#and my depth perception is off kilter and so's my balance
aniseandspearmint · 2 years
got a call from the acute care hospital mom is at this morning. around 3AM her heart stopped again (second time in two months). They didn’t call me THEN, i guess bc it was 3 and they got her heart started quickly. but they’ve transferred her to the closest full hospital now, and the ER doctor called me. he was nice enough but he doesn’t seem to think i should get my hopes up.
no word yet on my disability filing, but it’s just the first one, and typically unless you’re dying they say no. if mom dies now, there goes everything. she dies, i die.
i was so happy just a couple days ago, they said she was getting better
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New Post has been published on Creative Wellness with Richard Brook
New Post has been published on http://www.creativewellness.co.uk/7-great-reasons-retreat-richard-6-richard-knows-stuff/
7 Great Reasons to Retreat with Richard: #6 Richard Knows His Stuff
7 Great Reasons to Retreat with Richard: # Richard Knows His Stuff
Perception is reality. Or so the saying goes. So how conscious are you of your own subtle state of perception and the filter through which you see the world? Sure we may recognise when we are in a particularly good or bad mood and how that can skew our thoughts, feelings and actions, but how often do you really pay enough attention usual ‘internal state’ is like, so you can feel when you may be off kilter?
Unless you do exercises which turn your attention inwards such as yoga or meditation then the fluctuations in your mood and internal state can just feel like you are riding a wild horse and lost in it’s movements and expressions and not knowing how you might be from one day to the next.
So there are two things here. Firstly, doing exercises which turns your attention inward allows you to generate perspective, so you can build an internal library of how you are from one day to the next and work out where your balanced middle ground is, but equally as importantly, you can start to work out when it’s you who is out of balance rather than the circumstances around you.
This is an essential point of self development. If you continually only look outward, the you tend to blame the external circumstances around you for your feelings and can then make poor choices. But if you build awareness around your inner state you can figure out when it’s you who’s out tune. (This also works conversely, if you are aware of your normal inner state, then you can also know when something around you is really impacting you)
The second point, where it gets even better, is that a lot of these exercises where you turn your attention inwards also helps to fine tune, adjust and remedy these internal imbalances!
Yoga and meditation helps to balance the internal organs which through the body mind connection contribute to shaping the state of our mind. And of course therapies like acupuncture are primed to do the same thing.
During my retreat programmes we look in depth at the map of the body-mind connection to see which organs contribute to which aspects of your thoughts and feelings, as well as of course do the practical exercises which help you to balance!
Dru yoga – where you really fine tune your awareness of your state – meditation and potent therapies are all part of what I offer to help to find your internal balance.
So what you can expect from a retreat is to feel much more balanced, much more aware of what your internal state is after being so mindful of it, and be much more knowledgable about the factors which contribute to how you are feeling. On top of this you will also learn some techniques and advice which you can take away with you to help you in future to maintain your balance.
Sounds good?
Book Yoga, Wellness & Holistic Education Retreat Here
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