#and just like with the prisoners i've mentioned i'd love to hear your third guard theories too if you have any :)
linagram Β· 1 year
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IT'S HERE LET'S GOOOOO okay i'm slowly starting to post more t2 stuff, so uh. i hope you guys are ready for this because i'm not
also i drew this in like half an hour i kinda wanted it to look messy
(warnings: mentions of physical assault/violence and attempted suicide, also Jackalope might be a bit OOC)
[ The door opens ]
*sounds of footsteps*
Eiji: Guard 002, did you call me?
Eiji: Did you need something?
Eiji: ...
Eiji: "Huh. No response."
Eiji: Guard 002, are you here?
Eiji: Miki, are you here?..
Eiji: "Where did that girl go.."
???: Ah, finally, here you are.
Eiji: !
Eiji: "What was that?.."
Eiji: Is there anybody here? You better show yourself right now or I-
???: Now, now, calm down. I know that you're one of the scariest guards we've had, but at least try to act a bit more chill this time.
Eiji: .. "We"?
Eiji: W-wait, who am I even talking to?
Eiji: Am I.. talking to the person who created this place?
???: .. Did you not notice me yet?
???: I'm literally right in front of you.
Eiji: What are you talking about? I can't see anyone here-
Eiji: H-huh?..
Jackalope: Hello there, "Guard 001".
Eiji: ...
Jackalope: Now, I know that you're the strict and responsible type, so I hope we will have a proper conversation-
[ Eiji throws something at Jackalope ]
Jackalope: .. Seriously?
Jackalope: You know what, maybe I should've chosen the girl. I'm sure she would be much easier and nicer to talk to.
Jackalope: Wait, are you-
[ Eiji throws something at him again ]
Jackalope: .. Yeah, Guard 002 would be the better option.
Eiji: *breathing heavily* Why.. are you still.. talking?..
Eiji: .. I'm not going insane, right? I'm completely normal, I'm a completely sane person..
Jackalope: *laughs*
Eiji: T-this thing can laugh too??
Jackalope: Eiji, you're one of the least sane people I've ever met.
Eiji: I..
Eiji: Maybe I should just leave. Maybe I should just leave this room.
Eiji: These last days have been.. not so easy, all this stress is getting to me.
Eiji: It's not like I hate being the guard of this prison, it's just.. It can be very hard sometimes.
Jackalope: Yeah, you actually enjoy being a guard a lot.
Jackalope: *sighs* Calm down already, will you?
Jackalope: And stop throwing stuff at me, okay? You have a lot of energy for someone with a body as weak as yours.
Eiji: ...
Eiji: .. What did you say?
Jackalope: I know a lot about you, Eiji. And about your partner too.
Jackalope: I've been watching you two all this time.
Eiji: .. H-how?
Eiji: No, like, how can you..
Eiji: How can you even talk?
Eiji: Wait, is that a guard uniform?
Eiji: Does that mean that you're also-
Jackalope: Now, I understand that you have a lot of questions and you will get answers to them eventually..
Jackalope: Probably.
Jackalope: But listen, appearing like this wasn't really a part of my plan either. I have a reason to come and talk to you in person like this.
Jackalope: If it wasn't for one small thing, I would just continue to study you two, it's so entertaining to watch you and Guard 002, haha..
Jackalope: Ahem. But anyway, we do have something important to talk about. You might want to sit down for this one.
Eiji: ...
[Eiji sits down]
Jackalope: Perfect.
Jackalope: Now, Eiji, so you understand how Milgram works, right?
Eiji: O-of course I do.
Eiji: We interrogate the prisoners, we extract their videos, we watch them.. and then we judge them.
Eiji: That's.. all we have to do.
Jackalope: Haha, really? Is that all?
Jackalope: I'm sure you understand that the guards have to do much, much more than that.
Eiji: I mean..
Eiji: It's not like I want to do it, but I have to cook for them and also, um..
Jackalope: Eiji, you know I mean something else.
Jackalope: You know, like making sure the prisoners don't die before their final verdict.
Eiji: !
Jackalope: Oh well, if they die, I guess it cannot be helped-
Eiji: .. W-what do you mean by that?
Eiji: How.. how much do you actually know?
Jackalope: Well, I know everything about those recent incidents.
Jackalope: One of the prisoners has tried to injure the two other prisoners, who are also some of the most vulnerable ones here.
Jackalope: One prisoner is now trying to do literally anything to make others pay attention to him, which doesn't always end well.
Jackalope: And there also was a prisoner who tried to kill himself-
Eiji: I.. Now I understand.
Eiji: You really do know everything.
Jackalope: Haha, of course I do. Now, I'll just get straight to the point.
Jackalope: Eiji, you remember how the trial system works, right?
Eiji: Me and Guard 002 have to discuss everyone's crimes and we have to make a decision about their verdict.
Jackalope: And would you say it's hard to make those decisions?
Eiji: .. Why don't you tell me that yourself if you've been watching us all this time?
Jackalope: Wow, look at you, acting so brave already!
Jackalope: I thought you had more respect for this place.
Eiji: .. Sorry.
Eiji: It is.. hard. Me and Guard 002 have completely different opinions and values, she thinks we should forgive all the prisoners and their crimes don't matter, meanwhile I think they all deserve to die for their sins.
Eiji: So.. we often end up arguing because of that.
Jackalope: Can you say that the first trial has been stressful for you?
Eiji: .. Well, it's only the first trial, so it's natural that we're only getting used to this-
Jackalope: It takes a lot of time to come to the same conclusion, doesn't it?
Jackalope: You want to punish all the prisoners here, meanwhile Guard 002 wants to forgive them. You two couldn't be any more different than this.
Eiji: .. Yes, I don't agree with her opinion most of the time, but I still think she deserves to be a guard. She has a reason to forgive them and when she explains it, she's able to convince even someone like me that these murderers deserve a second chance.
Jackalope: Judging by the results of the first trial, one might say that she's too good at it.
Eiji: .. Of course, you know about that too, don't you?
Jackalope: I have to say, these results have.. surprised me a bit.
Jackalope: All of these people are murderers and some of them committed the worst and scariest crimes you can ever imagine, but..
Jackalope: Most of them have been voted innocent. Actually, all but three of them were forgiven.
Jackalope: I guess Guard 002 really is good at her job, isn't she?
Eiji: Are you.. disappointed?
Eiji: I promise I will be more strict with them this time. I won't hold back. I will make sure everyone gets the punishment that they deserve-
Jackalope: I'm not here to tell you what's good and what's bad to do.
Jackalope: You can judge them in any way you want, I couldn't care less. You can vote all of them innocent or you can vote all of them guilty if you want. You don't even have to judge them based on your morals or whatever. Or you can vote them based on that, if you want.
Jackalope: Also, who am I to tell you to stop agreeing with a pretty girl all the time?
Jackalope: But again, you two are completely different people which makes this whole voting process a unique and interesting experience, but also..
Jackalope: Would you say that this voting system is flawed?
Eiji: ...
Eiji: N-no, of course not..
Jackalope: You deserve to be praised for being so loyal to this place, haha.
Jackalope: And yes, I think making two guards judge a prisoner can actually be better than just making one person choose.
Jackalope: What if that person is a coward who's too afraid of making any decisions? What if that person doesn't want to take that responsibilty? What if they just refuse to vote?
Eiji: Actually.. what happens if you refuse to vote?
Jackalope: Anyway, I'm sure you two have thought at least once about just.. not agreeing with each other and not wanting to change your mind.
Eiji: .. I guess so, yes.
Jackalope: So, Eiji, can you tell me what happens when two people can't come to the same conclusion at all and they just can't make a decision?
Eiji: Wait, but what if we just.. vote the way that we want to vote? What if Guard 002 votes someone innocent, while I vote that person guilty? What happens next?
Jackalope: *sighs*
Jackalope: Can you not answer my question with another question?
Eiji: Oh, sorry.
Eiji: I guess.. They try to find a compromise in some way?
Jackalope: But what if they can't do that? I don't think you can do something like that so easily when you have to decide whether you want to forgive or punish a murderer.
Eiji: I..
Eiji: Well, I don't know. That will probably end with a fight.
Jackalope: Hm, so your mind immediately jumped to that, huh..
Jackalope: Is it because you're used to solving problems that way?
Eiji: Um..
Jackalope: Well, I don't care about your backstory, so let me just answer the question myself.
Jackalope: When two people can't make a decision and almost end up arguing because of that..
Jackalope: They might want to ask someone for a third opinion.
Eiji: ...
Eiji: Huh?
Jackalope: You know, maybe they will just ask their friend to help them out or maybe they will ask a random person what they would do in their situation.
Jackalope: Maybe that person will have a completely different opinion, but they can still be able to guide those two and give them some advice.
Jackalope: Or, well, at least they can just be there to make sure there won't be something like a 50/50 result.
Jackalope: .. Hey, are you okay? You seem kinda pale.
Eiji: .. What does that mean?
Eiji: What do you mean by "a third opinion"?
Jackalope: Well, it's not something that you have to worry about, it's not gonna change the voting process in any way.
Jackalope: Maybe we won't even have to do that-
Eiji: Third opinion.. Asking someone to "help us out"..
Eiji: Making sure there won't be a 50/50 result..
Eiji: Hey..
Eiji: Does that mean there's a third guard hiding somewhere?
Jackalope: Hey, relax, I've already told you that it most likely won't come to that.
Eiji: .. D-does that mean there's someone else in this prison and we don't know about it?
Eiji: Are they aware of what's going on? Or maybe they're "asleep"?
Eiji: .. Wait a second.
Eiji: Me and Guard 002..
Eiji: We both are related to other prisoners.
Eiji: Me and Prisoner 005 are brothers and Guard 002 is most likely related to Prisoner 007.
Eiji: And I don't think this is a coincidence, so..
Jackalope: Wow, you really are smart.
Eiji: .. Does that mean you're hiding someone's family member here? If it has to be someone's sibling..
Eiji: Wait.. I remember. Prisoner 002 has an older brother, Prisoner 004 has an older brother and a younger sister, Prisoner 006 has a younger brother, Prisoner 009 has an older brother and two younger sisters and Prisoner 010 has a younger brother.
Eiji: If you're hiding someone's sibling, it has to be-
Jackalope: Eiji. Does this mean that you don't want to do all of this anymore?
Jackalope: Does this mean you don't want to be a guard anymore?
Jackalope: Do you really want to let Guard 002 forgive your brother like that?
Eiji: ...
Jackalope: Listen, I also wasn't a fan of this whole concept of "choosing the prisoners' siblings as the guards". Doesn't that sound like a cheap plot twist? What, is this some kind of drama?
Jackalope: But eh, I went along with it.
Eiji: .. I'm sorry.
Eiji: I'm sorry, I really do have a lot of respect for this place and if I could, I would stay here so that I can judge even more prisoners.
Eiji: It's just..
Eiji: Making two people with completely different opinions judge someone, choosing people who are related to the prisoners to be the guards, saying that if we can't make a decision, there will be a third person to help us so that the prisoners can be properly judged..
Eiji: .. All of this doesn't sound like a normal trial.
Eiji: It's like.. a game. It's like someone is playing a game and they want to see just what exactly they can do while playing it. It's like they want to see just how many possibilities this game has.
Eiji: So they start.. experimenting with it, basically.
Eiji: And if I want to punish everyone so badly and I get annoyed when I see how many prisoners have been voted innocent and I want to convince Guard 002 that I'm right and she's wrong..
Eiji: .. Doesn't that mean that I've fallen right into some kind of trap? Doesn't that mean that I'm just a character in that game and I'm getting ordered around, but I don't even notice it?
Eiji: .. Wait, where are you?
Eiji: Hey, weird rabbit thing! Where did you go?
Eiji: .. For some reason I don't feel like I'm that powerful anymore. Do my decisions even matter in this place?
Eiji: Oh, there you are-
[Eiji goes silent for a moment]
Eiji: .. Wait, what am I even thinking?
Eiji: I'm the guard of the Milgram prison. I have a job to do.
Eiji: I have to go and tell everyone about the second trial.
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