#and the third one's kiiiiiinda too close to home
batteryrose · 1 year
24-hour WIP poll
Rules: make a 24-hr poll with the names of your WIPs and then for whichever wins, write one sentence for each vote it gets
Wait i didn't realise this challenge actually makes you continue your wip?! Well uh then i guess uhhhh
i was tagged by @bespectacledbun and @syneilesis.
Tagging: @kissmetwicekissmedeadly ? and everyone else that want some motivation!
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emiefaunwrites · 3 years
Hi!! I have returned lmao! Been thinking about Takaaki and Taka’s relationship this time. This ask may not be Ishileon related, but it’s another nightmare comfort related one. Why do I keep thinking about nightmare comfort? Idk lol guess I’m a sucker for comforting words and characters being there for each other when they’re in need. I’m sure Takaaki was always the one to comfort Taka after he’s had a nightmare in the past. But maybe one night when Taka is home from Hope’s Peak for the summer, it’s Taka that does the comforting. Not sure what Takaaki’s nightmare would be though… maybe something similar to Leon’s but a little more frightening/intense? But Taka is there to give him a big ol hug and calm him down! Guess I’m kinda in the mood for a father son bonding moment haha. Sorry if these nightmare comfort related asks are too repetitive lol. If they are getting repetitive, please let me know! If you aren’t a fan of that one, there’s also this;
Taka tending to Takaaki’s injuries or the other way around
I'm happy to have any ask (so long as I can fit it into my AU!) So ask whatever comes to mind! I'm happy to just get asked things!!
But yep. I think I gots me an idea. And pfft, you underestimate my ability to make ANYTHING have an Ishileon flavour if I wants. Not massively gonna do it here, but Leon will make a (kiiiiiinda) appearance.
Trigger warnings for nightmares, child abuse and murder underneath so please avoid if you need to.
So I hope this is okay! And thank you as always for your ask!
• As a police officer, Takaaki has seen some terrible things.
• As an Ishimaru, he's forced to see the most gruesome and upsetting cases that no one else will take.
• You name it, Takaaki has probably seen it.
• His colleagues don't care about him and so he's never given any time for counselling after them either.
• And as he's gotten older, when Taka moved away, he started having nightmares.
• Reliving cases in his mind, becoming the victim or the murderer.
• But he's a strong man. A proud man.
• And so he copes with them.
• But there are times when even the strongest need help.
• Taka and Leon are home from University one half term and are spending a few night with Takaaki.
• And it just so happens that Takaaki has just come off a tough child abuse / homicide case.
• It was rough, really really rough. One of the worst this year and hit just a little too close to home for Takaaki's liking.
• But he hasn't seen the boys in a couple of months and so can't let them see that he's bothered.
• They have a nice meal together, a nice catch up then all head to bed.
• As always, Takaaki falls asleep quick - the strain of his job always catching up to him.
• But tonight, there will be another nightmare.
• There's a small boy in the distance with a man beating him, hurling abuse at him.
• Suddenly Takaaki become the man and he's staring down at the broken figure of the boy - no longer breathing.
• He panics and does the only thing he can think to do - put him over his shoulder and run outside.
• In the dead of night, he runs through the streets and to the bridge - dropping the body over the side without a second thought.
• And as time seems to freeze, as he's staring at the falling boy, he recognises him instantly.
• And with the recognition, Taka opens his puffy, bloodshot eyes and screams.
• Takaaki shoots awake, covered in sweat, heart racing, tears in his eyes.
• God damn it. Not another dream where he replaces the children with his son.
• Well, there's no hope in getting back to sleep now so he throws a shirt on and steps outside...
• ...and comes face to face with his son, who's got his fast asleep boyfriend wrapped around him like a koala bear.
• It's an awkward moment - Takaaki hasn't seen Taka awake this late for a long time (especially not carrying another boy like that) and Taka can see the tear stains on his father's cheeks.
• 'Going for some water?'
• 'Y-yeah. That's right.'
• 'Okay. Give me a few minutes. I'll join you.'
Takaaki can only blink as Taka walks past him, heading towards his bedroom and skillfully opening the door without disturbing the sleeping boy in his arms.
• He briefly wonders how often this happens before coming to his senses and heading down to kitchen.
• Taka comes downstairs a few minutes later, smiling awkwardly at his father who's nursing a glass of water at the dining table.
• There's a tense silence as Taka fills the kettle and switches it on - neither man looking at the other until Taka breaks the silence.
• 'Leon has sleep paralysis.'
• Oh.
• Of course Takaaki has heard of this. He needs to know quite a lot as a policeman.
• But he wouldn't have expected someone as young and confident as Leon to suffer...
• 'He has good nights and bad nights, you know? On bad nights, we have to get away from the room, clear his head and get him back to sleep.'
• 'And that happened tonight?'
• 'Mm. Third night in a row.'
• 'I...I'm sorry.'
• Taka just shrugs, throwing him a sad smile as he puts something into his mug.
• 'It's worse for him, you know? He's the one that experiences it. Nothing that I feel will ever compare to his fear. I find the best thing I can do is be there for him, however he may need me. That's what you do with people you love.'
• There's a lump brewing in Takaaki's throat - when did his little boy get to be so grown up?
• Suddenly, there's a mug in front of him and the smell of hot chocolate wafts into Takaaki's face.
• He glances up at his son, who's smiling warmly and sadly down at his father before gently resting his hand on his shoulder.
• 'I'm here.'
• Takaaki bursts into tears - all the stress of work, the gruesome cases, the trauma of Taka's childhood, the loss of his wife.
• All of it finally becoming too much as he sobs into his son's chest.
• And Taka simply holds his father, lets him cry and apologise and talk for as long as he needs.
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