#and now its ff14 play time yes
azzie-and-co-ff14 · 2 years
Here I come...
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silent-dragon · 2 months
A long shot but i will try as know i have some XiV followers.
I just got back into 14 and am looking for a free company to help me/chill with as i start endwalker. Im a off and on player since launch of game.
I'm mainly a crafter main as its one of my favorite things to do so I enjoy making gear and glowy weapons for others and myself. Also love gathering and glamour. Currently for combat jobs I know how to play Black Mage the best but switching main to Dancer for Endwalker journey. I alt can play white or red mage aswell.
Love making my own story for my warrior of light. My main is named J'phel Tai,a Miqo’te mix young man that hails from Ala Ghiri in Gyr Abania. Raised around seeing the empire be awful in his homeland and later help to liberate it and now on journey to earn enough gil to help his adoptive dad and tribe nuhn care for the people around them as they work to rebulid lives. He a dancey catboi that will flirt his way into your gil purse but makes sure you get what you paid for.
Am kinda shy at first but after a bit getting used to others i open up some. While isnt a full requirement a FC thats LGBTQ friendly and most are over 18 as i am a older individual with a mature mind. I play on Mateus server and my time zone is US central. Am more a night owl so i play mostly at night but have been playing in daytime recently as I prepare for endwalker journey then dawntrail after.
If any know of a FC looking for ppl and I seem like I'd fit in please send me a dm i truly wish to find one. Im big active on discord so if the fc has a server i will be very happy as way to get to know people to me.
My dancing gil loving catboi,J'phel
(He gil loving in his story yes but even if im a crafter main ive been gone so long im nearly broken all the time lol)
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If can reblog this so other ff14 people can see it. Probably won't get anything but as said worth a shot.
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theaceofskulls · 2 years
I’ve been trying not to post any comparisons between World of Warcraft and Final Fantasy 14 for a long time but I really can’t hold off on this anymore. Every time I think of the latest content in FF14, I’m immediately reminded of my biggest criticism with WoW’s last expansion and I need to write it down already.
Note, this contains spoilers for Final Fantasy 14′s 6.2 main story content, but it’s honestly kind of mild and won’t ruin the experience for you if you’re planning on playing the game.
Before I begin, I do have to give some background on lore of both games for people unfamiliar.
Firstly in FF14, death is fully permanent in canon. Player death doesn’t really happen for real when your HP hits 0, however anyone who dies in a cutscene is for real dead and there’s almost no exception and none of those exceptions are really true exceptions to be honest. This isn’t Dragon Ball Z.
Warcraft’s a little looser but to be honest it mostly adheres to the same rules. It has a couple more loopholes for certain types of beings. Also there’s more undead. However player death has always been a little weirder, which I’ll get to in a second.
As for what happens after you expire, in FF you enter back into effectively the lifestream to reincarnate, your memories and personality dissolving. Meanwhile WoW has always pointed to the idea of an afterlife, called the Shadowlands, which players get a taste of when they die and have to run back to their corpse.
Eventually, WoW decided it was going to explore the Shadowlands in a titular expansion, having players and the plot explore a collection of realms that make up the afterlife of its universe.
The reception across the board wasn’t great. I’m not going to unpack all of it here because there’s a lot to it, but I’ll focus on one aspect of it that doesn’t feel thought through.
Because the game had to play like it always has, you needed to jump into it, fight monsters and bad guys and beat bosses. So naturally you have to have all your standard combat and exploration mechanics. This means you hit things with weapons and they turn into experience and rewards.
The lore shakes itself out like this: The afterlife ends up being Life 2, and if you die in the Shadowlands, you die forever (except for players since it’s not a roguelike).
What’s that? You wandered off a floating rock and plummeted to the ground? Well it turns out your eternal existence is not canceled and now you’re just a bunch of energy. Oh, it turns out you can just run into heaven with a blade that some guy in a fishing hamlet smithed up for you and kill an angel with it. In one afterlife you can be pulled apart in a necromantic wasteland and stitch yourself back together but if you bleed out in Fae Wonderland, then your soul gets to feed their weird bugs.
It kind of become existentially terrifying the longer you examine it. (This doesn’t even touch on how it handles what your soul looks like when it comes to multiple timelines and how it compresses them down but like I said, I’m not touching on everything here).
All of this culminates into the final boss of the expansion. There’s a lot to be said about the Jailor but for the purpose of this post, I want to focus on one thing in particular: the players foil his plans and ultimately kill him without any kind of magical artifact or special countermeasure.
Like I said earlier, the players are always able to fight against the beings of the Realm of Death. There’s no difference between them and a monster or mortal on the material plane. And once you kill something it’s dead here.
In previous expansions, the final bosses have always had some extreme measure of power or protection that the players typically had to overcome in order to be able to strike the final blow, but in Shadowlands, it turns out that the only issue was that it never put 25-30 player characters in the same room as this guy from the start of the story. Yes, there’s a gear system and technically there’s a soulbind system where you link yourself to a being of the afterlives to power yourself up though it is never referenced in story or really in gameplay outside of stats. In the story it comes down to a raid fight that feels like it could’ve happened at any time with a villain who has no special protection (there’s a small plot about him having special mind control powers and trying to protect against that and you’d think that would payoff more, but they literally just did that with the previous final boss of the proceeding expansion and couldn’t do it again).
I could talk at length about this but I want to move on to the point of this post:
Final Fantasy does all of this better.
I could make a series of posts on how the last two expansions for this game actually rip apart Shadowlands, but for what I really want to focus on I want to move on to the 6.2 content.
In FF14, there’s a realm of Darkness that’s called the Void where demons known as Voidsent dwell. Sometimes these show up in our world either by slipping in between cracks between the worlds or by being summoned, and it’s been recorded that even if you kill them, the same ones have reappeared again later.
Due to circumstances with the plot, we go to there a couple of times, and with this latest trip, we learn something important about Voidsent: You can kill them even in their home plane but they can come back. I promised mild spoilers so I won’t get into how they do this (trust me, it’s worth playing through to find out, as how the game represents the idea of light and darkness as themes of entropy actually makes for some amazing worldbuilding).
By entering this strange new world, we learn that it doesn’t play by our same rules. Sure, we can interact with it like we always have in game terms, but on the story level, we can’t solve our problems with a blade.
Meanwhile the residents of the world change how they live based off all of this. Life and death act differently, and the forms of the voidsent are varied and complex. The way they interact with each other and you reflects how different their world is from yours. While not a realm of death, it feels like a realm based around a theme rather than just a cool concept art.
In the end, in order to beat even the first major challenge in this world, the player and their allies are forced to use a special method which raises several questions (of technical, logistic, moral, and historical varieties) and opens up a lot of avenues for potential plot developments. There’s a sense that even if you were to get put into an arena with the big bad in this realm, that winning the boss fight wouldn’t necessarily win you the fight.
While it’s not a 1:1 comparison, I can’t help but keep comparing the Void to the Shadowlands and knowing that I really wanted the Shadowlands to act like this the entire time rather than be dropped without any consideration for the existential implications it brought with it.
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messedupessy · 4 years
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A very messy Rus trash boi who I decided to sketch as my warm up today, haven’t drawn this shitty boi for ages so it felt rly nice to get to draw him again, it’s been so long and he turned out pretty darn good ye UwU ❤
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pyrrhesia · 3 years
FF14 Write - ‘Crane’
In which Cwenthryth Sadler finds a round peg for her ro--
In which Cwenthryth Sadler finds a better fit.
Aislona Rymmahrwyn belongs to @catpella
People often compared Cwenthryth to a lizard. Mostly, they meant she was cold-blooded, or that there was something in the way she seemed to stare through you without blinking. The most apt comparison, though, was that Cwenthryth liked to get close to the sun. She liked to climb in general. There was a satisfaction to finding a way to scurry up from a back alley, finding footholds in weak limestone or windows. Where a more... uniformly built city, or even the nicer parts of Ul'dah, might have confined its citizens to the street, the slums encouraged movement as the crow flew. There was, for a time, peace. She watched the birds for a time, before closing her eyes, letting the sounds of the world melt away. She'd never have considered herself to meditate, and yet, in these little moments of quiet, she found the strength to keep going... A grunt, followed by frantic scrabbling at the rooftop, sheared through her peace. What. She opened her eyes and put a hand to her dagger, looking over at... the man from the alchemy shop. She craned her neck, this way and that, trying to figure out why he was here. Or, failing that, remember his name. "You're... agh... a hard woman to find, Cwen," the man wheezed. "Good." "Ah... ?" She closed her eyes again. "Didn't want to be found." Grunt. Scrabble. Scuff. "Well, I figured, since we-- nngh!" Cwenthryth sniffed. Her priorities changed. She looked back over. "You brought food?" "I thought... you might..." She unfolded briskly, and hoisted him over the lip. He was a lean, rangy highlander of a similar background, though a second-generation immigrant while she was first. He talked like a local, acted like one, too, but he'd definitely liked the sight of what he saw as a compatriot turning up on his storefront. Cwenthryth, for her part, liked the sight of shawarma. She took it up and gnawed at it, while looking inquisitively at Thelred as he tried to get his breath back. "You figured since we were what?" Cwenthryth asked, between bites. Thelred forced himself to sit up, looking up. Cwenthryth blocked out the sun. "It might be nice to spend time together." "We do spend time together. Did you want sex? It's too open here." She chewed on the shawarma some more. "Maybe time doing something a little different?" he tried. "Just talking." "I'm not good at talking." "Well... neither am I, but you've always been good at listening." He fidgeted as she ate, still looking down at him. "I'd like to think we could do more than just sleep with each other," he hinted. "That maybe we could become partners." "I don't know alchemy. That's why we met." "Not business partners," he said, desperately. "I meant... I wanted to see you as a girlfriend. Not as... whatever we were." Cwenthryth stared at him for a few seconds. It took some time to process. She quite liked what they already had going. Work was hard, she needed relief, she figured he needed relief, they rolled into bed and she was gone by dawn. The idea that someone wanted more... that someone might even want her? That was enticing. "I mean that--" "I know what you mean," she said. "Okay. We can try it. I mean, I'd like that."
Cwenthryth had a few simple rules as a debt collector. She wouldn't hurt peripherals, because that made people act irrationally. And she always made good on threats. The faster she could narrow someone down to making the right decision - that was to say, finding the hidden cache of money which always had a way of mysteriously appearing after some persuasion - the sooner she was out of there. Following these rules, her reputation had grown to the point where, by now, she usually didn't have to get her hands dirty anymore. This was useful. Blood stuck under the nails. She'd managed to get a decent return on her current job, a scion of a Monetarist family who was rich, but not so rich he couldn't bankrupt himself with gambling debts, it had turned out. It was a familiar story. Some genuinely did just wait for death, blowing through whatever they had left and praying their families would bail them out. They generally did, once Cwenthryth had sent them enough fingers. This one, she sensed, might have been of that vintage save for losing his nerve at the last moment. As she forced open the door and slipped inside, she saw, quickly, the telltale signs. Ruinously expensive grog, some tacky new art, and - her eyes lingered - a shape under the covers of a luxurious bed. But the window was open, letting in what could generously be called the atmosphere of Ul'dah. She went over to the window, scanned the area, but the only sign she saw was a distinct dent in the tree beneath. The covers shifted behind her. "Mmn, Alfric, where's my money..." Cwenthryth turned, saw the shape of legs - long, tight legs, her hindbrain noted - stretch out like a cat's, pulling down the covers to reveal a sharp, angular face, with the telltale 'hewn from purple-tinted stone' look of a roegadyn. Her eyes fluttered open, saw Cwenthryth, shut again, then opened wide. "Oh," she said. "He's gone," supplied the debt-collector. "Really? Damn." "You didn't ask for money in advance?" The roegadyn raised an eyebrow. "Generally, people don't dare stiff someone two feet taller than them. The ones who try aren't much of a bother. Are you going to kill him?" "Depends. He's in debt to two different people. Hiring escorts isn't a good look." Cwenthryth cocked her head, considering the other woman. "And you don't look cheap," she concluded. The roegadyn laughed. "Well, thank you! So friendly, for hired muscle. We've no quarrel, right?" "No, so you can stop reaching under the pillow for your knife." The roegadyn paused, then broke out into a laugh. "Can hardly blame me, under the circumstances. When an armed stranger breaks in, no matter how pretty..." Cwenthryth's heart skipped a beat. "Uh," she said. "Can I at least take some of his stuff? I can't imagine he'll ever pay me what he owes. And that was not an experience worth putting on the house, believe me." The roegadyn sniffed, and shifted upright in the bed. For a tantalising moment, it looked as though she wouldn't bother to keep the fabric pressed against her chest. "Asked you a question, darling," she reminded her with an outrageous wink. "Sorry to have distracted you." "Uh," said Cwenthryth again. Without twenty-six years of emotional suppression under her belt, she'd have turned red as falling Dalamud. "Take everything. He deserves it." She started to move back towards the door, but couldn't tear her eyes away from the escort. Because she was just... watching her back, for the only potential threat in the room. Yeah. "Ah, you are a treasure," said the roegadyn. "I'm sure we'll see each other around!"
"You should smile more." Cwenthryth's smile died on her lips. "Huh?" "You were smiling," said Thelred. "It's nice. I don't see it enough." "Thanks." Cwenthryth filed it away. She'd learned a lot about what girlfriends should do lately. It meant an end to going missing on rooftops. Odd phrasing, she'd thought. She knew where she was. Now her only time away was out working - and he disapproved of her work - or at home - and he was dropping hints even Cwenthryth could pick up on that they should soon share a home as well. "I was thinking about this woman I saw yesterday. She was..." She had been a lot of things. Cwenthryth settled on, "beautiful." "Oh? More beautiful than I am handsome?" "Yes." After a half-second's pause, Thelred laughed. "Oh, thank Rhalgr I've you to keep me humble." "Ha," Cwenthryth managed. They walked for a while down through the market stalls. Cwenthryth felt Thelred's fingers wrap around her hand, and decided to force a smile. "There's my girl," he said, and she tried to stifle her bile reaction. "You'll need to practice that smile, you know. When I get my shop, I'll need your help." She looked across, with rare surprise. "You're going to be a money-lender?" Thelred's burst of laughter quickly faded away. "No, no, I... Oh, you aren't joking." "I'm not good at jokes," she said earnestly. "Well, Fafarino's not getting any younger, and he's been... dropping hints, perhaps that he might leave me the place, when I'm ready. And I think that'll be soon. Then we're set, right? And you can finally quit your... uh, work, and settle down..." Some tiny warning bell rang in the deep recesses of Cwenthryth's brain. "Wouldn't that be nice?" he prompted, as they reached the front door of his house. "Yes. You'd like that," she said dutifully, accepted a kiss on the cheek, and weaved away through the streets.
That night, she found herself on the rooftops again, hugging herself in the cold. All her life, Cwenthryth had felt, or sometimes just been told, she didn't... fit right, in the world. That there was some agreed-upon ruleset she just didn't play well with. But she had to be doing something right, didn't she? She had a partner, and they had a plan together. Right? And he loved... her, maybe, or at least, loved who he thought she was, or perhaps who he thought she would become. She wasn't... unhappy. And it was a way out of the cycle of violence. It wasn't that she liked hurting people, she had to keep telling herself that, to keep her apart from the sadists and the madmen, she just happened to be good at holding her nose and getting the job done. She could make herself happy. And learn to smile and be happy behind a counter, and say the right things at the right times, and then at last she'd be the upstanding Ul'dahn woman her mother had wanted her to become, the life she'd been told her father - the fighter, the revolutionary, the martyr - would have wanted for her. But when she coiled up in her bed that night and closed her eyes, she dreamed of winking roegadyn.
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kusinka · 4 years
Reasons I love Shadowbringers
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Well, I finally managed to put my thoughts into words - yes, after nearly half a year after the release of the Final Fantasy XIV “Shadowbringers” expansion! First of all, I have to admit, that after finishing the expansion (the 5.0 patch) I had “ withdrawal“ syndrome - I was so hooked by how well the story was told, that I constantly was thinking about lore/story days after. I had it a few times already with some books (like The Three-Body Problem or Xenocide) - I loved them so much and they impressed me so much, that after finishing them I couldn’t stop thinking about them. Shadowbringers gave me the same “obsession”, so it’s an  even bigger plus for me, that it was some impactful :)
The world concept:
The concept of the world flooded and almost destroyed by Light was very intriguing and I enjoy exploring it as things were similar enough yet not as same as on the Source. Who would guess, that Light, which normally we would associate with something good (as opposed to the Void) was such scary and destructive force and was able to create such monstrous abominations?
There was something terrifying in the constant daylight and I’ve got thrilled then we returned the night for the first time! Plus Crystarium is my new favourite main city!
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The main story in each zone:
I liked the fact that zones were so different from each other and they offered us a different “main theme” - pixies, some ancient Indian/Aztec-like ancient civilization.
Every time I entered the zone and started its story, I was like “meh, ok let’s see how it will go”, but more we progressed, the more I liked each story and setup of the zone/environment! Also I think all zones were well matching the story/theme of each zone. :D
Not, to mention then we meet Alisaie and the whole thing with Tesleen happened - holy molly I wasn’t mentally prepared for THAT! Or at least not in this way... I haven’t expected that SE would drop such scene so early in the story, but it convinced me IT WILL BE GOOD later and I wasn’t disappointed one bit! :)
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The character progression:
I think the time difference between the Source and First, served well for the character development. It gave the reason and background to change characters personality a bit - after all, they spend between 1-5 years on the First and time passed, they had their new experiences, problems, struggles and friendships. Also, they matured (omg I love Thancred and Twins even more! <3) a lot and I liked it then we meet them again and noticed some changes about them. PS. I still have love/hate feelings for the Thancred’s scene after his fight with Ran'jit - it had the perfect mood and setting, but I was screaming a big “no, no, no way, no, I will hate you forever if you...” (I cried ok? no judging!) all the time and my friends laughed at me as they knew me enough to know how I’ll react - after all Thancred is my husbando :D
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Amaurot / Ascian lore bombs:
Do I have to explain it to anyone who finished Shadowbringers? xD
I never liked Ascians, never - I always found them annoying “the typical bad guys” and when I saw Emet-Selch I was like “oh no, yet another annoying Ascian”, but SE played it well… and I loved it.
We went to the final zone and bum, here you have it - their background story, their tragedy - seeing them in the phantom city (tho it was just recreation from Emet) start to “win us over”.
The more we learnt about the Ascians and Ancient Amaurotian civilization, the more intrigued I was (and probably like most of the players' xD). Finally, Ascians were not only faceless (but still masked!) villains, but they became villains with some “reasons” (tho still it didn’t change a bit they were a bunch of madman murderers).
And we had Emet-Selch - you can pity Ancient Amaurotians and their cruel fate, but not Ascians - nothing can excuse their actions and genocides. You pity them, you feel them, but you can’t forgive them nor forget. I was amazed by this story, especially since I looked at it with annoyance at the beginning of ShB. xD
I just loved the phantom city, it’s architectural style, the music and instance... the instance was just perfect and gave me gooseflesh - we had very nice instances in FF14, but never I saw the instance and trial which were so perfe4ctly matched with the corresponding story... it was just perfect continuation and ending. Every time I got Amaurot as an instance in Expert Rullete I’m thrilled every single time (also I’m amazed to see all these environmental interactions - falling walls and buildings, mass destruction and planet seem from above)! :D
Yes, I was crying and I truly belive Ishikawa-sensei deserves the Oskar xD I was so happy and touched to see she received the standing applause - she deserved it <3
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I haven’t paid too big attention to the music in the game - usually, I had my music on Spotify playing, but this time it was different and I was enjoying ShB OST a lot. Probably, it’s because I immersed myself in the story so much, that the music was the perfect complement and helped to build the overall atmosphere of the world and story.
In Shadowbringers I like almost all BGM - the exception is general battle music... I had to turn it off XD
My favourite BGM is (spoilers in links!):
the final zone of final zone music <3
the final trial boss phase 2 music (tho first phase is nice too!)
boss fight music (in normal instances)
solo MSQ duty music
But Sokan-sama and Music Team made such an awesome job, that I enjoyed BGM so much that I can’t wait to get Shadowbringers OST.
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The new classes:
Honestly, I wasn’t super interested in the Dancer - as I always preferred healers as main and magical DPS as my DPS alts - and both Bard and Mechanist didn’t catch my interest before. But I have to admit, now the more I play it and more I learn the encounters and class roration (tho I’m still far from being perfect and at full class potential level) - the more I love it!
Also, my only tank was Dark Knight, so I knew I wanted to try Gunbreaker (especially that now Thancred husbando is one <3) and I really like the style of Gunbreaker (”flashy-almost-like-DPS tank).My beloved Astrologian, was “kind of broken” after the expansion release, but after some changes it feels much better - still love it and it shall be my main! <3So currently my main is Astrologian, DPS alt is Dancer and tank (tho I rarely play tanks) Gunbreaker! :)
All in all:
I expected a good expansion, but it excided all my expectations - I enjoyed the story and the world a lot and can hardly wait to see more misteries and story of the First and the Amaurot to unfold in the upcoming patches! I hope SE will keep good storytelling! <3 
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Guilt ranting about drama
now I am sorry that I have decidedly created a burner tumblr account, but I don’t know where or who to talk to on the following matter.
Now I know that the game ff14 is well known for friendlier players, but drama exists in almost every wake, depending on where or what you’re looking for. Unfortunately, I am a coward by default, this much I cannot deny, and so I am left to only ever see how bad these dramas can get. I honestly wished I left this particular fc before I got the chance, but by the frustrating circumstances had left our fc leader to abandon ship and leave the leadership with me and 5 other people.
Long story short, former leader was easily protective of the first fc they created. to the degree where their protectiveness had basically led to a string of misunderstandings. One person thinks the leader is suffocating. Another saw the situation and yeeted before they anticipated the powderkeg explosion. Then there were fc poachers who joined our fc talk smack about the leader and left while taking other members with them while staining said leader’s name. Leader cannot handle it anymore and left the fc.
Now, on one hand, yes. Leader is the victim of the situation, but here’s where its complicated.
Leader does do a lot of things for the fc. dedicates time and money to house and fc sailing and stuff. yes, they have done a lot of things, but there’s also this thing about their personality that came off too strong. in the ways where they would impose help rather than offer. or that the rules they set are too rigid. to the degree where people honestly misinterpret the meaning behind the rules and their actions that easily push people away.
That said.
ff14 shouldn’t have to be a source of anyone’s anxiety. mmo games in general didn’t need these dumb conflicts. if people leave, they leave, there’s no need to tie a string to ex-members who do. but every time a member leaves, it easily fed into the leader’s insecurities, adding to more stress. the worst part was when a vote was cast by another person who didn’t have any ill-contempt, but wanted to clarify things for others. the vote was cast to whether or not the leader should stay leader. I voted that that they should step down, because I legit thought that it might be best for them to take a break.
thinking back on this as I write, I should have seen the signs. I should have left while I could. I should have talked to the leader before I could dare cast that vote on the chat and ask where or why this happened in the first place. I could see where they are coming from. But I cannot. And I mean, I cannot deny that the way they were leading the fc had been anything but more stressful for many other players. I cried despite not being involved because the truth is I did feel how both sides felt. the frustration. the stress. the anxiety. I didn’t think things would turn out like this. the fact that leader’s friends chose to vote them out too already hurts to think about it. and because of the leader vacum, 5 others including me have roles to fill.
I feel responsible because I was one of many who voted them out. at the rate we were at, this fc will soon be dead and I didn’t want to leave things at an unsettling place. really hated the fact I am already at a cross-roads of irl stuff and yet, this thing falls into my hands. worse thing is that I play on European server that has a different timezone from mine (my morning is their night).
Is this what mmo play is supposed to be? I don’t think so, and yet I somehow get fated into getting roped into a drama between people I know that I somehow end up bearing witness to it.
I want to abandon things, but I feel too responsible to even cut ties.
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ribbi-ffxiv · 2 years
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I think it’s cool that the Lodestone keeps track of dates on achievements. I’ve been playing FF14 for 5 years now.
I remember struggling a lot with most things this game had to offer back then because this was my first “classic” style mmo with tank/heal/dps roles and jobs with hotbars and large amounts of buttons. But it was still a great game even tho I was bad and regularly letting tanks die as a fresh newbie healer struggling with cleric stance.
I remember getting fully caught up on MSQ just one week before Stormblood launched, and in my opinion, (probably biased) Stormblood is still my favorite expansion. The aggro system wasn’t gutted yet, so WAR and DRK were way cooler than they are now and yes, I miss having aggro management on DPS.
 I do not think it’s possible to do relic weapons better than Eureka did, the Omega raids were really fun and it’s story was great, and the MSQ was a bit rough at points, but it setup Endwalker’s story really well and is good on its own if you can overlook the pacing issues.
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And now, I’ve spent well over a year’s worth of time on just my main character alone, I have a few alts with a large amount of hours sunk into them cuz I wanted to replay the MSQ before NG+. It’s hard to imagine what I would be playing if I didn’t play FF14...
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moon-lily · 4 years
November/FF14 Writing Prompt #11
~ Shooting Stars ~
(It all started with falling stars.)
The Rising Stones grew quieter and quieter as the night wore on. Most of the Scions had turned in to sleep, including two of the Warriors of Light. But not one particular Au Ra, who found herself wide awake still. Perhaps a stroll through Revenant’s Toll could help clear her mind and get her sleepy? After checking her bag that she had her necessities, she slung it over her shoulder and started to head out. 
“Lilith!” The call of her name caused her pause, turning her head to see G’raha running after her.
“Forgive me if I startled you but-” His crimson eyes glanced to her bag and then to the front door, idly rubbing his arms a bit. “I hope you were not about to attend to some matter on your own? Ah, that is, it’s no business of mine and it’s a proven fact you’re strong enough to-”
“Calm down, G’raha, I wasn’t about to go exploring or anything by myself,” Lilith clarified, chuckling at his apparent worry. “Well, nothing like that, anyway. I was about to go on a walk to help clear my head. I’m not feeling the least bit drowsy so I thought it might help.” He nodded in reply, understanding what she meant, though his ears were still lowered slightly as he lowered his gaze.
“You know you can come with me if you want to, right,” she added, hand on her hip as he quickly made eye contact again.
“No, I couldn’t possibly impose myself like that on you. Especially on-”
“G’raha,” she interrupted, her smile warm and assuring. “It’s okay. I want you to come with me. I know it’s not a brand new adventure for us to share but... You’ll do me that favor, at least?”
“Certainly! You need not ask me twice to help you,” he replied with a returning smile, hand on his chest, ears and tail raised some out of delight. “Lead on.” Nodding at that, Lilith continued on to step outside of the Rising Stones into the bar Seventh Heaven, which was still kind of busy with some patrons. Crossing the room from there, once Lilith stepped into the cool outside air, she was glad for her choice in attire. A long sleeved white and black autumn dress would keep her much warmer than anything else - well, she could buy more clothes for that actually.
Turning to face G’raha, she pointed up at a ledge above. “Care for a little race to that ledge there? It’s possible to get there from that outdoor dining area. It’d be like old times~!”
A small blush of embarrassment warmed the Miqo’te’s cheeks, not too surprised that she still remembered that. What was a few centuries ago to him was only a year to her. “Not letting me live that down, are you? Warrior of Light or not, I intend to give it my all,” he told her, crouching slightly to ready a sprint.
“Hmph, I won before and I plan to do so again,” Lilith retorted as she readied herself like him. “On three... one... two... three!” The two took off through the mostly empty streets of Revenant’s Toll, very quickly reaching the markets and to Rowena’s House of Splendors. It was here that Lilith began to slow down a bit, the stairs getting to her once they reached the top. By then, she was a bit winded as G’raha sped on ahead of her, only stopping when he was near the ledge she pointed out. 
Hunching over slightly to catch his own breath, he straightened up when she approached, having slowed her pace to do the same. “That’s.. That’s not fair, you had the C-Crystal Tower and a-all of its steps to train with,” she muttered, taking deep breaths as G’raha laughed.
“Ha, let us not forget who felled that boar first, and as I recall, I had the right judgement to entrust the aethersand to you in the end.”
“Right... And as I recall, I had the thought of ‘I’m going to punch this guy when I see him for making me run around’ cross my mind.” She motioned to follow her to the ledge, walking down about halfway before climbing up and sitting on it, legs dangling over the edge. 
“Is that the truth or a jest,” he asked, nervous laugh following while he followed her lead to join her on the ledge.
“Yes, but... That would have been unfair to you, no? And I haven’t laid a single hand on you, have I?”
“That you haven’t. Now, ahem, is there aught amiss that has left you unable to sleep?”
“Mn, I suppose there’s one thing that’s been on my mind,” she started, gazing up at the night sky. “No, it’s more than that. Back on the First... Did you know that you’d eventually end up like that? And that was why you resigned to sacrifice yourself to save me?”
She could see his ears lower slightly, the man bringing a hand up into a closed fist as he pondered it. At this point, she recognized it as his habit when he needed to sort out his thoughts, be it about some conundrum or something more trivial.
“It was.. but one of a few reasons,” he responded, lowering his hand to look at her. “Has that been plaguing your mind since then?”
“Sort of. It could be I didn’t have the luxury of time to think and process what was happening in the moment. It was many things happening at once, and before I knew it, I was standing there, holding your soul vessel, crying my eyes out.” She laughed a little from admitting that, though G’raha stared with a mixture of worry and empathy. Before he could speak, she added, “Don’t go apologizing for that, by the way. I felt a little better and hopeful about the vessel working - I believed you were telling me the truth.” 
The more she thought on it, the more she realized that the increasing stress of dealing with Elidibus played a large factor in it. And it got worse with that star shower. That’s where it began. Actually, was that not how her own adventure started? Dreaming of shooting stars and then resolving to leave her village... What awoke the Echo within her.
“You always did put faith in me, even when I hid myself from you,” G’raha finally commented, smiling gently at her. “I pray you’re aware of how much I appreciate that.”
“I think I have some idea of it,” Lilith teased, the two chuckling as they shared the view of the night sky.
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mochibuni · 5 years
I just need to complain about healers in FF14 for aprox 50 years under this cut, sorry in advance.
WHERE TO START. So, Shadowbringers has been an AMAZING expansion in many ways. Actually probably every way except for one, and it's actually a very important bit of way. Healing.
But let's back up.
But before backing up let me clarify that while white mage (whm) has been my secondary job since 2015, one that I really do mean secondary. I've played it quite a bit and kept it geared, and played it interchangeably with my main for high end content-- it was still my secondary job. There are nuances to healers in the game that I just do not have experience with or don't know about on a detailed level. But I'm feeling these changes here on my second job level, which means it is certainly hitting healer mains like a bus, so with that in mind.
Let's back up.
When I started playing FF14 in 2015 there was a prevalent argument about healers and dps well before I started my wayward journey as the Warrior of Light. This argument basically hasn't changed, and this is what it is: how much should healers be expected to dps in multiplayer content? There's essentially two major sides to this argument, which is healers should always dps and healers should heal.
I bet you think this sounds silly because well duh, heal is in their name, they should heal. And they should. I actually agree with healers should heal, to an extent. But my opinion is if you say healers should always dps, you were a bad healer. And if you say healers should just heal, you were also a bad healer.
So here's the thing, FF14 is a casual mmo, and by that I mean it appeals to a lot of casual players. And that's absolutely okay, I think that's part of its success and charm. There is always going to be this pressure to not play like an idiot with others in multiplayer content and yes, you do have to do at least some of the said content to progress in the game because they are required, but the truth is this community is largely okay with tolerating bad play. Good portions of the community will try to be helpful. And this isn't just the community, it's built into the dev's philosophy about the game itself.
It's a subscription based game, but YoshiP, the head of FF14's team, will tell you to unsub anytime you want. You can always come back, your Warrior of Light will always be here waiting for your return.
So what do you do when you have a large casual playerbase? Well honestly, like any other game in the genre, you tailor it to your players. The required content we have isn't super hard. It can still be difficult for some players, but what I'm trying to get at here is that the jobs in the game are tuned so they are actually playable for the required content. What this means for healers is yeah there is stuff you have to heal, but it's not so hard that you have to heal all the time. Coupled with healers having damage spells because there is required solo content in the game, too, means that if a healer is comfortable with the state of the health of their party, they can dps.
And that's where this healer debate started, because if you're a "good" healer, you have time to dps, so you should help your party and dps. (this is not necessarily true because I have witnessed plenty of dps centric healers that were TERRIBLE by virtue of them NOT HEALING EVER) And so healers would get yelled at if they didn't dps.
Which btw the devs don't like this, they don't like you telling someone else how to play the game. As long as that person isn't being toxic, they can play their job the way they want to.
A lot of things happened between 2015 to now, but it's largely the same song and dance about healing. And then we got to 2019 where Shadowbringers overhauled the healers to on the surface say healers should heal. And to be honest, I think that has been the dev's stance since the beginning. Healer dps isn't factored into designing multiplayer damage content. But this change to better mirror their philosophy has caused a LOT of issues and in my opinion if it isn't rectified to a certain degree is going to hurt the health of the game.
So what changed about healers? Across the board mana was capped to 10k, which is a separate issue in itself, but as of right now 10k is the pool healers get to play with. Healers have at least one spell that will help them get mana back, some specific healer jobs have more, and as we continue on with this expansion the way the piety stat works for healers may substantially increase passive mana regen, but for now what we have is a capped mana pool to be burned through if you do much more than healing.
Healers were given more HEY HEAL spells, which for white mage this didn't really change how we play because we've always been the super healing class. That is our Thing. But for scholars a lot of their damage spells were replaced with healing, and one of their mechanics that was often used for damage can only be used for healing now. Astros were just murdered across the board. Their most fun mechanic, drawing and applying buffing cards to the party, was super simplified which isn't exactly a problem except they removed a lot of the fun stuff you could do with cards. They also nerfed Astro healing and dps to where it's a struggle for Astros to not only heal content, but also dps their solo content.
1) Content isn't made for the new healing style.
There's two parts to this-- one is that if you're going to change how healers operate, you need to give them suitable content for those changes. Shadowbringers didn't do this. The second part is the old content still exists and there's no way the devs can reasonably change any or all of it to suit the new healers. So we've got these healer changes without any suitable content for them, and even if we did, there's years and years of old content that isn't so that isn't helpful for leveling new healers.
So then you have this issue that there isn't enough to heal, so you dps and then you find out dpsing eats through your mana and then whoops you have nothing left to heal with. Or you don't dps and then you just sit there and do nothing, which some people like that. That's cool. But a majority of players liked to be engaged, so then you have people just not picking healer because they find it boring.
2) The fundamental changes to scholar and astro turned a lot of those players away.
You know, this happens sometimes, and I'm not necessarily saying it's a bad thing. I hated the bard changes in Stormblood and stopped playing bard, though a lot of people loved new bard and they picked it up. Unfortunately a lot of people aren't loving new scholar and DEFINITELY aren't loving new astro, so the healer numbers have dwindled. Even if bard wasn't similarly well received, the thing is there are several other dps classes to take its place. There are only three healer jobs, and you can imagine how only having one being deemed decent enough to play is an issue.
3) Less healers have killed content queues
Makes sense, less people playing healers means the queues for multiplayer content has increased because a healer is required. On some data centers apparently this hasn't been a big deal, but on mine we're seeing 30+ minute queues. This is not healthy for the game in the long term. May this change once Shadowbringers is less fresh? Maybe? But I highly doubt it will improve much if changes aren't made to draw people back to healing.
4) The current healers punishes bad players.
This is a more of an in my opinion, based on how I heal and also how I support on my main class- Red Mage. So I talked before that this is a casual game with a community that is usually forgiving with bad play and the devs seem to reflect that philosophy. So in the past a good healer could carry a group through, a good support class like Red Mage could carry a healer or the group through. I spent a lot of my time in normal raids raising dead players to alleviate the mana and casting burden on healers. Raising costs a lot of mana, and it still does despite the price decrease, and without a spell that lets you raise quickly, the cast timer for raise is quite long.
It is basically the red mage's job to help by raising, that is part of our kit. That extends to summoner as well, but red mage was made very well for it because of how our spell casting works. This allows healers to save their mana and focus on healing their party-- cause look if people are dying, that means there's damage to be healed. Or that person is very bad and don't deserve the healer's time.
As a white mage I could still heal and raise without the help of a support mage, so my point is healers and support mages were made to make content forgiving. It was okay if a player or playerS were bad because if you're a skilled enough player, your kit can circumvent punishment for bad play.
In my opinion, new healers don't allow that. Or more specific, the mana cap doesn't allow that. The mana cap has changed how much spells costs, so generally spells are cheaper than they were. But on red mage I used to be able to go through dungeons without having to use my mana regen spell unless I had died or chain raised several other players. In current content I have to use my mana regen spell just because I eat through mana so fast just playing my normal damage spells-- which is part of my job because red mages are a damage class even if we're support mages.
This means I can only raise so much before I just can't because of job design. And this also applies to healers, you can only raise so much before you can't because of job design. This feels bad. And while it does make sense people should learn to play better because part of everyone's job is to not get yourself killed, this is a casual game. People are bad. It's just punishing the healers for having bad players.
And who wants to play a job where all you get is being punished for doing your job?
So what happens next?
I think the devs have heard pretty loudly how unhappy healer mains are with the changes, and I think they can see player percentages and queues as well. I think white mage is going to be untouched, but scholar may receive a few changes to make them feel less clunky in how they play. Astro needs an overhaul, and I just don't see that happening until the next expansion as historically jobs do not undergo huge changes between expansions.
Or they might do what they did before and give Astro stupid good buffs on their cards to make people want to suffer through their bad gameplay, we shall see.
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tetsushiroll · 7 years
I got tagged by @nerf-thiis. thats alot of questions tbh... o dunno if i can anwser them all D:
1. Nickname(s): Tetsu, Kotetsu, TrashTetsu, Chris 2. Bias: eh? 3. Blood type: i dunno, i always asked but they didnt gaved me an anwse 4. Relationship status: looner 5. Birthday: 30.11 6. Zodiac sign: saggitarius 7. Pronouns: this thing 8. Hair length: shoulder long 9. Height: 185cm 10. A crush: not sure tbh 11. What do you like about yourself: high creativity and able to copy up all those staff spinning stuff from videa gamu 12. Right or left handed: both... its really confusing... 13. List of three favourite colours: teal, red, purpel 14. Right now eating: air 15. Right now drinking: Freeway mixmaxx cola orange thingy 16. I’m about to: Dunno try some voicing, play p5, check messages, stuff 17. Listening to: P5 - Last Suprise 18. Kids: ...maybe 19. Get married: s-sounds nice tbh 20. Recent phone call: Parents 21. Have you ever dated someone twice: bope 22. Been cheated on: na 23. Kissed someone and regretted it: no 24. Lost someone special: yes 25. Been depressed: i am good rn 26. Been drunk and thrown up: never 27. Had glasses or contacts: Yes 28. Had sex on a first date: nope 29. Broken someone’s heart: tbh, yep there where some people who liked me in the past 30. Turned someone down: Yep 31. Cried when someone died: ...no 32. Fallen for a friend: sometimes... 33. In the last year have you made a new friend: Yes 34. Fallen out of love: not yet 35. Laughed until you cry: i... cant remember? 36. Met someone who changed you: probably @orionsvoid, @naizakane, @rainsonata, @prrinceroy, @nerf-thiis because of this confi... and probably @incarniunknown cause i learned lot about other stuff 37. Found out who your true friends were: surely 38. Found out someone was talking about you: do we mean good stuff or bad stuff? cause both 39. Lips or eyes: eyes 40. Hugs or kisses: hugs 41. Shorter or taller: taller 42. Romantic or spontaneous: i dunno both?? 43. Sensitive or loud: im am pretty sensetive when it comes to, even thou i can act like a real asshole 44. Hookup or relationship: relationship 45. First best friend: Cant remember 46. Surgery: i had one but... its a hard to tell spot :’D 47. Sports I joined: i did handball once, rn i am train Fire Dance/art stuff by myself 48. Do you believe in yourself: Yes 49. Miracles: They sure exist 50. Love at first sight: hard to tell 51. Heaven: Exist but i will maybe never see it (Demons are hotter so) 52. Do you have any pets: A Happy ADHD dog 53. Do you want to change your name: Maybe to something cooler? 54. What did you do for your last birthday: I dunno? i have a Bird brain rn... i guess we were to something special... 55. What time did you wake up today: 7am 56. What were you doing last night at midnight: playing P5 (i wanted to stop after beating the 3rd dungeon but what happend after that was so intresssting) 57. Something you can’t wait for: Going home and Play FF14 58. Last time you saw your mom: Las weekend 59. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: uh..... hard to tell... maybe did more sports so i would be better in moving around 60. What’s getting on your nerves: Neighbours with loud MUSIC WHY DO YA NEED EXTRA BASS YA FUCKER ITS A DORM WE ARE SUPPOSE TO LIVE AND LEARN AND NOT PARTY LIKE THIS?!?!?
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soreillia · 7 years
FFXIV Fan Festival Day 2
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This was the last day of the two days event at Frankfurt! It was so much fun and people there were so nice?! (Like it never occurred to me people would just start a chat with strangers XD A lot of people were asking me to switch to their servers FFFF) I’m already amazed that FF14 players are so much more friendly than in any other MMORPGs I played. well it’s not free to play after all... tbh i miss p2p aion as well
Anyway! My day 2 report under the cut~
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I actually want to skip the stuff that was on livestream but DAMMMMN I’m still so surprised and happy for them, when they handed 3 Guinness World of Record Awards to FFXIV/SE!!
One of the world records was “having the longest credits in an online game” with 1h and 48 min. Yes. Almost 2h of credits.
The 2nd award was for having the most music tracks for a game with 384. Soken seemed so surprised about creating that many xDD But as they pointed out in the talk between Uematsu and Soken even Titan Theme has for every of 5 phases its own track then it was no wonder haha
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Also since it was the last day I wanted to finish collecting my stamps you get from Mini Games and Ingame Events. So I picked the “Battle Challenge” to get 3 more stamps (you get 5 if you succeed). In this challenge 24 people can join and have to fight “Proto Ultima” together (split in 3 alliances).
There were many people standing there queuing for it so I wondered how long it will take for my turn. But as I was waiting for about 2 minutes a woman came to me asking if I was solo and that one of the alliances still needed a healer! So I pretty much got instant queue like ingame healer queue... XDD The people seemed to know each other and I was so nervous!! I didn’t have any idea how the fight was gonna be and what the mechanics are. I asked them if I should play SCH or WHM-- (hoping I can play SCH and let my fairy carry my heals /SHOT) but the other healer already picked SCH, so they asked me to play WHM. Well... I was cosplaying White Mage already so... it was fitting.
The fight was pretty stressy-- the other SCH died so many times and the DRG died first as usual, these LOLDRG pls so we wiped on the first try, but on the second try we made it!! I had no idea what was going on--- where to run to-- everywhere AoE-- but HEY WE DID IT!! 5 STAMPS GET!!
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So after I got the 9+ stamps I was able to pick up my rewards! It was the Fat Chocobo Keyring and cute stickers of minions and stickers of the Grand Companies and Stormblood.
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I past the signature wall once again to see what people wrote and......
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Yes, I can’t believe they added more to the Haurchey Memorial.
Also wanted to check on what I wrote the day before AND SOME PERSON WROTE OVER MY WRITING FFFF SO I ADDED A CACTUAR NEXT TO IT DOING 1K NEEDLES ATTACK but I forgot how cactuar look like and it became very derp. Also thank you random person adding Haurchey next to it.
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After I finished being in rage about my writing being overwrote BY SOME SLOPPY LAD’S
managed to take a picture together with Susan Calloway. /MEL PLS U LUCKY GETTING ALL THESE SIGNATURES THO
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She also signed for me-- AND IT SO CUTE!! WITH THAT “: )” AAA She also complimented me for the costume that I’m looking great so I was super blushu AAAA Q//////////Q
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Then I went to check on the drawing of Mogi again-- how far he got today AND FFF I thought he would still work on the other drawing he started the day before, but he actually started another drawing on this day and...
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The festival ended with a concert by The Primals. Oh man hearing all these tracks live was such an amazing experience!! ESPECIALLY RAVANA THEME. THE VOCALS PLS.
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Also Susan Calloway sung Shiva’s Theme together with The Primals AAAAAA
Sadly after their final song (Alexander Boss Theme Locus) there was no encore. But after seeing their performance THEY REALLY DESERVED A BREAK LOL my throat would hurt so badly trying to sing these xD
I’m sad it is over now and I really hope there will be another of these events in the future, the ticket was REALLY REALLY WORTH THE PRICE!! > 3<b
Well and I couldn’t stop myself from buying two more merchandise-
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messedupessy · 5 years
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This was supposed to be just a warm up, but then I decided it would be perfect for a very belated birthday present for my buddy @captain-shitpost, who also passed their exams the other day, so it was only fitting to draw something for them in celebration aye :D
So yeah here he is, the schreechy boy who I decided to colour and stuff a bit differently than usual, as I haven’t coloured in this style for awhile so it was fun, and I just rly wanted to draw him with something off the shoulder like that and also his glasses which he srs need, and while I was looking for more outfits for inspiration I found this uh what is it even called an overall with a cute pattern which I went with, bc I love me them overalls, and the pattern on it are meant to be bats, moons and stars but I got srs sloppy about it xD but yeah overall really happy with how he turned out, he cute af like always, and I imagine he is like mumbling a congratulations while flustering af bc that’s what he do ye
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pyrrhesia · 3 years
FF14 Write - ‘Thunderous’
In which Severine de Belgrave makes a stand.
Walking home from the cavernous Dzemael hold, relentless rain beating down on her, Severine de Belgrave felt curiously small. She had, she thought, served her house well. As far as second children went, anyway. Not for her the world of politics, bartering land and prestige; her choices had been clear enough, and martial life suited her from an early age. Her first mentor had been an old man, one concerned overmuch with etiquette. His tenure had been numbered fairly quickly, when it became apparent that Severine had little time for someone she could beat handily in the ring. And at home, she became more and more a tearaway... Ser Montarge, by contrast, had been a Godsend. Hailing from another Dzemael client house, she boasted decades of distinguished service, bearing numberless scars won in service to Ishgard. She was a distant relation to Severine herself, but did not indulge her. The child's unearned pride was broken quickly and mercilessly in sparring, Montarge's challenge - to lay one good strike on her - going unfulfilled after an hour of increasing desperation, every overextension met with a ringing strike to the ribs or the back of the head. "Show me something, girl," she'd said, "or I'll leave these halls and never return." Yet no matter how hard she tried, she only grew slower and more ragged with every strike, Montarge retaining an infuriating calm, almost relaxed in her defensive posture, turning away blows effortlessly. Eventually, Severine took a blow and stayed down. She screamed at her legs to move, but they just wouldn't listen. Montarge tutted, started to walk over. Hazily, Severine made out her face, realised she was saying words, couldn't put them into coherent patterns. All she could process was: she was within reach. She grabbed her wooden blade and swung a final hammer-blow at Montarge's neck. Montarge's hand snapped out, grabbed it by the blade, barely even flinched as the force behind the strike evaporated. A wave of shame overtook Severine; it was a blatant attempt to cheat, a dangerous one, at that, and it hadn't even bloody worked! And then, to her shock, Montarge smiled. Slowly, performatively, she tapped the blade against her own head, and let it go.
In the coming years, Severine had listened. Yes, some of it - most of it, really - was fighting, learning how to fight with the full suite of weapons expected of a knight, and a handful that were not. But knighthood went beyond that. One day, as Severine had tried and failed to avoid dozing off reciting various expectations of her role, Montarge had thoughtfully drummed her fingers on the book she was reading off. "Why do you think you have to learn all this, Sevi?" "Because..." She shrugged. "Traditions." "That's not enough, on its own. Traditions start for a reason. Do you think all this should be expected of you, as a knight? And do think as a knight, not as a Belgrave." Severine pursed her lips. "To separate us from common warriors, I suppose." Disconcertingly, Montarge scrutinised her student with her remaining eye. "Perhaps," she said after a time. "But I think you regard it as something of a millstone. Would you be stronger, do you think, if we just ditched all of this and focused full-time on making you a better fighter?" "Well... I'd say yes, but you're clearly implying the answer will be no," said Severine, who took pleasure in little victories like that. "Perhaps your skill at arms would be more honed." Montarge shrugged. "But to what end? Who would you be? A fighter without purpose? You are right, we are different from bruisers and brawlers. And, yes, you are right that learning precise forms of address and which fork is for the salad... that these things are tedious. But they come from a place of teaching responsibility. You are exceptional, Sevi. Very few people have your talents, and few of those receive proper training, few of those with, if I may be blunt, a mentor of my calibre. Does the salad fork really matter? Of course not. But it reminds you you have a purpose, to lend your strength to those who cannot fight for themselves." The words lingered in the air, for a time, with Severine now very much alert. Montarge chuckled softly to herself. "But perhaps I am a naive and sentimental old soldier," she said, snapping the book shut and putting it to one side. "Perhaps the salad fork does matter, and perhaps it is all about the consolidation of power in the hands of the people who know which fork it is. But I do not think I could get out of bed in the morning if it was to play my part in a world like that. Could you?" But the cynicism had been borne out, she thought gloomily as she went to her unofficial exile in the Highlands. It had been salad forks after all.
The waves parted. There was a clarity to the flow of battle, even amidst the cacophony of gunfire and screams of agony. The Gyr Abanian heat scorched Severine's dark-lacquered armour as she strode through the dead and the dying, a press of bodies coming the other way. The temptation was to join the people scattering from the fight before she joined those face-down in the sands. However, such was the privilege of the weak. The dying embers of battle risked becoming a massacre, all hope of genuinely holding the line lost. But every second they could claw was another person who could make it to safety. A bullet caromed against her armour, a blade turned off her pauldron, but she struck down three men in broad, scything blows as she weaved between knots of resistance, made her way into the eye of the storm. All around, more were struck down; some falling with blades in their hands, others helpless. Fewer and fewer pushed clear of the massacre, and for a moment, Severine's resolve wavered. How much would it add to cast herself on the pyre? Could any more truly be saved here? And as she dithered, their leader, a colossus in red armour, cast his eyes on her and began to stride forward... The horn rang out from behind her. Reinforcements. Hope. Something to cling to, and fight for. For a moment, the sound of battle melted away, and all Severine could hear was the sound of the leader's inexorable advance, undeterred, undistracted. The knight set her jaw. It would have been so easy to run, but everything she was dictated she make her stand, the oak tree in the flood. "Ishgard remembers," she muttered, and raised her sword.
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mightykombat · 7 years
Final Fantasy
I can do this just fine! Sorta.
Final Fantasy 1: GoodFF1 NES: Archaic and actually kinda bad nowadaysFF1 Wonderswan/PSX: Never played.FF1 GBA/PSP: Good. They fixed a few of the NES version's growing pains and the graphics are cute. I always name my Warrior "W.O.L" :3Final Fantasy 2 NES: Meh. I heard the stat system was frigging terrible too, but at least it gave us Emperor Mateus in all his gaudy glory.FF2 PSx/Wonderswan: Never played. I heard they maybe sorted a few things out with the stat system?FF2 GBA and PSP: Ok. Need more time to play but if they fixed the stat system...Final Fantasy 3 NES: Never played. Heard it was REALLY on that bullshit tho.FF3 DS/PSP: Never played.Final Fantasy 4 (all versions): Good. Cecil is one handsome dude.FF4 After Years: Never playedFinal fantasy 5 (all versions): Good. I dunno about you but Bartz is kinda cute.Fianl Fantasy 6: Great. Especially the two most amazing FF heroes it gave us: Terra Nuke Everything Branford and Sabin Motherfucking Trainsuplexing Rene Figaro.Final Fantasy 7: Great. I know people knock I so much but back in the early to mid 90s this was a childhood classic for me, especially Tifa and Aeris. I can't really hate it at all. Hell I can't even hate Sephiroth at all, even if...Ehrgeiz: Great. This lets me put Sephiroth in a wrestling hold where Dasher Inoba powerbombs him into the fucking void where Exdeath awaits with a steel chair. I could watch that all day.Before Crisis: Never played.Dirge of Cerberus: Terrible. Vincent was a shit protag when he was better off a harmless optional character and the Deepground gang were embarrassing. Also Shalui Rui is a fucking awful design, and yes I say this whilst liking fucking Kuja.Crisis Core: Great. Its a good thing they learned from their mistakes, sorta. Also Zack is amazing.Final Fantasy 8: Good. I guess I need more time with it.Final Fantasy 9: Great. Its a lot more cuter and "fantasy" than the last two games. Also Zidane is the hugest cutie yet. And Vivi too.Final Fantasy 10: Meh. I didn't really find this t be that engaging. I got as far as the laughing scene at least and I've seen the bit where Tidus cries while saying "I HATE YOU DAD" but unlike a certain repugnant dishellved fuck who hates everything, I'm not about to tell people to kill fans of this game because I'm not a fucking sociopath.FF10-2: Ummm...never played but it looks kinda...bad somehow.Final Fantasy 11: Never played, which is sad because it gave us Prishe. But since its an MMO...Final Fantasy 12: Never played.Final Fantasy XIII: Bad. I thought the "Hallway Game" complaints were exagerrated but nah they were spot on. But yeah I actually like Hope Estheim. Crazy.FF13-2: Never played. Looks bad honestly.Lightning Returns: See above, just with way more Lightning than we needed.Final Fantasy 14: So bad it died and birthed...FF14 Realm Reborn: Never played. Oops!Type-0: Never playedFinal Fantasy 15: Haven't played yet but it looks fun. For the first half at least where its guys bein dudes. dont do the recipe joke dont do the recipe jokeAdventure: Never playedMystic Quest: BadDissidia: Never played. And now I really don't need to as it was superceded byDissidia Duodecim: Great. Once you get used to it, that is. Plus I can play as Prishe without paying a monthly subscription fee! :DTheatrythm and others: Never played.All The Bravest: TERRIBLE. A fucking premium game that demands more money like a fucking gold digging spouse. Its pure fee-to-pay gone awful as Jim Sterling would (and did) put it.Record Keeper and Brave Exvius: Never played.
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shrialaharra · 6 years
followers you want to know better game!
Tagged by:  @tinyconfectionary
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NAME: Courtney
STAR SIGN: aquarius
HEIGHT: 5′3″
Don’t wake me- Skillet
Nightmare-Avenged Sevenfold
The Great Escape- Boys Like Girls
Remember the Name- Fort Minor
Uhhh page 23 doesn’t have 17 lines, so I’m just gonna put the last paragraph:
“Fifty-five seconds and counting.  You bastards better start running.  You’re about to fry.” - Born of Night
WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU PLAYED AIR GUITAR?  its been a while.. maybe a few years.
WHAT’S A SOUND YOU HATE + SOUND YOU LOVE? hate...Styrofoam...   LOVE:  Final fantasy music! or zelda...mhmmmmm
HOW ABOUT ALIENS? open to the idea?
DO YOU DRIVE? Yeah T.T hate it.
WHAT WAS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ? 13 reasons why.  Jay Asher
DO YOU HAVE ANY OBSESSIONS RIGHT NOW? FF14, stardew... my hero academia, prompto from ff15 singing the chocobo theme.
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