#and sees Coco standing there working her magic in her pirate's dress
nerdnag-makes-art · 2 years
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AU where Yuri becomes a pirate captain and Constance comes along for the adventure
(Inspired by a comment @alienducky made on Boundaries of Magic. Read the whole series here!)
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13juuzou07-blog · 6 years
Can’t Add More Love (Henry Mills; OUAT)
Notes: • If any of it says "Killian before the Time Skip, plz tell me! • If you need help with any of the Pirate talk just ask and I'll tell you! • Plz tell me any of my grammar/spelling/etc errors! • I need an editor too plz if anyone wants to do it! You'd get credit! • Should I do a part two where the story is told from Henry's P.O.V. or a part two of the whole thing or no part two? —————————————————————— Keys~ Y/N: (Girl, sorry! Actually just assume girl unless other wise stated): Your Name H/C: Hair Color O/H/L: Other hair length Ex: my hair is long so I'd read it as "my hair was short than" E/C: Eye Color N/N: Nick Name Your P.O.V. "Y/N?..... Y/N?..... Y/N!" "Hm?" I ask, slowly pulling my gaze away from Henry and looking at my god father. He shakes his head and rubs his hook through my hair. "Lassie...." I know what he's going to say before he even says it. We've had this talk a thousand times. I can't love Henry! People can't know I love Henry. With Killian dating - engaged to Emma, I would get picked on more than I already am. People already make fun of me for having Hook as my guardian. If I was in love with my future step - Brother..... I would never live that down. My smile from before falls as I spin the cup of coco Snow made in a circle. The handle passes by me five times before Captain starts whispering. "You can't love Henry. I asked you before going into this if you'd be okay with that and you chose you were. I'm to far in this to pull out. Savvy?" "Aye" I mumble, getting out of my seat and walking up the stairs to Henry's room. He's not suppose to be here today. Today is his day with the Queen.... er... I mean Regina. There's so much stuff I still need to get use. Luckily Regina let him here seeing how it's an engagement party and all. "Me princess?" Hook calls as I'm half way up the steps. I make a noise and half turn towards him so he knows I'm listening. "You're the best thing in my life and even if you could be with him, there'd be a bounty on his head." My lips curve up into a smile before I turn back around and finish climbing up the steps. Captain thinks that it'll be good for me to mingle with Emma and her family but he also knows I'd snap if I don't get at least a little break every now and again. I smile even more when my eyes scan around Henry's room. I've been up here before but usually he knows we're coming over so it's spotless. This time he didn't know, but again he was at the Qu - Regina's place this week. His bed is a mess of blankets and sheets. In the corner is a pile of his cloths and his hoody is hung on his desk chair. I remember once he let me borrow his sweatshirt when we went outside for lunch and I wore short sleeves. It smelt like apples and old books. Speaking of old books there's one of the Story books on his desk. I set down my coco cup and sit on his chair gently. There's small purple and pink bookmarks on a lot of different pages. Out of all of them there's only one blue mark. I glance around before flipping the page open to see what's so special about this page. As soon as it's open I know what it is. It's a picture of me and hook on my bed. My H/C hair was way O/H/L than. My eyes were wide and the E/C color of them looked duller in the lighting. Killian's hand is thrown up in the air as his hook and sliding through my hair. He's smiling brightly at me with his eyes sparking too like he does when he tells me stories. His eye patch is wrapped around my head and is standing up over my eye. I can tell it's my room by the pink dolls hanging up on the walls and the colorful fabrics that decorate the bed and wall. Glancing over the texts I mange to figure out it was the day before the dark curse was coming. I was scared of what was going to happen and couldn't slept so Killian helped me go to sleep. I smile and rub my finger tips over the picture. "I've been trying to copy it for you." "Scurvy Dog!" I yell and jump up from the seat, causing it to fall over. The impact causes the sweatshirt to fly off the chair and pages from a book bag I didn't know was under it to fly all over the place. To avoid stepping on any of the pages I back up and hit the coco cup. It falls to the ground and cracks, sending the hot chocolate to go everywhere. By the time everything is done it's a complete mess. I shyly look up in embarrassment and smile softly. Standing in front of me is Henry with the biggest smile on his face. "I'm sorry, Mate. I didn't mean to make a mess and I wasn't snooping I sw-" "It's okay" Henry says back, breaking off my ramble of words. Without saying another word he gathers all the pages of the ground and places them on top of the picture of Hook and me. "I'll go get a rag!" I say, wanting to help with the mess I made. Henry grabs my arms and pulls me back into my spot. "Don't." He says, causing my heart to beat loud and for the place where his fingers still lay to sizzle warmly. "I need to show you something." Henry mumbles, letting go of my arm and causing the warmth to freeze away from the wind coming in from the open window. Without a beat in between Henry sets up his chair again, the school books and sweatshirt left forgotten on the floor. "Come here." He says, looking up at me with his big hazel eyes. My words catch in my throat leaving me to only shake my head with the answer 'no'. Henry sighs before grabbing my waist and tugging me to his side. "Honestly Y/N! After spending so much time with me I figured you'd be more comfortable with guys!" Henry mumbles, one arm still around my waist and the other flipping through his loss pages. My body relaxes a little in relief. Of course he'd think it's because he's a guy and not cause I like him! I've only been taught to fight, hate and fear the lost boys since the time I could walk. Henry pulls me closer to him so he can use his other hand to shuffle through the pages faster. I half stand - half sit on his lap as he looks for whatever it is. His eye brows are forward together and he's mumbling none sense to himself as he searches. "I got it!" He finally yells, pulling out a page. "Y/N look I-" "You got what?" Someone says from behind us. My head spins around as fast as I can to see who it is - Regina and she does not look happy! Both Henry and me look at each other and the room relishing how bad this looks. Two teenagers, alone in a bedroom, with me on his lap. Not to mention that we both look like deer caught in head lights. "Get off my sons lap before I turn you into a bug!" My eyes widen and Henry tries to calm down his mother. "Mom, it's not what it looks like-" "Like hell 'it's not what it looks like'!" She screams back at him before he can muster out another word. The sound of heavy boots gets louder as they move further up the stairs. "Why're ye yelling at me scallywag you evil witch?!" Hook finishes climbing the steps and before I manage to think straight enough to get off Henry's lap - he sees me. "Ye better get your son of a biscuit eater son out of eye sight before I skin him!" Hook yells at Regina. She glares at him as he walks over and hooks my forearm with his hook (sorry but wtf was that sentence????). "Ye little lassie will be swabbing the decks for a year!" I glance at Henry who smiles shyly at me as I get pulled down the stairs. I mange to smile back some before he's out of my sight. "Don't think you're not in trouble Henry!" I hear Regina say as I get dragged out of the house, everyone staring at me with question marks in their eyes. ~ Time Skip brought to you by Papa - Hook ~ After my miss-under stood 'lap dance' as Killian likes to call it, I'm not allowed to see Henry, talk to Henry or think of Henry till the wedding in three months. Other than the 'No Henry!' punishment I got a very blunt letter from Henry saying he doesn't love let alone have any feelings for me and I'm only allowed to leave the ship for school and to do stuff for Killian. Speaking of not being allowed to leave the ship next to never - I'm finally off the ship for the first time in two weeks. Of course it's to go see the Croc for a trade. Killian doesn't like going to see him for trades but "This is for Emma's happiness so do it!" as I quote from Killian when I refused to trade his compose for Snow's veil. Of course I lost that fight so here I am with his magic compose heading to the Croc's store, better known here as 'The Dark One'. I still call him Croc though because that's what I've known him as forever. Instead of walking into the sound of that cold monster calling my name, I get fighting. Of course it's between him and Belle. I sigh before setting the compose down and leaning against the counter top. Last night was one of the few nights I've been able to sneak out and hang out with the crew's kids, I call them my crew cause some day the ship will be mine and they will be my crew, of course. Sadly with me sneaking out I only got like two hours of sleep which has me sleepy all the time. Most days I'm able to take naps after my list of chores and my school work is done but not today. Killian had to stay home cause Emma went wedding dress shopping today and of course he can't come. So I have this long list of things to pick up in town and getting the veil is number one. My body slowly relaxes against the counter top. My head is hanging so my chin is on my chest and my arms are crossed. My head nods up and down as the fight keeps me awake. Finally my eyes slide shut and the fight has been muted out. Suddenly in my sleep someone taps my shoulder till I'm awake. My head snaps up and I glare at the dude. Before I even know who it is I grab them and slam the against the display case and scream "Leave me alone before you're sleeping with the fishes!" "Wow, wow, wow!" His hands wave around the air for a while before they slowly slide down to his sides. "Wake up first N/N before you try to kill me!" I slowly let go of the dude and rub the sleep out of my eyes. Once my eyes are settled with the lighting I look back at my 'attacker'. My face hardens as I relish it's none other than Henry. "Stupid Landlubber" I mumble and ring the bell over and over again to try and make it so The Croc will hear it over his yelling at Belle. "There's no use, I've tried it before." Henry says, moving the bell away from me. I look at him angrily and move the bell back before say "Shut up." I frowns and turns too face forward. After an half an hour of uncomfortable silence, Croc finally comes out to see us. "Great, Goody-Two-Shoes and the Pirate's Lapdog!" I glare at Croc's back as he shuffles around some before pulling out a box. "This..." He says in his presenting voice as he flips open the lid. Henry instantly looks over everything and mumbles what they are to himself. "Bookworm" I aim at him, causing Henry to frown at me again. The crocodile smiles before pulling out a long, lace, white veil and gently sets it on the table. "For something as blessed upon as this, I wo-" "Just take the campus" I say, cutting him off and setting it on the counter. He picks it as Belle is walking out of the back of the store. Her face is flustered and I can sense a fight brewing. Crocodile turns towards her and I lean towards Henry to whisper "They're gonna start fighting again." Like clock work Henry nods and they start yelling again. I space out thinking over everything else I have to do till out of no where a huge box is flying at my face. "Y/N!" Henry yells before pushing us both to the ground. The box smashes to pieces near us and we both get covered in something pink and wet. Henry and me look at each other as Croc and Belle watches us like hawks. "I don't think thats good" Belle says, walking around the counter and picking up the top of a vile laying between me and Henry. She shows it to the Crocodile who's face falls even more. They do as if they're agreeing at something before Belle walks out of the shop. "Look at each other" Croc orders us. We both looks at him questionably but he just motions for us to do it. Slowly we look at each other in the eyes. "Now how do you two feel?" He asks slowly, almost like they're poisons words. "I feel the same way I always do when Henry and me talk or look at each other or whatever" I stumble out, forgetting to add the part that my heart picks up everytime that stuff happens. "Same." Henry says, breaking our eyes away from each other and turning towards the adult. "Why do you ask? What was that poison or spell?" There's a moment of silence before Croc says "That was a premade love spell." Henry blushes dark red and I do the same. He glances at me before looking back at The Croc who's smiling widely. Henry opens his mouth to say something but the Ticker cuts him off "Why didn't it work on either of you than?" Henry nods and let's the other man talk. "You can't add love if it's already there. Which means you to love each other." "Wh.... what?!" I say, getting up on my feet again. "That impossible! Henry made it very clear he doesn't love me!" Henry turns towards me and looks at me confused. "What do you mean?" I put my heads on my waist and glare at him. "You're letter saying you hate my guts and wish death upon me pretty much." He looks even more confused causing me to get annoyed. Sighing I pick up my book bag off the floor and pull out the letter. "Where did the bag come from?" He asks me looking at my book bag. I hold out the letter, which he takes as I say "We live in a land that dragons and pirates like me are real and you're surprised a bag popped out of no where?" "Touché " He says back before opening the letter and reading of it. "My mom wrote this silly!" Henry says once he's done reading it. "My hand writing isn't loopy like hers." I take the letter back and roll my eyes. "Well sorry I don't pay attention to your hand writing style" I shoot back as I put the letter back. He laughs a me, causing me to smile. I check the time before sighing. "I'm still grounded and have a few more things to do for Killian so see you later?" "Meet me at the clock tower at midnight, okay?" "Okay." I say back before turning towards The Crocodile. "If you say a thing I'll tell Killian you still have his hand like a freak!" "That doesn't threaten me. Do as you please Sea-pup." I pick up the veil and head out the door before shooting back. "Villain might not mind but I don't think Belle would approve." Henry laughs as the Crocodile cruses me out....... ~Pre Story Convo Between Me And Author Side Of Me~ Me: Maybe Y/N should be best friends with Violet and it's like a few months after Violet and Henry broke up Author: ......... Me: What????? Author: 😐 Author: Ever heard of girl code?That's a bad idea to begin with, don't do it. I have something better Me: I'm just gonna start writing it, screw you! ~ 2 hours and 3 paragraphs later ~ Me: ......... Author: So, how did it go? Me: Sooooo..... what if I like made it so that Y/N was hooks whatever and a person put a spell on Henry and her to try and break up Emma and Hook? Author: I agree with the Hook part, now just make it so they love each other but can't be together because of they're parents Me: That's messed up Me: ......... Me: Fine Author: 😊
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