#and pls don't call me rasist for my point of view either bcs i have been called so after sharing the exact same opinion about skz by anothe
heeliopheelia · 10 months
Im sorry but i dont understand how people support stray kids...theyre so racist...chan literally did the jim crow pose and hyunjin mocked black people...
Okay so I don't think I'm in the right place to talk about it since I'm white and the things the boys have done don't affect me personally. I'm not defending anyone but I wouldn't necessary call it plain racism by maybe more of a racial ignorance?? Okay please don't come for me!!
Okay like I said before i'm NOT defending anyone but I also think that some of you, especially americans, need to understand that in the most of the countries people are not taught or told about things such as cultural appropriation. I can tell you guys by my own example that EVERYTHING I have learnt about what's offensive or not was through internet. I had no idea how many things are considered cultural appropriation and the second I read about it and understood why, I immediately stopped doing such things. For example, when I was in kindergarten, half of the kids were dressed up as stereotypical native americans or indian women... Now as I'm older I see fault it in, but i can bet my life that none of the parents buying those costumes actually knew that that was offensive... I also had no idea what the Jim crow pose was until like last year I think.
I'm not trying to excuse what they've done, I don't feel like it's my right to speak about it either, all I'm saying is that I'm not going to stop stanning them because of these mistakes – if they do keep happening again though and they won't acknowledge that what they're doing is offensive, I will do so then
Hope what I said isn't gonna bring no controversy and I hope you guys understand what I mean by that.
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