#and mono does mean one i suppose... but it's not an outright number...
bravest · 5 months
the duality of me not liking the fanon name seven versus using it constantly anyway without even realising ...
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askkrenko · 7 years
Can we quit it with the good colorless cards already?
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Artifacts and otherwise colorless cards have been part of Magic: the Gathering since Alpha, and since Alpha, artifacts have represented some of the stupidest, most poorly balanced, most overpowered cards in all of Magic: the Gathering. I’m not going to get into explaining why Black Lotus, the Moxen, and Sol Ring are strong. That part’s self evident. What I want to point out, though, is how they compare to the colored spells in Alpha.
Right from the start, Green cemented itself as the color of fast mana. With Llanowar Elves, Wild Growth, and the rare Birds of Paradise, Green was far better than the other four colors at ramping. Despite this, the actual strongest mana acceleration spells in the set are the artifacts. As any deck can run artifacts easily, this means that Green wasn’t actually any better at mana acceleration than White, Blue, Black, or Red. Green did still have Channel, a card with power all its own, but the fact remained that artifacts stole away an important part of Green’s color identity.
Another interesting parallel in the same set was that of Dark Ritual and Black Lotus. The fact that Black Lotus is too strong is not the issue we’re looking at here. The issue is that Black Lotus is almost strictly better than a card that cost a colored mana. From the beginning, artifacts were better at some things than the colors who were supposedly good at it.
The question then is “Why is this bad?” This is bad because in Magic: the Gathering, deck diversity and the balance of deck construction relies heavily on the color pie. Gaining versatility and advantage in deckbuilding is supposed to require reaching out into multiple colors, diluting the reliability of casting those spells. A deck running only Black can reliably cast its Dark Rituals and use them to cast any of its spells, while a deck running Black and White will both have times when it cannot generate the Black mana to cast Dark Ritual and times when the Black mana generated doesn’t allow it to cast the spells it wants. By running Black Lotus instead, it has a card that it can always cast and that is useful for all its spells. This lessens the tradeoff. As the number of useful colorless cards increases, the balance between having the right spells and having the right mana continues to shift until, ultimately, a deck can just run all the best cards instead of needing to work into a specific color’s strategy.
Somehow, Wizards has continually managed to mess this up.
Ten years into Magic: the Gathering, Wizards made an artifact-heavy set called Mirrodin. In order to ensure that artifacts saw play, they made the set reward players for playing artifacts, then gave them far more good artifacts than they needed. The resulting sets were the most destructive in Magic’s history, driving people away from the game in droves and resulting in a huge amount of cards banned. Interestingly, the majority of the cards that were banned were artifact lands, cards that were merely ‘better’ versions of normal lands by virtue of being artifacts. Wizards attempted to encourage people to play Artifacts by making cards that rewarded them for it, but then forgot that an artifact is supposed to be worse than the colored equivalent versions. Perhaps the artifact lands were worse on paper, as they could be destroyed by artifact removal, but the sheer volume of rewards meant these lands were incredibly powerful. When everything in your deck is an artifact, the fact that your lands can be damaged by artifact removal isn’t particularly relevant, as it just draws removal away from something else. Further, affinity cards like Myr Enforcer and Frogmite rapidly became better than colored cards of the same power and toughness due to their ability to frequently cost no mana at all. The artifacts that rewarded one for playing with artifacts were so good, the best deck at the time ran three colors with no dual lands just so it could run more lands that counted as artifacts. Mirrodin and Darksteel, though, as awful as they were, were the result of a number of various features throughout a set working together too well. “Seat of the Synod” alone is not a particularly good card, nor is “Frogmite” or even “Disciple of the Vault.” It took the combination of far too many good rewards to get the massive ban, and most of that was just banning the artifact lands.
Still, it’s important to note that these rewards for playing artifacts at the time were far larger and more straightforward than the rewards for playing in color. Onslaught’s tribal themes included rewards for a number of different one and two color decks, but only Goblins managed to stand against the artifact deck at the time, and that was still not in the Goblins’ favor. The only other strong deck was a mono-green deck that relied on massive amounts of artifact removal, built specifically to fight the dominant artifact deck, and it was particularly weak against anything else. There simply weren’t any strong rewards for being in black or white, and the only rewards in blue worth noting still involved playing lots of artifacts.
After the bannings, artifacts calmed down, and for a time it looked like Magic was safe. Another seven years later, though, Wizards decided to revisit the world of Mirrodin, and once again managed to mess up hard.
Scars of Mirrodin actually learned some very important lessons about artifact balance from Mirrodin. The strong artifact rewards were all on colored cards, and the artifacts themselves weren’t significantly stronger than normal. There were some interesting and potent ones, such as Ratchet Bomb and Mox Opal, and the Swords made a powerful return, but none of them were particularly problematic at first. Though the Swords were part of a deck that resulted in bannings, the problem card was actually Stoneforge Mystic, which allowed players to search for Equipment and cast them more cheaply than their mana cost normally allowed. When used properly, the Swords were fair, if powerful. Then came New Phyrexia.
Though many weren’t artifacts themselves, spells that cost Phyrexian Mana are intensely problematic. Phyrexian Mana, like artifacts, results in a number of cards that can be played in any color, circumventing normal weaknesses. While the idea was that these cards could be paid for with mana or life, the tradeoff of two life for a mana of the color you need is generally such a good one that in practice many Phrexian Mana spells are put into decks that have no way to pay the colored component. The issue, as usual, is that these simply become “best cards” with no real downside to including them in the deck.
Even without looking at the powerfully unique cases of cards like Spellskite and Birthing Pod, a simple look at Dismember tells us that something is off. If the player doesn’t wish to pay any black mana four it, it reads “1, Instant, As an additional cost to cast this, pay 4 life. Target creature gets -5/-5 until end of turn.”  Even with Black mana, the best version of this effect is Vendetta, which can’t hit black creatures and often results in about the same life lost. In Green or Blue, this effect is powerful and unheard of. The fact that it’s spot removal means it can’t break the game outright, but it does strongly remove the need for these decks to have access to black mana if they can get a useful black effect in colorless. Looking at other examples, Slash Panther was a somewhat popular card as a 4/2 haste for 4 colorless and 2 life. Yes, a Red deck had a stronger option in Hero of Oxid Ridge, and Green had Vengevine at the time, but Blue, Black, and White had nothing comparable. Slash Panther saw play in Vintage for a time due to it being the most aggressively costed creature that can be cast for colorless mana, and more aggressive than many creatures in other colors.
Basically every card with a Phyrexian Mana cost is undercosted. Porcelain Legionnaire is a 3/1 First Strike for 2. Vault Skirge is a 1/1 Flying Lifelink for 1. Mental Misstep and Gitaxian Probe are both banned in Modern for being effects that are simply too good when they don’t require colored mana. Mutagenic Growth, Gut Shot, and Dismember also see Modern play.  There are few, if any, other mechanics where such a significant volume of cards that have that mechanic see serious, competitive play. The question with spells like these is, if we compare them to the colors that don’t normally get these abilities, “are they better than using an additional color?” We also need to ask “Are these abilities actually better than the similar spells that cost colored mana?” In many circumstances, paying 2 life to do 1 damage to target creature or player is better than spending R to do 2 damage to target creature or player. Phyrexian Mana resulted in colorless cards that were as good as (or sometimes better than) what their color could normally do.
Fast forward a few more years and we see a set with colorless, non-artifact creatures. Oath of the Gatewatch introduced a number of creatures that only cost colorless mana, and these were immediately a problem. Despite the attempt to restrict use by requiring colorless mana, many of these creatures were aggressive, powerful, and immediately broken in older formats. Eldrazi ravaged modern and, while there painlands enabled it, they made their mark on standard as well. Overall, the Eldrazi, while powerful, did not damage standard too much, but a handful of creatures showed off the standard problem of strong colorless cards: Matter Reshaper, Thought-Knight Seer, and Reality Smasher were all more powerful than the creatures that could be played for colored mana. Even top decks already using three colors of creature were using Matter Reshaper, showing both that attaining the colorless mana was too easy and that it was a superior creature to even multicolored creatures, let alone single colored ones.
To see the issue, we need to look only at these creatures and compare them to those of other colors. Let’s look closely at Reality Smasher.
5/5, 5 mana, haste, trample. It has a second ability that’s beneficial, but a bit harder to quantify.  In the history of Magic: the Gathering, there have been 33 creatures with Haste at 5 or more power and 5 or less mana. This sounds reasonable, but let’s first cut out the fourteen of these that leave play at the end of their turn and the five that have some sort of additional cost, leaving us with fourteen. Of these fourteen, only Demigod of Revenge, Horde of Notions, Hunted Dragon, Skizzik, Thunderblust, and Thundermaw Hellkite have any form of evasion, and Hunted Dragon comes with a pretty serious drawback of its own.  Of these, Demigod of Revenge and Horde of Notions both have intense color requirements, the former forcing you to only use red and black, and the latter requiring all five. A direct comparison to Thunderblust and Skizzik are more difficult, in part due to Skizzik’s ability to be underpaid for, but the fact remains that Reality Smasher is significantly ahead of normal for creatures who cost colored mana.
The issue is not just that these colorless creatures compete with the best creatures of the color good at an ability, but that they overwhelm the colored creatures of the colors bad at it. Thought-Knot Seer is a 4/4 for 4, with upside. Blue has had three 4 power creatures for 4 mana that don’t have a drawback. Ever. I understand and accept that Blue is bad at creature combat, but it’s now worse at it than not using a color at all.
Once again, I will state that the small number of the Eldrazi and the overall power level of Standard at the time meant that they weren’t oppressive, and the powerful two-color and three-color creatures were able to be more threatening. That’s right; it took creatures of multiple colors to stand up to the sheer power of the creatures that cost none. Now, obviously we don’t want a standard where only three-color rhinoceri are playable, but at the same time, it’s troubling to see colorless cards that are stronger than most of the colored options.
Eldritch Moon had a good relationship with colorless spells. The majority of the colorless spells could be cast for colorless mana but were made cheaper if you spent colored mana and sacrificed a creature to cast them. This allowed for cards that were colorless but tended to function more like colored spells and rewarded you for playing colored creatures. Only two true colorless Eldrazi were printed. Eternal Scourge is an odd creature, strong but not problematic. There may still be a way to break it, but it hasn’t been found yet. The other was Emrakul.
Emrakul, the Promised End immediately proved very powerful, too easy to cast, and showed up in decks of all five colors. There were almost no ways to handle her if she resolved, she was often cast for a rather small amount of mana (or, later, for four mana and six energy), and she was prone to winning games on her own, destroying the opponent’s board and hand. Emrakul, the Promised End may be one of the most ‘pushed’ cards I have ever seen, and her colorless nature meant there was no restriction at all to how easily she could be played. Unlike Kozilek, she didn’t even require true colorless mana, making her incredibly easy to cast for any deck. And then she got banned.
More recently, we have Kaladesh. Kaladesh didn’t want to play the original Mirrodin game of rewarding players for playing artifacts, or require colorless mana like Oath of the Gatewatch. Kaladesh just decided to print powerful artifacts.  Between Walking Ballista, Scrapheap Scrounger, Aetherworks Marvel, and, of course, the vehicles, Kaladesh gave us a number of artifacts that were just the best versions of their cards made better by their lack of colored costs.
It’s not a particularly controversial statement to say that standard has been bad since Kaladesh appeared, and we can point most of those problems to artifacts being more powerful than most in-color rewards. Smuggler’s Copter and Heart of Kiran are stronger, more aggressive, and more evasive than any creatures in any colors, with only the sheer synergy of Winding Constrictor being able to stand against it fairly (and even then leaning heavily on Walking Ballista), and the Saheeli Cat combo being an obviously synergistic mistake that can’t directly be faulted on the power level of either card. Aetherworks Marvel manages to be basically unstoppable, and counting as a casting makes it just that much stronger. Scrapheap Scrounger, while not too far ahead of the curve, has its competition in creatures that cost mana of two different colors, though it does have a drawback. There should be a reward for taking the risk of running multiple colors, but when the colorless cards are better it both lessens the risk and the rewards.
I understand that there’s a whole other rant in here, but you shouldn’t be able to just play all the colors you want without a serious risk of it going wrong. If a significant number of cards in your deck can use mana of any color, there’s no risk. This was part of the issue with Affinity: You didn’t need your colored mana most of the time, so there was no penalty for running the artifact lands of each color.
Vehicles, overall, are too strong. This isn’t to say every one of them is too strong, but that development both underestimated how good they’d be and pushed them too hard to make them interesting and cool. Tapping another creature just isn’t enough of a drawback when you’re the aggressor, especially when that creature was often unable to attack anyway.
The biggest problem with Kaladesh’s dominating artifacts, though, is that this isn’t a new problem. Every time in Magic’s history that Wizards has attempted an “artifact” set, it’s resulted in major problems, and the reason for this is the inherent contradiction of making colorless cards the face of a set. Colorless cards, by their nature, are supposed to be weaker spells that can go into any deck either to fulfill a weird, niche purpose or to act as an outside-of-color filler card. Making a colorless set requires the colorless cards to be cool and interesting. This conflict inevitably results in colorless cards that are problematic for one set or another.
Colorless cards should not be pushed. Colorless cards should not be the face of a set. Wizards needs to be far more careful when printing colorless cards than they are, lest the cards overtake the format and destroy the delicate color balance and mana management that is the very lifeblood of Magic: the Gathering.
That is all.
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top1course · 5 years
The Four Money Beliefs That Are Holding You Back Financially – Millionaire Mindset Ep. 2
To talk about this ball for, inner conflicts, turn a holding most people back, the four common, in a conflict the holy ghost people back, number one, negative association with money and wealth, negative association with my wealth, when you’re growing up, what are some of the negative association and statement that you hear when we when you’re growing up, money can’t buy happiness yes, if the money doesn’t grow on trees yes, money is the root of all good, negative associations money what, money will change you okay good, money will make you a bad person if you want money your greedy, which people are evil yes, so if you truly want to help someone you don’t want to profit from me, you should do it for free interesting on the back, stinking Rich filthy stinking rich, yes, okay I make all the money in the world very good they’ll notice how fast we come over these statement, Okay that’s why I come up with some positive ones, freedom, what is freedom, monica by choices yes, lack of money is the root of all evil yes yes, money helps we help others, think about it, if you have subconsciously if you have a negative association with money and wealth, what are the chances of you getting some money, slim to none and even if you do get it accidentally are you going to be able to keep it, no because you don’t want to be a bad, person, you don’t want to be a bad person, because if I made a lot of money I’m greedy I’m selfish I’m not helping others, i am bad I’m whatever, yes, yeah it’s like, if you want to truly help others, you wouldn’t want to profit from it, is that a belief system yes or no, Yeah so if you love helping other people you love what you do, you should have money, yes, that’s one belief system yes, the best way to become one of them but I just want to focus on that one, if you could love what you do if you want to help others you should have make money from yes, is that one belief system, let’s take a look at it, i believe, you should love what you do so much it’s the only way you’ll make money from it, dissolution, there’s someone statement, so negative association with money and wealth and most of the time these negative associations are coming from where, society parentsquare, experiences friends, school, let me ask you a question, i’m most of these believe and statements coming from the 5% of the 95%, there’s your answer, they are the 95% and this is the belief system, If you wanted to come to 5%.
You want to do everything that you could, do the opposite, you cannot afford to have these negative associations and the money doesn’t buy happiness, money is not a component want to hear from people, am I right, most of the time it is a defensive, statement, no it’s a stupid statement, most people say that usually means they don’t have any, well they don’t know how to get some, in fact from now on anyone that you talk to, if you say anything like you see if money doesn’t buy happiness by, he’s what you do do this with me, and just be just like, when you get a few money do you like weight, guildbrook, how do you know your psychic power would you like to know more, $40 you can make some money from that because I think you is so easy, Tell if that’s the belief system guaranteed, it cannot be cannot have money if that’s belief system, so how you handle that immediate number ways I just want to show you it so number one negative association with money, becoming one parents coming from anybody that you know the surrounding consider the source where the, yes. Come from, there’s a couple of 95% or the 5%, so he is Summa top 10 money living Belize from a good friend Joe Vitale, money is the root of all evil, if I’m successful people would hate me, by the way guarantee you if you are successful people will, hate you, guarantees in life that I could guarantee you, people hate you, sometimes are the people closest to you, they will hate you, if I make $1000000 I might lose it then I with you stupid and hate myself forever, there’s not enough money to go around, If I have a little more that I need to get by someone else has to go without, if I have a lawnmower do I need to get by lots of people we have to go without, it is better to take less, dental be responsible for someone else’s hardship, democrats punish the rich Republicans punish the poor, if I make a lot of money I would be betraying my father would never make much money, that was the last one was the one for me by the way, tell me a lot of money it means because my father’s middle-class means, is always in the gifting helping people, and if I’m a lot of money does that mean I’m greedy I’m not a good person it’s like my granddad used to run a restaurant, many many years in Hong Kong and he was known as a guy in his village, Call the time he would like always make these kanji, and feed the poor, is very well known in in my own little town, mo City, so what am I if I make a lot of money is in my disgrace, to my luck family, what will the people think of me so that was one that I had to come to work on, what is down overly sensitive to audit opinions and perceptions and criticism and God, awesome and outright attacks, overly sensitive to others, opinions perceptions criticism and gossip and alright attacks, yes when you become successful people will criticize you, they would talk about you, in some cases they would just attack you, mono reasons, for no reasons, incomplete, pictures of pacu, cathedral, perceptions about what you are about, it’s like the other day I was, watching about a video and then I saw a negative comment and the guy was attacking me, Supposed to call me if you don’t even know who I am.
What is this about, what did I do to you man I just uploaded a video that is free to watch, what’s Mexican playing and he has long thing I’m like wow, he must be having a bad day, okay, sometimes people having a bad day and try to make your day worse, don’t take it personally, don’t take it personally, so you did the idea that I want to be nice, i want everybody to like me, okay, number three, fear of changes require or caused by higher level of success, secrets and deep down within yourself you say maybe I am not, good enough, or maybe I’m not worthy of well, maybe I’m inadequate, or if I could come see it’s one thing to become successful but I would really look stupid if I becomes, Successful and then lose it all, then I look really dumb, okay be of changes required by high-level to cups, this really happens to people of a Tang, a little bit of success, success Unlimited comfortable, that’s why they don’t strive for more because they’re afraid of change, death rate of change, number for his also pretty big one, gary Wright, realization of unwillingness to pay the price but equally equally dominant, unwillingness to admit it, realization of unwilling to pay the price, you know what that’s what it takes, to be, is 7 thicker not to be a millionaire, man maybe just this is just not for me, and, i just keep going to be seminars, telling myself ill to get better, so that at least it feels like I’m doing something, unless you’re not doing anything because deep down I don’t know if I believe it, Yes, how do you know what the price is, that’s a very good question, success, success has a price, and it’s a price, that you pay prepaid in advance, best no installment plan, no specie payments, success has a price and it’s something you pay in advance, how do you know when you pay the price, you paid enough, when you know you paid enough, you’ve accomplished it, that’s when you know you paid enough, so how big is a price depends on your goal, but chances are it’s a lot higher than what you might think, you think it’s cost you this much effort, double triple. That’s probably more likely, cuz you underestimate, how to, nBS to build a company, how tough it is to succeed, how tough it is, tututix he’s in the business, whenever, so out of the four I want you to take this a 3-minute hello, Just discussed among the table which one got a resume with you is like a damn I have one of those, damn I have all four of those three minutes go, potter Harry Potter, i think like a millionaire, so can I have two people go to the mic and share what what what have you gotten out of the discussion what does it mean for, for you, resent one more, always introduce yourself my name is, when is Hassan Muhammad Ali, babies negative, beliefs, like rich people are all Crooks, what makes people cry, they don’t do, stop anything for society, like, belching their money by like, using dirty tactics, it makes me believe one thing they’re the only people that give, so much to society like, they help educate, people like what you’re doing right now the seminars workshops but and books, an another another topic I wanted to talk about, All these limit all these like negative thoughts they have.
Up towards successful people, it’s all like jealousy and hate that’s embedded within them and they’re just taking out the anger on you, it’s something you talked about actually last year, that’s all, jack, i’m Sasha, so I recently Alex interesting I believe I may have aspects of all four of those things potentially, on some level holding me back in some way shape or form, something I’ve recently become aware of I believe in most least predominately on an unconscious level, is the biggest stop that, maybe not in my scope of conscious awareness is, i believe on some level, that my mom would hate or resent me, forum yeah, for having achieved, prosperity in abundance that became recently aware like oh my God that’s probably what’s been running the show, On some level I’m on a totally off my radar level for quite a while and thank you, hi Mohammed, muhammad Muhammad I want to share a quote that somebody else, openTable said Pete said and I think you’ll be really useful for everybody, money is, the amplifier of Who You Are, pink, and your money you just amplify that, ability and if he if you’re nice guy the money amplifies that and I think that resonated with me, quite well because it sort of takes into all four of those pieces and it sort of, kind of brings out why and and shows as I thought that was something that was really nice and I wanted to share that, hi Andre, number three reminded me of one of the things you taught us several, events to go with your really, thought was deep, when you said that most people think that their biggest fears if you’re a failure well, In fact our biggest fear is the fear of success, because they know how failure feels but they don’t all the successful then, i’ve been thinking about this a lot because, biscuit when I’m looking at, the way I’m growing, and I’ve been a fascinating Journey for me, but, really when I go back to to to to the to that idea I’m thinking could I’ve been going faster if I knew, knew where I was going and if they answer is probably yes, so it really like that so thank you thank you thank you, for me for myself personally number three was, the biggest one for me, because I have all these goals I wanted to achieve, and I would have these self-limiting beliefs, just because you know I’m an immigrant, i didn’t know anybody I speak with an accent, I’m too young imagine, in my twenties do I say I’m too young, i’m not 34 people still say I’m too young, okay then when x 44 people say I am too, yeah when the f*** is a good time there’s no in-between, it’s like you’re too young you’re too young and too young and some old, what is the appropriate age please tell me, is never appropriate is never the right age, so that was something I had overcome personally, also with my dad also because of that that also, but good thing is I have my dad which is my mom my mom is always, very very supportive, i would I would tell her I want to do these things and do these great things and some of the craziest outrageous goals I have, she always tells me yes if you think you can do it go do it, Show me.
And I’ll do it and then I’ll come back and then go do some more, go do some more, so I’m fortunate to have a mom that’s, very very supportive, and also of course different Mentor that I have, remember quote for my men toys that you know, dan as a coach, what’s a mentor view what I do is I make you do stuff that you don’t want to do, so we can be who you want to be, i make you do stuff that you don’t want to do, so you can be who you say you want to be, and so he constantly push me and challenge me, understand that this for inner conflicts that you have it’s a little bit like, if you are this a great book by Jim Newman, call Willie’s you’ll brakes will ease your brakes by Jim Newman, unicasa kind of book, And Jim talks about concert with most people, to operate in this, the metaphor that you’re driving with working hard with pushing with setting goals and we just put it on that accelerate, accelerator and somebody’s not going faster so we want because, we don’t know subconsciously we have the emergency brake on, that which I push push push push, and once was realize what that is when you released your break you go walk., you go for very very fast will eyes being aware, some of these things holding you back, most 6-figure earners can operate with relatively high levels on., unresolved what’s the word, unresolved inner conflict about money and wealth, millionaires have no margin, absolutely no margin for such weakness, because if you do what you want keep the money, you won’t keep the money, you mean the three things about money you didn’t notice free, Make it how to make it, how to keep it and how to multiply, how to make it, how to keep it and how the X, most people, can’t even get to level one, even know how to f****** make it, level one, oh no it’s once you’re making it a whole other game to keep it, okay come was lost tens of millions of dollars right, wanting to make it one thing to keep it is a whole different thing to multiply, you making it through your business, you keep it through your behavior your savings or investment multiplier course to investing, most people don’t even get to this piece, they don’t even know how to make it, and then keep it, and then X, no margin for sex weakness, so one of experience I recommend in Vancouver is The Millionaire Mind intensive how many heard of it, Yeah I recommend many years ago when hawbecker was teaching it to potential is in a Solar Company, i talked to her and actually pay for nowadays you can actually go for free like 3 day and then go to the, billions and they have all these different process to learn about to get rid of some of these conflicts, affiliate with them but you can check them out meaning of my intensive, basic Vancouver which is lucky you going to take those training now for free, i just to pay like a couple grand for it, and then of course you’re going to try to upsell you two different programs and this and that we call it you buy or not, the three days is it is it getting experience as far as I’m concerned, 10 * your finances ten times your business ten times your marketing, sometimes your life hit the Subscribe button now.
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