#and jinsoul can be lucifer if she wants i guess. cuz the canto 'fallen angels'... which doubles as a wong karwai reference
mobiused · 3 years
this might be stupid and I might've overlooked it on the loonaverse wiki but what is olivia's suspected unmuted, original color? I read her color may have once been bright before she fell.
Olivia's color is anything monochromatic (and by that I mean both black, white, all greys, and silver, because it's a little confusing otherwise). Hyeju once said Olivia's colors are 은별 & 검정, which are silver and black, though we've seen in teasers that she's had white too. Erm nevermind it's just a really light grey. Either way I'm not sure how much I trust Word of St Paul with this because the girls have been wrong about their lore before LOL
You're talking about this page right?
"As theorized by many, Olivia Hye is a fallen angel, meaning her color was once bright and colorful, but somehow became tainted and was outcasted, similar to Lucifer, a fallen angel in the new testament"
This is kind of making me laugh a lot because Lucifer (in his angel form) is literally never mentioned in the new testament, so already off to a rocky start. Yes, both Lucifer and Olivia fall from a non-earth plane, but I don't think that necessarily means Olivia is Lucifer. Another Biblical character who had a (less literal?) fall is Adam, a topic in Christianity known as the Fall of Man.
I don't think I understand where the bright/colorful -> tainted (and implied to be muted since she's monochromatic) comes from? Is it like, morning star -> heavenly accuser (which is what satan is usually said to mean in hebrew)? As in the morning star went 'out' or something? But the character of Lucifer isn't always considered to be the same as the character of Satan. I think Luke 10:18 is the only thing that (strenuously) links Satan and Lucifer, and a lot of Christians believe them to be two different characters, such as Lutheranism or Calvinists. Or what if we are deadnaming the Devil by calling him Lucifer... :(
Erm this is getting long one sec, below the cut is discussion on what Olivia's color means to me but ig is a little off topic
If you think about Olivia's role in the narrative compared to Lucifer, the comparison kind of confuses me. Lucifer's cardinal sin is Pride, that's what gets him cast out from Heaven/Eden (depending on who you ask). Olivia in Eden is not shown to be particularly prideful at all - in fact, she's the most meek and obedient member there, which is why Yves abandons her. Her cardinal sin is "anger" (which is meant to be understood as Wrath; the KR sub is 분노 which is what Namuwiki lists to be the sin of Wrath in Korean but is autotranslated to english as anger... sigh)
I personally interpreted Olivia's monochromatic color to mean more that she has the volition to be "good" (white) and "evil" (black) and, of course, everywhere in between. This is immediately evocative of the theme of East of Eden, that by having the free will to choose good, it gives it meaning. The character of Cal gets empowered once he internalises that "Thou mayest rule over sin" - the choice to be good, the choice to resist temptation, is always his.
I think this is a pivotal part of Olivia's character too. After finally gaining her free will after "falling" from Eden (there is obviously visual imagery for this "fall") where she was unwaveringly obedient until her escape, the first thing she does in a response to her processing her trauma is to burn everything that reminds her of, or symbolises, Yves. I always interpreted her arson to be a therapeutic way for her to assert her own free will, especially since she was coming from a place where she couldn't express her anger, towards Yves, the teacher/institution, or otherwise. Both the fire itself and the items she's burning are each symbols respectively.
The timeline is not linear in the story, but we see her swing from (perceived - who are we to judge) good and evil, from where she sets fire to the moon(?) in So What (arguably good but looks bad), to where she jumps down to meet Yves with a big smile on her face in Hi High. This may or may not be something that took her a while to learn, or alternatively something she struggles with, or relapses on, depending on how you organise the timeline, especially since it's noneuclidean as well as nonlinear.
If you think about the fall, and how the closest to white she's been was pre-debut era, it makes me wonder whether she'll ever get all the way to pure white - and what would that mean. The notion of biblical good doesn't necessarily align with what LOONA thinks is good - the lyrics of Why Not are about how they're "bad" girls for going against tradition, but they trust that in their hearts they know what is good for them. And then I also wonder if the new A&R staff even remember what the symbolic colors are meant to mean, and whether we'd actually ever see these threads picked back up... lol.
Silver always makes me think of silver bullets to kill a werewolf, and we saw a little bit of Olivia wolf shenanigans in PTT kinda. Silver is also used as a metaphor for the process of purification (Psalms 12:6, Psalms 66:10), and of course it is reflective - what does that say about Olivia's character? Are people using her as a mirror, "recognition of the self through the other" style? When she's with someone, will she imitate whatever they do too? When she has nobody to mirror, who is she then?
That being said, nothing in the loonaverse is a 1:1 allegory. While the pre-so what lore made references nearly nonstop, the narrative still remained unique and never lifted plotlines from other media, was only inspired and influenced by them. So maybe idk lol
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