#and not only is my work nowhere near finished but i'm still also like. 2k words away from the minimum
mishkakagehishka · 8 months
I'm like if a living girl were a rotting corpse
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I'm on a bit of a rant.
Dave is legit willing to do everything BUT lose the weight he needs for the surgery. He's known about this requirement since he was injured mind you. Mom told him no one will touch him at his current weight level, because there is always a risk of dying on the table during surgery and even greater with obese individuals in reaction to medications.
He ignored her, then got an arthroscopy and was told he needed additional work but that no one would take the chance on him cuz he's too overweight. He was told to lose 50lbs at the least. This was back in March of 2022. He bragged about how easy it would be. He then spent months using using money he did not earn, to buy himself chips, popcorn, and various other snacks during every shopping trip he went on.
And we found out because I'm nosy and don't trust him(mom doesn't either obviously but she's not able-bodied enough to check) and decided to inspect the drawers under the TV in the motel we were staying in. He was always blocking the drawers whenever he had to get something(rice, pasta, etc...) so when he was gone I snooped and found Twizzlers, Chips and Dip, Popcorn, Little Debbie snacks, and even more unhealthy shit he was keeping for himself. And he conveniently never had a receipt to give mom so she couldn't check.
He got called out. He didn't stop, he just stopped hiding it. He also decided to start buying 'vegan stuff' which equated to buying this 5oz cauliflower thing once a week and acting like he made some big change in his dietary habits.
Mind you, this entire time, he was only buying himself snacks with mine and mom's money. He wasn't getting the rest of us anything. And if he ever had to get someone a salad he threw a fit about it like he was using his own money or something.
So now he's trying to convince ppl he knew over a decade ago, who are vets that work in farms, to do the surgery on him cuz he doesn't want to lose the weight or pay for it now that he's lost his insurance(cuz he refused to do the steps necessary to keep tit btw). And none of them will help him because THEY FUCKING CAN'T! Legally and just in general cuz they don't have the training or qualifications.
All this because he doesn't want to eat healthy or exercise. Mind you, for a time we were allowed to stay in a hotel with a small pool and swimming was an acceptable exercise form and Bethy and I were swimming every day while he made every excuse on why he couldn't. Could walk out to the lobby and bother everyone for money or simply follow Bethy around cuz he was jealous that she made friends with ppl in the hotel, but couldn't find it in himself to exercise.
This must be a him specific thing because even I know men who aren't this fucking lazy.
Like, he wants his son's wife to do the surgery on him now! Cuz she was studying to become a nurse.
She lived in a nice apartment and her rich parents were paying for everything. Rent, school, and then gave her like a $2K allowance each month for whatever she wanted. She met his son and let him move in and gave him her allowance money and he wasted all of it in a week(he did this with his last 3 girlfriends btw). Her parents found out and forbade her from doing it again because he's a leech, and told her he's not on the lease and has to leave. She didn't listen and did it again. They stopped paying her tuition. She didn't stop the next month. They stopped paying her rent. She became homeless and came back with my step-brother to live with US. Dropped out of school and everything. And there's Dave telling her nurses aren't important anyway and love(more like utter blind loyalty to his son) was more important.
And now he's whining cuz she didn't finish her schooling, but still expects her to perform surgery on his leg and is bitching cuz she won't! She can't She literally cannot! She was nowhere near qualification to handle patients by herself, let alone be allowed to even assist in a surgery before she dropped out of school because of HIS SON!
He's so fucking ignorant and I'm so damn tired of him. He's physically capable of doing contracted volunteer work at the Salvation Army every day(of which both sides signed a contract to help us and yet they've not held up their end of the contract and it's been a month btw) but he can't exercise and eat healthy? We got whole wheat pasta out the ass, bags upon bags of brown rice in storage, and canned veggies from the food bank every week. It's not fun but it's there. There are options. He's just lazy.
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gettin-a-lil-hanse · 4 years
You Found Me - Chapter 3
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Read it on AO3
Pairing: No pairing (but SeongJoong is involved)
Genre: Slight Fluff, Angst 
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 2k+
Summary: Wooyoung opens up about his past.
Tags: Kitty Hybrid! Wooyoung, Found Hybrid, Abandonment, Caring For a Kitten
Trigger Warnings: Mentions of abuse, mentions of death, mentions of scars (not related to self-harm), unhealthy coping mechanisms, alcoholism, mentions of homophobia, mentions of prostitution, mentions of sex trafficking (?)
A/N: This chapter will be much heavier than the last two, and I want you all to please read the trigger warnings, and please read with caution. Take care, take time if you need to. 
The trip to the vet went as smoothly as any normal vet appointment is expected to go. (Vet? Doctor? Hongjoong really wasn’t sure what to call it.) Wooyoung was not very fond of the intimidating-looking doctors and acted accordingly. Honestly, Hongjoong was a bit surprised, seeing as the hybrid had taken a liking to the couple fairly quickly, but he pushed that thought to the back of his mind.
Hongjoong stayed by Wooyoung’s side throughout the duration of the visit, providing him with the necessary level of comfort needed to get through the appointment. In the end, the vet deemed him healthy aside from slight malnourishment and some bruising. The vet also told the couple that hybrids coming in with scars like his were a pretty common occurrence as of late and that it was a clear sign of abuse, but Wooyoung tuned out of the conversation at that point.
From there, the three of them took a drive to the mall. Hongjoong insisted that they build the hybrid a brand new wardrobe consisted of the highest fashion, though Wooyoung tried to convince him that comfortable clothes are all that he needed. Seonghwa could only laugh, knowing deep down that he too was excited to finally get to dress someone that would (probably) cooperate and let him. Hongjoong’s and Seonghwa’s styles clashed quite a bit, so it was rare that they got to dress each other up. 
Wooyoung quickly found out that he hated the mall. There were too many stores, too many displays, too many people. Everything was too much. The stores had bright, colorful signs, many of them flashing which was extremely distracting. Honestly, how was someone supposed to get through their shopping with everything like this? But that wasn’t even the worst thing. No, the worst thing was the staring. It seemed like, from the moment the three of them walked through the automatic glass doors, all eyes were on them. Wooyoung couldn’t tell if the eyes were on him or the couple, since they were so unabashedly affectionate with each other. Even Wooyoung knew that this side of town was known for being full of stuck-up, high-class rich people. As a matter of fact, all of the stores in the mall, as far as he could tell, were high-end and expensive-looking.
“Hey, Hongjoong? I thought that we were just getting clothes for me to wear around the apartment?”
“Sweetheart, we’re buying you clothes. It doesn’t really matter where you wear them.” 
Hongjoong chuckled and pulled the hybrid into his side, making for a very awkward walking position which only drew more attention to them. Wooyoung leaned in close to whisper into his ear, eyebrows furrowing and creating crease lines on his forehead,
“People are staring…”
“People always stare.”
“It doesn’t bother you?”
“More like I’ve learned not to care. Those people don’t deserve my energy, let alone my emotions. It’s not easy, of course, but it’s better this way.”
Hongjoong turned to face the hybrid still tucked under his arm and for a moment—though it felt as if they moved in slow motion—Wooyoung forgot how to breathe. Wooyoung swore that Hongjoong poured glitter in his eyes. How else would they sparkle so much?
“Don’t let unworthy people take up your time and energy.”
 “You know,” Seonghwa started, snapping Wooyoung out of the trance he didn’t realize that he was in, “Hongjoong taught me a lot. It’s cheesy, but he really did make me a better person, and he still does to this day.”
Hongjoong let out a soft laugh, loosening his grip on the hybrid’s shoulder to move his hand to his back. 
“I have that effect on people, apparently.”
The shopping trip came and went without too much fuss—seeing as the hybrid wanted no more attention on him than there was already—and the boys filed into the apartment with armfuls of bags. Hongjoong, ever the chatterbox, kept the mood up and kept the conversation going. Hongjoong loved his days off and was in a very good mood. Now that they had an addition to the household—temporary as it may be—he cherished his time at home even more. So when he got a call from work saying that he needed to come in for an emergency meeting, he was visibly upset. The only bright side, he figured, was that Seonghwa and Wooyoung would be forced to spend some alone time together. He hoped that they would be a little less awkward by the time he got back home.
Seonghwa and Wooyoung sat in the guest room that they spent the afternoon cleaning and removing tags from, folding, or hanging up Wooyoung’s new clothes. There was a thick silence between them until Seonghwa decided that now was as good a time as any to try to get to know him. 
“So, tell me about yourself.”
Wooyoung’s ears flicked as he looked up, a bit caught off-guard by the blunt statement.
“Well… what do you wanna know?”
Seonghwa shrugged with a slight smile playing on his lips, eyes cast down on the shirt he was so neatly folding.
“I mean, the more we know about you, the better.”
Wooyoung finished wrapping a jacket around the hanger and stood with a soft sigh, hanging the item up in the closet.
“Where do I even begin… As you probably already know, hybrids are created in labs by scientists and then sold to various facilities. From those facilities, we’re sold to buyers and I was sold to a nice young woman. She was my owner, but she hated addressing the relationship as such. She really cared for me and when she fell sick, I did the same for her. It got to the point where I spent every waking minute caring for her, but I didn’t think anything of it because she started to get better. So when she passed I was absolutely devastated.”
Seonghwa saw the shift in his face, grabbing his hand gently and pulling him to sit before he got too lost in his memory and broke down on the floor. To his surprise, the tears gathered but never fell, so he stayed quiet, allowing Wooyoung to continue.
“After she passed, I, along with her other possessions, was auctioned off to the highest bidder. The bidder that I was auctioned off to was an assistant for a man who ran a “hybrid home” which, news flash, was nothing like a home. It would be more accurate to call it a hybrid whore house.”
Seonghwa’s jaw clenched, taking in a breath through his nose. He shouldn’t be so angry since Wooyoung was alive and well now, he thought, but something akin to rage began to bubble up in the pit of his stomach. 
“To say that my life there was miserable is an understatement. We barely got an opportunity to look after our hygiene, they kept our schedules packed with clients, and when we weren’t busy with either of those things, we were probably being scolded for something. Nothing was ever good enough for The Master. Someone was always doing something wrong in his eyes and he made sure that we paid for it. That’s how I got to be so… beat up. I don’t know if you saw them, but I know for a fact that Hongjoong saw them when he bathed me…”
Wooyoung toyed with the hem of his shirt before lifting it up, revealing the fading bruises and various-sized scars lining his back and torso. Seonghwa’s eyes racked his body, tears of anger welling up in his eyes at the sight. But, again, he kept his feelings down.
“I… We have something to put on those scars that will help them heal. That is if you would like…”
His voice was unsteady and Wooyoung chanced a glance over at him. He could see him holding back, could see it in his eyes. 
"You don't have to feel bad for me. I'm okay, see?"
"It's... It's not that, I just... I just wanna protect you at all costs even more now." Seonghwa let out a wet laugh, taking a deep breath to keep tears back. "You know, Hongjoong really is a healer of sorts. He saved me too. Although my conditions were nowhere near as bad as yours..."
Wooyoung's tail flickered in interest.
"Saved you how?"
"He saved me from myself. Before we started dating — no, before we met — I was in a bad place. My family, god I haven't spoken to him in years... They never accepted me for being bisexual, so they kicked me out of the house. I stayed with my girlfriend at the time while I tried to find my way." 
Seonghwa stood, walking to his bedside drawer to grab ointment to coat his bruises. 
"Why do you just have that by your bed—"
"Don't worry about that. Anyway, I was staying with my girlfriend and she wasn't... the best, you know? She made me feel lesser than I am, she treated me like shit, to say the least. I loved her nonetheless and took it all. I couldn't get myself to leave her, but it became unbearable to be at home. So I started hanging out elsewhere."
Seonghwa helped Wooyoung remove his shirt while he talked and began carefully tending to each individual bruise. 
"Bars became my favorite place to hang out. I would stay out late drinking to the point where I almost lost control. It just overall wasn't a good time in my life. I wasn't happy; every day, simply existing felt more and more like a chore. That is probably the lowest I have ever felt in my life and I didn't think that there would be any coming up from there. I was drowning in bad thoughts."
Wooyoung could feel the emotion bubbling up in Seonghwa, could feel the pain.
"Hongjoong literally came like a light in my life and helped me get out of that dark place. I started to see him at the bar more often." Seonghwa smiled fondly to himself, hands moving gently over his skin. "He would come just to check up on me and talk to me. He kept me company, made sure I drank some water, made sure I got home okay. Then we started to hang out outside of my dark hours in the bar, and it got to the point where I didn't even need the bar anymore. Or alcohol anymore—not as much, anyway.
“Hongjoong was the one who helped me gain the courage to break up with my girlfriend. He helped pick up the broken pieces and he's kept me together ever since. So yes, he saved me. I appreciate him much more than I could ever say but don't tell him that. His ego is big enough as it is."
"Do you think you were meant to meet him?"
"Of course I do. If someone is up there watching over me, they definitely sent him to me."
Wooyoung nodded, thinking to himself for a moment.
"Hongjoong adores hybrids, you know? For the longest time, he's said that he wanted to adopt one, but I think that he is absolutely enamored by you. If you stay with us, you'll be taken care of, treated well. If not, he's gonna do everything in his power to get you somewhere where he knows that you'll be safe. He has a good heart, and I think he was meant to find you too."
"It's just... After all I've been through, it's a lot to think about, you know? I don't know if I can put myself in a position to trust someone like that again."
Seonghwa hummed and nodded in understanding, pulling away once he was finished to look up at him. 
“I know it’s hard to trust anyone after so many people treated you wrong and let you down. I’m sorry that you had those experiences, but I believe that you will be able to open your heart again. Some day. You’re strong, you’ve already come so far.”
Seonghwa ended with a kind smile and moved to pass back the shirt he was wearing before pausing. 
“Ah, would you like to put on your new pajamas? They’re much softer than these old things.” 
Wooyoung thought for a moment before shaking his head and taking the shirt back from Seonghwa gently.
“I’ll… put those on later. After my shower? Before bed? I’m comfy in these now…”
Seonghwa didn’t push it and just smiled. 
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