#and talking about how we're subservient to men and should keep our mouths shut
lucydonato · 1 year
You are exactly the kind of person who is a nightmare to have in class, aren't you? Not like in a hateful way, but the way you talk about college, always getting As, reminding teachers about homeworks, being mad that people don't take everything as seriously as you, doing everything way ahead, reporting on people and things, being in your own world of being super intense?
silly answer 1: um I'll have you know all my report cards said I was a PLEASURE to have in class
silly answer 2: yeah
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serious answer: I mean I guess to an extent?? I work really hard and it bugs me when people goof off (only if it causes a distraction during class, idc what they do in their personal time) but it also [italian voice] e Bugs me when people feel the need to show off and dominate discussions because I feel like that's denying everyone else the chance to learn and as a science girlie specifically it bums me out when I'm surrounded by people (on either end of that spectrum) who don't care about the subject matter and are only there because they and/or their parents think STEM is a ticket to a big salary, both because I'm really passionate about what I'm doing and want to be around similarly passionate people and because I think everyone else deserves the joy of finding and doing something that they love so. idk man I play nice with my classmates and try to work with them (especially if it seems like they're struggling with something I understand) and I try to get my stuff done ahead of time but only for my own benefit and I don't remind teachers about homework and I don't care if anyone else cheats and yes I do share some of my grades on here and with my friends and family because I'm excited and proud of myself when I do well but I never ask my classmates for their grades or volunteer mine because I'm not trying to compete with anyone else. I just genuinely want us all to be doing what we want and doing it well
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