#and so lebanon!john isn't the real thing but a version of john who will tell dean what he needs to hear in order to move on
fuckspn · 10 months
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and then the very next episode is lebanon. 14x12 prophet and loss reaffirms what the show has already demonstrated or implied several times--that john winchester routinely abandoned dean as a child when he wasn't fulfilling his role as mediator and second parent adequately enough--and then the next episode is fucking *lebanon*. this is what we're talking about when we say supernatural is fundamentally incoherent and it's impossible to define a single canon because the show blatantly contradicts itself from episode to episode! john winchester was an abusive neglectful obsessed bastard except for when he was a complicated man trying his best who was ultimately always there for his kids when they needed him, except for all those times we saw him not be there for them. he's a terrible father because no he isn't. yes <3
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