that the civilians are being lied to.
Irl Dabi is going on about how people will never trust the heroes again and he's absolutely right. I don't know how they're gonna recover from this. Can't-you-see-kun is in tears. Everyone looks so distraught, except for Iida who's wearing a helmet and Bakugou who looks like he's about to straight up die at any given moment. Dabi is all "Thanks for playing, Endeavour" as he jumps down from Machia's back.
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IT'S HAPPENING! THIS IS IT!! Dabi is straight up suicide bombing them. There is no way Dabi is gonna survive this, he's already at his limit. If Endeavour doesn't move, and I seriously doubt he will, he's gonna get caught in the blast and probably die. Poor Shouto is in tears. Man he is gonna be sooo traumatised.
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I'M SO GLAD HE'S ACTUALLY ALIVE AND MAN WHAT A SHOCK THAT MUST BE FOR DABI. "Apologies for being fashionably late." My man I missed you so much. Also roll credits cause I'm so glad he's alright. I can't wait to see the different variations of "this takes away from Hawks' character growth" even tho it really doesn't. Also is it just me or does Best Jeanest have a new hero costume? We'll most likely get an explanation on what happened next chapter.
Until next time.
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