#and just to be clear. I don't ship ri/na like that (blocking it out so it doesn't infiltrate the tags)
makeyouminemp3 · 2 years
I don't know if it'll actually happen, but I do hope that after the play is over and so is camp, that ej does understand gina once all of this is done and off of his shoulders and just agrees that things may have not would work out in the long run. they were great in season 2, but sometimes good things just aren't always meant to last, and it was gina's first relationship and it wasn't perfect, not all relationships are, and that's fine. maybe, he'll come to realize that he just isn't ready for a relationship when he just should focus on himself and what he wants for his future. honestly, these kids shouldn't be in relationships if they are not emotionally ready for it, cause stuff like this will blow up in their face
ej did deserve to hear what gina said and hopefully it will be some type of wake up call. if not, then I don't know at this point. they're all young and make stupid decisions and learn to grow from it eventually because everyone is flawed. no one on this show is perfect and we can't expect them to be
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