#and the 'tv show' was clearly based on youtube and not actual russian tv
omgellendean · 2 years
Was the Russia part really that bad?
Ehhh, it was fine for American media, I guess. Like, I expected exactly this. "This" being a whole set of stereotypes that haven't been updated since the 80s, gibberish instead of Cyrillics, bad Russian and fucking tracksuits. It's annoying but typical, I didn't expect any better so I wasn't really disappointed. At least they didn't add snow or send the gang to the prison in Siberia. Small joys, y'know?
The song was fitting even if really on the nose, so that's a plus.
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regrettablewritings · 4 years
How They Spend the Quarantine (Tadashi Hamada, Lucifer Morningstar, Dewey Finn, Wade Wilson, Harley Quinn, & Benoit Blanc)
Just a fun (?? is that even responsible to say?) little thing I’ve been thinking about while slogging through this neverending hellscape of an extended lockdown.
Tadashi Hamada
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When San Fransokyo was ordered to go into a lockdown, there were mixed feelings.
At first, Tadashi had a hint of optimism that this would mean more time to work on his prospective projects . . . But then he quickly realized that his projects mostly required tools and space offered by the campus. He could technically make do at home, but it wouldn’t quite be the same considering the garage was considered Hiro’s space.
Somberly had to clean out his lab and take whatever he could home.
Cue the rest of the group (sans Fred and Hiro) griping that at least his style of science could travel well enough to be somewhat continued off of university grounds.
Helps do delivery for The Lucky Cat. It helps him get out the house, and it’s simply helpful altogether.
Uses Baymax frequently to make sure everyone down to Mochi is sanitized, and nobody’s running a fever.
Nearly as frequent a sanitizer as Aunt Cass.
He starts most days prepared to be productive, only to stop and poke fun at Hiro, who’s almost always got his eyes trained on a video game.
Tadashi realizes three hours later that he, too, has been playing the game as Player 2.
Learned how to make facial masks with Aunt Cass. He already knew how to sew a little but frankly, making the masks made him realize he could have a new hobby on his hands. He’s currently trying to figure out how to make Mochi a little vest . . .
Lucifer Morningstar
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B o r e d. A s. F u c k.
At first, he thinks everyone being forced to go home would work in his favor -- surely some rule-breakers would sneak out and try to bunk up with the Devil, right?
Well . . . Kinda? Once Chloe found out and scolded him about it, the idea died real fast. Plus, he realized he wasn’t quite fond of the possibility of being around someone who could pop up with a disgusting human sickness at any point during their time with him. Smearing their snot all over, coughing into his Egyptian cotton sheets . . . Nope, never mind, he is perfectly content having the penthouse to himself, thank you very much!
Except he’s not.
The poor bastard is going crazy by himself -- he’s just not used to being without some kind of company!
“At least in Hell, you could tell there were people around you based on the screaming!” he’d whine at his phone during his hourly video chat with Chloe.
Oh yes: The video chats. He tries to make them hourly with anyone he can get a hold of (namely, his long-suffering detective) but this clearly never plays out as he would like for it to: If he had it his way, everyone would respond in an instant and let him bounce mainly one-sided conversations off of them -- basically, what he did before all this went down.
What usually winds up happening is he gets hung up on or nobody answers him at all out of sheer annoyance over his clinginess.
Ironically, he’s not exactly crazy about when Amenadiel initiates those “family calls”. He insists it’s healthy and normal for them to do this and even calls Luci out on the hypocrisy, but let’s face it: Lucifer finds it obnoxiously gushy and weird.
He works his way into Linda’s video appointment books to help him cope with his boredom and admitted need for interactions. She doesn’t mind offering him counsel, but once Lucifer starts attempting to butt in during others’ appointment calls, it becomes an issue.
Has, at some point, gotten buzzed down in Lux and streamed himself attempting to pole dance. It drew quite a bit of attention.
He’s managed to gain a bit of a following and some companionship by streaming himself playing piano and singing. It’s not the same thing as having an actual audience, in his opinion, but it will have to do for now.
He’s never been one to binge with regards to TV shows or movies, but after the first week, he decided to binge watch every work action star Wesley Cabot was ever in.
Makes sure his staff still gets paid well. After all, he’s pretty well-off; there’s no need to make an innocent bartender’s life a living hell just because some other rich bastard fucked up, yeah?
Going off this, should he need to order to-go or anything, we already know he tends to tip as handsomely as he looks.
Dewey Finn
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Kids were being sent to Horace Green on tuitions worth more than what some people saw in half a year -- of course the school was going to continue classes online!
While technically an afterschool instructor, the program is popular enough for parents to expect it to continue, and for Dewey to be kept on payroll.
Initially, he was pretty smug: He’s one if, if not, the youngest teacher-figure at Horace Green, so surely that means he’s more tech savvy than his older, stiffer coworkers, right? For once, he’s ahead of the curve!
Wrong: Figuring out Zoom was a headache, and then there was the realization of just how dependent his classes were on actual physical presence.
Plus, let’s be real: Dewey’s Internet connection was decent on its own, but craptastic when compared to those of his wealthier students. The lag is strong with this one.
Has definitely accidentally messed up the background on his screen. Somehow wound up with the Beetlejuice background and got so frustrated, he wound up keeping it there for two whole sessions.
In spite of the slight issues regarding lag, they pull through and try to resume lessons as best they can.
Tries to keep optimism by pointing out how this is a new form of entertainment they could be pioneers in.
Some days, it’s just going so wack or everyone’s so bleh that Dewey just assigns for them to watch a music documentary or something.
“Okay, kids, Mr. Finn’s hungover and clearly Summer is the only one who went to bed before 3am. So what I’m gonna have you do is watch . . . Prrrbbbb . . . Amadeus.” “How is Amadeus rock-related?” “It had a rock single, shut up. Anyway, we meet back next class and talk about what we saw, m’kay? M’kay. Over and out.”
Next class, he’s filled with dread as Summer produces an in-depth analysis of the relationship or lack thereof between character and the presence of talent as evidenced by Mozart’s abilities juxtaposed with his immature presentation and -- Dewey just can’t keep up. Sure, Summer, why not?
When he’s not busy teaching, however, he’s using the lockdown to work on some new material. Or just screwing around.
Otherwise, let’s be real, Big Boy’s living the high life in a place of his own: Playing video games (Animal Crossing, recently got back into Team Fortress 2, is trying to finally finish Ocarina of Time); eating a not very great diet; staying up late, napping at weird times; all in the name of quarantine.
If he orders delivery or to-go, he tips the best he can.
Wade Wilson
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On one hand, murking never goes on lockdown. But on the other . . . He’s already technically not well, why risk that even with his mutation?
Oh, fuck I just remembered he lives at the X Mansion, never mind turn back turn back oh god give us free --
The situation is tense to say the least. There’s Wade, who’s sensible enough to know why the quarantine is in place . . . and then there’s everyone else, who knows Wade’s full of shit.
And by everyone, I “coincidentally” mean Colossus, Nega Sonic, Yukio, Domino, Cable, and Russ because the already small world of the sequel just got smaller by the fact that everyone is bound to a large but nonetheless single estate whose size has probably decreased from that of the First Class timeline.
You know those videos of the usual Quarantine Characters? Wade is somehow yet still unsurprisingly all of them, save for the frequent sanitizer. He raids the pantry frequently, sleeps at all hours, considers scooting a swivel chair down the halls exercise for the thighs, blasts video games, and so on.
Going back to the sanitizer thing, it’s not that he’s just not exactly known for being tidy. Colossus occasionally does drag him out of bed at a decidedly decent time (read: any time before 11am) to try and get him excited about cleaning up around the mansion, but it rarely ends well. At this point, the safest option is to just remind Wade to wash his hands for 20 seconds as necessary.
Has acquired a Switch and visits everyone’s island, often to bonk them on the head with a net or gift them with weird crap they don’t necessarily want. For the “friends” from Sister Margaret’s, he has somehow acquired their Dodo Codes. Nobody knows how he did this. 
Facetimes Dopinder frequently.
“Precious, you’re the beacon of light in this cold, cruel world.” “I miss you, too, DP --” “Sshshsh! I’m having a moment . . .” *weeps*
On the many occasions he orders delivery, he tips by giving the delivery person something expensive from the mansion that they can sell. Prof. X is loaded, after all. Plus, he more or less isn’t even present in this universe, it’s not like he’s gonna miss anything he can’t see/probably doesn’t even know exists in his house. The problem is, Colossus does exist and does notice and does care when things go missing. Leading to many a delivery person getting caught up in shenanigans at that weird school in the boonies that they either don’t get paid enough to deal with or couldn’t pay to make up.
“Oh, pawn shops are closed?” asks the man who looks like a skinned avocado if avocados had human skin. “Don’t worry, lemme hook you up -- I know some guys --” “DEADPOOOOOLLL!!” roars a Russian accent from inside the house. “WHERE IS THE BRONZE BUST OF THE PROFESSOR!?” The poor delivery person’s eyes widen as they realize that the odd cargo they’ve been presented with apparently holds some value of some kind. But before they can flee, the avocado man blurts, “Shit! Leave the pizza in the bushes, look me up on my Youtube page, byyyeeee!!”
In his defense, Wade does hold up his end of the deal. Much like the Dodo Codes, nobody knows what strings he pulled. They just accept it and move on.
Harley Quinn
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Surprisingly compliant.
She’s crazy, not stupid: Staying at home may suck, but what sucks more is making things harder on people who may not fair so well. Besides, she’s spent time in a maximum security prison -- she can handle staying cooped up in her own home. At least home has TV, books, and snacks.
When she hears people are still going out without masks or plotting to have a protest, she strongly considers firing up the old Fun Gun and popping the next sign-carrying Karen she sees with a tit full of cadmium yellow powder.
Seriously, stay the fuck home and fuck up your own hair; this is the perfect time to make mistakes with your looks, it ain’t like you got anywhere to be or anyone to impress.
Only leaves her new apartment to grab groceries and to take Bruce on a walk. She actually refuses to steal or cause a scene during this shitshow because she may be a bad guy, but she sure ain’t evil.
So far, there haven’t been complaints about the fact that she’s walking a hyena down a public street. Maybe it’s because there’s hardly anyone out? Maybe it’s because Gothamites just can’t be bothered to be fazed by it . . . Or maybe it’s because she made him a little mask for his snout.
“In this house, we wash our hands for at least 20 seconds, kid.”
Lets the forest reclaim the earth, so to speak. She was never really shaving anything for anyone but herself before, but now it just seems especially pointless.
Spends almost every day in a kigurumi. To give her a semblance of routine, she has a pink bear one she calls her “Sunday Suit.” She doesn’t know it’s not Sunday because the days just blur but Cass just doesn’t have the heart to tell her; she seemed so proud of herself . . .
Like everyone else, she’s gotten Animal Crossing. She’s trying to create an all-preppy island with a few exceptions (Astrid = Aesthetic, m’kay?)
Tips nicely when ordering delivery.
Benoit Blanc
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As young and spry in nature as the gentleman sleuth would like to think of himself, he would really rather not test the dangers of the situation and go about all foolhardy -- he’s staying home!
In theory, it’s only logical and therefore perfectly fine. But in practice . . . God, he wishes he’d invested more in things to occupy himself with when home.
It wasn’t that Benoit was never home, he just never felt too much of a need to invest in a fancy entertainment center -- the fanciest he ever got was an iHome.
The beginning of the quarantine served as the perfect time for him to read over case files, catch up on paperwork, even catch up on some reading he’d been putting on hold since God knows when due to cases popping up left and right. But that dried up quicker than he’d assumed, and that’s when he was faced with what a man of his mind dreads the most: Boredom.
Finally caved and decided to hook up Amazon Fire.
Expected to use the one-month free trial on Netflix and be just fine but once the lockdown in his area got extended and he realized he wasn’t going to be able to catch up with Crazy Ex-Girlfriend at this rate, he caves even further and buys a subscription.
Fully delights at the influx of platforms uploading Broadway recordings; when The Show Must Go On put on Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat, followed by The Phantom of The Opera, it was a treat, I tell you!
Sanitizes often, despite hardly ever leaving his house besides to have a smoke or to go grab groceries. Honestly, it’s less about cleaning at this point so much as it is finding something to occupy his focus when he feels there’s nothing else to so.
Takes zinc after every meal to help lessen the intensity of any ailment that might hit him.
Definitely owns a facemask. There’s a good chance it’s from Marta or one of his relatives, and there’s another good chance the pattern is as flamboyant as his clothing. He’s delighted.
Benoit tries not to rely too much on delivery,  as he’d much rather just cook. On the rare occasion where tipping comes up, however, he gives as generously as he can.
Bonus: There’s a slight chance he might have acquired a companion to foster early on in the quarantine. Benoit hadn’t had a pet since childhood, a crime of which he was admittedly melancholic of his own involvement. However, his surprisingly busy lifestyle just wouldn’t suit a four-legged friend, now could it?
Well, now there’s time to. Besides, it would certainly ease the potential feeling of loneliness to have someone or something with whom he could interact with.
Admittedly, when shelters began encouraging people to invest time in taking home a companion, he’d been looking more for a comrade on the canine side of the spectrum -- but darn, if Duke wasn’t a handsome cat.
A lovely grey-and-white cat with eyes that matched his own, Duke has become the one Benoit monologues to (because in all honesty, the man is a performer at heart, in need of an audience to speak his mind to and portray a thought before). Plus, he doesn’t appear to mind it when Benoit finds himself belting out in tone-deaf notes to showtunes while washing the dishes: The mark of a true companion.
At this rate, he’s probably not going to keep fostering Duke when things calm down -- he’s probably going to just straight up adopt him.
Stay safe & healthy!
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itsblosseybitch · 5 years
Griffin Dunne by Lynn Geller (INTERVIEW Magazine, May 1985)
At 29, Griffin Dunne has seen the movie business from many different perspectives. Born in New York City to Ellen Griffin Dunne and television producer-turned-writer Dominick Dunne, Griffin grew up in Los Angeles and is the nephew of Joan Didion and John Gregory Dunne. Eleven years ago, he returned to Manhattan to pursue an acting career and, after roles in Off-Broadway plays, television, and “An American Werewolf in London,” teamed up with Amy Robinson and Mark Metcalf [misprinted with an e at the end] to produce the film “Chilly Scenes of Winter,” in which he had a small part. He and Amy went on to produce “Baby, It’s You” and, most recently, Martin Scorsese’s “After Hours,” starring producer Griffin Dunne in the male lead. As if this weren’t enough responsibility, the past year has also included acting roles in the films “Johnny Dangerously” and this spring’s “Almost You.” 
Looking remarkably fit for such a busy man, Griffin strode into the Lion’s Head in Manhattan only fifteen minutes late and carrying a briefcase full of future projects.
LYNN GELLER: You come from a literary family--your aunt, uncle and father are writers--were there any actors before your generation?
Griffin Dunne: Well, my mother was an actress until she had children, meaning me. I was the first. She was raised on a ranch in Nogales, Arizona, and my grandfather sent her to school in the East. My father was an actor then and he met her at a play. Actually, she hated being an actress.
LG: I didn’t know your father had been an actor.
GD: He wanted to be an actor before he became a producer. He was a stage manager and actor, studying with Stanford Meisner, who ran the Neighborhood Playhouse. Meisner told him he would never be a leading man because he was too short. When I say short, I mean my height, five-seven, five-eight. He left the profession because he wanted to be a leading man, not a character midget, or whatever he thought he would be. This was in the pre-Dustin Hoffman days. He became a stage manager for live TV, everything from Howdy Doody to Playhouse 90 in the ‘50s. When I was two, he got a job in L.A. and that’s where I was brought up. 
LG: Is that home?
GD: Well, yeah, home is where the mother is, but I’ve lived in New York for eleven years.
LG: Why did you move here--you went to school in the East?
GD: I went to boarding school in the East [more specifically, Fay School in Boston, Massachusetts, based on a New York Times article from the -late ‘90s and the Alumni page] , a pre-prep school that was very repressive. Coats and ties, whippings--if you ever saw the Lindsay Anderson movie If... you know what I’m talking about. You stay through eighth grade and then hopefully you graduate and go somewhere like Exeter and Andover. 
LG: Did you?
GD: My response was to get the hell away from the East Coast and go to a liberal arts school in Colorado called Fountain Valley.
LG: I know about that school. That was supposed to be a very wild place.
GD: Well, I was hoping it would be. It was wild in my wildest imagination. You could grow you hair as long as you wanted and you were allowed to smoke cigarettes. You could pretty much get away with anything, but I did manage to get myself kicked out.
LG: What did you do?
GD: I smoked dope and a teacher saw me through a window. The next night I was going to appear in Othello, and I never got to do the play. 
LG: So you were acting at an early age. Was that because of your parents?
GD: No. I was planning to be a writer. But a guy who taught acting talked me into auditioning for Zoo Story, the Edward Albee play. I got the part and that was the end of that.
LG: How old were you when you got kicked out?
GD: I was 17 and almost finished. They wouldn’t let me graduate, which was really depressing. It was more depressing that I didn’t get to play Iago. They felt that my performance would be tainted by the fact that I had been kicked out and I might be unduly rewarded by applause.
LG: What did you think you might do after that?
GD: Be an actor. I finally got some work. I was in a movie called The Other Side of the Mountain.
LG: Then you came to New York?
GD: No, then I got a job on a television series called Medical Story. I had about ten lines. I played a doctor, stuffing an IV in Linda Purl’s veins [misprinted as Linda Pearl] and answering Meredith Baxter Birney when she came in and said, “What’s the diagnosis, David?” I’d memorized the diagnosis, which was complicated medical jargon. 
LG: What did you use for inner motivation?
GD: My major motivation was to say the words correctly. I figured if I did it like a real scientist, I’d pull off a real character coup. Then right as we were about to roll, the medical adviser on the show came over and said that the diagnosis wasn’t accurate, we had to change the description. They changed the lines and every time we’d go for a take, I couldn’t remember the lines and I’d clam up. The director would go, “Cut. What’s your problem? What is your problem?” I said I needed five minutes, so he said, “Okay, five minutes, the kid’s got five minutes.” I went into a little room and I was so nervous about ruining my career that when I went to light a cigarette, I set my lip on fire. So when I went back to give the diagnosis I hadn’t memorized in the first place, I lisped. The director was furious. He said, “Cut. What’s the accent? Are you doing an accent on me?” Finally, the actress, Linda Purl, took out one of my pens in my top pocket and without me knowing it, she wrote out the diagnosis on her arm, where I was to insert the IV. So when they said, “Roll ‘em,” I had no idea at first what my line would be and then I looked down at her arm and there it was. It was very sweet of her.
[Based on the available information I have, the Medical Story episode that Griffin Dunne was on was titled “Up Against The World” or “Us Against The World” depending on what you check. The episode is said to have aired December 4th, 1975. All I could find on the show was a promo on YouTube.]
LG: You must have fallen in love.
GD: I did, but we never got to say goodbye. So I got the lines out, but what I realized from that experience was...nothing. Absolutely nothing, but to have a cigarette in your mouth when you go to light one. Shortly after that I moved to New York and signed up at the Neighborhood Playhouse.
LG: Because your father had gone there?
GD: I didn’t know he’d gone there until I was already in there and he told me the Stanford Meisner/leading man story.
LG: While you were studying acting, did you work as a waiter?
GD: Yes. At Beefsteak Charlie’s for a limited engagement. At Joe Allen once for two weeks. I lied and said I was experienced and I clearly wasn’t. That was enough to get me the job at Beefsteak’s. I hung in the longest there--they liked my work.
LG: Then you would go on auditions? Is that what you do when you’re a waiter/actor?
GD: When you’re a waiter/actor with no agent, you read Backstage and go out for plays that you never see in ads for openings. They never appear as productions. I went to an audition for an original play once, written and directed by a woman with a long Russian name. She thought I was perfect for the part. It was the first time a director said, “You are going to be great, you’re it.” She told all the other actors to go and took me out for coffee. I couldn’t believe my luck--I’d just arrived in New York. She took me out, we talked intensely, and at some point I realized she was stark raving mad. She had this long scarf that dragged behind her picking up dirt and pizza crust. I looked closely at her and realized she was a bag lady. I realized that anyone can hold an open casting call, a trick I haven’t really employed yet as a way to meet new and exciting people. 
LG: How much does it cost to take an ad out? As much as a bag lady collects in a day?
GD: No, these people weren’t quite bag. They have apartments and enough money to be able to decide, is it Safeway tonight or an ad in Backstage? At some point, they just cross that line. 
LG: How did you get involved in producing?
GD: Well, Amy Robinson, Mark Metcalf and I were unemployed actors hanging out together. We were working on the play Cowboy Mouth, which we were going to do for ourselves and hopefully get a production. That never happened, but the three of us had a lot of energy together. Eventually that translated into our trying to get a movie off the ground. Amy loved the book Chilly Scenes of Winter by Ann Beattie, and we agreed. That became our first project. We were all frustrated at being out-of-work actors. At the time I was working at Radio City Music Hall selling popcorn. I carried around a big set of keys as the manager of the popcorn concession. I wasn’t getting a lot of feedback on my work.  
LG: Had you ever thought of producing before?
GD: I never had dreams of producing, but I was with Amy and Mark and what we wanted to do was much closer to what I wanted to do than what I was doing. It felt as good as acting. 
LG: How did you end up doing Baby It’s You?
GD: I was in Poland acting in a TV movie called The Wall. Amy was talking about the idea for the film before I left. It was loosely based on her life, about a middle-class girl who gets involved with one of her classmates, a guy from the other side of the tracks. While I was away, she got John Sayles involved. We discussed it over the phone from Poland, the conversations closely monitored by the hotel staff. God knows what they made of it. But I didn’t have too much to do with development. 
LG: You mean in terms of the story?
GD: More in terms of getting the development deal at the studio. Amy and I have a very good relationship. We both rely on each other’s opinions and support. We were both line producers on the film. Our job was to keep things rolling and to make sure that John Sayles had everything he needed. 
LG: Are you good at that?
GD: Yes, to my surprise. I never considered myself much of an organizer, but it turns out I’m good with money and at getting along with people, making sure that everyone has what they need and keeping those needs within the budget. 
LG: Let’s talk about some of the films you’ve been acting in recently. Have you seen Almost You yet?
GD: Yes. I liked it. The characters were incredibly human and sympathetic. And screwed up. Not homicidal--but normal, confused human beings. My character in particular was a very confused fellow. 
LG: That was a movie where someone approached you with a script. What made you decide to take it on?
GD: Well, Adam Brooks, the director, had a script he’d been telling me about when he was a script supervisor on Baby It’s You. One day, when I was living in a beach house with Brooke Adams, he came up with the producer, Mark Lipson, and the script. We had a great day at the beach. Brooke cooked this great meal. After they left, we read the script and thought it was really charming, funny. Brooke and I wanted to work together and this seemed perfect. We said yes, thinking, this sweet little picture is never going to get made anyway, but, of course, we’ll do it if it does. Ha ha ha. All we did was say yes, and Mark and Adam took the ball and ran with it. The next thing I knew, we had a start date.
LG: What was the time lapse between those two events?
GD: Six months. It was shot in February. Very quick--I was pleasantly surprised. 
LG: But at this point you’re no longer living in that beach house? 
GD: Six months is also a very. very long time. A lot can happen in that time. Brooke and I aren’t living together anymore, nor were we when we did Almost You.
LG: Wasn’t that hard?
GD: It was interesting. We get along very well. We’re good friends, and we were very professional. I think we both dreaded the idea of letting the crew think there was something more to this than there was. 
LG: Do you think people see you as wearing two hats now, actor and producer?
GD: It’s hard to tell. I don’t really know. I have noticed that scripts that are submitted to Doubleplay Productions that have a character that is anywhere from 20 to 35, they say, “This would be a good part for you.” I don’t know if that’s supposed to be a lure. 
LG: Well, aren’t you looking for movies to produce that you can act in?
GD: Whatever movies Amy and I decide to do, it’s totally collaborative. I can see doing a movie that I would rather produce than act in, but it would have to be very special, like Chilly Scenes of Winter or Baby, It’s You. But doing After Hours revitalized my interest in acting, it really inspired me. So my dream is to be able to continue producing movies with Amy that I can act in.
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designhunter770 · 3 years
Honi Anhoni Old Doordarshan Serial
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The 80s was the era of Doordarshan with soaps like Hum Log, Buniyaad and comedy shows like Yeh Jo Hai Zindagi which made Doordarshan a household name. Circus, Gul Gulshan Gulfam and Nukkad are some of the serials that come instantly to my mind when I think of the good old days of Doordarshan. Those were phenomenal days when people gathered in crowds to watch the telecast of these serials. The characters of Ramayan and Mahabharat were almost worshiped like God and Goddess throughout the country. Other popular programs included Hindi film songs based programs like Chitrahaar and Rangoli and crime thrillers like Karamchand, Byomkesh Bakshi, Tehkikaat and Janki Jasoos. This is the big list of Old Doordarshan TV shows and serials.
Honi Anhoni Serial Dd 2; Honi Anhoni Serial; Popular Yesteryear TV Shows. Do you remember the old Doordarshan (DD) shows that you watched so affectionately? Those days were special and will not be forgotten. The magic that they had can't be replaced. But we have a savior - the internet. We can experience many of the classics as they are. Find some INFO and CLIPS of old Doordarshan Programs aired then, in 70s thru early 90s by clicking on these Posts below: Classic Commercials 'n' Ed Films on DD; Watch Old Doordarshan Serials Info and Clip; New additions of clips and Info on old Doordarshan Sitcoms! Awaited Classic DD Sitcom Clips of all time!! Old Doordarshan Commercials Part 1. The 80s was the era of Doordarshan with soaps like Hum Log, Buniyaad and comedy shows like Yeh Jo Hai Zindagi which made Doordarshan a household name. Circus, Gul Gulshan Gulfam and Nukkad are some of the serials that come instantly to my mind when I think of the good old days of Doordarshan.
The serial did well and later on she had roles in Honi Anhoni and Kisse Miya. A comedy serial on national broadcaster Doordarshan and a telefilm where she plays a. Pages in category 'Doordarshan television series'. The following 128 pages are in this category, out of 128 total. This list may not reflect recent changes (learn more). Watch old Doordarshan Serials online – Hey Abhi. Thnks so much for showing interest in popular doordarshan serials, by any chance do you have Udaan serial videos I have been looking for it on internet.
24 Hi guys.lovely to go back in time,black and white televisions,everyone waiting so eagerly for their favourite serials (wel they were all good or may be we didnt had any choice or option )but they all were great and super,I am looking for one particular serial MULLAH NASEERUDDIN which was made by Doordarshan in collaboration with Russians or Tajikistan? With RAGHUVIR YADAV as the main character.If anyone knows about any link or may be sites who are selling the DVDs,PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let me know. 51 Hi Abhi, Nice to see that there are people who do rember baba papa and Giant robot. Well I want to know the name of a very Humorous English movie (perhaps black and white) telecasted some time between 1987-1989 when i was in class 7th, 8th or 9th in which lots of planes were shown flying in a race in late night series on Friday or Saturday which was having a bit of of adult content rating at that time. Today the ‘A’ rating has progressed a lot and i would now rate it U and like to arrange a copy of that movie for my kids. Any body who might have happen to see that movie and just rembers name may just mail me the name of the movie at my email id. Thanks, Pankaj.
97 Pleeeeease. If any one know about this cartoon, then please let me know There was a girl who will talk at special occassions(i clearly dnt know abt it.) there was a witch in this cartoon, a bird which is a boy who is actually related to the girl. At the end of the serial(i think) the witch tease the girl with a needle at her feet for her to speak.
But she wont because the boy will be a bird forever she also has the habit of sewing dresses. If anybody knows about this toon give me the name of it pleaseeee. 125 hey friends! Jab bhi hum doordarshan ki baat karten hain hume amara bachapan yaad aa jata hai. Jab hamara bachapan beet raha tha tab shayad kisi ne socha bhi na hoga ki is tarah se hum ise yaad karenge. Sach mein doordashan kaal ek sunehra kaal tha, aaj bhalle hi hazaron chanel aa gaye hon, har roj 10 movies aa rahi hon lekin jo exictment sunday 5.45 ki movie ke intejar mein hoti thi voh aaj kahan?
DD1 ke bina humara bachapan kaise hota? DD1 is the best channel of my life i can say. I love dd1, I love all the programmes & missed all the programme if u feel so kindly talk to me as uner. 136 please give the name of teleflim in which the boy mother is getting sick and always remain on bed while the boy father gets married with other women and bring her at home.but the boy always get anger with his dada for getting another mother to him.
One day mother was going to die she sing a song before she dies to his son, the song was chotisi hain meri kagaz ki naav kagaaz ki nav. She makes a paper boat to him before she dies. So pls give me this information pls all of u of 1990s DD SERIAL LOVERS. 139 heyyyyy im desperately trying to look for the title of a hindi serial.
Infact i live in Mauritiusand the hindi show used to be broadcast during the 1990s. There used to be a hosthe used to introduce either a girl or a boy, who was hidden by a curtain drom 3 boys or girls.then the person introduced by the host used to ask questions to the 3 girls/ boys.@ the end the girl/ boy used to choose 1 boy/girl from the 3 contestants. What show was it? I also know the host is an actor who used to play in hindi serials and films.i remember his face but his name escapes me.pliz plizzzzz plizzzzhope i can get an answer!! 172 Hello, I like the actress neha whose real name shabana raza who acted the films like *Kareeb:: 1998 *Hogi Pyaar Ki Jeet:: 1999 *Fiza:: 2000 *Rahul:: 2001 *Ehsaas: The Feeling:: 2001 *Kranti:: 2002 *Muskaan:: 2004 *Karam:: 2005 *Koi Mere Dil Mein Hai:: 2005 *Aatma:: 2006 *Alli Thandha Vaanam(tamil):: 2001 she alo anchor TV shows like DD Metro’s filmi roadshow, Public Choice etc. I dont know the others.
Super Mario Bros 3 Rom Patch. But i want to see these TV shows & films how can i get it?? I have been searched for torrent and i didn’t get. Please help me!!! And i also expecting more informations about her please mail me one thing i know that she is actor manoj bajpayee’s wife.
Frnds if you read this and know any thing please!!!!!!!!! Mail me.my mail-ID. 188 Dear Friends It bring much pleasure for me to announce that the UDAAN serial is now available on DVD for many of you it will be treat to your eyes and satisfaction to your senses.
Today within 12 hours of its release by Reliance Big Video, I had a copy of the same in my hands and was happy to say that this serial now adds to the list of Doordarshan serial that now I proudly own. Reliance BIG Home Video has just released 1990-’91 TV serial, Udaan on DVD For all of you who would like to bring back those nostalgic memories, Udaan (Flight) was the name of a popular Hindi TV serial that aired on the Indian Television channel DD National in 1990 – 91. The serial was written and directed by Kavita Choudhary who was also the main lead of the serial. It also starred Shekhar Kapur in a cameo. It was probably the first Indian television show on women empowerment. The serial is inspired by true story of Kavita Choudhary’s elder sister Kanchan Choudhary who after several hardships went to become the first female Director General of Police.
Udaan is available as a 5-DVD set and is priced at Rs.499 Yours Nostalgic Soul Sudhir Thakur. 201 thanks brother/ purani yaden taza karane ke liye. Windows Vista Ultimate Sp2 Activator Download.
Idiot box ke in serial ke naam padker hi sidhe bachapan me lout gaya aur aanken bhig gaye. Kya issa nahin ho sakata ke dobara vahi purane din fir se jeene mil jaye baharal mujhe himalay darshan, ye jo hai jindagi, nukaad, sarkas, intazaar, manoranjan, hamlog, buniyad, bharat iaak khoj, daane anar ke, guldasta, ki dvd chahiye thi. Kisi sajjan ko agar iss sambandh me kuch pata ho to bataiyega meharbaani hogi mera mail id hai— ok dear abhi lots of thanks biti khoobsuran yadon ko fir se jinda karane ke liye thanks amit. 209 do u guys remember Old Chinese Kung Fu Drama Serials On indian channel “Home Tv”?? ( in 1996-9 they all were in hindi dub gr8 series very popular show in india i am a huge fan of kungfu series, Home tv The Zu mountain saga ( rocky, aadam khor,Kala jadugar, ghumati khopdi.santoman, Brother under the skin ( Do Bhai) The blood stained intrigue (story of red and blue swords) “Land of the Condors” ( fong waai, mercury.) The Other Side of The Horizon (sheetal chandra vidhya, dahekti suraj vidhya) Legend of the Condor Heroes(ajagar athrah haath) The Hunters Prey do u miss them?
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Do u want to see them? 233 hello All, i remeber, i was in 11th or 12th class when i saw Director’s cut – “Hare kaanch ki chudiyan” telefilm. It touched me so deeply that i wrote that song in my copy. 237 Dear Sir, Plz Plz Plz Plz Plz restart the old TV serial “Brikram aur Betaal”.
This serial was my favourite one. And please replace with an old title song (picturised with indian map)of DD news, because that theme song was carried the indian culture & tradition. Another one request is- in this competetion market there are several cable channel is available. So some of the viewers of Dordarshan is removed there eyes and Dordarshan is the one media which can be aware to the people. I want telecast better serial & showing atleast one or two MOVIES in every day.
And we are very thanksfull to you if re-installed DD “Metro” channel. 254 Dear Abhi Thanks and well-done for creating such a wonderful site. It really helped me reconnect with my childhood days. I have a small but important request. Do you, or anybody else, recall a dubbed western serial about a maid working in some rich home and falling in love with her employer’s son?
The opening song of the serial was something like “Jaaneman, ye pyaar hai. Iss pyar ko humne kahin kho diya hai.
Kho diya hai.” I would be grateful to anyone who gives me a clue about this serial/song. It would be A LIFE-CHANGING ANSWER to me. 255 Hi All Glad to see that you are interested in my collection. I have attached the updated list of my collection of TV series and documentaries for your reference. Go through the lists, and let me know what all you want. Your requirement will be burned on to DVDs and couriered to you. I will charge nominally for my servicesin order to cover the costs of the blank DVDs, courier charges, packing material and a marginal compensation for my efforts that I have taken in order to build and maintain this collection for over the last two years!
Honi Anhoni Old Doordarshan Serial Killer
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I do not do this on a commercial scaleI do not depend on income from this for my livelihood. The main reason for me to charge for this is (a) As a minor return for all the time, money and efforts I have put into building up this collection (b) The more important reason – I have invested close to Rs. 10,000 on hard disks to store my collectionso trying to break even on this front by charging nominal amounts when I distribute my collection. Do let me know if I can help you out. 258 Hi All Glad to see that you are interested in my collection. I have attached the updated list of my collection of TV series and documentaries for your reference.
Go through the lists, and let me know what all you want. Your requirement will be burned on to DVDs and couriered to you. I will charge nominally for my servicesin order to cover the costs of the blank DVDs, courier charges, packing material and a marginal compensation for my efforts that I have taken in order to build and maintain this collection for over the last two years! I do not do this on a commercial scaleI do not depend on income from this for my livelihood. The main reason for me to charge for this is (a) As a minor return for all the time, money and efforts I have put into building up this collection (b) The more important reason – I have invested close to Rs.
Honi Anhoni Old Doordarshan Serial Live
10,000 on hard disks to store my collectionso trying to break even on this front by charging nominal amounts when I distribute my collection. Do let me know if I can help you out. 275 DThanks Abhi. Your list is indeed excellent. I am too a big fan of old TV serials especially the ones that were telecasted on DD. 278 Please furnish the details about the serial “DAYASAGAR”. It is better to Re-Telecast the serial “DAYASAGAR” in Doordarshan or in any other TV Channels which is required for this Generation.
As Most of the TV serials are produced only on the various conflicts of family memebers, which are unnecessary and harmful. The Greatest Historical Stories especially “DAYASAGAR” are very much Useful. Thank You for listing out the serials of Doordarshan. Is there a DVD available of “DAYASAGAR”? If so please give the details.
Can anybody tell me that what was the Board name of those programs/movie (For Kids)Which used to come in 90s I could explain you something exactly what I am looking for, When a kids program used to started, First it used to come the Board name, where a few cartoon character used to come, dance and then jump together and raised their hands in air (it was just shadow type of the cartoon character).the name of the board was like NFC. I don’t remember exactlyIf someone can tell me the exam board name then I could find it, actually I need the music of the clip Thanks in Advance!
Can anybody tell me that what was the Board name of those programs/movie (For Kids)Which used to come in 90s I could explain you something exactly what I am looking for, When a kids program used to started, First it used to come the Board name, where a few cartoon character used to come, dance and then jump together and raised their hands in air (it was just shadow type of the cartoon character).the name of the board was like NFC. I don’t remember exactlyIf someone can tell me the board name then I could find it, actually I need the music of the clip. 309 Pound Puppies(1991-2), Sunday mornings I guess. CAR BATUNI – NOBODY REMEMBERS THIS and I must tell you it had a car that spoke! Distant memory tells me that it was a Premier Padmini.
Could have been a Beetle. Googling ‘car batuni’ didnt return any results though. I was born and brought up till 11 in New Delhi and moved to Hyderabad. Couldn’t like Hyderabad till now. Will eventually settle back in Delhi again!
Somehow, living in Delhi, chaste Hindi and Doordarshan have some common connection in my mind. For the command I developed in English, I always had a patriotic following for chaste Hindi and well.
Where did those DD1 Female news presenters go? I wanted to marry couple of them as a kid! I remember the yellow street lights in East Patel Nagar and life seemed so mysterious, magical. Like every stone on the road had an incredible story beneath it. 🙂 Of all the shows, I had a particular liking for Tandoori Nights. The dazzling lights of London and the Indians in it. The show seemed like a cross between Indian and western sitcoms.
Fatchar, Karamchand, Dekh Bhai Dekh and Zabaan Sambhal Ke. Someone return my childhood to me, I feel so damned and claustrophobic in today’s era! And yes, Girls back home were pretty too! 322 I am searching for a late night movie shown in dd national or dd metro. I don’t know the year but in this movie a spaceship is landed or fallen into the earth. During that time people used to live in forts or small huts also there are knights who wear full body armour. A boy sees the spaceship and then what happened I don’t know but after that boy get into the fort and fight with the knights with his saber sword similar to the jedi knights sword given by the aliens.
It is the last scene I remember therefore I like to know the name of that movie. 342 can someone please tell me about an old telefilm that was aired on doordarshan sometime during 1990s? It featured some college students, nice landscape at musoorie/deradun and a nice song which i still remember. The song went like this.”umeeden payenge har kadam har dam.dekho re jag uthi duniya, dekho re mast rang raliya.pucho na ye kaise bebasi hai. Koi sapna dal par nahi hai.
I don’t remember anything more on thisIt would be a great favour if someone can conjure up some old memories and throw light on this. 359 The historical serial The Great Maratha, Based on the life history of “”Shreenath Mahadji Shinde” is the best t.v. Show i have watched ever. Each character looks like the original one. Music by khayyam is superb. I wonder why do we not have a Hindi/ Marathi/ English film based on Shreenath Mahadji Shinde’s heroic life – (Great son of our Nation), till now. This nobelman deserves a big budget movie like hollywood.
Only filmmakers of west can justify a movie of his class acts. Anyway, TV Serials like Mahabharat, Ramayan & Om Namah Shivay were pillers of Doordarshan. Which one still wants to watch. Street Hawk, Reporter, Alladin and Duck Tales were few more TV Shows of different patterns that were capable of attracting public. No one can forget Varsha Usgaonkar’s role in Jhansi ki Rani Laxmibai and Uttara (Mahabharat). Shekhar Suman’s role in Reporter and Dekh bhai Dekh.
Arun Govil, Deepika Chikhaliya, Mukesh Khanna and Nitish Bhardwaj all were stalwarts in their own fashion. 370 Dear Sir / Madam, The objective behind drafting this letter is to trace out the name of a Horror Movie shown in English as Friday Night Movie during the year between 1991 to 1994. For your reference I am narrating you the story line in brief as follows: That was the story of a Lady who used to impress both sex towards her through her looks & postures & finally used to assassinate them by her sudden horrible bite through her hidden teeth.
She used to inhale poison directly from snake. Persons who get her victim never died but get converted like her. She used to worship a huge anaconda by addressing as ” Diyonene”who used to reside inside a well. Finally that lady got executed by a person by putting her directly before the mouth of that great Anaconda. All I need is the name of that Horror Movie.
Hope to get your valued co-operation in this regard at the earliest. Please submit your suggestions in my Email ID: Rudranil Dhar A/53, Purbadiganta, Santoshpur, P.S.: East Jadavpur Kolkata West Bengal India. 390 Hi abhi frnds realy is page n bachpan ki yad diladi. Realy tht was great day n sweet memories of life. ‘koi lotade vo pyare pyare din’ kash koi lotade. Dosto byomkesh bakshi serial kisi channel par telecast ho raha hai 1 month pehle mene uska episod dekha bt me channel name mis hogya hu plz kisi ko pata ho to batao plz.
Aur ha in serials k sath un purani adds ko mat bhulo old spice’s music, gagan gagan raho magan n rabbit of lijat papad he ha ha, also goldspot, i m complain boy little asha n shahid, dhara dhara shudh dhara, deepika ji of nirma washing powder, evr one yar. Thanks for a great joy n happy esa laga mano bachpan lot aya i m 30 year old. Thanks abhi for great job.
413 Hi anyone who has recorded the “Musikladen Eurotops TV Series (Eurotops)” it used to broadcast on DD Metro in the night 11.00 pm onwards (1989-1990) sometimes one episode or two episodes back to backDD aired the 13 episode series of the German Euro-Disco featuring some of the best of all time great Euro-Disco from Germany.fabulous videos and fabulous songs. If anybody has the FULL 13 episodes or more recorded on VHS/DVD plz contact me here: so that i can you trade with you – i need those videos desperately.please!
414 Hi anyone who has recorded the “Musikladen Eurotops TV Series (Eurotops)” it used to broadcast on DD Metro in the night 11.00 pm onwards (1989-1990) sometimes one episode or two episodes back to backDD aired the 13 episode series of the German Euro-Disco featuring some of the best of all time great Euro-Disco from Germany.fabulous videos and fabulous songs. If anybody has the FULL 13 episodes or more recorded on VHS/DVD plz contact me here: so that i can you trade with you – i need those videos desperately.please! 454 Plz anybody remember this movie telecast in doordarshan in 1.30pm slot about a person who knows that he is going die and a jyotis give him two person life to live and at end he takes the life of a criminal and kill his own wife. Rohini hattangidi may present in that movie as That person’s wife.Rameshwari as her daughter in law. Neeraj, i remember tht film. It had amrish puri as the main lead.
Nd it wasnt a jyotish, actually, it was “death” itself tht gave him the choice, to let others die in his place. I think the name of the film was “Trikaal”.
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I remember it well coz it had a very dark n gloomy feel to it. 528 can someone tell me which tv serial this is. It’s not shaktiman, but the main character is a guy who wears a red costume. 540 ek tv serial kay opening theme song kii khoj kar raha hoon uski lyrics ya mp3 kuch bhi mile to accha hai Serial kaa naam hai “kinare milte nahi” jo DD metro par aati thi ek website say pata chala uske details is website par serial kay baar e mein jo jaankaari mili wo is prakaar hai.(dated 31st march 2003 time 5:30 pm) Kinare Milte Nahin, a family drama with a romantic twist, is about two lovers, individuals who have distinct points of view. They choose to follow different paths, as a result of which their lives run on parallel tracks.
The soap stars Shahbaaz Khan, Sudha Chandran, Bhairavi Raichuria and Nishigandha Wad, to name a few. It airs Tuesdays to Thursdays at 9:30 pm. Agar aapko mile to notify kijiye. 560 Fantastic serials like, 1.Secrets of the sea (1985-86, Sun 11: A.M).
2.Ek Kahaani (1984, Thu 9:00 P.M) 3.Akhir kaun (1989,Tue, 9:00 P.M), 4.Satyajit ray presents (1985, Thu 9:00 P.M). 5.Apane aap. (1985, sun 10:30 A.M) 6.Rishte Naate. (1985, Fri 9:50 p.m) *ing Navin Nishchol. 7.Ratha Chakra (1989, Fri 9:00 P.M) *ing Rohini Hattangadi. 8.Telefun (1987, Wed 6:00 P.M) 9.Manzil (1990, Wed 9:00 P.M) *ing Anju Mahendroo.
10.Ghar Jamaai (1985, Tue, 9:00 P.M) *ing Anant mahadevan. 11.Bhim Bhavani (1989, Sun 11:30. A.M) * Anup kumar. 12.Raaj se Swaraj, (1995-96, Sat. 9:00 P.M) 13.Krishna avatar (1984, Tue 9:00 P.M).
14.Meghadootam (1990, daily Morning 7:30 A.M) 15.Gaao Sachi Bani (1987-89, Sun 8:30 A.M) are missing. 567 Other very interesting serials, 1. Sara Jahaan Hamara (1990-91, Tue 9:00 P.M) – *ing Girish Karnad, Firdaus dadi (as Pratima), Farida Jalal.There were other two young boys playing roles of Raghu and Vicky – I do not remember their real names. Jimmy and the magic torch, (1986-87, Tue 6:30 P.M) 3. Castle stone, (1984-85, Sat 3:30 P.M) – different stories played by wool toys.
Puraskaar(1989-90, sun 10:30 A.M) – featuring stories on bravery by young kids. India Quiz (1988-89 and 1990, Sundays 9:00 P.M)- hosted by siddaratha basu. Jeevan Sandhya (1990-91, wed 3:30 P.M) – encouraging stories based programe for aged. There were some other more fantastic serial I am unable to recollect the name, 1. It was Parikshit sahani as doctor not taking fees from ailing patients. His wife Rohini hattangadi opposing his modesty and comparing him to neighbours who were growing rich by leaps and bounds. There was as serial for improving knowledge it had a very peculiar title song rather title drama, “Jamoore Kya Hukm hai mere aaka, chal mere chora khol de gyan ka bora, lekin husoor-e-ala is par to laga hai tala, kya cheez hai re tereliye itni se ye tala, Jor lagake tod me mere lala, Hmmm.
” the guy falls down. Dhamaal (1987-88, Tue 8:00 P.M, Later 1989-90 Mon 8:15. A.M)) – * Satish Shah.
Very Very Funny. Gaploo aur banta (1989-90, Tue 8:00 A.M) – * ing Rakesh bedi.
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Shaher Chala Kasbe Ko (1989-90, Wed 8:15 A.M) 4. Mamaji – (1988-89, Wed 9:00 P.M)- Funny title song 5. Trishna – (1986-87, Tue 9:50 P.M) There was another serial of Rajendernath on Friday Mornings I do not remember its name. His character was POPATLAL in which he gets anxieted once he hears the word POPAT. This serial for the first time (as far as my memory goes)featured the concept of spectacles with wipers (quite obviously, it was worn by POPATLAL). 584 Hi Can any one tell me the name of this cartoon which was telecasted on dd 1.
The title song goes something like this Chipkali ki nana hai Danu Danosur.” And also there was this serial which used to come in nine gold called ” kuch ret kuch paani” I would like to get the title song I know it starts something like this ” kuch ret kuch paani hai Khaamoshiyoon ki zubani hai Har Lamha kud me kahaani hai Waqt ki Lehere aati hai Aake kinaaro pe rehe jaati hai. And something something Jab bichade mite hai.” And also this serial. ” Jaane Anjaane”.the title track was really good. 598 Namaskar I am in search of a Special show on Ramnavmi performed on National doordarshan (I think produced by Mumbai Doordarshan for National Telecast)and the participants where Suresh Wadkar, Ashwini Bhide- Deshpande, Shrikant Pargavkar.
It was a Bhajan Show. Three Bhajans were of Sanit Kabir, Saint Tulsidas, Samarth Ramdas amd the firth one was written by me. Run avast full scan. Shridhar Phadke was a Music Director. I think Episode telecasted in the year 1995 to 2000. Where can i get that? I am in desperate need of my sonh.
634 THANXX D D CHANNEL JO AP LOGNE HMRE BACHAPAN KO AACHE TARIKE SAWARA MY BEST CANNEL IN MY ALL TIME IN LIFE IS CHANNEL KE BARE ME JAB SOCHTA HO ATB SAKTIMAAN KI YAD A JATI KYUKI WAHA MERA FVERIT SHOWS THA KYA RAHE GA AAJ CHAHE JITNE BI SHOWS AJGYE MAGAR IS CHANNEL KI KUCH HIA LAG HAIMIYAT H MERE GHAR EK TV HI THI JAB BI SAKTIMAAAN ANAE KA TIME HOTA MERE GAR BID LAG JATI PHIR EK SAAT MILKAR SHOWS DEKHTE IS CHANNEL KE WO JO ME BHUAHT PASAN KARTA JESE. JUNIUR G, JASOS, ALIF LAILA AUR BAKI SHOWS THE ME EK BAAR HIR SE KHANEA CHONGA ”THANXXXXXXXXXXX D D CHANNEL ”” AND GOOD BAYE. 649 respected sir/mam, i want to know about a movie. It was a hindi dubbed movie of any movie may be(tamil/bangali) or in any other language.i dnt know it’s name,director name etc, because i was very little at that time.i only know about it’s story.story is. Ek ladki thi jisko kisi khas tarah ka phool ka ped ban ne ka vardan mila hua tha. Uski shadi ho jati hai. And ek din ladki se phool ka ped bante hue use uske pati ki behan dekh leti hai.
Uske zid karne par wo dobara ped bnti hai.but us ped ko bacche tod dete hai.or ped ko kat diya jata hai bad me us ladki ka husban kate hue ped ko ekattha karta hai. Or usko wapas ladki banata hai. Please please send me this movie name and it’s dvd or vcd or tell me how can i get this movie. Please if anybody knows about this, then please inform me. 670 can anyone tell me the name of that serial telecasted between 2008 to 2011 evening timing between 7:00pm to 9:00pm. It is based on one nartaki’s paizeb and one couple found that in one old house someone told him not to sold this precious paizeb you keep with yourself you will become a richest in the world but he sold out that paizeb. He thought when i will become a rich it is too late if i sell this precious stones paizeb in market i will definately become a rich.
Can any one tell me the name of that serial please please please. Thanks thanks thanks. 701 Dear All, I’m a serious fan of lata mangeshkar. I’m looking for rare bhajan songs of her that was broadcasted by doordarshan. Smita patil was conducted this programme. This programme also broadcasted by Bangladesh Television during the first SAARC Summit/any SAARC summit that was held in Dhaka. I’m absolutely sure that programme was broadcasted before 90’s.
Two songs of this programme are available in the internet. One of the songs of this programme was very favourite to me. In this song “sangeet mere” words played several times by lataji. Can any one help me to find this song/lyrics. I’m grateful to this guy. 737 Hi, I can say, lots of people loved that directors cut with Sameer Soni and Bhagyashree( maine pyar kia fame). Hare Kaanch ki chudia, for those who don’t know was the story of a blind girl who marries a self concious guy who has a scar below his eye which cant be treated.
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He doesn’t want her to see him but she loves him alot. She without telling him gets operated and becomes a witnes for the case where her husband is implicated on murder charges. Eventually she saves him. Those days were really amazing.directors cut and other stuff on metro was amazing.sorry guys dont knw if you can get the song.
Honi Anhoni Old Doordarshan Serial Youtube
Do you remember the old serials which you watched leaving everything? Even the playground. Those days were special and will always be remembered. The magic that they had can't be replaced.
But we can experience it once again as many of these are uploaded online or have their home video DVDs. As a child growing up in the '90s serials like Alif Laila, Chandrakanta, Malgudi Days, Byomkesh Bakshi, mythological serials like Mahabharat, Shri Krishna, and comedies like Dekh Bhai Dekh, Tu Tu Main Main, Shrimaan Shrimati is especially close to my heart. So, let's have a recap of the best Doordarshan serials of yesteryear. Nostalgia is the order of the day! • Lead: Alok Nath • Episodes: 105 • Directed by: Ramesh Sippy and Jyoti Sarup • Description: Buniyaad went on to become a hugely popular serial which showcased the life of a common man after India's partition and its aftereffects.
Alok Nath was selected for the prime role of a freedom fighter. Some other known faces who still work in the movie industry are Dilip Tahil and Soni Razdan. • Why do I remember this: I saw this when Buniyaad was re-aired after its initial successful run. And I'm glad that I saw it.
Master Haveliram's simpleton life entangled with tragedy connected with the viewers in many ways. • Lead: Rajit Kapur, KK Raina, Sukanya Kumar • Episodes: 34 • Directed by: Basu Chatterjee • Description: The crime detection series based on the novel written by Sharadindu Bandyopadhyay. The show still has a cult following in which Rajit Kapur played the lead role. Well crafted episodes with attention to every minute detail make this one a treat to watch. • Why do I remember this:I've always liked suspense thrillers. I don't remember any other crime detection serial which is liked by one and all.
More recently, CID tried doing the same for which it was successful only for the initial years. Of late, that is turning into more of a comedy. • Lead: Om Puri, Roshan Seth, Tom Alter, and many others. • Episodes: 53 • Directed by: Shyam Benegal • Description: Shyam Benegal's direction brought forward to us the history of India based on the book by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru known as 'Discovery of India'. The series has altogether 53 episodes showcasing every aspect of Indian histories such as the story of Caste Formation, Ramayan, Emperor Ashoka, Kalidas, Akbar - The Great, and many more.
The vivid and simplistic approach to showcase India's history is marvellous. • Why do I remember this:This is the best history lesson you or your child can get. Even to the point, our school teachers used to say to watch this for a better understanding of India's history. • Lead: Shahbaaz Khan, Shikha Swaroop • Episodes: 130 • Directed by: Nirja Guleri • Description: This was based on the novel written by the same name. Though, this ran into controversy as the book writer's grandson accused them of misrepresenting concepts.
Only after the Supreme Court's order the show was reinstated. • Why do I remember this:I still remember the title song sung by Sonu Nigam. Of course, we were small to know that it has been sung by Sonu Nigam. But the title song was really great which goes like this.so sing along. • Lead: SRK, Renuka Shahane, Sameer Khakhar • Episodes: 19 • Directed by: Aziz Mirza & Kundan Shah • Description: Enter Shahrukh Khan.
Shahrukh played the lead role of Raghavan, a Malayalee circus artist. Other actors who went on to make a name for themselves after this are Renuka Sahane (love-interest of Shahrukh), and Ashutosh Gowarikar (SRK's friend?). • Why do I remember this: It was later in the years, that SRK had become King Khan of Bollywood.
Honi Anhoni Old Doordarshan Serial Online
Many discussion on SRK started or ended praising his humble roots and how he is a self-made man who started with serials like Circus etc. • Lead: Chandraprakash Dwivedi • Episodes: 47 • Directed by: Chandraprakash Dwivedi • Description: This series is based on the eminent thinker, teacher, philosopher of the 4th century. Apart from that Chanakya was one of the earliest political thinkers and served as the chief adviser of emperor Chandragupta Maurya. This epic serial has had the honour of getting many international awards.
Kawasaki kh 125 manual transmission. A total of 47 episodes was aired in 1991 on a weekly basis. • Why do I remember this:The strategist that Chanakya was and his teachings can be used in the 21st century. Therefore, after long completing its run and re-run, you could see many people with the book Chanakyaneeti. • Lead: Shekhar Suman, Farida Jalal, Navin Nischol and many others • Episodes: 66 • Directed by: Anand Mahendroo • Description: The complete family drama-comedy show which will definitely bring a gushing smile on your face - and that's guaranteed. Diwan family was indeed deewani.
• Why do I remember this: Is Rang Badalti Duniya Mein.Kya Tera Hai Kya Mera.Dekh Bhai Dekh. I remember the character of Shekhar Suman where he used to recite his dialogue non-stop, the character of Gareema played by Deven Bhojani, and will you ever forget the short man Lilliput? And do you remember the credits at the start showing Jaya Bachchan's name zooming in the front? • Lead: To me, every character is the lead. • Episodes: 100 • Directed by: Jymn Magon • Description: The popular cartoon series was imported from the USA and did very well in India and many other countries.
• Why do I remember this: It feels so amazing to watch this again. If I remember properly it was shown in the evening between 6.30 to 7.00. Running from school just to watch Uncle Scrooge in his quest for accumulating more wealth was amazing. The adventures of Uncle Scrooge, his amazingly intelligent nephews: Huey, Dewey, and Louie, and Launchpad are being remembered with great admiration and fondness. • Lead: Vinod Nagpal, Jayshree Arora, Seema Bhargav • Episodes: 154 • Directed by: P.
Kumar Vasudev • Description: The first Indian TV soap opera. When this started it became a huge hit and also went on to run for a long time. A total of 156 episodes were shown which was pretty historic even by international standards at that time. • Why do I remember this: The character of Majhli is my favourite. The best show till now that brought on-screen the life and times of middle-class society of the eighties. • Lead: Mohan Gokhale, Pallavi Joshi, Om Puri • Episodes: 12 • Directed by: Ketan Mehta • Description: The show which had an NRI American trying to search a well-cultured bride in India.
He goes on to see 12 girls each belonging to a different Rashi. Funny and thought-provoking. This was narrated by Om Puri in his unique style.
• Why do I remember this: I only recently watched this on YouTube and it was funny. This tries to shed light on the customs and practices that take place in Indian marriages. I can understand the impact it would have created at the time of its release. • Lead: Gajendra Chouhan, Nitish Bharadwaj, Mukesh Khanna • Episodes: 94 • Directed by: Ravi Chopra • Description: The story of the biggest war according to Hindi scriptures was shown in much detail. Many actors went on to make a successful career after this.
• Why do I remember this: The song at the start is awesome sung by Mahendra Kapoor. The grandeur, though, might not excite when compared to today's special effects. Nevertheless, this made audiences hooked to their seats every Sunday morning. This taught so much to the audience about Indian mythology. • Lead: Of course Mowgli! • Episodes: 52 • Directed by: Fumio Kurokawa • Description: The fascinating story of Mowgli and Sharekhan. The best part of this was the continuing script, unlike other animated series.
• Why do I remember this: As I was writing this my mom reminds me 'You used to be mad about Mowgli'. And tell me who hasn't recited the famous lines: ' Jungle Jungle Baat Chali Hai Pata Chala Hai.Chaddi Pahenge Phool Khila Hai Phool Khila Hai'.
The title song is composed by Vishal Bharadwaj, lyrics by Gulzar, and the singer is (Photo Link). • Lead: Mandira Bedi • Episodes: Unknown • Directed by: Adi Pocha • Description: Mandira Bedi made her debut in the industry with this dark reality-based serial. She plays the character of Shanti the lead actor who aspires to be a journalist. And boy see the stark differences of her looks now.
Honi Anhoni Old Doordarshan Serial Key
She definitely looks much bolder and I must say she carries it very well. • Why I remember this: All because of Mandira Bedi. She went on to do many more serials and movies after Shanti. The transformation she had after the 2003 Cricket World Cup is one to remember.
• Lead: Reema Lagoo, Supriya Pilgaonkar, Mahesh Thakur • Episodes: 169 • Directed by: Sachin Pilgaonkar • Description: Pun on Saas-Bahu relationship. • Why I remember this: The unique way of telling 'Action' before the start of the episode is one small reason I remember this. The camaraderie and sweet little arguments between the lead actors were awesome. Reema Lagoo and Supriya Pilgaonkar have some great fun irritating each other. Where is all the love lost between the Saas-Bahu (I'm talking about the recent shows)? Very glad to recollect all these wonderful serials through your post here.
I used to watch many of those serials with much interest and a great liking. But, I never heard about that Shahrukh Khan's Circus serial. All other serials up to 40 have been mostly watched by me.
You omitted one more interesting serial for physical fitness. The Serial named 'Dus Kadam'. It was also very great. I would like to watch all these wonderful serials once again. Presently, I am watching 'Nanhi si kali meri ladli' and 'Purva Ek Nayi Soch'.
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orbemnews · 3 years
One America News Network Stays True to Trump Months after the inauguration of President Biden, One America News Network, a right-wing cable news channel available in some 35 million households, has continued to broadcast segments questioning the validity of the 2020 presidential election. “There’s still serious doubts about who’s actually president,” the OAN correspondent Pearson Sharp said in a March 28 report. That segment was one in a spate of similar reports from a channel that has become a kind of Trump TV for the post-Trump age, an outlet whose reporting has aligned with the former president’s grievances at a time when he is barred from major social media platforms. Some of OAN’s coverage has not had the full support of the staff. In interviews with 18 current and former OAN newsroom employees, 16 said the channel had broadcast reports that they considered misleading, inaccurate or untrue. To go by much of OAN’s reporting, it is almost as if a transfer of power had never taken place. The channel did not broadcast live coverage of Mr. Biden’s swearing-in ceremony and Inaugural Address. Into April, news articles on the OAN website consistently referred to Donald J. Trump as “President Trump” and to President Biden as just “Joe Biden” or “Biden.” That practice is not followed by other news organizations, including the OAN competitor Newsmax, a conservative cable channel and news site. OAN has also promoted the debunked theory that the rioters who stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6 were left-wing agitators. Toward the end of a March 4 news segment that described the attack as the work of “antifa” and “anti-Trump extremists” — and referred to the president as “Beijing Biden” — Mr. Sharp said, “History will show it was the Democrats, and not the Republicans, who called for this violence.” Investigations have found no evidence that people who identify with antifa, a loose collective of antifascist activists, were involved in the Capitol riot. Charles Herring, the president of Herring Networks, the company that owns OAN, defended the reports casting doubt on the election. “Based on our investigations, voter irregularities clearly took place in the November 2020 election,” he said. “The real question is to what extent.” Herring Networks was founded by Mr. Herring’s father, the tech entrepreneur Robert Herring, who at age 79 runs OAN with Charles and another son, Robert Jr. About 150 employees work for the channel at its headquarters in San Diego. Nielsen does not report viewership statistics for OAN, which is not a Nielsen client. (Charles Herring cited Nielsen’s “heavy fees.”) In a survey last month, Pew Research reported that 7 percent of Americans, including 14 percent of Republicans, had gotten political news from OAN. By contrast, 43 percent of Americans and 62 percent of Republicans had gotten political news from Fox News, the survey found. While OAN appeals to a relatively small audience, its coverage reflects views commonly held by Republicans. In a Reuters/Ipsos poll last month, about half of Republicans said they believed that the Jan. 6 attack, which left five dead, was largely a nonviolent protest or was the handiwork of left-wing activists. Six in 10 of Republicans surveyed said they also believed Mr. Trump’s claim that the election was “stolen.” OAN, which started in 2013, gained attention when it broadcast Mr. Trump’s campaign speeches in full before the 2016 election. In recent months, it has courted viewers who may have felt abandoned by Fox News, which on election night was the first news outlet to project Mr. Biden as the winner of Arizona, a key swing state. In a mid-November promotional ad, OAN accused Fox News of joining “the mainstream media in censoring factual reporting.” OAN’s stories “appeal to people who want to believe that the election was not legitimate,” said Stephanie L. Edgerly, an associate professor at Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism. “These are two mutually reinforcing narratives of people who want to believe it and continue to get that fire stoked by OAN.” Marty Golingan, a producer at the channel since 2016, said OAN had changed in recent years. At the start of his employment, he said, it concentrated more on neutral coverage based on reports from The Associated Press or Reuters. He saw it as a scrappy upstart where he could produce cheeky feature stories, he said. During the Trump presidency, it moved right, Mr. Golingan said. And when he was watching coverage of the pro-Trump mob breaking into the Capitol, he said, he worried that his work might have helped inspire the attack. He added that he and others at OAN disagreed with much of the channel’s coverage. “The majority of people did not believe the voter fraud claims being run on the air,” Mr. Golingan said in an interview, referring to his colleagues. He recalled seeing a photo of someone in the Capitol mob holding a flag emblazoned with the OAN logo. “I was like, OK, that’s not good,” Mr. Golingan said. “That’s what happens when people listen to us.” Charles Herring defended OAN’s coverage. “A review process with multiple checks is in place to ensure that news reporting meets the company’s journalist standards,” he said. “And, yes, we’ve had our fair share of mistakes, but we do our best to keep them to a minimum and learn from our missteps.” Mr. Golingan added that, since Inauguration Day, OAN’s news director, Lindsay Oakley, had reprimanded him for referring to Mr. Biden as “President Biden” in news copy. Ms. Oakley did not reply to requests for comment. “OAN’s staff White House reporters use the term President Biden and then may use Mr. Biden,” Charles Herring said. “The term Biden or Biden administration may also be used.” He declined to reply to a question on the channel’s use of “President Trump” for Mr. Trump. Allysia Britton, a news producer, said she was one of more than a dozen employees who had left OAN in the wake of the Capitol riot. She criticized some of what the channel had reported, saying it was not up to journalistic standards. “Many people have raised concerns,” Ms. Britton said in an interview. “And the thing is, when people speak up about anything, you will get in trouble.” Charles Herring confirmed that about a dozen OAN workers had left in recent months, saying many of them were not high-level employees. Assignments that the elder Mr. Herring takes a special interest in are known among OAN staff as “H stories,” several current and former employees said. The day after Trump supporters stormed the Capitol, Mr. Herring instructed OAN employees in an email, which The New York Times reviewed, to “report all the things Antifa did yesterday.” Some “H stories” are reported by Kristian Rouz, an OAN correspondent who had written for Sputnik, a site backed by the Russian government. In a report in May on the pandemic, Mr. Rouz said Covid-19 might have started as a “globalist conspiracy to establish sweeping population control,” one that had ties to Bill and Hillary Clinton, the billionaires George Soros and Bill Gates, and “the deep state.” Ms. Britton, the former OAN producer, recalled checking a website that Mr. Rouz had cited to back some of his reporting. “It literally took me to this chat room where it’s just conservatives commenting toward each other,” she said. In an email to staff last month, Ms. Oakley, the news director, warned producers against ignoring or playing down Mr. Rouz’s work. “His stories should be considered ‘H stories’ and treated as such,” she wrote in the email, which The Times reviewed. “These stories are often slugged and copy-edited by ME as per Mr. H’s instructions.” OAN’s online audience is significant, with nearly 1.5 million subscribers to its YouTube channel. One of its most popular videos, with about 1.5 million views since it went online Nov. 24, criticized Dominion Voting Systems, the election technology company whose equipment was used in more than two dozen states last year, including several won by Mr. Trump. Hosted by the OAN White House correspondent, Chanel Rion, the video shows a man who said he had infiltrated Dominion and heard company executives say they would “make sure” Mr. Trump lost. Dominion has sued Fox News and two of Mr. Trump’s lawyers, Rudolph W. Giuliani and Sidney Powell, accusing them of making or promoting defamatory claims. A lawyer for Dominion, who did not reply to requests for comment, has said the company is considering further legal action. Mr. Golingan, the producer, said some OAN employees had hoped Dominion would sue the channel. “A lot of people said, ‘This is insane, and maybe if they sue us, we’ll stop putting stories like this out,’” he said. Weeks after Dominion filed its first defamation suits, OAN broadcast a two-hour video in which the chief executive of MyPillow, Mike Lindell, made his case that widespread voter fraud had occurred. YouTube removed the video the day it was posted, saying it violated the platform’s election integrity policy. Last month, an OAN report described Dominion’s “voting machines” as “notorious.” Two of the current and former employees interviewed for this article — Dan Ball, a talk-show host, and Neil W. McCabe, a former reporter — described OAN’s coverage as unbiased. Mr. McCabe, who now writes for The Tennessee Star, said the network gave a “voice to people that are just not covered.” Susan Beachy contributed research. Source link Orbem News #America #network #news #stays #True #Trump
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2:00PM Water Cooler 8/8/2019
Digital Elixir 2:00PM Water Cooler 8/8/2019
By Lambert Strether of Corrente
“But what is government itself, but the greatest of all reflections on human nature?” –James Madison, Federalist 51
“They had one weapon left and both knew it: treachery.” –Frank Herbert, Dune
“2020 Democratic Presidential Nomination” [RealClearPolitics] (average of five polls). As of August 7: Biden down to 31.0% (31.6), Sanders down to 15.8% (16.6%), Warren flat at 15.5% (15.6%), Buttigieg flat at 5.5% (5.4%), Harris down at 8.3% (9.4%), Beto separating himself from the bottom feeders, interestingly. Others Brownian motion.
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Harris (D)(1): “Kamala Harris, The Early Years”:
Six weeks after the second largest bank failure in US history and about a week before the government would take over Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, Kamala Harris was asked how the country would be different if she were POTUS for 8 years. This was her answer. pic.twitter.com/fGAyHCnq6S
— Walker Bragman (@WalkerBragman) August 8, 2019
Sanders (D)(1): Sanders goes into the lion’s den…
A thread of Youtube comments from Joe Rogan’s podcast with Bernie Sanders. pic.twitter.com/vUhgjtq9Cd
— rafael (@rafaelshimunov) August 7, 2019
… and comes out riding a lion.
* * *
“The Main Difference Between Warren and Sanders” [Benjamin Studebaker]. “Warren believes in a meritocratic system, where the deserving members of the working class and underclass can work hard and earn their way into the professional class. Sanders believes that all our citizens, regardless of class position, ought to be entitled to a decent life. That’s the difference. That’s why Warren declined to endorse Sanders in 2016. That’s why Warren says she would have accepted an offer to become Hillary Clinton’s Vice President. That’s why Warren still says she’s “capitalist to her bones”. That’s why Warren clapped for Trump when the president said there would never be socialism in this country:” • Excellent piece; I just cut out the bottom line. Studebaker really firing on all eight cylinders here
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IA: “Gun policy activists organize Des Moines forum following mass shootings; Democratic presidential candidates will attend” [Des Moines Register]. “In the wake of mass shootings in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio, gun policy activists quickly organized a presidential “gun safety” forum in Des Moines Saturday. Despite Democratic presidential candidates’ busy Iowa schedules for this week — with the Iowa State Fair, the Des Moines Register Political Soapbox at the Fair, and several other multi-candidate events — at least 14 have said they will attend. The event starts at 8 a.m. at the Iowa Events Center in downtown Des Moines. The event was organized by Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund, Moms Demand Action and Students Demand Action, groups advocating for gun regulation after previous mass shootings throughout the country.”
The Debates
“Sanders: Democratic debate format is ‘demeaning’” [The Hill]. “Speaking on the ‘The Joe Rogan Experience’ podcast, Sanders said ‘you shouldn’t even call them a debate.’ ‘What they are is a reality TV show in which you have to come up with a soundbite and all that stuff,’ he said. ‘It’s demeaning to the candidates and it’s demeaning to the American people. You can’t explain the complexity of health care in America in 45 seconds, nobody can.’” • Drag ’em, Bernie!
Identity Politics
Know your enemy:
White supremacy is often subconscious. & Clearly, our nation has not been inoculated. WS is our nation’s original sin;the driving logic of slavery, of Native genocide, of Jim Crow, of segregation, of mass incarceration,of “Send Her Back.”
It never went away. It was just dormant.
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) August 8, 2019
Apparently, the “driving logic” of slavery had nothing to do with profit — or capital. Really?
“White Supremacy Is Not The Arsonist — It’s The Fire.” [Ryan Dalton, Medium]. • The same objection applies.
L’Affaire Joffrey Epstein
“The Right Kind of Continuity” [Jewish Currents]. “Within the Jewish institutional world, however, Wexner’s relationship with Epstein is significant in a different way. Wexner is among a small number of Jewish community megadonors, billionaires who provide an outsize and growing proportion of funding for communal organizations and to a large extent determine what those organizations look like. Along with Sheldon Adelson, Charles Bronfman, and a few others, he has spent millions of dollars on institutions ranging from Birthright Israel—which has sent over 500,000 young diaspora Jews on free trips to Israel—to the Jewish Theological Seminary, where Conservative rabbis are ordained… Epstein was closely involved with Wexner’s charitable giving; together, for instance, the two men helped fund the construction of a new building for Harvard’s Hillel. Tax filings suggest that Epstein spent six years as a trustee of the Wexner Foundation, and that the foundation gave millions of dollars to pet projects of his own…. These ties are now stoking anxiety and division behind the scenes at Jewish institutions led by Wexner-affiliated professionals.” • As well they might.
“Did Russian Interference Affect the 2016 Election Results?” [Larry Sabato’s Crystal Ball]. “No.” From the summary:
— Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s recent testimony was a reminder that Russia attempted to influence the outcome of the 2016 election and very well may try to do so again in 2020.
— This begs the question: Is there any evidence that Russian interference may have impacted the results, particularly in key states?
— The following analysis suggests that the 2016 results can be explained almost entirely based on the political and demographic characteristics of those states. So from that standpoint, the answer seems to be no.
So, a well-regarded, mainstream political scientist and horse-race analyst throws in the towel. Scholars Ferguson, Jorgenson, and Xie got this right in 2018; kudos to them. Humble bloggers who were also skeptical of enormous claims made on little evidence may also take a bow [lambert blushes modestly].
Realignment and Legitimacy
“The Destructive Politics of White Amnesia” [Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw, The New Republic]. “To counter [Trump’s] terrifying demagoguery, the party must be as unified in its repudiation of racism, xenophobia, and misogyny as the Party of Trump has been in enabling them. One would think, therefore, that candidates angling to become the standard-bearer of the loyal opposition should be capable of articulating not only the danger of this political moment, but also how their own party helped create this tragedy. Democratic candidates will never be able to steer a fresh course so long as they continue decades of denial and dissemblance. Joe Biden’s status as the 2020 field’s front-runner, in spite of his cringeworthy efforts to account for his part in that history, speaks volumes about how far today’s Democrats still have to go before they can meet the challenges of Trumpism head-on. A good deal of Biden’s inflated standing comes from an all-too characteristic Democratic posture of risk aversion, compounded by a talismanic faith in Biden’s mystic “electability.” Many party leaders and voters clearly view a Biden candidacy as the safest post-Trump course correction—and Biden as a pragmatic man of the people with the unique ability to build coalitional bridges between coastal elites and the so-called forgotten men and women of America’s heartland.” • Crenshaw, a law professor, coined intersectionality. It will be interesting to see which non-amnesiac she endorses.
“Reapportionment Projections and the Potential Impact of New States” [ESRI (hat tip…)]. “[I]t is estimated that, compared to the current seat apportionment determined by the 2010 Census, nine states will lose one seat, six states will gain one seat, and one state will gain three seats. The final five seats in the apportionment process (seats 431-435) are given to Texas, Arizona, California, Montana, and Alabama. These “bubble” states are at the highest risk to lose seats as a result of any differences between the population projections and the actual Census 2020 counts. On the other hand, the five states that are closest to gaining additional seats are Minnesota, West Virginia, Ohio, Rhode Island, and Florida (four of which are projected to lose a seat when compared to the current 2010 apportionment). Based on these projections this would be the first time since statehood that California would lose a congressional seat.”
Stats Watch
Jobless Claims, week of August 3, 2019: “Declines to even more favorable levels are the results of the latest jobless claims report” [Econoday]. “The current state of the labor market, which is strong, isn’t why the Federal Reserve cut rates last week.”
Consumer Credit, June 2019: “Consumer credit came in below consensus expectations” [Econoday]. “Although the monthly drop indicates a loss of credit-card spending momentum, revolving credit for the second quarter still increased [for] the strongest quarterly growth in more than a year. This is a negative for household wealth but it has been a positive to consumer spending.”
Wholesale Trade, June 2019: “Inventories in the wholesale sector were unchanged” [Econoday]. “Inventories of autos did fall in June but were still up percent on the year. This will likely be a negative for near-term auto production.”
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Today’s Fear & Greed Index: 26 Fear (previous close: 25, Extreme Fear) [CNN]. One week ago: 43 (Fear). (0 is Extreme Fear; 100 is Extreme Greed). Last updated Aug 7 at 12:19pm. • Restored at reader request. Note that the index is not always updated daily, sadly.
The Biosphere
“Climate Change and Land: Summary for Policymakers” (PDF) [IPCC]. An “approved draft” of a new report. Handy chart from page 4:
“What is Agrobiodiversity?” [FAO]. Yikes:
* Since the 1900s, some 75 percent of plant genetic diversity has been lost as farmers worldwide have left their multiple local varieties and landraces for genetically uniform, high-yielding varieties.
* 30 percent of livestock breeds are at risk of extinction; six breeds are lost each month.
* Today, 75 percent of the world’s food is generated from only 12 plants and five animal species.
* Of the 4 percent of the 250 000 to 300 000 known edible plant species, only 150 to 200 are used by humans. Only three – rice, maize and wheat – contribute nearly 60 percent of calories and proteins obtained by humans from plants.
* Animals provide some 30 percent of human requirements for food and agriculture and 12 percent of the world’s population live almost entirely on products from ruminants.
This all seems a little fragile.
“The Tragedy of the Tragedy of the Commons” [Scientific American]. “Fifty years ago, University of California professor Garrett Hardin penned an influential essay in the journal Science. Hardin saw all humans as selfish herders: we worry that our neighbors’ cattle will graze the best grass. So, we send more of our cows out to consume that grass first. We take it first, before someone else steals our share. This creates a vicious cycle of environmental degradation that Hardin described as the ‘tragedy of the commons.’ It’s hard to overstate Hardin’s impact on modern environmentalism…. [H]e promoted an idea he called ‘lifeboat ethics‘: since global resources are finite, Hardin believed the rich should throw poor people overboard to keep their boat above water…. But the facts are not on Hardin’s side. For one, he got the history of the commons wrong. As Susan Cox pointed out, early pastures were well regulated by local institutions. They were not free-for-all grazing sites where people took and took at the expense of everyone else. Many global commons have been similarly sustained through community institutions…. Despite what Hardin might have said, the climate crisis is not a tragedy of the commons. The culprit is not our individual impulses to consume fossil fuels to the ruin of all…. The truth is that two-thirds of all the carbon pollution ever released into the atmosphere can be traced to the activities of just ninety companies. These corporations’ efforts to successfully thwart climate action are the real tragedy.” • NC readers have long been familiar that Hardin is in error.
“Into the deep: Deep sea mining is upon us, whether you would risk it or not” [Ocean Bites]. “The deep sea is almost entirely unknown, with only about 5% of it having been explored with remote vehicles and less than 0.0001% of the seafloor having been sampled. This is largely due to how difficult it is to navigate the region….. we don’t know how mining could impact deep sea ecosystems, or even others. For example, global fisheries are an important source of income and food. Mining could stir up sediment from the bottom of the ocean, which could drift in and out of country boundaries, changing shallower ecosystems. Could this impact fisheries? The little we do know about deep sea ecosystems emphasizes how risky this is to them. Animals in the deep sea tend to live a long time, grow slowly, reproduce slowly, and reach sexual maturity later in life. All of these characteristics makes it difficult for these species to recover from disturbances, much less adapt to change…. Maybe one of the most concerning elements of the approach of deep sea mining is its legal ambiguity. Rights to the seafloor are generally controlled by two groups: countries, which have control over the continental shelves off their coasts, and the International Seabed Authority (ISA), which controls international waters referred to as the Area… ISA uses guidelines outlined by the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) to make decisions; in this case, they follow Article 140, which states that mining can be done “for the benefit of mankind as a whole.” But that is the ultimate question. If “benefit” is interpreted economically alone, who benefits?”
Health Care
“Financial Eligibility Criteria and Medication Coverage for Independent Charity Patient Assistance Programs” [JAMA]. “In 2018, among 274 patient assistance programs operated by the 6 independent charity foundations, the majority did not provide coverage for uninsured patients. Medications that were covered by the patient assistance programs were generally more expensive than those that were not covered.” And:
“California auditor blasts Medi-Cal overseer for failing patients in 18 rural counties” [Sacramento Bee]. “In a report released Tuesday, California State Auditor Elaine Howle upbraided the state Department of Health Care Services for its failure to ensure Medi-Cal beneficiaries have adequate access and quality of care in 18 rural counties stretching from Inyo to the south to Tehama and Plumas in the north…. In a report released Tuesday, California State Auditor Elaine Howle upbraided the state Department of Health Care Services for its failure to ensure Medi-Cal beneficiaries have adequate access and quality of care in 18 rural counties stretching from Inyo to the south to Tehama and Plumas in the north…. Anthem has scheduled these Medi-Cal patients with AIDS specialists, psychiatrists, pulmonologists and physical therapists more than 300 miles away, according to the auditor’s report, and Health & Wellness has directed patients to travel more than 300 miles to see dermatologists and 200 or more miles to see ear, nose and throat doctors; kidney specialists; and neurologists.” • California’s Medicaid program.
“Just one season of playing football—even without a concussion—can cause brain damage” [Science]. “In the new study, researchers at the University of Rochester (U of R) in New York followed 38 of the school’s football players. The athletes wore helmets outfitted with accelerometers to track the number and force of hits during practices and games. Before and after each season, the scientists took MRI scans of the players’ brains. The researchers looked specifically at the midbrain, a region on the brain stem that governs primitive, thoughtless functions such as hearing and temperature regulation. When a player’s head is hit from any angle, the brain ripples like the surface of a pond after a rock is thrown, explains study author Adnan Hirad, a medical student at U of R. Although the forces can affect many regions of the brain, the midbrain’s central location makes it likely to sustain damage. The results were striking. Although only two of the 38 players received a concussion, more than two-thirds of them showed changes to the integrity of the white matter of their midbrains. Rotational hits—when a player’s helmet is struck by a glancing blow—were particularly bad for the midbrain’s white matter.”
The Last of the Feral Hogs, I Swear
Lot of dunking on this thread, for some reason. I think it’s interesting:
Ok y’all did it: A thread about hogs, ferality, and race in American history.
— Gabriel Rosenberg (@gnrosenberg) August 6, 2019
Class Warfare
“The College Wealth Divide: Education and Inequality in America, 1956-2016” [CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP13864]. From the abstract: “Using new long-run micro data, this paper studies wealth and income trends of college and non-college households in the United States since 1956. We document the emergence of a substantial college wealth premium since the 1980s, which is considerably larger than the college income premium. Over the past four decades, the wealth of American households with a college-educated head has tripled. By contrast, the wealth of non-college households has barely grown in real terms over the same period. Part of the rising wealth gap can be traced back to systematic portfolio differences between college and non-college households that give rise to different exposures to asset price changes. Non-college households have a lower exposure to the equity market and have profited much less from the recent surge in the stock market. We also discuss the importance of financial literacy and business ownership for the increase in wealth inequality between college and non-college households.” • Oh, man. “Financial literacy.”
EPI updates its productivity-pay gap chart:
“Here’s why the economy feels so bad when it sounds so good” [Business Insider]. “Americans are broadly pessimistic about what’s coming next, the Pew Research Center found earlier this year. Increasingly, they believe that our political and economic systems work only for those with power. This is because neither the stock market nor employment data captures what’s ailing most American families: rising costs for critical, necessary items. Meanwhile, despite wages eking up a little bit since the financial crisis, adjusted for inflation, Americans haven’t gotten a significant raise since 1999. This is why Americans are drowning in debt. As for the stock market, most people aren’t involved…. Employment numbers don’t tell you anything about that. Having a job doesn’t mean as much as it used to because wages simply don’t cover the same costs they used to.”
“Karl Marx Is Useful for Our Time, Not Just His” (interview) [David Harvey, Jacobin]. “The question of sovereignty is: Does the state control finance, or does finance control the state? In Greece, for instance, the latter is clearly the case — there, state sovereignty is pretty irrelevant, a minor part of the power relation running the country. Interestingly, this is even what’s said in the United States. When Bill Clinton came to power after the 1992 election, he laid out an economic program. His policy advisor Robert Rubin — who came from Goldman Sachs, and later became secretary of the Treasury — said, “You can’t do that.” Clinton said, “Why not?” Rubin replied, “Because the bondholders won’t let you.” Clinton supposedly said, “You mean my whole economic policy and my whole chances of re-election are dependent on a bunch of fucking bond traders?” And Rubin said yes. So Clinton implemented neoliberal measures like NAFTA and a whole set of welfare measures and did not deliver what he’d promised — free health care. I think we’re in a situation where it’s the money changers who rule, not the politicians.” • This is an interesting interview, and more “moderate” than the headline conveys. Harvey also has interesting things to say about the contrast between the US and the Chinese responses to the 2008 Crash.
“False Freedom: Sharing the Scraps from the Perilous Gig Economy” [Steven Greenhouse, Lit Hub]. “The digital on-demand economy resembles globalization in that it has created a larger, and often a worldwide, labor pool, putting workers in the United States, Canada, Britain, Germany, and other industrial nations in competition, via the internet, with workers in India, China, and elsewhere. Like globalization, the app-based economy often pulls down wages in the industrial world, even as it creates new opportunities for workers in poorer nations.”
“Foundation announces gift of more than $768,000 to unpaid Blackjewel miners” [WYMT]. “Two major announcements regarding relief for unpaid Blackjewel miners took place at the Harlan County Courthouse and at the Letcher County Extension Office Monday morning. Ross Kegan, former Vice President of Operations of Black Mountain Resources, spoke in Harlan County on behalf of the Richard and Leslie Gilliam Foundation. He said the foundation will give a total of $492,000 to Harlan County CAA so that each Blackjewel miner in the immediate-needs database will get $2,000. Another announcement took place in Letcher County at 11:00 a.m. and then another is expected to happen in Virginia. Kegan said the foundation is giving another $276,000 to Blackjewel miners in the area, which will also amount to $2,000 each.” • Foundation bails out unpaid workers in Harlan County, while DSA is silent. Another win for noblesse oblige!
News of the Wired
Not all programmers get free meals and massages. Thread:
if you have a cable modem, there’s a really good chance that it has a “DNS ALG”, which is a type of software that has no excuse to exist whatsoever, serves no identifiable purpose, and is absolutely batshit
— Utterly dispassionate, documentary hog slaughter (@gravislizard) August 8, 2019
* * *
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MF writes: “Spotted these while waiting for a table at a local restaurant with a friend. She tells me that these are Canna lilies, likely canna indica or a hybrid of canna indica with another canna species.”
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2:00PM Water Cooler 8/8/2019
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anchorarcade · 7 years
Eight Revelations From Day Two of Russia Hearings with Facebook, Twitter, and Google
Eight Revelations From Day Two of Russia Hearings with Facebook, Twitter, and Google
On their second day in Capitol Hill, lawyers from Facebook, Twitter, and Google took a bipartisan beating as they faced tough questions about the role their platforms played in Russian attempts to divide the American electorate. Members of the Senate Intelligence Committee grilled the tech executives about their responses to Russian interference in the 2016 election, arguing that the companies are not taking seriously what Congress considers a kind of cyberwarfare. Moreover, some members said the companies’ business models are built to enable the kind of disinformation campaigns Russians used to sow discord.
“Russians have been conducting information warfare for decades,” said Democratic Sen. Mark Warner in his opening remarks. “But what is new is the advent of social-media tools with the power to magnify propaganda and fake news on a scale that was unimaginable back in the days of the Berlin Wall. Today’s tools seem almost purpose-built for Russian disinformation techniques.”
The hearing revealed new and startling insight into the ways in which Russians pitted Americans against each other, and reinforced the notion that social-media ads are only a portion of the threat from foreign actors. Senators also forced the tech execs to explain how they police content on their platforms in different parts of the world.
Here were the most revealing exchanges.
“It’s hard to attend an event in Houston, Texas when you’re trolling from St. Petersburg, Russia.” – Republican Sen. Richard Burr
Burr, the committee chair, highlighted two Facebook posts from a Russian propaganda group called Internet Research Agency that created a conflict on the streets of Houston by drawing two groups of protestors to fake “rallies” at the same place and time. One post, shared by the fake Facebook page Heart of Texas, promoted a purported protest against the “Islamization of Texas.” The second post, uploaded by the fake page United Muslims of America, promoted an event aimed at saving “Islamic knowledge.” Both groups bought ads to publicize their events, spending about $200 in total.
Burr then showed images of the resulting clash outside the Islamic Center in Houston, dramatizing how fake accounts can produce real conflict. Skeptics of the impact of Russian meddling in the US election have argued that just because Russia endeavored to influence American voters doesn’t mean they did. But the fact that people showed up for these protests, designed to foment anger on both sides, demonstrates that influence.
“Do you believe that any of your companies have identified the full scope of Russian active measures?” – Warner
“I have to say no.” – Facebook General Counsel Colin Stretch
In September, Facebook acknowledged that it had discovered 3,000 ads from 470 accounts connected to Internet Research Agency. It’s since revealed that those accounts collectively created 80,000 pieces of content that may have been shared, both organically and through ads, with 126 million people. It shared that information with Twitter and Google. Now Twitter says it has identified 2,752 accounts linked to Internet Research Agency, while Google says it has identified 18 YouTube channels connected to the group.
But Warner said he’s concerned that much of what we know about Russian actions on these platforms is “derivative” of Facebook’s initial findings. In response to his question, executives of Twitter and Google also said they did not believe their companies had yet uncovered the full extent of Russian activities.
The dialogue illustrates an important point: The companies have been slow to investigate and respond to Russian meddling, which started in 2015, more than two years ago. “Many of us on this committee have been raising these issues since the beginning of this year,” Warner said. “Our claims were frankly blown off by the leadership of your companies.”
“Is a foreign influence campaign a violation of the terms of service of any of the three companies represented here today?” – Republican Sen. Marco Rubio.
Facebook says it deleted the accounts connected to the Internet Research Agency because the accounts were fake, a violation of its terms of service. Twitter says it deleted another 36,746 Russian bot accounts because its terms of service prohibit the use of automated accounts to spread spam on the service. And YouTube argues it allows the Russian propaganda media company RT to continue publishing videos because RT hasn’t explicitly violated the company’s rules around inciting hate speech or violence.
In response to Rubio’s question, Twitter’s general counsel Sean Edgett said foreign influence did not directly violate Twitter’s terms of service. “We don’t have state-sponsored manipulation of elections as one of our rules,” he said. “The other rules like inflammatory ads content would take down most of these posts, but we don’t outright ban it.”
Federal law bars foreign nationals from interfering in US elections. But the emphasis on fake accounts raises the question of whether the companies would act against foreign agencies that deployed trolls using real names and faces to spread the same messages. Guided by Rubio’s questions, Facebook’s Stretch said the company complies with laws in other countries that restrict speech, such as a German law that makes it a crime to deny the Holocaust. The implication of Rubio’s remarks: Why aren’t the companies enforcing the US law banning foreign interference in elections?
“Do any of you have any information that registered voter data was uploaded and used to customize advertising or messaging to individual voters?” – Rubio
“We haven’t seen evidence of that.” – Twitter’s Edgett
“The same is true for Facebook.” – Facebook’s Stretch
Facebook’s revelation that Russians had purchased ads prompted speculation about whether the Russians had help targeting the ads, potentially from the Trump campaign or its allies. The companies made clear Wednesday that they have no evidence that voter lists were used. Facebook and Twitter offered Internet Research Agency all of the targeting capabilities they needed.
Burr also noted that the Russians targeted ads at both “safe” states politically and “swing” states. He said nearly five times as many ads were targeted at Maryland, which Hillary Clinton won comfortably, as at Wisconsin, a key swing state that Trump won unexpectedly. He urged listeners not to consider Russian interference as an effort to prop up one candidate over another. “It is short-sighted and dangerous to selectively focus on one piece of information and think that somehow tells the whole story,” he said.
“Their strategy is to take a crack in our society and turn it into a chasm.” – Independent Sen. Angus King
As details of the Russian ad campaign have leaked to the public, questions have grown about what, exactly, the Internet Research Agency sought to accomplish. The content simultaneously supported conservative and liberal viewpoints. It attacked immigrants and welcomed them. It denounced white supremacism and denied its existence. Conservatives have used this as a defense of President Trump, arguing that Russians had no influence on the election outcome.
But Wednesday’s hearing made clear that the Russians achieved another outcome—stoking divisions and anger among Americans. Setting aside who won the race, anger and distrust in the American electoral system was the central outcome of the 2016 election. In clearly demonstrable ways, it was Russians who generated that anger.
Some, including the platforms themselves, have tried to frame the question of shutting down this content as a free-speech issue. Republican Sen. James Lankford challenged that view. “This is not an opposition of free speech battle. This is actually a battle to try to protect free speech,” he said. “If two Americans have a disagreement. Let’s have at it. If an outsider wants to come to it, we do have a problem with that.”
“You’ve created these platforms, and now, they’re being misused, and you have to be the ones to do something about it. Or we will.” – Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein
Feinstein’s remark, from a California senator generally viewed as friendly to tech, underscored how members of both parties are exploring regulatory fixes to the problems revealed during the campaign.
Burr noted that the companies are not exempt from federal laws requiring political advertisers to publicly disclose their funding. “I hope if there’s a takeaway from this, it’s that everybody’s going to adhere to FEC law,” he said.
Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin, meanwhile, pushed all three companies to support recently introduced legislation called the Honest Ads Act, which would require tech platforms to publish disclosures on political and issue-based ads and retain databases with additional information about who’s behind the ad, as TV and radio stations do now. Twitter and Facebook recently announced similar features, though it’s not clear if the disclosures will match those of broadcasters.
Both Facebook and Twitter said they would work with regulators on a legislative solution. Sen. Feinstein suggested they’d better act fast, saying, “We are not going to go away gentlemen.”
”Are you also intending to turn over to the committee any kind of direct messages that went on among the different accounts?” – Democratic Rep. Joaquin Castro
This question, referring to direct messages on Twitter and private chats on Facebook that phony Russian social-media accounts may have sent individual users, came during a House Intelligence Committee hearing Wednesday afternoon. So far, neither company has shared that content with Congress, and judging by their responses, they don’t seem poised to do so any time soon.
“Direct messages are the private communications of our users. We take that privacy right and responsibility very seriously,” said Twitter’s Edgett. Facebook’s Stretch said the question raised “thorny issues,” adding, “We’re happy to take a look at it and do what we can.”
The exchange demonstrates that despite gestures of transparency, these companies are generally responding to requests rather than volunteering information. It also underscores the many additional corners of Russia’s online influence campaign that have yet to be explored.
”Have your investigations looked at whether the Trump campaign was sharing Russian content? Have they looked at whether the Russians were sharing Trump campaign content?” – Democratic Rep. Jackie Speier
Perhaps the most cryptic back and forth of the day came toward the end of the House hearing. Speier noted two tweets that appeared around the same time during the campaign—one from the Trump campaign and one from RT—that both dealt with the subject of Hillary Clinton’s health. Speier asked the companies if they noted similarities in the content generated by Russian entities and by the Trump campaign.
Twitter and Facebook had both earlier said they had no evidence that the Russians and the Trump campaign targeted the same users. But this was a different question, relating to the similarity of content. And executives of both companies ducked. Facebook’s Stretch said, “We provided all relevant information to the committee, and we do think it’s an important function of this committee, because you have access to broader set of information than any single company will.”
The answer was puzzling not only because it was inconclusive, but also because the companies themselves are in the best position to know whether a post or tweet was repurposed and used by another account. Even if content from one account turned up elsewhere, that doesn’t necessarily imply collusion. Such retweets and repostings happen all the time. Viral content by its very nature has a way of being coopted.
UPDATE, 8PM: This article and headline have been updated to include comments from the afternoon hearing of the House Intelligence Committee.
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Eight Revelations From Day Two of Russia Hearings with Facebook, Twitter, and Google
Eight Revelations From Day Two of Russia Hearings with Facebook, Twitter, and Google
On their second day in Capitol Hill, lawyers from Facebook, Twitter, and Google took a bipartisan beating as they faced tough questions about the role their platforms played in Russian attempts to divide the American electorate. Members of the Senate Intelligence Committee grilled the tech executives about their responses to Russian interference in the 2016 election, arguing that the companies are not taking seriously what Congress considers a kind of cyberwarfare. Moreover, some members said the companies’ business models are built to enable the kind of disinformation campaigns Russians used to sow discord.
“Russians have been conducting information warfare for decades,” said Democratic Sen. Mark Warner in his opening remarks. “But what is new is the advent of social-media tools with the power to magnify propaganda and fake news on a scale that was unimaginable back in the days of the Berlin Wall. Today’s tools seem almost purpose-built for Russian disinformation techniques.”
The hearing revealed new and startling insight into the ways in which Russians pitted Americans against each other, and reinforced the notion that social-media ads are only a portion of the threat from foreign actors. Senators also forced the tech execs to explain how they police content on their platforms in different parts of the world.
Here were the most revealing exchanges.
“It’s hard to attend an event in Houston, Texas when you’re trolling from St. Petersburg, Russia.” – Republican Sen. Richard Burr
Burr, the committee chair, highlighted two Facebook posts from a Russian propaganda group called Internet Research Agency that created a conflict on the streets of Houston by drawing two groups of protestors to fake “rallies” at the same place and time. One post, shared by the fake Facebook page Heart of Texas, promoted a purported protest against the “Islamization of Texas.” The second post, uploaded by the fake page United Muslims of America, promoted an event aimed at saving “Islamic knowledge.” Both groups bought ads to publicize their events, spending about $200 in total.
Burr then showed images of the resulting clash outside the Islamic Center in Houston, dramatizing how fake accounts can produce real conflict. Skeptics of the impact of Russian meddling in the US election have argued that just because Russia endeavored to influence American voters doesn’t mean they did. But the fact that people showed up for these protests, designed to foment anger on both sides, demonstrates that influence.
“Do you believe that any of your companies have identified the full scope of Russian active measures?” – Warner
“I have to say no.” – Facebook General Counsel Colin Stretch
In September, Facebook acknowledged that it had discovered 3,000 ads from 470 accounts connected to Internet Research Agency. It’s since revealed that those accounts collectively created 80,000 pieces of content that may have been shared, both organically and through ads, with 126 million people. It shared that information with Twitter and Google. Now Twitter says it has identified 2,752 accounts linked to Internet Research Agency, while Google says it has identified 18 YouTube channels connected to the group.
But Warner said he’s concerned that much of what we know about Russian actions on these platforms is “derivative” of Facebook’s initial findings. In response to his question, executives of Twitter and Google also said they did not believe their companies had yet uncovered the full extent of Russian activities.
The dialogue illustrates an important point: The companies have been slow to investigate and respond to Russian meddling, which started in 2015, more than two years ago. “Many of us on this committee have been raising these issues since the beginning of this year,” Warner said. “Our claims were frankly blown off by the leadership of your companies.”
“Is a foreign influence campaign a violation of the terms of service of any of the three companies represented here today?” – Republican Sen. Marco Rubio.
Facebook says it deleted the accounts connected to the Internet Research Agency because the accounts were fake, a violation of its terms of service. Twitter says it deleted another 36,746 Russian bot accounts because its terms of service prohibit the use of automated accounts to spread spam on the service. And YouTube argues it allows the Russian propaganda media company RT to continue publishing videos because RT hasn’t explicitly violated the company’s rules around inciting hate speech or violence.
In response to Rubio’s question, Twitter’s general counsel Sean Edgett said foreign influence did not directly violate Twitter’s terms of service. “We don’t have state-sponsored manipulation of elections as one of our rules,” he said. “The other rules like inflammatory ads content would take down most of these posts, but we don’t outright ban it.”
Federal law bars foreign nationals from interfering in US elections. But the emphasis on fake accounts raises the question of whether the companies would act against foreign agencies that deployed trolls using real names and faces to spread the same messages. Guided by Rubio’s questions, Facebook’s Stretch said the company complies with laws in other countries that restrict speech, such as a German law that makes it a crime to deny the Holocaust. The implication of Rubio’s remarks: Why aren’t the companies enforcing the US law banning foreign interference in elections?
“Do any of you have any information that registered voter data was uploaded and used to customize advertising or messaging to individual voters?” – Rubio
“We haven’t seen evidence of that.” – Twitter’s Edgett
“The same is true for Facebook.” – Facebook’s Stretch
Facebook’s revelation that Russians had purchased ads prompted speculation about whether the Russians had help targeting the ads, potentially from the Trump campaign or its allies. The companies made clear Wednesday that they have no evidence that voter lists were used. Facebook and Twitter offered Internet Research Agency all of the targeting capabilities they needed.
Burr also noted that the Russians targeted ads at both “safe” states politically and “swing” states. He said nearly five times as many ads were targeted at Maryland, which Hillary Clinton won comfortably, as at Wisconsin, a key swing state that Trump won unexpectedly. He urged listeners not to consider Russian interference as an effort to prop up one candidate over another. “It is short-sighted and dangerous to selectively focus on one piece of information and think that somehow tells the whole story,” he said.
“Their strategy is to take a crack in our society and turn it into a chasm.” – Independent Sen. Angus King
As details of the Russian ad campaign have leaked to the public, questions have grown about what, exactly, the Internet Research Agency sought to accomplish. The content simultaneously supported conservative and liberal viewpoints. It attacked immigrants and welcomed them. It denounced white supremacism and denied its existence. Conservatives have used this as a defense of President Trump, arguing that Russians had no influence on the election outcome.
But Wednesday’s hearing made clear that the Russians achieved another outcome—stoking divisions and anger among Americans. Setting aside who won the race, anger and distrust in the American electoral system was the central outcome of the 2016 election. In clearly demonstrable ways, it was Russians who generated that anger.
Some, including the platforms themselves, have tried to frame the question of shutting down this content as a free-speech issue. Republican Sen. James Lankford challenged that view. “This is not an opposition of free speech battle. This is actually a battle to try to protect free speech,” he said. “If two Americans have a disagreement. Let’s have at it. If an outsider wants to come to it, we do have a problem with that.”
“You’ve created these platforms, and now, they’re being misused, and you have to be the ones to do something about it. Or we will.” – Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein
Feinstein’s remark, from a California senator generally viewed as friendly to tech, underscored how members of both parties are exploring regulatory fixes to the problems revealed during the campaign.
Burr noted that the companies are not exempt from federal laws requiring political advertisers to publicly disclose their funding. “I hope if there’s a takeaway from this, it’s that everybody’s going to adhere to FEC law,” he said.
Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin, meanwhile, pushed all three companies to support recently introduced legislation called the Honest Ads Act, which would require tech platforms to publish disclosures on political and issue-based ads and retain databases with additional information about who’s behind the ad, as TV and radio stations do now. Twitter and Facebook recently announced similar features, though it’s not clear if the disclosures will match those of broadcasters.
Both Facebook and Twitter said they would work with regulators on a legislative solution. Sen. Feinstein suggested they’d better act fast, saying, “We are not going to go away gentlemen.”
”Are you also intending to turn over to the committee any kind of direct messages that went on among the different accounts?” – Democratic Rep. Joaquin Castro
This question, referring to direct messages on Twitter and private chats on Facebook that phony Russian social-media accounts may have sent individual users, came during a House Intelligence Committee hearing Wednesday afternoon. So far, neither company has shared that content with Congress, and judging by their responses, they don’t seem poised to do so any time soon.
“Direct messages are the private communications of our users. We take that privacy right and responsibility very seriously,” said Twitter’s Edgett. Facebook’s Stretch said the question raised “thorny issues,” adding, “We’re happy to take a look at it and do what we can.”
The exchange demonstrates that despite gestures of transparency, these companies are generally responding to requests rather than volunteering information. It also underscores the many additional corners of Russia’s online influence campaign that have yet to be explored.
”Have your investigations looked at whether the Trump campaign was sharing Russian content? Have they looked at whether the Russians were sharing Trump campaign content?” – Democratic Rep. Jackie Speier
Perhaps the most cryptic back and forth of the day came toward the end of the House hearing. Speier noted two tweets that appeared around the same time during the campaign—one from the Trump campaign and one from RT—that both dealt with the subject of Hillary Clinton’s health. Speier asked the companies if they noted similarities in the content generated by Russian entities and by the Trump campaign.
Twitter and Facebook had both earlier said they had no evidence that the Russians and the Trump campaign targeted the same users. But this was a different question, relating to the similarity of content. And executives of both companies ducked. Facebook’s Stretch said, “We provided all relevant information to the committee, and we do think it’s an important function of this committee, because you have access to broader set of information than any single company will.”
The answer was puzzling not only because it was inconclusive, but also because the companies themselves are in the best position to know whether a post or tweet was repurposed and used by another account. Even if content from one account turned up elsewhere, that doesn’t necessarily imply collusion. Such retweets and repostings happen all the time. Viral content by its very nature has a way of being coopted.
UPDATE, 8PM: This article and headline have been updated to include comments from the afternoon hearing of the House Intelligence Committee.
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orbemnews · 3 years
One America News Network Stays True to Trump Months after the inauguration of President Biden, One America News Network, a right-wing cable news channel available in some 35 million households, has continued to broadcast segments questioning the validity of the 2020 presidential election. “There’s still serious doubts about who’s actually president,” the OAN correspondent Pearson Sharp said in a March 28 report. That segment was one in a spate of similar reports from a channel that has become a kind of Trump TV for the post-Trump age, an outlet whose reporting has aligned with the former president’s grievances at a time when he is barred from major social media platforms. Some of OAN’s coverage has not had the full support of the staff. In interviews with 18 current and former OAN newsroom employees, 16 said the channel had broadcast reports that they considered misleading, inaccurate or untrue. To go by much of OAN’s reporting, it is almost as if a transfer of power had never taken place. The channel did not broadcast live coverage of Mr. Biden’s swearing-in ceremony and Inaugural Address. Into April, news articles on the OAN website consistently referred to Donald J. Trump as “President Trump” and to President Biden as just “Joe Biden” or “Biden.” That practice is not followed by other news organizations, including the OAN competitor Newsmax, a conservative cable channel and news site. OAN has also promoted the debunked theory that the rioters who stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6 were left-wing agitators. Toward the end of a March 4 news segment that described the attack as the work of “antifa” and “anti-Trump extremists” — and referred to the president as “Beijing Biden” — Mr. Sharp said, “History will show it was the Democrats, and not the Republicans, who called for this violence.” Investigations have found no evidence that people who identify with antifa, a loose collective of antifascist activists, were involved in the Capitol riot. Charles Herring, the president of Herring Networks, the company that owns OAN, defended the reports casting doubt on the election. “Based on our investigations, voter irregularities clearly took place in the November 2020 election,” he said. “The real question is to what extent.” Herring Networks was founded by Mr. Herring’s father, the tech entrepreneur Robert Herring, who at age 79 runs OAN with Charles and another son, Robert Jr. About 150 employees work for the channel at its headquarters in San Diego. Nielsen does not report viewership statistics for OAN, which is not a Nielsen client. (Charles Herring cited Nielsen’s “heavy fees.”) In a survey last month, Pew Research reported that 7 percent of Americans, including 14 percent of Republicans, had gotten political news from OAN. By contrast, 43 percent of Americans and 62 percent of Republicans had gotten political news from Fox News, the survey found. While OAN appeals to a relatively small audience, its coverage reflects views commonly held by Republicans. In a Reuters/Ipsos poll last month, about half of Republicans said they believed that the Jan. 6 attack, which left five dead, was largely a nonviolent protest or was the handiwork of left-wing activists. Six in 10 of Republicans surveyed said they also believed Mr. Trump’s claim that the election was “stolen.” OAN, which started in 2013, gained attention when it broadcast Mr. Trump’s campaign speeches in full before the 2016 election. In recent months, it has courted viewers who may have felt abandoned by Fox News, which on election night was the first news outlet to project Mr. Biden as the winner of Arizona, a key swing state. In a mid-November promotional ad, OAN accused Fox News of joining “the mainstream media in censoring factual reporting.” OAN’s stories “appeal to people who want to believe that the election was not legitimate,” said Stephanie L. Edgerly, an associate professor at Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism. “These are two mutually reinforcing narratives of people who want to believe it and continue to get that fire stoked by OAN.” Marty Golingan, a producer at the channel since 2016, said OAN had changed in recent years. At the start of his employment, he said, it concentrated more on neutral coverage based on reports from The Associated Press or Reuters. He saw it as a scrappy upstart where he could produce cheeky feature stories, he said. During the Trump presidency, it moved right, Mr. Golingan said. And when he was watching coverage of the pro-Trump mob breaking into the Capitol, he said, he worried that his work might have helped inspire the attack. He added that he and others at OAN disagreed with much of the channel’s coverage. “The majority of people did not believe the voter fraud claims being run on the air,” Mr. Golingan said in an interview, referring to his colleagues. He recalled seeing a photo of someone in the Capitol mob holding a flag emblazoned with the OAN logo. “I was like, OK, that’s not good,” Mr. Golingan said. “That’s what happens when people listen to us.” Charles Herring defended OAN’s coverage. “A review process with multiple checks is in place to ensure that news reporting meets the company’s journalist standards,” he said. “And, yes, we’ve had our fair share of mistakes, but we do our best to keep them to a minimum and learn from our missteps.” Mr. Golingan added that, since Inauguration Day, OAN’s news director, Lindsay Oakley, had reprimanded him for referring to Mr. Biden as “President Biden” in news copy. Ms. Oakley did not reply to requests for comment. “OAN’s staff White House reporters use the term President Biden and then may use Mr. Biden,” Charles Herring said. “The term Biden or Biden administration may also be used.” He declined to reply to a question on the channel’s use of “President Trump” for Mr. Trump. Allysia Britton, a news producer, said she was one of more than a dozen employees who had left OAN in the wake of the Capitol riot. She criticized some of what the channel had reported, saying it was not up to journalistic standards. “Many people have raised concerns,” Ms. Britton said in an interview. “And the thing is, when people speak up about anything, you will get in trouble.” Charles Herring confirmed that about a dozen OAN workers had left in recent months, saying many of them were not high-level employees. Assignments that the elder Mr. Herring takes a special interest in are known among OAN staff as “H stories,” several current and former employees said. The day after Trump supporters stormed the Capitol, Mr. Herring instructed OAN employees in an email, which The New York Times reviewed, to “report all the things Antifa did yesterday.” Some “H stories” are reported by Kristian Rouz, an OAN correspondent who had written for Sputnik, a site backed by the Russian government. In a report in May on the pandemic, Mr. Rouz said Covid-19 might have started as a “globalist conspiracy to establish sweeping population control,” one that had ties to Bill and Hillary Clinton, the billionaires George Soros and Bill Gates, and “the deep state.” Ms. Britton, the former OAN producer, recalled checking a website that Mr. Rouz had cited to back some of his reporting. “It literally took me to this chat room where it’s just conservatives commenting toward each other,” she said. In an email to staff last month, Ms. Oakley, the news director, warned producers against ignoring or playing down Mr. Rouz’s work. “His stories should be considered ‘H stories’ and treated as such,” she wrote in the email, which The Times reviewed. “These stories are often slugged and copy-edited by ME as per Mr. H’s instructions.” OAN’s online audience is significant, with nearly 1.5 million subscribers to its YouTube channel. One of its most popular videos, with about 1.5 million views since it went online Nov. 24, criticized Dominion Voting Systems, the election technology company whose equipment was used in more than two dozen states last year, including several won by Mr. Trump. Hosted by the OAN White House correspondent, Chanel Rion, the video shows a man who said he had infiltrated Dominion and heard company executives say they would “make sure” Mr. Trump lost. Dominion has sued Fox News and two of Mr. Trump’s lawyers, Rudolph W. Giuliani and Sidney Powell, accusing them of making or promoting defamatory claims. A lawyer for Dominion, who did not reply to requests for comment, has said the company is considering further legal action. Mr. Golingan, the producer, said some OAN employees had hoped Dominion would sue the channel. “A lot of people said, ‘This is insane, and maybe if they sue us, we’ll stop putting stories like this out,’” he said. Weeks after Dominion filed its first defamation suits, OAN broadcast a two-hour video in which the chief executive of MyPillow, Mike Lindell, made his case that widespread voter fraud had occurred. YouTube removed the video the day it was posted, saying it violated the platform’s election integrity policy. Last month, an OAN report described Dominion’s “voting machines” as “notorious.” Two of the current and former employees interviewed for this article — Dan Ball, a talk-show host, and Neil W. McCabe, a former reporter — described OAN’s coverage as unbiased. Mr. McCabe, who now writes for The Tennessee Star, said the network gave a “voice to people that are just not covered.” Susan Beachy contributed research. Source link Orbem News #America #network #news #stays #True #Trump
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orbemnews · 3 years
One America News Network Stays True to Trump Months after the inauguration of President Biden, One America News Network, a right-wing cable news channel available in some 35 million households, has continued to broadcast segments questioning the validity of the 2020 presidential election. “There’s still serious doubts about who’s actually president,” the OAN correspondent Pearson Sharp said in a March 28 report. That segment was one in a spate of similar reports from a channel that has become a kind of Trump TV for the post-Trump age, an outlet whose reporting has aligned with the former president’s grievances at a time when he is barred from major social media platforms. Some of OAN’s coverage has not had the full support of the staff. In interviews with 18 current and former OAN newsroom employees, 16 said the channel had broadcast reports that they considered misleading, inaccurate or untrue. To go by much of OAN’s reporting, it is almost as if a transfer of power had never taken place. The channel did not broadcast live coverage of Mr. Biden’s swearing-in ceremony and Inaugural Address. Into April, news articles on the OAN website consistently referred to Donald J. Trump as “President Trump” and to President Biden as just “Joe Biden” or “Biden.” That practice is not followed by other news organizations, including the OAN competitor Newsmax, a conservative cable channel and news site. OAN has also promoted the debunked theory that the rioters who stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6 were left-wing agitators. Toward the end of a March 4 news segment that described the attack as the work of “antifa” and “anti-Trump extremists” — and referred to the president as “Beijing Biden” — Mr. Sharp said, “History will show it was the Democrats, and not the Republicans, who called for this violence.” Investigations have found no evidence that people who identify with antifa, a loose collective of antifascist activists, were involved in the Capitol riot. Charles Herring, the president of Herring Networks, the company that owns OAN, defended the reports casting doubt on the election. “Based on our investigations, voter irregularities clearly took place in the November 2020 election,” he said. “The real question is to what extent.” Herring Networks was founded by Mr. Herring’s father, the tech entrepreneur Robert Herring, who at age 79 runs OAN with Charles and another son, Robert Jr. About 150 employees work for the channel at its headquarters in San Diego. Nielsen does not report viewership statistics for OAN, which is not a Nielsen client. (Charles Herring cited Nielsen’s “heavy fees.”) In a survey last month, Pew Research reported that 7 percent of Americans, including 14 percent of Republicans, had gotten political news from OAN. By contrast, 43 percent of Americans and 62 percent of Republicans had gotten political news from Fox News, the survey found. While OAN appeals to a relatively small audience, its coverage reflects views commonly held by Republicans. In a Reuters/Ipsos poll last month, about half of Republicans said they believed that the Jan. 6 attack, which left five dead, was largely a nonviolent protest or was the handiwork of left-wing activists. Six in 10 of Republicans surveyed said they also believed Mr. Trump’s claim that the election was “stolen.” OAN, which started in 2013, gained attention when it broadcast Mr. Trump’s campaign speeches in full before the 2016 election. In recent months, it has courted viewers who may have felt abandoned by Fox News, which on election night was the first news outlet to project Mr. Biden as the winner of Arizona, a key swing state. In a mid-November promotional ad, OAN accused Fox News of joining “the mainstream media in censoring factual reporting.” OAN’s stories “appeal to people who want to believe that the election was not legitimate,” said Stephanie L. Edgerly, an associate professor at Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism. “These are two mutually reinforcing narratives of people who want to believe it and continue to get that fire stoked by OAN.” Marty Golingan, a producer at the channel since 2016, said OAN had changed in recent years. At the start of his employment, he said, it concentrated more on neutral coverage based on reports from The Associated Press or Reuters. He saw it as a scrappy upstart where he could produce cheeky feature stories, he said. During the Trump presidency, it moved right, Mr. Golingan said. And when he was watching coverage of the pro-Trump mob breaking into the Capitol, he said, he worried that his work might have helped inspire the attack. He added that he and others at OAN disagreed with much of the channel’s coverage. “The majority of people did not believe the voter fraud claims being run on the air,” Mr. Golingan said in an interview, referring to his colleagues. He recalled seeing a photo of someone in the Capitol mob holding a flag emblazoned with the OAN logo. “I was like, OK, that’s not good,” Mr. Golingan said. “That’s what happens when people listen to us.” Charles Herring defended OAN’s coverage. “A review process with multiple checks is in place to ensure that news reporting meets the company’s journalist standards,” he said. “And, yes, we’ve had our fair share of mistakes, but we do our best to keep them to a minimum and learn from our missteps.” Mr. Golingan added that, since Inauguration Day, OAN’s news director, Lindsay Oakley, had reprimanded him for referring to Mr. Biden as “President Biden” in news copy. Ms. Oakley did not reply to requests for comment. “OAN’s staff White House reporters use the term President Biden and then may use Mr. Biden,” Charles Herring said. “The term Biden or Biden administration may also be used.” He declined to reply to a question on the channel’s use of “President Trump” for Mr. Trump. Allysia Britton, a news producer, said she was one of more than a dozen employees who had left OAN in the wake of the Capitol riot. She criticized some of what the channel had reported, saying it was not up to journalistic standards. “Many people have raised concerns,” Ms. Britton said in an interview. “And the thing is, when people speak up about anything, you will get in trouble.” Charles Herring confirmed that about a dozen OAN workers had left in recent months, saying many of them were not high-level employees. Assignments that the elder Mr. Herring takes a special interest in are known among OAN staff as “H stories,” several current and former employees said. The day after Trump supporters stormed the Capitol, Mr. Herring instructed OAN employees in an email, which The New York Times reviewed, to “report all the things Antifa did yesterday.” Some “H stories” are reported by Kristian Rouz, an OAN correspondent who had written for Sputnik, a site backed by the Russian government. In a report in May on the pandemic, Mr. Rouz said Covid-19 might have started as a “globalist conspiracy to establish sweeping population control,” one that had ties to Bill and Hillary Clinton, the billionaires George Soros and Bill Gates, and “the deep state.” Ms. Britton, the former OAN producer, recalled checking a website that Mr. Rouz had cited to back some of his reporting. “It literally took me to this chat room where it’s just conservatives commenting toward each other,” she said. In an email to staff last month, Ms. Oakley, the news director, warned producers against ignoring or playing down Mr. Rouz’s work. “His stories should be considered ‘H stories’ and treated as such,” she wrote in the email, which The Times reviewed. “These stories are often slugged and copy-edited by ME as per Mr. H’s instructions.” OAN’s online audience is significant, with nearly 1.5 million subscribers to its YouTube channel. One of its most popular videos, with about 1.5 million views since it went online Nov. 24, criticized Dominion Voting Systems, the election technology company whose equipment was used in more than two dozen states last year, including several won by Mr. Trump. Hosted by the OAN White House correspondent, Chanel Rion, the video shows a man who said he had infiltrated Dominion and heard company executives say they would “make sure” Mr. Trump lost. Dominion has sued Fox News and two of Mr. Trump’s lawyers, Rudolph W. Giuliani and Sidney Powell, accusing them of making or promoting defamatory claims. A lawyer for Dominion, who did not reply to requests for comment, has said the company is considering further legal action. Mr. Golingan, the producer, said some OAN employees had hoped Dominion would sue the channel. “A lot of people said, ‘This is insane, and maybe if they sue us, we’ll stop putting stories like this out,’” he said. Weeks after Dominion filed its first defamation suits, OAN broadcast a two-hour video in which the chief executive of MyPillow, Mike Lindell, made his case that widespread voter fraud had occurred. YouTube removed the video the day it was posted, saying it violated the platform’s election integrity policy. Last month, an OAN report described Dominion’s “voting machines” as “notorious.” Two of the current and former employees interviewed for this article — Dan Ball, a talk-show host, and Neil W. McCabe, a former reporter — described OAN’s coverage as unbiased. Mr. McCabe, who now writes for The Tennessee Star, said the network gave a “voice to people that are just not covered.” Susan Beachy contributed research. Source link Orbem News #America #network #news #stays #True #Trump
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