#and not 'I Myself Am Suddenly Remembering These Things And It Sucks' it's like ce's shoving them into my brain remnants
2-wuv · 10 months
every now and then when we say something in-sys we DO still hear Allan's voice but barely so
and sometimes. they're like "QUIT TELLING EVERYONE I'M DEAD??" when,
We never DID explicitly tell anyone that, and
He is dead? He's literally a ghost. He honest to god legit for realsies died in 2019.
and he's like..,,,, "oh right! lmao sorry I forgot, carry on" JDJSMSKDMFCN??
#pk;m electrochemistryđź”´#no idea where Rosie got off to and what connection Allan has rn isn't enough to ask them#his whole 'voicing other people's thoughts/what they're saying' thing is an autopilot thing he does & at this point#since he's been doing it for over a decade he's barely aware of it now#but w Rosie it's like. Ok. Well. There's a ton of similarities between hir & I. what if sie.... um.#and I'm like WELL THAT'S PROBABLY NOT THE CASE AHAHA [<= in denial in case that Is the case.]#but also like Actually logistically that's probably not what's happening here#cuz that doesn't FEEL like what's happening. hir & Allan r probably in some weird void somewhere#There's also The Horrors that ce sometimes Reminds Me Of Against My Will so I think if ce DID integrate into me#that would not Happen. it feels very 'I am forcibly receiving these memories from someone else'#and not 'I Myself Am Suddenly Remembering These Things And It Sucks' it's like ce's shoving them into my brain remnants#so aNYWAYS! THIS IS FINE [it's not but it's like on the levels of 'I keep bumping into shit' on the Annoyances Scale#very Low but still mildly painful and Annoying.]#idk how much awareness either of them have rn or have had for the past Ever since they stopped being able to front#like we Have tried asking and we get nonsense or nothing in response#so. ??????????? cool?????????????? well anyways. if that changes and they come back and they don't like any changes we've made to things#that's their problem then ig! jxjaksskxj
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windmaedchen-aa · 5 years
Dream Diary
TIME TO ADD THE OCCASIONAL ACE ATTORNEY RELATED DREAMS HERE, TOO!  I am collecting the past 4 dreams here together but will then just post them one by one in the future. Let’s hope I have loads more... xD
I hung out with bodejustice, discussing and drawing Ace Attorney. Somehow Daryan Crescent’s death came up and me, being unaware of this asked them to explain. I leaned over and leaned against their shoulder, throwing my arm over their lap. Bodejustice still had their laptop ready (a super wide-screen model with a special 2-row keyboard and rainbow coloured backlights) and opened a kind of Google Earth app. Searching for Daryan Crescent zoomed in to LA and showed several markers and links to relevant official media out there. The one we looked for was at a university campus not far from where we currently were. The neat thing about this App was that it re-created the scenes with 3D models on the spot so I was able to see the events right there.
Here is sadly what happened. There was a big crowd on campus but a road has been kept clear of pedestrians. It seemed that despite being a felon Daryan was on the spot and appeared to have helped save a woman from danger. As they came round a corner, a lone baby buggy rolled towards them and got stuck to a road barrier block. It seemed as if there were explosives on there, endangering the baby so it was a critical moment! Daryan came forward and immediately began to unscrew the buggy from the barrier, keeping a calm face even though electrical currents shocked him from touching the metal. The mother was about to faint but Daryan made it... and I noticed that just before he gave the buggy and baby to the police ... he had a bloody spot on his chest. HE WAS SHOT. But he didn’t let that stop him from rescuing that innocent baby. 
However, once he was done, he just fell down and onto his back. At this point Klavier shows up and I can only imagine some very desperate last words to be exchanged because the next and only thing I remember from it is Klavier bending down to press his lips onto Daryans in a first and final moment of affection. 
I was so touched. I wanted to go and see the scene of his death myself so I got up and together with bodejustice, we went towards the campus nearby. Bodejustice had baked chocolate cookies (or croissants, I am not sure) and said that “the sooner we eat them the less sweet they are” because apparently “that form of sugar they added develops and increases over time, like yeast”. 
For some reason, though, when we reached the particular spot, we split up and bodejustice just went back home. D:
And then I woke up....
Dream 2 = Saving Edgeworth (9-year old edition)
Tonight was Murder Mystery Night! Various people from AA (I remember the blue of Phoenix’s suit, Apollo and Athena, at the very least) came together to play a live version of Cluedo of some sorts. A case was presented and one of us was the killer, so they had to hunt them down. It took place in a roof open tower like structure and inside you could easily switch from one floor to the next by climbing a little. For some reason everyone thought it was 9-year old Miles Edgeworth... so I, as my own OC Kid Fox, (who knows everything at least twice better than any other detective.... xD ) came to help him. We climbed a tree to get to the next floor where we made out way to reach Gregory Edgeworth standing in the corner. I was sure Greg didn't think it was his son and so we stood with him in hopes that he could convince the others that it was indeed, not so. I remember clearly how I looked at Greg and then at young Miles and Miles looked back at me with this very worried expression and I wondered if he would recognise Kid Fox again when she comes back during Dual Destinies. (That the age gap was reversed right now didn’t matter apparently....)
...and then I must have woken up.
Dream 3 = A Date on Klavier’s Conditions
I was going to ride off with Klavier into the sunset (on his motorbike) but before that could happen he cut half my hair off so I looked like a bad copy of himself. I asked for a comb and he gave me this look “please, I have 10″ ... and then the world suddenly disintegrated and everything was sucked into a vortex. I tried to grab and hold Klavier save but it didn’t work. My own falling into the vortex ended in me doing a city parcour set up by a radio station to "save your s/o" from whatever danger they were in and I did it in 5 min compared to usual 9 min so I was extra praised. I won a T-shirt and left. I didn’t see Klavier again.
And then I woke up...
Dream 4 = Escaping de Killer / Phantom
I walked with my date, Shelly de Killer back to town past a nice coastal beach. (I think I actually just distracted him from his actual assassination goal, Maggey Byrde) We made a small round in town and then headed back to the shore. To get up the cliff on had to climb up a nice long (unstable emergency) ladder and Shelly was very keen on protecting me from falling so we hung out really close on there... and by accident I called him “Shelly”. I should not have known that and I immediately realised my mistake. To my luck the ladder fell over backwards just as I was off it at the top and so I had some time to run before Shelly could make his way up there. Somehow I ran back into town and grabbed the next best motorcycle that was available... Klavier’s. xD He was in fact, still sitting on it, so I just pushed him to the back and took over. Sadly, my driving skills were not as flawlessly amazing as usual, because in dreams that never works smoothly. I still managed to get round corner and keep Klavier on the bike and so I escaped my death. 
I woke up....
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