#and samsung smart fridge wives
lovefantasyandanime · 2 years
My dream is to go to Utah so that I can find the Samsung Smart Fridge wives and drink the water that made a pyromaniac with a penchant for the theatrical.
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balillee · 4 years
weird things that have happened in the dream smp canonically 2 : electric boogaloo :)
- Tommy is canonically married to the grind, despite having eradicated the very existence of wives
- Drista's second appearance on the Dream SMP she decided to just be evil, write her name in bedrock at Logstedshire, gave Punz a shulker box that he still has, handed Tommy and Techno a piece of bedrock each, and banned Tubbo.
- Quackity has no creativity and just labels everything as Mexico.
- Phil may or may not have fucked a samsung smart fridge
- Squid Kid is canon, and so is the Jump in the Cadillac video, and also Queen Elizabeth II
- Kanye West is also canon on the SMP, and lives vicariously through Ponk.
- Lani might just be a ghost that sometimes possesses Tubbo just to decorate and tell people to stop swearing.
- Bad makes statues of people on a whim just to appease them as if they're totems of admiration.
- Tommy canonically has a monopoly on teaching people how to have sex, however since he is unwilling to release the contents of how to sex, and because how to sex 2 was burnt, and also because how to sex 3 has not been written, the population is now stagnant, as nobody knows how to have sex.
- Drista sometimes just possesses Dream and immediately desires cosmic powers such as levitation.
- Ranboo's favourite food is potatoes.
- Dream claims to not care about anything but the discs, but likely still has Beckerson. Also lied about having Cat, but it's likely just a lore point they'll gloss over because Skeppy having it and never roleplaying makes the entire main storyline of the SMP a liability to itself.
- Tommy found Mars. Like Mars just happened to stay in the spot where he was released for like a decent amount of time before Tommy found him on Doomsday.
- Half of Niki's argument against Tommy was because he killed a dog that wasn't hers, and the owner forgave him for it almost instantly. Half of Niki's argument is being offended for someone else who's completely fine with it.
- Wilbur may or may not have fucked friend, which, also having had a child with Sally, probably means he's into bestiality. This is never questioned or challenged by any other characters further than mild disbelief.
- Eret knows about the dark arts.
- Blitz, parody of Blank Space, by Technoblade, is likely canon.
- Ranboo's helmet might be an umbrella hat, as it protects him from the rain sufficiently. I also do not know if Ranboo is able to drink water, or potions.
- Phil and Techno decided to just play dress up one day and wear matching blue outfits, only for Techno to decide that blue no longer fitted his vibe after the execution
- Some members of the butcher army, such as Tubbo and Fundy, have zero depth of field, as they didn't notice Technoblade blending in with his own wanted poster.
- Microsoft Paint is canon on the SMP, as it was used to make Butcher Army propaganda. Following this same sentiment, there are people who canonically and from the shadows make Technoblade fanart for him to hang around his house.
feel free to add on lads
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