#and now people are tryna make money off other people's fanfic
plumblobs · 7 months
i just saw a post mentioning my tou when it comes to all the old crap i've made for ts3 and like, do with it what you will.
all i ask is no reuploading anything behind a paywall. most of my stuff is either conversions or retextures which means someone else worked hard on the meshes, and paywalls suck ass.
i plan on keeping the google doc and my simfileshare up so as long as neither breaks, you can get everything there. if they do, we're all fucked because i lost everything in the great harddrive meltdown of 2021.
anyway hope you all are well! when i'm not in the capitalism mines i'm playing overwatch and/or longing for dragon age dreadwolf.
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Flyboy (Floyd Talbert x Female! Reader)
this is my first fanfic, like EVER.  and i really wanted to write for Band of Brothers for a really long time now. sooo here’s my best shot at it. an i know this trope has been done a lot buuuut i can’t help myself. i hope i did well on my first ever fanfic
Description- It’s been a while since you had the time to enjoy yourself, and you finally get to spend it with the boys at the Currahee Party. As the night goes on, the boys decide you had a little too much fun after making a bet with Joe Toye. On the journey back to the barracks, you drunkenly slip out a few words to a certain guy you have your eyes on. 
Words- about 3.7k (oh wow)
Warnings- intense drinking, and vulgar language(i mean… it’s the Easy boys) rest is just fluff an two idiots fallin for each other ig <3
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Adrenaline rushes through your veins, and you couldn’t help yourself from smiling the whole way down to the building where the party was gonna be held. You spent your time making sure you looked good. 
Hopefully good enough to catch that boy’s attention… Ever since you met him at Camp Toccoa, all of your thoughts were occupied by who other than Floyd Talbert. 
The way he looked in his PT uniform, his God-awful jokes, and that goofy smile of his. Any woman would have to be mad to turn Floyd Talbert down.
You two would joke like no tomorrow, and some of the Easy Company men would say that you two would make a good couple (to both of you guys’ embarrassment, but you two lowkey kind of like it).
 You don’t really hang out with him as much as yo, Liebgott, Bill, and Frank do, sadly. But you both made sure to make the moments you two spend together last.
He was like an angel, and he never fails to make your day just a tad bit brighter. No matter how many times Sobel punishes you, if you get to his cute face or hear his sweet voice, guess what? Everything else but him doesn’t seem to matter anymore.
It was understatement that thinking of him led you to getting into trouble by Sobel.  How many times did he make you run up that fucking hill just because you were distracted by some annoying, pissy, and undeniably cute bastard? 
You gave up on keeping track after the fifth time.
No matter how many times you try to push him out of your head, he somehow keeps crawling back.  You just wished that he would see you more than his best friend. And that was the one thing you hated about yourself… 
But this night wasn’t about him. Oh no, this is the night where you finally get off Camp Toccoa and escape Sobel’s never ending complaints.  You finally got the jump wings you and you’re boys deserved. 
After this, you’re gonna fight at Normandy and you're gonna show America the greatest soldier in existence. But it couldn’t hurt to catch his eye at this party tonight. Sooooo... 
You dressed to impress.
You made damn sure that everything about was absolutely perfect. Some light makeup to highlight your key features and to make your lips and (E/C) eyes pop. You decided to leave your (H/L) hair down and to slightly curl your (H/C) locks. 
The day you wouldn’t be soldiers’ eyes with the way you looked tonight was the day hell would freeze over. The way you looked tonight and you couldn’t help but be flattered when the boys whistled and complimented you on your look.
“Golly (Y/N), who are you tryna impress tonight? And oh Lord, please tell me it’s not Sobel.” Perconte jokes at you, wrapping an arm around your soldiers.
“Relax, relax, you sure as hell know it isn’t Sobel. I’m doing this for myself.” You throw your subtle lie at Perconte while nudging his arm off.
“You see boys, this is where I call bull. No matter how many times we go to bars, not one time, not ever have you ever put in this much effort.” 
“Shut up Perco, I never put effort because I know I already look good. Unlike a certain someone I know.” 
Your (E/C) eyes drift over to Perconte’s and you decide to lightly ruffle his hair before you jokingly punch his arm. Even though you were smiling, you were, in all honesty, a nervous wreck inside. The cogs and gears in your brain kept turning and, damn, was it giving you a headache. 
You were trying really hard to catch his eye tonight, and you weren’t going to let this opportunity slip by your fingers so easily. Fingers nervously patted down your uniform for any creases. Your arms reached to adjust the hell out of your hat. 
You twirled your strands of (H/C) hair on your fingers out of nervousness. Lastly, you decide to fix the tan skirt that hugged your legs ever so nicely. The pads of your fingers were turning ghostly white from how hard you were gripping the ends of your blazer. 
Huffing out in exasperation, you decide to run your hands to smooth down your uniform for what seemed like ages.Joe, like the older brother that he is to you, walks over like he somehow notices your nervousness.
Steady arms wrap against your shoulders as he pulls you to his side. His eyes glance over at your anxious face before starting to speak. 
“Hey c’mon, doll, what’cha nervous for? You look beautiful enough, I mean it. Now stop fussing over your clothes or else you won’t have hands before we even get to Normandy.” 
Joe’s words reassure you and you look up and stare ahead at the dirt road in front of you.
“God! When I’m done, my liver’s gonna shut down,” Guarnere states loudly, cigarette between his lips and arms reaching over to pull you and Perco close to him. 
“And both of you assholes better make sure the replacement that comes afterwards comes just as close as being as hot as me!”
A breathy laugh escapes your lips at Guarnere’s words, the beam in your eyes never leaving since Easy Company got the news that there would be a party just for them. With good food, no Sobel getting annoyed for no valid reason, and beer.
Lots, and lots, and lots of beer.
 And that was what caught all of Easy Company’s attention.
“Not on my watch Billy-boy. Wouldn’t want a freshman who could only aim his piss instead of his shot to replace Ol’ Gonorrhea! Don’t you think so (Y/N)?” 
Perconte’s eyes turn to you, lips pulling upward into a smirk.
“Well in that case, I wouldn’t mind if some newbie replaces Old Faithful over there.” 
You joke, making sure to raise your eyebrows and to look at Bill to look at his reaction.
“C’mon (Y/N), I bet you only want that because you don’t want competition!”
 He shows off his famous eat-shitting grin while he nudges your arm slightly.
 “I swear on my life that I could be dancing, spinning, and reciting three passages from the Bible, and I could still shoot a Kraut from 1000 feet better than you.”
“You talk a lot of shit for a sober man, Guarno.” 
Finally making it to the building. Bill opens the door and you, Perconte, and Liebgott walk inside.Your eyes were met by all of the Easy Company getting absolutely wasted. 
You even quickly lost count of how many men were downing glass after glass and how many men were already halfway to heaven. Shouts and cheers filled the air and your once anxious mood dissipated at an instant. 
You turn your head to look at your buddies before Bill cracked a smile.
“Try not to die before me, alright you pricks?”
Rolling his eyes, Joe flicks Bill’s forehead and you chuckled for a few good seconds. 
“No promises Bill.” 
Bill smacks your’s and Joe’s heads before walking over to sit at an empty seat with Bull. 
Frank leaves the doorway to saunter over to Johnny. Joe flashes a quick grin and gives you a pat on the back before quickly joining Bill and sitting at another empty seat at the table. 
A smile tugged at your lips as you spotted two of your best friends at the bar.  Walking briskly to the surprisingly not the occupied bar, you throw a smile at Toye and a wink at George, who gladly returns it.
“Now tell me (Y/N), how much money are ya willin’ to bet that I could drink more rounds of beers than you?” 
You scoff loudly as you smack Toye’s shoulder.
“Are you kidding? I could drink three times as much as you can Toye. So unless you’re planning to lose good money, then I suggest you drop this.”
“5 bucks, (L/N), take it or leave it.”
“I’m not stupid enough to pass up a bet that I know I’m winning. Count me in Toye, but you’re gonna regret this.”
The glare he gave you made you burst out laughing and after recovering you gave your attention to George. You lean over the counter to put your hand on George’s shoulder while beaming him a cheeky smile.
“Alright Georgie, you heard us. You’ll be the judge, okay? Now hurry up and pour us our drinks, I'm looking forward to a real nice hangover in the morning.” 
“Aye aye, private.”
Plopping back down to your seat, your eyes wandered across the room and, boom, there he was in all of his glory. Floyd Talbert, stealer and breaker of hearts. 
Your stare lingers for what seems like days and you can feel the blood rushing to your cheeks. My God, you could never get enough of him, no matter what you may push yourself to think. 
He was already a bit tipsy, you observed. Slowed down movements, slurred speech, and rosy cheeks. All of a sudden those beautiful chestnut eyes of his met your (e/c) ones. 
You could’ve sworn that his face was getting redder after you two made eye contact.
 You were sure that yours was. 
The world kind of started to slow down, and it felt that you and Floyd were the only people in that room. His goofy smile made you return one of your own while the world continued to dance around you.
 You were hypnotized by Floyd, there was no other explanation.
 Little did you know that he was feeling the same.
Not wanting your little encounter to be awkward, you decided to give him a demure smile while raising your hand to wave at him. You giggled like a schoolgirl when you saw him waving back at you, glass of beer still in his hand. 
Almost forgetting about your bet with Toye, you suddenly yelped when Joe came to tap on your shoulder.
“Yoo-hoo, earth to (L/N)? Don’t tell me that you’re drunk already, though i’m not complaining. I’ll be all too happy to get 5 bucks from you.”
Joe smirked as he watched you recollect yourself from your flustered state, failing to come up with sentences and only managing to stammer words that didn’t make sense.  Joe laughs before rubbing your shoulders to help you calm down a little. The clinking of glasses on the wooden surface causes you to look up at George.
“Two beers for the lovely couple, now just call me up if ya need more. Or throw your glass at me, either one works.”
After throwing a light glare at George you face Joe, who smirks at you, thinking that you’ll be done after two glasses. 
Well he’s wrong, cause you know you can handle more than two glasses. 
“Good luck.”
“I don’t need it Joey. No need for luck when I know I’m going to win.”
George then counted down from…
And as soon as George shouted those words from his lips, you and Toye rushed to get your drinks and down them as fast as you can. George couldn’t even see your arms move for your glasses. 
You quickly brought the cool glass to your mouth and downed the liquid like your life depended on it.  It burned as it went down your throat, but you could care less. You just needed fun and those five bucks tonight.
When you finished you slammed the glass hard on the table, so hard that you feared you could’ve left a dent on the wooden counter. You slammed back your empty glass about the same time Joe did. 
You both desperately called out for George and George hurried over to take your cups and refill them.
“Didn’t think you’d make it this far, Joey.” You directed at him a teasing grin and were met by a playful roll of his eyes.
George came as fast as he could and slammed the two glasses in a similar manner as he did before. Like before, you and Joe rushed for your glasses and heaved them up faster than light. 
Soon a crowd started to form around the two of you. The bar suddenly became louder than before and your adrenaline burst through the roof. However, now that Floyd was in the crowd, you couldn’t help but burn up again. (E/C) eyes flickered over the crowd, searching for him. 
When your eyes finally landed on him, you couldn’t be more surprised when he was already staring at you.  The slamming of the glasses caught your attention and you proceeded to gulp the amber liquid.
Round after round of beers, you started to feel lightheaded. The lights seemed to blind you and the pounding your head was only made worse by the cheers and shouts of the crowd around you.  You would be lying if you said you weren’t drunk. Images were blurry and sounds weren’t as clear as they were supposed to be.You could barely make out any sentences or words that anyone was saying. 
Mumbled words and incoherent sentences passed by your lips, and you could barely look straight ahead without seeing double. You swear you were on your 30th glass of beer…  You looked over at Joe and he didn’t seem to be better than you were.
“Alright kiddos, last round. You two don’t look so good.” George muttered, or at least that’s what you think he did.
The redundant sound of the glass slamming on to the wood barely registered in your mind before your whole head became too heavy for your neck to support. The last thing you felt was your forehead making hard contact with the wooden surface of the bar counter. 
The last thing you heard was the crowd yelling and your friends shouting for someone to help you.
The last thing you saw were those beautiful chestnut eyes and softly tousled dark brown hair.
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You groaned as you felt your body being shaken and as your eyes slowly opened, you could start to make out gentle words being said in your direction.  Slowly but surely, you start to gain back your consciousness. 
The quiet was the first thing that hit you. The loud yelling and shouting and the clinking of glasses of beer seem to have disappeared. Suddenly you come to your senses that you’re not in the bar anymore. 
You swiftly turned your head around to see exactly where you were, but that only seemed to give you a headache. Groaning out, you raised your to feel something for support. 
“Don’t worry, (Y/N), I got you now.”
A sudden burst of energy went through you when you heard the voice. 
You, slowly now, turned your head to see who was talking to you. Your vision was still blurry, and the pounding in your head still hasn’t stopped.
“Joey- That you- no, no, no… Are you Percy? Perseus…? Oh! Perco… No. It doesn’t sound like you. Ahhh. You’re Guadamalarkey, I don’t know. That doesn’t seem right…” 
You called out a few names, but none of the names seemed to fit with the voice you just heard. You continued to slur and ramble incoherently, but you were stopped when the voice started again.
“You’re that drunk? Thought you could recognize me by now.”
Huh? Who’s he-
“Flyboy? Is that you...?”
 “Jesus (Y/N), Flyboy? C’mon, we should get you to bed.”
“Yeeah.. Flyboy… Flyboy Tablets. Right?”
 You muttered quietly, still unknowingly clinging on to his crisp blazer. Floyd laughed, and there it is again. The blushing and the stammering.  Floyd didn’t really seem to notice though, as he was enraptured by your parted lips, glazed eyes, and the soft yet husky ramblings of your drunk self.
“Close enough, (Y/N). We really need to go get you to bed, okay?”
Soft, gentle circles were rubbed on your back, and it worked slightly enough to calm you down and to stop the dizziness and lightheadedness. Floyd picked you up gingerly from the dirt road you were sitting on for the past few couple of minutes.
He helped you get up, and you clumsily wiped off any dirt that was clinging on to your uniform.  Floyd had carefully put your arm over his shoulder and gingerly wrapped his other arm around your waist.
 A slight pink tinge appeared on his cheeks as he looked over at you. 
What he would do to kiss those lips of yours. He mentally scolded himself for thinking about you in that way while you were under the very, very heavy influence of alcohol at the moment. 
Floyd was taking his time when helping you walk. He kicked tiny rocks and pebbles out of the way to make sure you wouldn’t trip, and every time you would stumble he would put his arm in front of you, while his hand was tightly gripping on your blazer. 
After a few minutes of walking, you turned to him with your glazed (E/C) eyes and ever so slightly leaned in closer to him. You two stopped near the barracks, just outside of it really.
The sky was dark and stars were shining, it once again felt like they were the only people in the entire world.
“You know, Flyboy… I- I liked you ever since I saw you… Like.. l-like like, I suppose?”
Did he- Did he hear right?  Floyd knew he wasn’t as drunk as you, but he had to have been drunk enough to have had heard whatever you were saying.  There is no possible way that he had just heard you say those words correctly. 
His eyes widened and no amount of drinking could have made his cheeks burn red brighter than right now.  Floyd’s breathing slowly picked as he looked over at your disheveled, yet oddly cute and beautiful appearance. 
You were so, so, so close… 
Just one more inch and his lips would be touching yours.. But he controlled himself, and urged himself to listen to your slurred speech. 
“An- and- every time, every single goddamn time, I h-hung out with you... The feelings just got wor-worse… I really didn’t want to like yoooou.”
Oh yeah, he was definitely drunk.
“But I couldn’t stop… You know? I really like yo-you, Flyboy… I think I love you too.. Really love you… You just make me so happy and you could make me sm-sm…. Smile.”
You continued while smiling like an idiot, and Floyd was burning up by the second.
“No matter how many times that prick Sable curses at me, just o-one good look at you. My troubles are awaaaay..”
“You’re really drunk, (Y/N), you’re probab-”
“But I do! I really do, Flyboy…” 
You suddenly whined out, interrupting him. You knew what he was going to say, and you had to prove to him that you really did love him from the start. 
You were burning up so fast already. Whether from the alcohol or from your close proximity to Floyd, you really didn’t know. Floyd really didn’t know how to respond, but he thought that since you were drunk, whatever he’s going to say to you… You’ll forget it in the morning.
“(Y/N), I-I know you’re just drunk. And that you’ll forget this shitfest in the morning. But I actually lik-love you too. You’re so smart,” 
He says while caressing your (S/C) skin, leaving goosebumps where he touched.
“So beautiful and funny,” His fingers brushed over your parted lips and your breath hitched for the 100th time in this minute.
“And so fucking brave and kind.” Floyd quietly murmured, only intending for only him and you to hear.
 He looks up to your dazzling (E/C) eyes with his equally stunning chestnut ones. You stare at each other, and you could see nothing but warmth and pure, genuine love inside of his irises. 
He takes his time to examine your face again. You rest in comfortable silence, the only sounds you could hear were both Floyd’s and your heavy breathing.
“I don’t care if you’re gonna forget my words tomorrow… I just need to get it off my fucking chest… I love you. I love you so much (Y/N), and I literally don’t know what I’m going to do without you.. When I saw you looking like that, my heart burst…”
Now you knew you were really drunk, and you stood there in shock, stupefied reaction pasted over your face.
“Every time you’re talking with any of those guys. I just… I get so jealous, but I'm too much of a coward to let you know how I feel.”
How many times have you blushed or had your breath taken away because of this guy?  But he still continues, glancing up and down between your hands woven between his and your alluring (E/C) eyes. 
“You’re perfect to me, and fuck what anybody else says, ok? And I know you’ll just forget this in the morning bu-”
Without any thought crossing through your mind, you yanked on his tie and pulled him towards your face. 
Finally, finally! 
After months and months that turned into years of pining… You were finally kissing Floyd fucking Talbert. 
His wide eyes slowly closed as both of you melted in each other’s touch. His arm snaked around your waist so your chest was flush against his. He reached up, fingers following your jawline and slowly making its way to run its way through your disheveled (H/C) hair. 
The kiss was so tender, and you could’ve died right there on the spot. The lips you imagined kissing you all over were right there. You couldn’t help but want more.
You wrapped your arm around neck, and tilted your head slightly to deepen the kiss. (S/C) colored hands running through his short, soft hair, slightly pulling on the roots.
Truly, nothing else mattered, and you two were finally one.
As you two broke the kiss, your eyes slowly wandered up to meet his. You were entranced to see that he loved that kiss just as much as you did.
You two gasped for air and your chests were heaving up and down. 
Love was all you really felt right now. 
Drunk or not, you both really didn’t care. 
“I know I’m not going to forget this in the morning… Now will you shut up and kiss me again, Flyboy?”
And he did.
 Over, and over, and over again.
“Shut up, Percy!”
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whoooo what a doozy, gonna write speirs next ;)))))
 btw sorry for any grammar/spelling mistakes or making any characters too OOC
5 bucks back then is like about 74-76 dollars today
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luckylulu82 · 2 years
Who are you trying to fool, Horny? Lmao! Or is it Rostijeras? Stop harrassing Lucky, bullying her anons for not believing your narratives and being biphobic as fuck because we know damn well what you're laughing at as if anyone knows anything for sure the way you and your besties think you do. // Wow. I wish this was an episode of the Masked Singer and we bet big money on it that I'm not this Hom person. Cuz bb, you'd fckn lose big on that bet once I take that mask off and I'd be able to take your house and the clothes off your stupid ass. 🤣 I don't give a shit what beef you have with this other person, that's your thing and I'm not them, dumb butt. That doesn't change the fact that you all have an agenda of your own over here. So damn obvious you hate certain blogs and any people who don't agree with what you believe about lots of things. You've got narratives of your own going on over here, don't act so fckn innocent. Like the time you pushed hard on that one italian hair guy and the SM guy being a thing? That was a fckn trip 🤣 Now you guys are trying hard to pair PP with ALL kinds of women. TH, chicks who interview him, even speculating on MB and P long ago. Some of you will die or drop PP if he ends up with someone who don't fit your ideal. Deny it but we all see you, k? You're tryna prove that he gets major boners for women. Whatever makes you happy, anons and friends of miss Lu. 🤪 And miss Lucky? The Hollywood girl ain't something I made up. I know you hate Tummy, but all you have to do is go back to her old posts from last year. The story details are all there for the world to see. You just gotta read. Like I said, it sounded like some fanfic one of your anons would've told. Similar to what we see over here. 😏// dead give away was the long deluded fanfic essay she always writes on lsa, this is so hornyonmain🤣🤣🤣 bitch get a life you're so fucking pathetic!!
This is getting crazy.
0 notes
luckylulu82 · 2 years
Who are you trying to fool, Horny? Lmao! Or is it Rostijeras? Stop harrassing Lucky, bullying her anons for not believing your narratives and being biphobic as fuck because we know damn well what you're laughing at as if anyone knows anything for sure the way you and your besties think you do. // Wow. I wish this was an episode of the Masked Singer and we bet big money on it that I'm not this Hom person. Cuz bb, you'd fckn lose big on that bet once I take that mask off and I'd be able to take your house and the clothes off your stupid ass. 🤣 I don't give a shit what beef you have with this other person, that's your thing and I'm not them, dumb butt. That doesn't change the fact that you all have an agenda of your own over here. So damn obvious you hate certain blogs and any people who don't agree with what you believe about lots of things. You've got narratives of your own going on over here, don't act so fckn innocent. Like the time you pushed hard on that one italian hair guy and the SM guy being a thing? That was a fckn trip 🤣 Now you guys are trying hard to pair PP with ALL kinds of women. TH, chicks who interview him, even speculating on MB and P long ago. Some of you will die or drop PP if he ends up with someone who don't fit your ideal. Deny it but we all see you, k? You're tryna prove that he gets major boners for women. Whatever makes you happy, anons and friends of miss Lu. 🤪 And miss Lucky? The Hollywood girl ain't something I made up. I know you hate Tummy, but all you have to do is go back to her old posts from last year. The story details are all there for the world to see. You just gotta read. Like I said, it sounded like some fanfic one of your anons would've told. Similar to what we see over here. 😏
everything can be considered fanfiction because everything is speculation anon, but the extremes are seen on both sides of anons not just one. You appear to hate all the blogs yet continue to go on each one why is that? I suggest blocking if you hate what is said here not continuing to come back and making it appear that you are this hom person that has a grudge with me.
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