#and khamsin is just kinda there i don't really care about him
hypnotic-delusion · 2 years
ok Myra time
so first off, her dad is still alive but her mother is not
her mother died in a car accident, but this centipede AI [which I will elaborate on later] basically took control of her and stole her memories to act exactly like her, and little three year old myra didn't know!
onto the more important stuff though, she grew up in Alabama, constantly moving places as cyborg populations grew. she was eventually sold to Equinox co. because her parents couldn't afford to take care of her anymore, tricked into thinking it would take good care of her and she'd live a happy life
obviously that wasn't the case, as they experimented on her for a prototype cyborg body that wasn't ever really finished. she escaped the facility [after murdering several people to get out] and had to hide in the alleyways for a little while!! sundowner stumbled across her [she sees him as a father figure since her dad worked all the time] and kinda just took her under his wing! he was originally planning on finishing the cybernetics and then probably using her for war things, but grew attached and decided to keep her
for her opinions on the other winds,
- she quite likes monsoon!! she likes that he's super nice to her sometimes, but he rarely ever talks to her :( so not much of a opinion on him
- you will never be able to pry her from sam EVER. he is like a big brother to her, and she constantly follows him around if sundowner isn't in the vicinity. she'll talk to him about random things for AGES
- mistral is like a second mother figure to her [I don't ship misdowner] and always gives her little treats whenever she can! she and sundowner agreed to take care of her [mostly because she needed a new mother and father figure] so they also both read her bedtime stories and tuck her in! mistral always makes sure to watch her tone [and language especially] if she's gossiping to sam around him
- she has mixed opinions on armstrong, he can be very stoic sometimes, but he seems to like her! he gave her headpats once and said she was a good kid, so her opinion of him is mostly positive :]
- she thinks khamsin is SO cool and you cannot convince her otherwise. she will carry him around whenever he's out of his mech WITHOUT asking!! sadly she doesn't get to see him often. She still doesn't know why he disappeared all of the sudden :[
- she says bladewolf reminds her of her old pet doggy that she used to have before her dad had to give it away due to financial reasons. he promised he would give it back but he never did, so bladewolf is her new doggy now :D
she has a overall positive outlook on life despite having been subjected to experimentation and being cybernetically enchanced against her will.
she actually calls sundowner dad sometimes, since he treats her like his own child
sundowner was the one to make her robotic legs + finished and fixed her enchancments
one day they all dissappear and she doesn't know why. some white haired person takes her away!
- she doesn't like raiden that much. I mean, he's nice to her and all, but he refuses to answer what happens to the winds. Atleast sunny is nice :)
I may update this who knows lol
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