#and my c*no fic is progressing so slowly bc i'm stuck LOL
slowips · 1 year
fire, shadows, ice, psionics 👀👀
thanks so much for this ask! -> elemental writer ask
Fire: What’s a scene that you are dying to write?
i made a wip post for this, haha. if you don't mind, i would love to talk (vaguely) about each scene for each wip i plan to write this year.
you've changed (cyno / reader longfic) — the secrets behind the disappearance of your father is revealed. a choice has to be made: admit the truth or destroy the evidence that you and cyno worked so hard to attain?
dog ears (gorou x reader oneshot) — it's not normal to ask a person you just met if they believe you're going to die. you do so anyway. gorou looks cute as he panics, visibly flustered, but it's his answer that solidifies your desire to see him again.
your ghost in the closet (kazuha / reader oneshot) — a series of incidents piques kazuha's curiosity regarding your choice of lifestyle. he confronts you about what he's seen, and in haste, you confess the feelings you've locked behind the closet.
not freaking out (cyno / reader for this series) — when your boyfriend doesn't appear when you end work, you use the opportunity to visit cyno after nilou shared concerns regarding his absence. the walk home allows you to talk with him about things swept under the carpet.
there's actually more stories for the series, but i don't have all of them planned, and this post is getting longer than it needs to be, haha.
Shadows: What’s the darkest theme you’ve ever written about?
i've not written works with darker themes and i don't know how to rank them, so i'll just list some dark(er) themes i hope to write and explain what i'd like to explore for each. all themes do not have a fic idea, so it's possible i may never write about them. it is also possible i will not write genshin fanfiction for them, but who knows! not me!
cheating / i see a lot of people not liking cheating fics, and that's understandable because i do not condone cheating too. however, the fact still remains that it is happening in the world, and i'm interested in exploring the reasons why people cheat as well as the aftermath from perspectives of all parties.
possessive behaviour / this is not related to yandere although it does overlap, so some might consider it dark? i think it's interesting because people like reading jealous headcanons. that includes a bit of possessiveness so what's the line between possessiveness that's cute and possessiveness that's dangerous?
human experimentation / simplified, human experimentation is unethical if done (1) deceptively (2) and without consent. but what if it was done with consent without deception? what if the subject was brainwashed to think that entering the experiment despite the dangers is the correct thing to do?
abduction / watched a video (22 mins) and agreed such circumstances would be a damn good psychological horror story. what if the captor gained feelings for the hostage but it is not reciprocated? many thoughts.
Ice: What do you always get stuck on when writing?
i like to write my stories chronologically, aka in the order scenes are supposed to be read. if i can't write a scene, it bottlenecks really easily and i just... end up not writing at all. i'm trying to work on that, hahaha. i think another thing that gets me stuck is dialogue and description. it doesn't come as easily compared to exposition.
Psionics: How do you get into the heads of your characters?
since fanfiction is transformative work, characters just need to feel familiar, so i try to immerse myself into the source material. that means reading their character stories and listening to their voice lines. if i want to put more effort, i will make a document and briefly jot down patterns of speech and core beliefs. i've seen this method float around fandom space when other writers get asked how they write in-character. i hope it is working, lol.
i'm trying to adopt this guy's perspective on characters (13m). i like his take that characters are not people: they are drivers of a story you're trying to tell. if the plot revolves tightly around my understanding of a character, i feel that's half the battle won.
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thehistoriangirl · 4 months
If You Hadn't Left (Me) [Chapter 1]
I thought I would start posting in the first of February but oh well better now than never lol
I'm gonna post the other fic's masterlist tomorrow I think :3
Viktor x Fem! Reader-----2.9K----SFW*
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Synopsis:Viktor was never supposed to see you again, just like you had promised that evening when you both ended up heartbroken and bitter toward destiny and all its twisted ways. So twisted as to put you back into his life not only as a temporal working partner to cover Jayce’s absences, but also as the maid of honor in the wedding where he’ll be the best man. Hypothetically, it doesn’t have to be that difficult to find a way around the river of memories flowing between you both. Though, of course, hypotheses are flawed. Just like that part of him that still craves another ending to this story. 
Tags: Second Chance | Angst | Exes to Lovers | Denial of Feelings | Viktor's horny down memory lane* | Reader is pissed | My man is going thru the stages of grief | MelJay bc Jayce deserves to be happy | Eventual Smut | Eventual Happy Ending |
Taglist c: @ihopeinevergetsoberr @blissfulip
That goodbye became a broken promise, cracked over the sound of your voice ever since he heard it at the Council assembly.
Sure, you had spat out the words fueled by betrayal and hatred, but Viktor took them like an oath to put in peace his stormy mind.
First coated in a lie so fragile Viktor was surprised it hadn’t fragmented before, and now this—he was sure he shouldn’t take another glass of wine from the walking waiters zigzagging across the opulent hall—but he had avoided you all night, and he knew Jayce wouldn’t let him go before arranging the “formal meeting” between both of you.
If only he knew...
We congratulate Miss Favred for winning the design contest for the new hall construction inside the Museum of Sciences and Technologies. Graduated from Piltover’s Academy with honors, you're the proof that progress and art are held hand in hand in this city.
Almost the same speech Heimerdinger delivered during your graduation ceremony, only that this time you were all alone on the stage, Viktor's hand grabbing his cane to not feel the growing sensation of emptiness.
Part of him thought it was mere shock. After all, you haven't seen each other in almost ten years; and a petty part of him was surprised he even remembered you, how the image of you was locked in the depths of his subconsciousness that only needed the ring of your greeting to resurface.
But now? Hours after the reencounter? He was so, so weak…
With a sigh, Viktor finally admitted it: stealing glimpses of your purple dress flowing against the gentle breeze was a weakness, though if the excuse lay in masochist interest or avid curiosity, Viktor wasn’t ready to clear his mind. Why would he, anyway? It was a couple of wine glasses too late.
Funny how some things defied the City of Progress where everyone was eagerly grasping the tomorrow.
Viktor just felt stuck in the past, down a path he wasn’t so sure how to slip through.
Your hair was the same, richly stylized and decorated with a geometrical headpiece that looked like a crown from Viktor’s angle. Your time in Shurima had replaced the Piltovan style built by several layers of clothes like vests and corsets for simple, airy fabrics that played with transparencies. The deep shade of violet pooled in continuous drapes ironed in the long skirt falling freely around your hips and down your legs, a gold-threaded corset hugged your waist and framed your bosom, the fabric slowly fading into a lavender tone held like loose sleeves with golden bracelets.
You were covering your mouth while your eyes closed in amused crinkles for whatever the young merchant Mauriel Garfen was telling you as his expert hand twirled you around the ballroom. It didn’t matter much, as Viktor could paint it just fine: with the vivid dark pink adorning your lips, though he knew your favorite color was more of a burnt brown, or maybe even red—
"That's enough for today," Viktor mumbled, eyes looking intently at the crimson liquid as he swirled the stem around his fingers before settling it down against the nearby windowsill.
Suddenly, he heard your happy squeal as you went to hug another young woman dressed in a vivid teal, halter dress. Her curly black hair bounced as you two swayed. Viktor didn’t remember her vividly, but she had been one of your friends ever since your undergraduate years.
If only… Though he knew he didn’t have any right to be greeted as warmly. If even he had any right to be greeted at all. Only because you had returned. Because of course, you did.  Once you had told him that despite the high number of students inside the Academy, you'd find each other in one way or another.
“No, not like fate,” you have told him, voice groggy with slumber as you laid against his chest, hands pointing at his dorm's ceiling where she had stuck luminescence cut-outs of stars. "Entropy."
You were right, from all his perfectly calculated plans tumbling into a state of chaos, one he surprisingly wasn’t against.
Until he was.
Garfen twirled the both of you, giggles bubbling like the nearby tray of drinks a waiter was carrying toward the Councilors discussing on a corner of the hall.
You looked like that photograph he kept in the bottom drawer of his tattered closet, only that the sepia tones eating it away had been repaired with the tone of your skin, the void he left behind replaced with you looking like a fairy queen with your golden crown and dashing company.
Someone more fitting. But Viktor was now the co-creator of Hextech, wasn’t that enough?
His fingers tangled around the glass’ steam, barely feeling the hot sensation of the alcohol down his throat as he gulped it all.
You’re so pathetic, Viktor. Get over it. Why haven’t you done that already?
“Vik! There you are!” He almost dropped the glass with the impromptu voice of Jayce chiming in his roaming thoughts. “I’ve been looking for you all night.”
"You know I'm not… eh, akin to this kind of party," he said, only half a lie. He'd been hiding inside a balcony and then, when Jayce passed by, Viktor slipped between a corner and a column. Now, he'd been too distracted to notice. "I've been unwinding."
“For a moment I thought you were already gone!” He patted his shoulder. “I’ve wanted to introduce you to Miss Favred since morning, but I suppose you had duties to take care of after the meeting.” He had bolted out of there as soon as Councilor Medarda called the session off.
His jar tightened, just as the grasp on his formal cane, naked metal replaced by a coat of black marble and polished wood on its handle. “Jayce, I don’t think this idea about the Hextech Wing would be… good,” he started, pouring in all the thoughts that had flown inside his head ever since the morning meeting. “This isn’t what I imagined when you told me we would celebrate the first decade of Hextech’s creation.”
“No, listen to me,” he replied, almost through gritted teeth. How pitiless of him he couldn’t even manage his feelings in public. “We want to help people in need, not to gloat about a fancy exhibit at the Science and Technology Museum. This is just another excuse for the Council to gloat about their grandness. What would the exhibit do for the people who believe in us, hmm? For us as scientists, even? Are you listening to me?” His friend had shifted to his embarrassed posture, where his tall body was trying to shrink into a ball, with hands tightly grabbed against his stomach, gazing at the floor. "Jayce—?"
“We’ve arranged that part of the Museum’s entrance fee is going to be destined to fund upcoming Hextech projects. That way you won’t need as many sponsorships,” Mel interjected behind him. Viktor turned to look at the Councilor, frozen to see the figure tailing close behind. “I believe we talked about it in the past meeting.”
Surely. Not that he would admit he had been too distracted by the nervous movements of your hands gesturing away to explain your design to oblige his mind to follow the Councilor’s debate sprinkled in between.
“Perhaps what he’s referring to is about how much time will it take to seize a positive quantity to fund a project,” you said to save his embarrassing stunned silence, poking your head from behind Jayce’s wide back. Your eyebrows arched slightly, head tilted toward Viktor.
The movement is so familiar from when you helped him through the boring, long seminars with haughty professors and even mouthier classmates. A head tilt and a slow gaze once you had laid the counterargument, ready for him to lock the possibility of a reply with his conclusion.
“I… That wasn’t what I meant,” he said, surprised by his cold tone.
You blinked at him for a moment, a frown slightly forming between your beautiful eyes. He didn’t dare to back out from it, he didn’t have a reason why.
Jayce cleared his throat. “Um… well, Vik, this is Miss Favred, she’s going to be the designer of the Museum ampliation…” He said, and you stepped next to Jayce, lips in a neutral yet mocking smile, with the curves of your lips turned up.
“It’s been quite some time, Miss Favred,” Viktor mustered, a smile plastering on his mouth that was too wide and toothy to be considered polite.
“Likewise, Viktor,” you said, tone sweetly as you extended your hand toward him.
Viktor almost wanted to yank it away once he felt a surge of electricity tingling up his arm once your long and elegant fingers wrapped the reverse of his palm. You giggled, nails digging into his skin with discreet violence.
His lips pressed in a thin line that couldn’t be faked as a smile even as he continued shaking your hand for a minute too long, wanting your eyes to decode the hidden message in his. What are you doing here?
“Oh, do you know each other?” Mel said after calling your name, which made you yank your hand away from his grasp.
“We were acquaintances at the Academy,” you said, gesturing away.
Classmates, the word slipped with an acid aftertaste when Viktor tried to back you up. "Very close classmates." Because of course, this was the perfect time for his brain to break under pressure. Yes, so close you slept against his chest every other night, so, so close that he even burrowed inside of you—
Mel turned to you, with an almost accusatory air. “What a surprise!”
“That was many years ago.” Your gaze swept from Mel’s to his, if only for a second. “I had forgotten about it.”
Oh, so that’s how you wanted to play?
"Well, I'm glad you two can reconnect after so many years!" Jayce said a big grin on his face. The sweet oblivious Jayce. “It’ll be good for Vik to have another friend! It’s… slightly difficult for him to open up and get new ones.”
Viktor glared at him. “Why are you talking about me as if I weren’t here?” he replied, while you mumbled:
“I wonder why that is.”
His head turned toward you in a movement so quick that some of his pushed backward-styled hair fell over his forehead. "Pardon?"
You smiled at him. “I didn’t say anything.”
Oh, you—
"Why don't we leave you two to talk?" Mel said, ignoring the pleading look you sent her when Jayce nodded, saying that there must be a lot to tell between the both of you. “Councilor Talis, let’s go for another drink. There’s something I need to talk about with you.” Probably about the wedding. Not that Viktor was interested in the matter when he had you in front of him. 
From all the stolen glances, he had pieced you whole like a puzzle, filling in the missing pieces eaten away by time with the new image, though he knew some things wouldn't change. Like the way you smelled like hyacinth and mangoes, your favorite fruit. All that freckles and moles and scars dotted around your body like those two small ones peeking over the square neckline on the left of your collarbone, which he knew balanced out with the two tiny moles under your right breast.
Surely your skin was just as heavenly soft as back then despite the occasional roughness of your fingers from working so much. Your palms were always warm against his cold fingers during winter. 
“Viktor," you called him. And he frowned to conceal what he had been thinking all the damn night.
 “Why don’t we strike a deal?” you said, arms crossed, disrupting what would have been his doom if he continued.
“Do I look like someone that would strike a deal with a devil, Miss Favred?” Viktor said, arching an eyebrow almost in a flirty way. Just amused enough to push you to the edge of your years-trained composure. You certainly played the part, with all the allure and the deep gaze of your eyes.
“I suppose this must be awkward for you, too.”
“It isn’t awkward for me,” he lied. “You should worry about your work instead.”
“So ready for me to leave?” You chuckled. “I think you should know that I applied to this contest because I need the spotless curriculum if I want to be the new Interior Design teacher at the Architecture Faculty.”
“You’re just trying to annoy me. You said you would leave and never return.” Better put, Viktor cornered you to say so, but he wasn’t going to let his mouth run free.
"And you said we were going to get married," you replied, and Viktor felt himself trip backward if it weren’t for the support of his cane. “So I guess we’re even.”
Viktor stood there, stunned golden eyes wide open. He started calling your name, but you had your hand raised.
“You’re right, my bad. That was unnecessary.” Your hand arranged a loose lock of hair poking your cheek. “Anyhow, I’m not going to mention anything about the… past. So you don’t have to worry about me running out my tongue—despite how close classmates we’ve been.”
“Now you’re just being…” improperly brash, dangerously cheeky. Almost as if you’d been pushing him over the edge of his decorum to see if he’d cornered you against a wall to seal your endless rebukes with a kiss. Or many. “…insufferable.”
"Don't worry." You waved away. "I'll finish my job as fast as humanely possible, and then we won't have to see each other again. Because I know you aren't fond of assisting the Progress Day's party."
He crossed his arms, letting the handle of his cane hook on the curve of his elbow. "I'm not sorry to disappoint you—but I'm very fond of Progress Days. I've changed," Viktor said, but it was only a half-truth. He wasn't sure how he could change a feeling that lay hidden deep inside, frozen in time instead of giving them a real burial. You only had to dig to start seeing the uneven silhouette of the memory boxes where nothing should be more than black earth.
“Anyway,” you replied, your tone bleeding with sarcasm. “That’s my peace treaty. I know Mel and Jayce will feel awkward if they ever discover that they’ve arranged old flames as partners, so let’s just forget it. I assure you it’s nothing that could endanger the quality of this project.”
Let’s just forget it. You were right, as you had always been, and yet…
I've already forgotten you, Viktor, you said inside his mind, a smile that once had left him breathless now hurting him in the unspoken truth that now you were better without him.
Of course, you were better without him.
Yet, Viktor couldn’t help but seek your left hand accommodating the deep V line of your dress for the poignant sight of a band on your finger.
“I’m not a passionate teenager, Miss Favred," he said, his tone devoid of any warmth. "I assure you I'm not interested in dwelling in the past. So rest assured, I won't embarrass you." It was totally unconscious that his voice dripped with contempt.
You curled your upper lip. “You’re such a fusspot, always the victim.”
Viktor inhaled sharply. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing,” you spat, taking your skirt with your fists as you were ready to stalk away.
The parallels made his heart squeeze in a painful grip. Was history about to repeat itself?
Before his brain could recollect the action, Viktor had called your name, hand extended open as if wanting to touch you. “Wait—” As if he had something to tell you.
You ignored him, stopping when Jayce approached you both from the complete opposite direction Mel and he had gone at first. Also, you couldn't point out if the dark marks of brown smeared on his face were just a plaything of the lightning or marks of kisses.
“Are you leaving so soon?” Jayce told you, hand over your shoulder.
“Yes,” you told him with a smile, completely ignoring Viktor. “My feet hurt and I’m afraid I haven’t recovered my sleep schedule since my return.”
"Well, maybe Viktor can walk you home?" he offered. "For what Mel told me, you live near his apartment." Not that he had moved a lot since you left, but seeing the surprise in your eyes felt like a little victory.
“No,” Viktor and you said at the same time.
“I mean—,” you started.
“I want to stay a little longer,” Viktor said. "As I should be open to enjoying these celebrations more. Hextech anniversary only arrives once a year!" He tried to laugh, but Jayce looked at him with such a concerned frown it was hard to keep his act. Your contained snort wasn't helping.
“Vik… I think you’ve had far too many drinks.”
He glared at Jayce for what felt like the thousandth time. "I'm fine, Jayce—”
"Well, goodbye!" you chirped, getting on your tippy toes to kiss Jayce's cheek, and then, forcefully, approach Viktor and give him a goodbye kiss, too. More like a rude smack, with how forceful you were.
"Tomorrow, eight sharp," Jayce told you, poking your side with his elbow. "Viktor doesn't like it when I arrive late."
“I can’t wait,” you beamed, eyes boring into Viktor’s. As if daring him to say something.
"Me either," Viktor lied.
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