#and it's okay man aklsfjskd kaveh doesn't do well in the desert so they can BOTH listen to each other complain 😂
howthesleeplesswander · 9 months
@vattghcrn continued from here! ((these boys are going on a desert adventure 😤🙌))
"Oh, ha-ha," Kaveh said with a roll of his eyes. "And people think witchers don't have a sense of humor. You could wear some color along with all that armor, you know. Personally, I think you'd look rather handsome in rich greens. Something like a nice olive or dark pine—oh, or even juniper!"
He took a moment to study the brilliant gold of Geralt's eyes that practically glowed beneath the desert sun. Definitely green, the artist nodded to himself. "It could even be like camouflage if you had contracts in the forest. Color isn't just for aesthetics—it can have practical applications, too!"
But Geralt eventually gave a serious response, to which Kaveh simply scoffed. The only reason the witcher would trek this far out into the desert was if there was a job to be done. Honestly he could hardly imagine what kind of monster was lurking in the sand that even the Guardian of Aaru Village couldn't handle.
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"The last time I ventured into the desert I passed out from the heat," he admitted with a grimace. "I was out for hours; I didn't come to until it was nighttime and the air had cooled off. It's a miracle I didn't get sunburned to death!" Not that he regretted the actions that led to that consequence. Winning the Interdarshan Championship would've rung hollow if he hadn't gotten those desert foxes to safety first.
"I wouldn't call 'passing out' fun or a way to change things up." And yet, a silent moment passed where Kaveh squinted out at the distant dunes before heaving a dramatic sigh. "Fine, alright—but don't forget that you promised to help me collect some henna berries! I'm down to the last few drops of my favorite red paint, and I can't make more without them."
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