#and so is the fairy queen story. i thought she just wasn't spawning but no! she's just gone!
destinywillowleaf · 3 years
do you ever look at yourself and think "man i don't have any self control"
anyway here's a list of headcanons of the ninjago cast playing wizard101 because i've been playing it again. i've put way too much thought into this so. hope this resonates with some niche(?) crowd. (if you have different opinions i'd be down to hear them!!)
they got into the game between S10 and S11 and hoo BOY was it a trip to watch. none of them actually knew Skylor played until Kai brought it up to her and she mentioned pulling a character out of storage.
memberships for all because that's a lot cheaper if you're only gonna play for a bit (and just??? in general??? like if you're gonna be with the game for a bit it's just cheaper to nab a one month membership and barrel through as much of the game as you can. helps to have pals.)
Zane is in charge of the account so they can shift around crowns if someone need them. Unrelated, but he's the only one allowed to be the banker in any board games with money(Monopoly, LIFE, etc.). Lloyd is never allowed to be the banker. Ever.
Kai, Jay, Cole and Zane usually all play together in a team. Lloyd, P.I.X.A.L., and Nya team up on their own and are somehow further ahead, but usually the three will just go off on their own and team up if they're on at the same time by chance.
Cole and Lloyd also like to team up because Lloyd's unhinged Gamer Energy and Cole's dedication to the role of "keep others alive" means they breeze through dungeons.
The group tried PVP once. Against each other. It went about as badly as you can imagine.
Sometimes the group just runs around as their pets when trying to sneak through areas. Jay has sent the dummy thicc copypasta into the main chat with small alterations to sneak past censors when they went through Wysteria.
If the whole group's playing, P.I.X.A.L. and Zane take the Treant, Jay uses his cloud, Nya follows in her mech, and Skylor, Kai, Cole, and Lloyd are ferried around in Skylor's Yuletide Parade Truck.
can and will quote stuff from the game at each other. "Hello, tiny wizard!"
names and other fun facts under the cut because this is. a lot.
Kai - Kyle Firecatcher. Fire.
Would want the Fire Whirlwind mount SO BAD but never actually gets it.
Has a dragon(like the one you can get for 350 gold) named Chancellor Smokey and loves him to bits even if the dragon can't do anything; spends a lot of time in Pet Pavilion
"Look, I know there's a benefit to expanding to other classes, but Fire is just objectively good"
Favorite spell to use is probably Meteor Strike, with second being a full-powered Heckhound.
Fishing king. Didn't think he'd like it at first(it's fishing and it takes Precious Pet Energy) but it's better than real fishing and the fish can be used for stuff.
Jay - Valkoor Stormwraith. Storm.
The one who bought god knows how many packs trying to get a specific drop. Probably the Storm Beast pet.
Arcus Cloud mount ftwwwww
Is not allowed to Leroy Jenkins. Ever.
Emotionally attached to his Piggle named Meatball
Got really into Monstrology so he wound up with an armful of Myth Sprites. he loves them all dearly.
Cole - Cole Sandstone(but in universe? 100% Rocky Dangerbuff). Primary life, secondary myth
The only reason he's a myth wizard is to get Earthquake. Doesn't use any other myth spells after that.
Resigned to be the healer of the team, but that doesn't mean he's gonna be nice about it. If one of them says they need healing, he's going to ignore them that turn unless it's a dire need
Rainbow hair because that's an option now and it'd be fun
Absolutely buys a dragon and names it Rocky the moment he can. That's his dragon!!
Also probably has a pet named after his mom through "Lily". Definitely something soft but ferocious
Zane - Boris. Ice.
Chose the name because he thought it would be amusing.
Has the pupil-less eyes
Typically the one taking hits so Kai and Jay can deal stupid amounts of damage, since Ice is Tanky without the risk of losing the healer.
Has the house with the most features and fancy things. Probably has a well-maintained garden and a dedicated crafting area.
Is That One Guy with all the pets. They just roam around his house.
Lloyd - Calamity Unicornfountain. Balance, with a preference for the spirit schools.
Is only playing as a female wizard because "Luke Skywalker is good, but I can call myself the Calamity to befall someone and that's awesome".
100% has a wolf of some kind to represent Akita named Dakota(it's the closest he could get). Would get the Festive Fox but He Can't
Picked the slit pupil eyes because he thought they looked neat
Honestly enjoys teaming up with strangers to take on areas. He'll just vibe in the commons and take up assist requests. It's nice not to have the pressure of being the green ninja when helping out
Hoards treasure cards thanks to dragon instinct. Shiny is good and shiny is MINE
Nya - Scarlet Seacatcher. Primary death, secondary ice.
Didn't want to be "the girlfriend here as a healer" so she decided only to heal herself
Probably has one of the mech mounts
Has looked Kai dead in the eye while teleporting to him for a killsteal
The default name for her Midnight Cat was "Magnificent Waffles" and it stuck
Turned off her own chat functions after someone wanted to send her a dick pic
P.I.X.A.L. - Tatiana. Primary myth, secondary enough of the other schools to get All The Golems(except for Balance).
Really only picked myth to "round out" the group, but she's come to appreciate having minions. Makes running off on her own easier.
She likes the golems :) basically her bread and butter is summons and golems.
Is the second-highest level wizard in the group and probably moved on without them more than a few times.
Absolutely has a two-person mount. Probably the Treant
Continues to try and find ways to work around the censoring system.
Skylor - Amber Wyrmthorn. Balance, and leans towards the elemental schools.
She's been playing for YEARS and has the gear and levels to prove it. Getting used to the new stuff was weird but worth it.
Her favorite thing to do, hands down, is stitch low-level gear onto her high-level gear so she seems unsuspecting and then absolutely wrecks house
Her character's original clothes make her look like a watermelon and she refuses to let anyone actually see that appearance
"How much money have you spent on this game?" "Yes."
Has forgotten what things no longer exist/what quests have changed. She was shocked to find out the Fairy Queen was a retired creature
edit: i just realized i never included the pictures hold on
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