#and it's so incredibly soft and you just get the strongest urge to kissy him gently anywhere
katrinawritesthings · 6 years
Kissie Jonghyun Challenge
Hello it is me and I am here with a challenge for Jonghyun’s birthday!!!!!
This one's real simple because for the past like several months I've been writing a fic where Jonghyun gets kissies on every part of him body and like immediately after I finished and had no more body parts to write I thought. Wouldn't it be neat if I asked some people to write some parts for me so I could put them into the fic and it would just be everyone's softness and love for Jongie in one fic. But like I already finished so I can't do that now lmao but like
I'm opening up a challenge anyway!!! All you gotta do is write/draw Jonghyun getting a kissy on literally any part of his body. You know his two little moles under his undercut?? His little wefreaky tattoo?? His second ab on the left??? His weenie hole?? His biceps or his palms or his under knees or his toesies or his perfect soft round little cute nosie??? Any body part!!! Pick your favoritiest body part that just looking at makes you feel soft and that you want to kissie the most and do it!!! Slams my fists on the table just blatantly self-insert yourself and your love for Jonghyun and give him the smoochies that he deserves
It doesn't even have to be long or detailed and actually the shorter the better because they're just supposed to be little moments in time where we appreciate Jonghyun for just existing so it can just be one sentence or a 2-minute little doodle and you just gotta post it on April 8th for his birthday and tag me and tag like Kissie Jonghyun Day and that's it!!! My fic is like exclusively jongtae so the other 3 pairings would be nice but also like I'm not going to say no to more jongtae so do whatever you want!!! Make it poly or girlee or fantasy or anything I don't care all I want is for Jonghyun to get the smooches and the love that he deserves on his birthday
Here is an example of one of mine for reference::::
Taemin doesn’t know what it is about the outer corners of Jonghyun’s eyes that is so adorable. Maybe it’s the way he does his eyeliner, brings it out to the tiniest, softest point. Maybe it’s when he does his eyeshadow heavier on the bottom corner so it all pops just a little more cutely. Maybe it’s just the way his eyes taper naturally that’s just a tiny bit more cute than everyone else’s. Whatever it is, Taemin misses Jonghyun’s little corner-eye-jewels phase, so he takes it upon himself to place two tiny kisses there instead.
So like to summarize,,,,
-a kissie on literally any part of his body
-Any pairing or poly combination
-Small and simple and just full of love
-Monday April 8th 2019
-Tag katrinawritesthings and Kissie Jonghyun Day So I can rebagel them all
-Love Jonghyun !!!!
Thank you for your time uwu
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