#and the yakuza's relief efforts during the earthquake and tsunami disasters tbh
rocketbcssarchive · 7 years
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Note: if your character isn’t a Kanto dexholder (meaning the protagonists for RBY/FRLG) or has the means in order to know about Giovanni’s criminal life (they’re high ranking members in rival teams or they’re part of interpol), then this post should really be all they know of Giovanni.
Officially, Giovanni’s occupation is actually as an hotelier first starting with the Game Corner, a hotel casino in Celadon City and slowly expanding into an international chain of resort and luxury hotels across the globe.
Save for attending public events for the sake of making a presence and to do some networking, Giovanni actually has little to do with how his hotel corporation is run. He leaves the specifics of managing the business to trusted key entrepreneurs within Team Rocket.
Along with his official occupation, Giovanni also cultivates an identity as a philanthropist to further throw off suspicions of his underworld dealings. A large portion of the profits made through his hotel chain is budgeted for charity and donations across Kanto and even on several occasions across the world. He’s even gone so far as providing disaster relief either through money, supplies or workers.
Viridian City alone has benefited from Giovanni’s generosity, receiving millions in donations for schools and other public services. Pokemon Centers across the region have Giovanni as a benefactor as a large part of his philosophy is to provide a helping hand for young pokemon trainers fresh on their journey.  
Gym Leader
The Viridian City Gym was founded and established by Giovanni shortly after his position as Team Rocket’s leader stabilised enough that he could divert enough of his attention to personal interests. Becoming a gym leader was his way in keeping that link to what he left behind for bigger and better pursuits. While his interest in the gym has waned over the years and the Viridian City Gym has fallen very nearly to the bottom of his list of priorities, Giovanni still makes a point maintaining that status.
Once a he month he opens the gym to admit any challengers. There’s often a waiting list depending on the time of year. Since the Viridian Gym requires a total of seven badges the number of trainers who come looking for an Earth Badge is thankfully small, but enough that he has to allot a significant amount of time in his schedule to accommodate this part of his life.
At least once a year for the past five years, Giovanni holds a small tournament welcoming any and all trainers to compete. This is one of the few public events outside of his duties as a hotelier that he makes an appearance, often as a judge or recently as a simple spectator.
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