#and really want to know more of the underground efforts going on around asher while he's almost viciously ignoring it
divinekangaroo ยท 3 months
Re-reading Asher Lev and it's interesting how different my take is these days.
Reading it as a teen/early twenties the sympathy/empathy is all with Asher and his art and passion, the complexity of inteacting with tradition and religion and his father.
Re-reading it now, I'm sorta like...dude your father was the bomb, the work the work the Work the cultural retention and growth and rehabilitation, and you really, really had to like, expose everything like that in the most humiliating way possible for him?
Not that either one of them is *right*, there is no right, I'm just absolutely fascinated at how different my First Thoughts are at the same story. I don't think I even noticed his father's offscreen actions all that much the first time around.
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